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Ready or Not (2019)
Ready or Not (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Fun Horror-Comedy
354. Ready or Not. An entertaining comedy horror flick. Wasn't exactly what I was expecting, but decent. I thought it was going to be a darker comedy, was more slapstick. We find ourselves at a rich folks wedding, and as the actual wedding dies down the real event takes place. The new bride plays a game with her new family, because that's where the family got their cash, games. Most of the games are harmless, except one: Ready or Not. Nope, its Hide and Seek. Guess what card the bride, Grace, draws? Ready or Not? Nope, it's Hide and Seek. Grace's new husband, Alex, lets her in on the details, Grace doesn't quite get it, until the arrows start flying. So, they hunt her down, not to kill her, but wound her, because they need her for a ritual to perform at dawn, that said, ya know she's gonna make it until dawn. What happens at the ritual? Her sacrifice to Satan of course. What happens if the family doesn't succeed in the kill? They are not really sure, they think they'll die, but who knows, they're just following tradition. Like I said I expected a darker vibe than it has, but a fun watch nonetheless. Filmbufftim on FB
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986)
1986 | Comedy, Horror
6.5 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I have a huge amount of respect for TTCM2, mainly for how different it is to its predecessor, which of course happens to be one of the most respected horrors of all time. Tobe Hoopers return is a welcome one, and his desire to not repeat his original masterpiece is a smart move. It results in a slice of 80s horror that is flamboyantly ridiculous, which still manages to keep its identity intact underneath it all. There's a lot less subtlety this time around - the brooding and implied violence we have seen before is replaced with more gore and Dennis Hopper dual wielding chainsaws with a third strapped to his back. It's weirdly great. The gore is significantly upped, and Leatherface is a little more cartoony. We're also introduced to Bill Moseley as Chop-Top, a fan favourite character who is a little too slapstick for my taste, but I can't fault Moseley for 100% commiting to the bit. Caroline Williams is a delight as this entries badass final girl as well.

TTCM2 is flawed for sure, but it doesn't fall into the rinse and repeat trap that so many sequels do, and it's easy to see why it has a strong following.
Johnny English Strikes Again (2018)
Johnny English Strikes Again (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Unwanted and underwhelming third outing for Rowan Atkinson's credit-card-advert-character from long ago. When a cyber-attack on the British government exposes the identity of every active agent, retired spy/moron Johnny English is brought back to find those responsible. Much obvious slapstick and many painfully telegraphed punchlines ensue; I did laugh a bit, but possibly out of sympathy.

This time around it seems obvious that the film is being pitched towards a very young audience, which explains its general silliness and reluctance to engage in anything resembling actual satire - as it is, the film's capacity to get real-world issues utterly wrong is almost uncanny (Britain and the Russians team up to stop cyber-terrorists). On the other hand, some of it feels aimed at older viewers who are generally suspicious and resentful of the modern world (the internet is bad, smartphones are bad, the Health and Safety Act is silly, etc). Maybe it's meant to be a film for right-wing grandparents to take their kids' kids to.

On the other hand, it's Rowan Atkinson, who is a superbly gifted clown, and there are inevitably a few amusing bits along the way - but not nearly enough, given his talent. Hopefully this is as close to actually not being funny as he will ever get.

Rebecca Billcliff (2409 KP) rated Brooklyn Nine-Nine in TV

Dec 3, 2019 (Updated Dec 3, 2019)  
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
2013 | Comedy, Crime
Great characters (0 more)
Starting to get too zaney (0 more)
Brooķyn 99 out of 100
Contains spoilers, click to show
I was not expecting to like this series, but I actually found it drew me in.
Detective Jake Parolta is a cop in the 99th precinct New York, young, headstrong and obsessed with all things cop.
Working by his side are Amy Santiargo, a rule following stationary lover, Rosa Diaz, a hard and scary detective who like her weapons and Sargent Terry Jeffords, a super buff health but who refers to himself in the third person.
The series starts with the introduction of their new captain; Raymond Holt, a hard working and articulate chap, who is not a shower of emotions.
These are just some of the characters, and just a few of their details, there are so many more as they work hard to rid the streets of Brooklyn of crime.
As the series progresses we learn more about the characters and follow them as they live their lives, and face the titles and tribulations of being a cop in a big city.
It is clever, funny with a lot of heart, not to mention the silly and the slapstick, there is something for everyone.
Though I am starting to feel it is looking it's way, I hope it will find it's way back.
Early Man (2018)
Early Man (2018)
2018 | Animation
From the creators of Chicken Run and Wallace and Gromit comes the “true”
story of the origin of the world’s most popular sport-football (or soccer
as we call it in the U.S.). A charming film that takes us back to the dawn
of man, The Stone Age, where a motley band of cavemen and women live an
archaic lifestyle foraging and hunting for their food.

Their way of life
is shattered as the Bronze age approaches, and mining for metal becoming
superior, along with the love of football (soccer) playing second. The
leader of the Bronze Age conquerors Lord Nooth strips the cavemen from
their land to mine for more metal and for smelting. Eager to keep their
way of life and get their home back, the Cavemen challenge Lord Nooth to a
game of football.

Who doesn’t love a good underdog story? As you can guess, it’s hysterical
slapstick humor and sheer silliness of epic proportion. In true Wallace
and Gromit fashion, Aardman animation create a movie with an underlying
sweetness that makes the audience fall in love with such delightful

Featuring an all-star British voice cast featuring Tom
Hiddleston, Maisie Williams, Tom Redmayne, and Timothy Spall, Early Man may
not be your typical run of the mill bright, boisterous, tug at the
heartstrings type of movie, but it definitely provides enough physical
comedy to keep the audience laughing and a great message about teamwork and
learning to coexist.
Captain Disaster: The Damaris Touch
Captain Disaster: The Damaris Touch
Dave Seaman | 2017 | Humor & Comedy, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Captain Disaster, inept spacefaring star of video games and short stories gets his own novella. After answering a distress call, things become rather too exciting for our erstwhile hero. Be prepared for the series of unlikely comedic events that ensue as he faces (almost) certain death.

There are books that take themselves seriously and there are those that don't. This is as firmly in the second group as the author's tongue is in his cheek. Filled with throwaway jokes galore, terrible groan out loud puns and slapstick antics this is a story to read for a good laugh.

The style is best described as 'free', Seaman swerving off at tangents to deliver a simple gag before returning to the story at hand. And that is the charm - there will be no deep introspection for the reader into what motivates the characters, just a vain attempt to keep ahead of the flow of jokes. Okay, not all of them hit, but like a rapid fire comedy routine that doesn't matter because if you didn't like that one there will be another one along in a minute. And yes perhaps there could be some tightening of the prose or plot here and there but that would definitely alter its character, perhaps too far towards serious. And that would never do.

So kick back, relax, set the lighting to 'mood' and the ship to autopilot. You've got some laughing to do