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Frozen II (2019)
Frozen II (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Fantasy
Better Than The Original
I never really had much desire/interest in revisiting the sisters from Arendelle and thought the much-hyped sequel to the 2013 mega-hit, FROZEN, was nothing more than a cash grab. daughter talked me into checking it out, so it was with much harumphing that I sat down for a viewing of FROZEN 2.

I loved it.

Loved it, so much so, that I have since watched it a 2nd time - and liked it even more.

Set 6 years after the events in the first film, life in Arendelle has settled down for Queen Elsa, her sister Anna, Anna's boyfriend Kristoff, his reindeer Sven and good ol' Olaf the Snowman (who still likes warm hugs). But something is stirring inside Elsa. Is it a longing for more? Is it a calling from outside? Is it something more? I won't spoil it, but the journey/adventure that this stirring from Elsa begets is a welcome "road trip" for some old friends. It lets us, the audience, spend some more quality time with these characters - with some wonderful music, to boot.

All voice actors from the first film are back (why wouldn't they be) and their voice performances are stronger and more self-assured than in the first film. Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad and the under-rated Kristin Bell all "bring-it" to this adventure while newcomers like Sterling K. Brown, Evan Rachel Wood and Martha Plimpton all join in with aplomb making a very appealing film with an fun adventure that has, at it's core, heart. Which, I think, is what makes both of the Frozen films work. The deep heart at the core of these films, and their underlying theme of familial love will win out against all odds.

Add to that the FANTASTIC songs written, yet again, by Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez. They are catchy, fun, hummable and TERRIFIC. It was worth the 2nd viewing just to hear the songs again.

The direction by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee (the Directors of the first FROZEN) is just as self-assured and strong. They "up" the precedings by picking up the pace and adding to the "difficulty" level (shooting much of this film on water) and they succeed mostly throughout the film.

It is always fun for me to be surprised by a film - and I was most definitely surpised by Frozen 2 - and I would venture to guess that you will be too, especially if you drop any "attitude" you have about this sequel existing and just sit back and enjoy the ride that you are going to be on.

Letter Grade: A

9 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the BankofMarquis

FROZEN 2 is free to stream for subscribers of DISNEY+ or can be streamed for a fee (to rent or own) on most major platforms like YouTube, GooglePlay, Vudu and Amazon.
Broken Warrior (The Weavers Circle #1)
Broken Warrior (The Weavers Circle #1)
Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This series is gonna be amazing!
Independent reviewer for GAy Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Running from what, he doesn't know, but Clay needs to run, and run south. He follows his instincts and finds himself in a fight to save the earth from destruction. Dane finds himself fighting his attraction to Clay, even as he fights himself over his guilt at the death of his wife and son. Dane doesn't know whats going on in the house, but he wants to find out, and he knows, deep down, he wants Clay.

So! Different, very different and I really rather loved it!

Clay finds himself at the helm of The Weavers. These are a band of 6 brothers, that come together time and time again to save the earth from destruction by beings from another dimension. And when i say time and time AGAIN, I mean that quite literally. The Weavers have been gathered together many times over the years and they have yet to finally close the rift that bring the beings to earth. Maybe this time will be different but the Goddess who brings Clay to the house doesn't know why they didn't manage to close the rift yet. Her and her sisters are hoping this time they will.

I loved Clay and I loved Dane. I loved Grey and Bear too, another 2 of the brothers who manage to get to the house in this book. I'm assuming they will get their own books at some point. The three Goddesses keep popping in and out, and they are amusing at times, in that they are VERY cryptic in what they are letting these three brothers know, in this book, anyway.

They are also, I think, tired. Having been doing this song and dance for EVER, there comes a time when anyone would say, enough is enough. I *think* this might be the case, although nothing is actually said here, it's just an impression I get.

I loved this book, I really did. Not quite a one sitting, cos, you know, a girl gotta sleep, but very nearly.

Both Clay and Dane have a say, although at first I thought it might just be Clay. You get all their interactions in the beginning, and what I really liked, when I realised Dane would get a say, was that we get all his fighting with himself. We get Clay's fighting with the beings, but it is Dane's fighting with himself, with his guilt and his feelings for his dead wife, and for Clay, that really make this book, for me anyway.

It's sexy, but its equally deadly. The fights are described in some detail, but I liked that.

I really like how this book lays most of it out for you, but I have a feeling there is MUCH we don't know yet. I really look forward to reading future books in this series!

5 very excited for the next book stars


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    Attention girls, ladies, sisters, mothers, daughters, women of all shapes, sizes and nationalities. ...

