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    Audio Books by Audiobooks

    Audio Books by Audiobooks

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The fantasy theme was heavy with all four of the stories in the book. The first story is The Widow's Auction by Sabrina Jeffries. In this novella, a young widow is convinced that it is in her favor to auction off one night with her in return for a large sum of money that she can use to benefit her work with a all-boys' school. Of course, she secretly just wants to know what it's like to actually enjoy the bedtime act. In the realm of make-believe, this was quite the enjoyable mix of lust and romance with no negative consequences.
The second story is Luisa's Desire by Emma Holly. In this fascinating read, an immortal woman seeks an alternative to her need for blood to survive in a remote lamasery buried in the Himalayan mountains of Tibet. While she assumes that the answer is a particular form of meditation, what she instead gets is an aspiring monk who possesses a much more fleshly solution to her problem. Reincarnation takes on a whole new meaning in this short story, and I found the different take on vampires in fiction to be well-written.
The third story is Mr. Speedy by Elda Minger. In this plot, an ambitious young woman decides to make herself over into a man in order to sneak into and cover a male-only conference entirely about getting a woman to go to bed with the man. Her genius plan takes a left-turn when she discovers she is rooming with the city's most eligible bachelor coming off of a horrid divorce - whom she is overwhelmingly attracted to. The irony of this story is that the bachelor becomes increasingly interested in her before he is even aware she is in disguise. The humor of this story made it quite charming in a sexy sort of way.
The final story is The Awakening by Christine Feehan. The story begins her series, the Leopard People, with the tale of a young veterinarian lured deep into the jungle to track down her inheritance. Heavy lust and desire take over quite early in the story as the reader discovers that her presence there has been manipulated by a man of the leopard people who has already claimed her for his mate. The intensity and over-dramatization in the writing made this story less enjoyable for me than the others. I was also put off by the man's extreme obsession with the woman and his reluctance to tell her what was happening to her right from the beginning.
The Devotionals (1 more)
The Research
I don’t often review non-fiction books. It’s just not something I like to do. I’m a fiction gal. I love reading a book where I can lost and escape reality for a few hours a day. But, when I have a favorite author, such as Jill Eileen Smith, I will give even a non-fiction book a try. And, I was actually rather excited to read this one, because let me tell you. My life, definitely does not match my dreams. Sure, I have a wonderful husband and two amazing children and a loving father and two gorgeous sisters. But, my health is not great, and my dreams? I dream so much more than this. I fell like I’ll be like this forever and never accomplish anything.

Smith has done a wonderful job with this book. It brings us the stories of 12 women of the Bible and how they dreamed for so much more, but it didn’t match up to what God had in store for them. You see, He is the creator of us all and He is the one that can see our future, know our plans, know what our lives will be like. And, through the tender words that Smith uses, along with the 12 women and phenomenal research she incorporated into the book, we see how life can be when we are disappointed that our dreams are following into line with our life.

Through this devotional, I was able to better understand my own life. I know what I want, I know what I wish I had, I know that I’m going to be disappointed because I’m not fully relying on God to help me with that. If I trust in Him, if I seek out his love and guidance, I won’t be so disappointed when a hope or dream falls short. Smith has once again used her incredible talent to hook me on a book. Her research is exquisite and her writing is filled with emotion and raw feelings.

This is a 5 star devotional book I would recommend to all the women out there. Get lost among the pages, see how these 12 women made mistakes, made choices that effect them and their families and see what God had in store for them. You may find the same hope and encouragement I did. Definitely a book for the keeper shelf and one I’ll share with my family and friends!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
The Nearness of You
The Nearness of You
Amanda Eyre Ward | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Suzette and Hyland have a happy marriage and a busy life when Hyland surprises his wife with the news that he really wants a child. Married fifteen years, children had always been off the table, as Suzette did not want to pass on the genes of her mother, a woman who gave Suzette a horrifying and unstable childhood and eventually wound up in a mental institution. But Hyland proposes a new solution: what if they use a surrogate, with his sperm and a surrogate's egg? Suzette, a busy and successful heart surgeon, reluctantly agrees. Even though there are some red flags, the couple eventually chooses young Dorrie, a woman who wants to use the surrogate fees to go to college. Dorrie and Hyland bond, and Suzette realizes she must get on board with the idea. But soon Dorrie will make some decisions that will affect everyone in this new trio.