Hairpin Bridge
Hairpin Bridge
Taylor Adams | 2021 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A harrowing, page-turner of a thriller
Lena Nguyen arrives in Montana to figure out what happened to her twin sister, Cambry. Three months ago, Cambry supposedly committed suicide on Hairpin Bridge, but Lena simply cannot believe it's true. Now she's at the bridge, driving her sister's abandoned car, to find out what really happened. She's meeting Corporal Raymond Raycevic, the highway patrolman who found the body, at the scene itself. He seems apologetic and straightforward. Still, Lena remains suspicious. Records show Raycevic pulled Cambry over for speeding just a hour before her death. And what about the sixteen attempted 911 calls she made in the dead zone? Or the fact that Raycevic's name appears in the final text Lena ever received from Cambry? Despite the fact the sisters were basically estranged, Lena needs to know what happened to Cambry. But the more she digs, the more Lena's own survival may be in jeopardy out there on Hairpin Bridge.

"I have to know. What happened to you, Cambry?"

I actually read Adams' NO EXIT not that long ago and that book totally stressed me out. This one did the same, though thankfully a kid wasn't full and center. Goodness, he excels at writing at tense, action-packed books. This thriller certainly keeps you guessing--I was never exactly sure what was real or what was truly happening or had happened.

HAIRPIN BRIDGE, crazily enough, mostly takes place on a bridge (who knew?), but it alternates between the past and present. It's told in snippets, with Lena and Raycevic's perspectives in the here and now, and then pieces of Lena's blog, as well as what seems to be Cambry's past flashbacks, but could be Lena's own interpretation of what happened. This part was the hardest for me, as that was incredibly confusing. The idea is to keep you off-balance and prevent you from knowing what was really happening, but sometimes I felt a bit too confused.

This thriller feels more like a movie than a book at times, with its dramatic tension and constant "what on earth can happen next" feel. Lena comes across like an action hero in moments, and I often wondered what else Adams could throw at us. (Oh, he could come up with more insanity, don't worry.) The result is a book that's dark, action-packed, and sometimes completely horrifying. It's incredibly dramatic, but wow, does it keep you turning the pages. I know I finished this one in less than 24 hours. I absolutely had to find out what happened to Cambry, Lena, and Raycevic.

As I felt with NO EXIT, I'm not sure I really enjoyed this book. It's more that I survived it. I admire its structure, and it's great having a page-turner to fly through. I would have liked being a little less confused, but there were some great, terrifying twists here. If you don't mind a graphic and dark thriller, I recommend this one. 3.75/4 stars.
The Kingdom
The Kingdom
Jess Rothenberg | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
“Where Happily Ever After is not just a promise, but a rule”

I mean with a tag line like that you can’t not be drawn in by this book! If that doesn’t grab you then the gorgeous cover art will.
Once you get past the wonderful aesthetics; the ‘Disney x Westworld x Big Little Lies’ reality that Jess Rothenberg conjures is sure to captivate you. Rothenberg manages to describe her Kingdom in such minute detail without it seeming contrite: the brazen references to meet and greets, monorails and “the park” are like catnip to a Disney geek like myself; whilst the proclamation from the outset that a crime has occurred appeals to the (slightly) more mature side of this 32 year old bookworm.

The Kingdom is a magical place where dreams come true: or is it? The star attractions: the princesses; are beautiful, perfect, always say the right thing and…are Artificial Intelligence. Their sophisticated technology, wireless signals and encyclopaedic knowledge ensure the princesses are as perfect as possible but it quickly becomes apparent that the princesses are, in fact, prisoners: constantly under surveillance, tracked by GPS implants in their wrists and strapped to their beds at “downtime”.

Ana is our princess and storyteller, opening her world to the reader and introducing us to her “sisters”, “mother” and “father” as well as those who have slightly less favourable views towards the AI, or Fantasists as they are known. There is no doubt that Ana is advanced in comparison to other Fantasists that we meet: she is aware of the park’s wireless blind spots and admits she becomes weary of some songs, unruly children and fathers with wandering eyes. Ironically, Ana is a profoundly human character with whom the reader immediately allies themselves with. Despite clearly being a suspect in the ongoing murder trial, I can’t see any reader convicting Ana. On the contrary, it is a real testament to Jess Rothenberg’s writing that the reader identifies with the Fantasists over and above every human character in her novel. Even Owen, the main human character, is never entirely trustworthy and does not reveal his intentions readily.

The format of The Kingdom is unlike anything else out there at the moment, in my opinion. The mix of prose, advertisements, interviews, trial transcripts and even apps allow our Fantasist to tell her story but also allows the reader to meet personnel and witness events that Ana would never see. This aspect is crucial to the murder mystery vibe of The Kingdom and Rothenberg leaves the reader guessing right to the very end and begging for a sequel.

Rothenberg’s kingdom is quick to show its murkier, thornier side. Those who question their surroundings are made an example of; nature is manipulated for entertainment and nothing is what it seems. If you haven’t guessed by now, I absolutely adored this book. It had me gripped from beginning to end. If you read one Disney book this year- read this one!
The Once and Future Witches
The Once and Future Witches
Alix E. Harrow | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s 1893 and witches are no more since Old Salem was burnt to the ground along with all of its witches. Women’s fights have now taken to the ballot box with the Suffragist movement. In reality, the difference between ‘Witch’ and ‘Suffragist’ is quite blurred for many men. All women with too much power, knowledge or motivation are something to be reviled and controlled. Yes, this is really all about feminism, and this is only one of the many reasons why it’s a top read for me.

As far back as I can remember (and that’s quite a long way), I’ve loved fairytales, myths and legends. The original stories, if you will. Witches didn’t fare well in these stories, but they were always the characters that I wanted to know more about. What motivated them? Why were they ‘evil’? How did they do THAT?! I wanted to be the ‘good’ version! So this book has ticked a lot of boxes for me. They’re witches, they’re good, normal, women, and they want to make ALL of their lives better.

The main three characters reflect the three stages of a woman’s life (maiden, mother, crone) and also reflect the kinds of lives that many women would (and still do) live.
James Juniper, the youngest, wants to come in to her own power - whether that’s as a suffragist or a witch. She believes that you don’t have to choose: she’s a true fighter and is willing to stand up for her beliefs.
Beatrice Belladonna has escaped her life with the family years ago and works as a librarian: knowledge is her greatest power. Finally, Agnes Amaranth is an unmarried mother who wants to protect her unborn child.
They’ve all been damaged by their abusive father, and this story is as much about them rebuilding their relationship as it is about women coming in to their own power.

The Once and Future Witches has a lot to offer all ages of reader. It makes you think about not just women’s rights, but also race, LGBTQI+ rights, survival, and just standing firm for what you believe in. It shows through the example of the three estranged sisters, that we are all stronger if we stand together.

I didn’t want to stop reading this - I inhaled it, couldn’t put it down, went to bed early two days in a row just to read it, and thought about it in between times. And I’m still thinking about it. If you like witches, you’ll like this. If you like a good story, you’ll love it. If you want to read a book that encompasses all of this and has relevance to our lives today, here’s your book.

This is going to remain a firm favourite for me for a long time. Perhaps I’m one of the future witches?

Many thanks to Little, Brown and NetGalley for my copy of this book.
47 Meters Down (2017)
47 Meters Down (2017)
2017 | Horror
Down Down, Deeper and Down.
It’s summer again; it’s a shark movie. Lisa and Kate are two sisters on holiday in Mexico with one grieving a lost relationship and the other looking for fun. Against their better judgement they go shark cage diving 5 metres below a vessel that looks like it should have been in the salvage yard 20 years ago. After a mechanical failure the cage plummets down to the sea bed….. (Go on, how deep? Have a guess. Go on, go on, go on …)
With sharks circling and air running low, will the girls survive their ordeal?

Last year, one of the surprise movies of the year for me was “The Shallows“, which I really enjoyed. A tense, well made yarn held together by a solid performance by Blake Lively and with a genuine escalation of tension (albeit let down by a poor ending).

“47 Metres Down” differs from that film in three major respects: B-movie acting, from Mandy Moore and Claire Holt (with Holt being significantly better than Moore); a screenplay by Johannes Roberts and Ernest Riera that is both ponderous and unbelievable; and dialogue that is at times truly execrable.
The film really takes its time to get to the ‘sharp end’ (as it were). Once there, the actions of the girls are so clinically stupid that they are deserving of Darwin Award nominations. Fortunately, the IQs of the sharks (well realised as CGI by Outpost VFX) are only marginally greater: the sharks will appear and then go away for ten minutes at a time, just so that the implausible plot can progress unmolested.

These films always need an escalator for the tension: in “The Shallows” it was the rising tide; in this film it is the air supply. This element works well and adds an additional element of claustrophobia to the film that is already at 11 on the scale (you surely don’t need me to tell you that claustrophobics need to avoid this film!).

Much of the dialogue is expository regarding what is going on in the darkness and is so repetitive (“We ARE going to get out of here Kate!”) that it would make a good drinking game. The worst dialogue award though goes to Matthew Modine (“Memphis Belle”) who’s repeated medical descriptions of “the bends” becomes mildly comical – I literally got a fit of the giggles at one point.