I am a bit conflicted about this novel. Ward wrote [book:The Same Sky|22716408], which is a beautiful novel and one everyone should read in this current political climate. It's hard not to compare others to that magical book, and this one did fall short. She does, however, have a way of weaving stories with her words, and while I wasn't nearly as attached to the characters in this novel, I still found myself reading the last half of the book somewhat compulsively.

The novel started out slow, but picked up about 1/4 through, with a twist in the plot. It's told from a shifting rotation of perspectives, including Suzette, Dorrie, and Hyland. There are some large shifts in time as the novel progresses, which did make it harder to attach to some of the characters. None of the plot twists are exactly surprise, as they are foreshadowed a bit in each character's description: this is more of a character-driven novel versus a shocking dramatic novel. Still, even though I tore through the last half of the novel, I just felt the book lacked something, and I felt a tad let down by a story and characters that weren't completely fully developed (the ending is a bit abrupt as well). I enjoyed the perspectives on motherhood that the novel offered, but felt there could be more. That's not to say the novel isn't worth reading; Ward is a wonderful writer, but I just felt a little perplexed and frustrated when this one ended. I had hoped for more.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 02/21/2017.

Xanderath (690 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Assassin's Creed: Odyssey in Video Games

Feb 5, 2020  
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
2018 | Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Characters, interaction, scenery, story, MALAKA (0 more)
stupid scaling for difficulty increase. (0 more)
Always choose the love option
Contains spoilers, click to show
I recieved this game through a @Smashbomb giveaway. I had never been very interested in assassin's creed having only played a bit of number 2 and freedom cry, but i wanted to give it a shot. Im glad i did because its become one of my favourite games ive ever played.
To start out you pick between either Alexios or Kassandra, i chose Alexios and have yet to experience Kassandra because even after restarting the main story i loved Alexios so much i kept him. So the game starts you on a small island called Kephalonia, which is a nice starting area with some basic quests and nice scenery. We get a bit of background on the hero's character and his motivation as we progress, once you get a ship you can pretty much explore anywhere on the map. i wouldnt recommend it though because the map is HUGE and there are plenty of areas that will kick your butt. Ive always been the kind of player to complete all the side quests, but there are so many in this game i kind of decided to plough on with the main story line, only to find out there are actually 3. The first "odyssey" is based around reuniting your family and if you make the right choices throughout the game this is achievable. its interesting to see how some choices turn out because honestly they werent always expected. The second "odyssey" is about destroying a cult of nutjobs that are responsible for a decent amount of tragedy both personal to Alexios and to the greater nation of greece. The third "odyssey" is somewhat disapointingly short but has some difficult boss fights. It is about gaining entrance to Atlantis the lost city and finding Alexios' real father. Overall the stories are very entertaining and i thoroughly enjoyed the inclusion of real historical figures such as herodotus and pythagorus.
Ive had so much fun in this game just sailing around or riding my magical horses, there is just soo much to do, but not in the overwhelming way. Ubisoft have done a great job making a magical game that is funny and gripping and exciting to play, i even learned some greek swearwords xD
I would recommend this game to anyone who likes fantasy, open worlds, stealth or just violence. 10/10 from me.
Cinderella Takes the Stage
Cinderella Takes the Stage
Tessa Roehl | 2017 | Children
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This childhood tale of Cinderella is simple and light-hearted with beautiful sentiments and messages throughout: perfect for the little reader in your lives. The illustrations by Adrienne Brown are also incredibly beautiful, with pumpkin carriage watermarks and gorgeous details on each page.

Ella is a young girl, surrounded by the love of her parents in a fairly privileged surrounding. Her days are filled with stories about magic, playing with her new puppy Bruno, taking tea with her parents and preparing for the upcoming puppet competition at the midsummer festival.
It is this competition which is the focus of the short tale, as Cinderella displays her sheer determination to compete and win the prized gold coin, despite her lack of talents in sewing and a puppet which, in her words, looks like a potato.

This determination makes the character of Cinderella inspirational to the young reader, whether they realise that at the time or not. Yes her coveted possession is a silver and gold dress but, despite the tales of magic and fairies that surround her, she does not rely on wishes or her parents to obtain the dress: her sole plan is to earn the gold coin through winning the competition and purchase the dress herself, a refreshing change from the bibbidi, bobbidi boo methods which Tessa Roehl could have so easily reverted to.