I’m not going to completely savage the film though, since there IS a nice twist to the ending, albeit one that’s heavily signposted. And instead of reaching constantly for the classic “Ben’s head in the boat” jump scare, the film occasionally teases the audience with set-ups that ultimately just feature murky water and nothing more.
My recommendation: if you’ve not yet seen “The Shallows”, check that out on DVD and give this one a miss.
I'll Take You There
I'll Take You There
Wally Lamb | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Felix Funicello is a film professor who lives in Connecticut. He is divorced and has one daughter, Eliza, who is currently working for New York Magazine. Felix also has two older sister, Simone and Frances who are an integral part of his life. Felix hold a movie club on Monday nights in the old Vaudeville theater in town. One night as he is setting up, he is visited by the ghost of Lois Weber, a renowned film director in her time. Lois shows Felix glimpses of his life along with the important women in it. Through these snapshots, Felix gains a greater understanding of the women in his life and women in general.

This book was reminiscent to A Christmas Carol, but he is visited by the same ghost, who brings three different visitors with her. Felix is first returned to his six year-old self. Where he and his sisters are helping their neighbor gather votes to become the next Rheingold Girl. Rheingold is a beer. This happens after his daughter tells him she has to write a piece about these girls.

The next transportation is a few years later when Felix is twelve. His mother and sister are talking in the kitchen about her boss being inappropriate with her at work. This part I heard just a few days after hearing day after day about a new man in a high position has been removed because of inappropriate behavior in the work place. Mind you, this is taking place in the early '60s and times were different, but some things never change. As Eliza, is telling her mother about what her boss has said, it's the mother's response that truly strikes me.
<i>"Men are men. Shapely girls like you just have to put up with stuff like that in the working world or else quit. Those are your choices."</i>
Thank God, those are no longer our choices, and that shouldn't have been the mentality then, maybe we wouldn't have all these issues today.

Also during this trip, Felix is given some news about his family that will change the dynamic forever.

The final time Lois comes to visit, the guest she brings, gives Felix a testimony that he has wondered about in the back of his mind for most of his life. That helps to fill a missing piece. The story is sad and is a part of the two previous visits from Lois.

All of these visits help Felix to be a better man, brother and father to the women in his life.

I think this is a very important book for all women to read, especially with the things going on in our world today. Told from the male point of view, I think it helps to see that some men can be empathetic to the plights of women. And this books covers a lot of those plights, from feminism, to abortion, adoption and acceptance. Years ago, I read She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb and I remember feeling the same way after reading it. Read them both.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*This review is from my blog and originally published in 2012*

This is going to be a hard review for me to write. No,no, it’s not a bad book. It’s one of my favorites. It’s bittersweet because this is the ending to one of my favorite Christian Fiction series. I fell in love with Ms. Lessman’s work when I read book 1 in this series, A Hope Undaunted. Ironically, it’s not the first in the O’Connor clans stories…there was a series previously written called The Daughters Of Boston. This particular series is so emotionally moving, so deeply intense that you get to become a part of the story. You can feel yourself being pulled deep into the heart of the story, becoming the characters, feeling every pain, every laugh, and every tear drop that falls. It’s absolutely an amazing feeling when reading a Julie Lessman novel.

I’ve been dying to read this book. This one is Steven O’Connor’s story. He’s the baby boy of the O’Connor family and, while I adored each of the others that I read about, I felt that Steven was the most deserving of having his story told. He was quietly awaiting his turn through out all the other books and it’s finally here! And oh what a turn it is! We get a bit of background on Steven in the other books, having a broken relationship with his ex fiance. Now, he’s a respectable man of the law and 25 years old. What he’s not expecting is for the arrival of Annie, a young impressionable girl of 17…..and his former fiance’s baby sister. Or the protectiveness he feels for her.

Susannah “Annie” Kennedy has left her home in Iowa to move on from her past and embrace a future in Boston. Her parents are dead now, her sister has raved about Boston and she’s ready to embrace a life out side of her straight and narrow past. When an circumstance arises and Annie finds herself face to face with Steven O’Connor, her sisters ex, she’s embarrassed…..and highly attracted to him! There’s just one little problem with that….he doesn’t realize that she’s Maggie’s baby sister.

Watching as these two came to terms with their past, and seeking forgiveness to over come it, and move on to a life filled with love and happiness was absolutely tear jerking! I loved every minute of this amazing 5 Book conclusion to my favorite series. Ms. Lessman kept the intensity woven through out as she did with the previous books. Her messages of forgiveness, letting go and seeking His love are just as strong and sweep through the reader instantly. If you love passion, if you love heartbreaking redemption and amazing historic detail, then look no further than the author who can create an unforgettable, un-put-downable novel that will spin the readers mind out of control. Well done Ms. Lessman and I am anxious to see what you have in story for your fans next…will we get glimpses of the O’Connor’s? Will we get to fall in love with another amazing family? Keep up the amazing writing, Ms. Lessman!