Cinderella is not quite perfect though and can be headstrong in her beliefs: quickly jumping to conclusions when she meets a girl her own age who is not quite as well off as herself. As a mother to a seven-year-old, I can readily believe this! Luckily, Cinderella’s parents believe that there is good in every person, a theme which mirrors the original tale and films. Thus, Cinderella learns more about the little girl: significantly benefitting from both the practical lessons which the girl can offer; an insight into the world around her which is not straight out of a fairytale; and finally, the laughter, love and secrets that a childhood friendship offers.

Cinderella and Val are from different worlds, they find beauty in different things and their dreams could not be further apart. However, this does not limit their common interests or indeed their friendship in any capacity and this is something we should all instil in our children. As Tessa Roehl so beautifully puts it: “Our hearts don’t always need to want the same thing. As long as they want something.”

Laura Doe (1350 KP) rated Saving Missy in Books

Mar 12, 2021  
Saving Missy
Saving Missy
Beth Morrey | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow, I don’t even know what I can say about this book.
I began the book by not particularly liking the main character – Millicent or Missy for short. But throughout the book I grew to love her, all of he, including her imperfections.
She starts off by being the lonely old woman who’s family have all left her that I’m sure we all dread to become. Through a chance meeting she meets Sylvie who becomes such a massive part of Missy’s life and in turn introduces her to the brash Angela and her adorable son Otis. To begin with, it seemed like Angela wasn’t interested in a friendship with Missy but more to take advantage of this poor, lonely old woman. But half way through the book it becomes evident that Angela really has come to love Missy and wants to spend time with her.
Through Angela, Missy inadvertently becomes a dog owner when she’s asked to do her a favour. Missy had no interest in looking after a dog, but something happens that convinces her to try it. Because of this, she opens herself up to a whole world of new friends – the dog walkers in her local park. A whole host of characters that make you feel all warm inside with how much they care about Missy.
Although most stories that are told with a little, old lady as the main character wouldn’t focus on any imperfections, this book explores them and we frequently flashback to situations and conversations which do not paint Missy in the best light. There is one situation that is referred to multiple times in the first half of the book, but it’s not until much later on that we discover what exactly happened. We also see Missy trying to apologise to certain people for some of her faults, through writing letters to the people she now realises she should have been more supportive of or more loving towards.
We also learn a lot about Missy’s marriage to her husband, Leo. This was obviously not a perfect marriage, as most aren’t, but it also sometimes made me feel that Leo didn’t really care about her as much as she cared about him. It’s only when she finds a letter from him hidden in a book that it shows how much he really has cared about her all those years and admits his own imperfections.
Thank you Pigeonhole and Beth Morrey for letting me read and review this, and I will definitely be investing in a hard copy to read again!

Jonathan Higgs recommended Electro-Shock Blues by Eels in Music (curated)

Electro-Shock Blues by Eels
Electro-Shock Blues by Eels
1998 | Indie, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I heard 'Novocaine For The Soul' on the radio and bought the album the very next day. And with their second record, I got it expecting more of the same. This was pre-internet, so there wasn't a lot of information about it, but it would appear that he lost his sister and mum, and so he wrote this record about being in hospital and watching people die. It was extremely sad, and for a teenager it was like, ""Holy shit! What is this?!"" Kids are always intrigued by sob stories of one kind or another - Nirvana being a perfect example - but this guy had clearly been through a lot. He writes very short and simple yet very affecting songs, not produced in a twee way, but very cold and using lots of samples. They didn't really sound like a band at all. Again, they were a three-piece, and a very simple band. He had a really cool voice and a story to tell, and that again really made me think about the fact that the band doesn't have to be that thing which I always thought they were: that you played your drums and you play your bass, when actually it can be anything you want. That really influenced the way I write music. I used a lot more technology after I got into that album. I started to integrate my live sounds - my guitar for example - with my laptop, and I started using a lot more sampling, thinking I want to be a lot more like Eels. I think an element of his very black humour has crept into my music. You always get the sense that he is talking about something very grave, but he does so in a slightly distracting way. Take 'Susan's House': it's got this ridiculous, quite clearly silly motif, which sounds like Neighbours - he knows it does! He's talking about his problems at Susan's house as he's walking past all these awful things in the street, like a kid who has been shot and a pregnant teenager, but it's couched in this happy, jaunty, slightly sarcastic world, and that is precisely where I'm at in my own music. Like the song 'Get To Heaven' is all about the same thing, walking past horrors but with a smile on your face, whistling a jaunty tune. I think a lot of influence came from Mr Everett, because of his outlook on life, where you can be in a very dark position but music doesn't have to abide by those rules, it can subvert it."
