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Demon Hunts (Walker Papers, #5)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was my favorite book in the series without a doubt, because I finally get to see Joanne in love! While it is not with her boss, Morrison, whom it is obvious she has an attraction to, it is still a very satisfying romance. Her bubbly happiness is quite enjoyable to read, and it does not get on my nerves despite how sickly sweet Joanne is in the descriptions. At times, her love interest really does seem like the perfect man, and I am thrilled that she gets to have this in the midst of the chaos of her shamanic lifestyle.
I think what keeps bringing me back to this series is that Joanne's narration is both unique and comical. She is refreshingly honest about herself and her quirks and abilities and keeps a running commentary behind the scenes, even as she solves supernatural-size problems while balancing a social life and a job as a detective. Even though I still understand very little of the role of a shaman and all of Joanne's world-jumping, there is something very likable about Joanne Walker.
The other half of Joanne's romance is a man that was assumed to be dead. Aside from the romance, I love that he shows up in this book, as I get to see more of what he can and cannot do and what his personality is really like. Plus, the tension between him and Morrison is quite interesting, as it brings to the forefront the chemistry between Morrison and Joanne and makes her admit to a few things about herself.
The wendigo is the "big bad" for this book, but the final battle ends differently than what I assumed. In a way, the wendigo teaches Joanne that some flaws are acceptable and even useful. I look forward to the next book, Spirit Dances.
Unseen Academicals (Discworld, #37; Rincewind #8)
Unseen Academicals (Discworld, #37; Rincewind #8)
Terry Pratchett | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I recently finished reading Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett, the latest book in the Discworld series. The wizards at Unseen University discover a law that states that they must participate in city football games (soccer), but the catch is they can't use any magic. The assistant candle dribbler, Mr. Nutt is brought in to coach this humorous seemingly hopeless team of over the hill wizards. Mr. Nutt is a little odd and seems to be a goblin, but he can't really remember himself. He befriends his candle dribbler boss Trevor Likely whose father was a famous footballer and they strike up an unlikely, but endearing friendship.
 I loved this book. The friendship between Mr. Nutt and Trevor makes you smile and even laugh at certain points in the story. Terry Pratchett introduces some new characters like Juliette, Trevor's love interest and assistant cook and Glenda, her supervisor who warns her all the time about men and their ways. There are even cameo appearances by old favorites like Rincewind, the librarian, DEATH, the watch, and even Lord Vetinari.
 The pacing starts off a little slow, but it finds its groove and we are told a great story about football, the fans, and the players. We are also shown how wonderful it is when you have friends and loved ones, that see the good in you and because they believe in you, it brings out the best in you. There are also the funny jokes, wit, and social commentary that comes with a Discworld book, overall making it quite an enjoyable read.
 If you haven't read Unseen Academicals yet and you are a Discworld fan, I suggest you do. It's a great story and you will find yourself chuckling at various moments.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Bright (2017) in Movies

Feb 8, 2018 (Updated Feb 8, 2018)  
Bright (2017)
Bright (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Orcz in da Hood
Fantasy-cop movie mash-up which probably sounded cool at the pitch meeting but doesn't really work as a full movie. Will Smith plays a careworn LA street cop saddled with an Orc (Joel Edgerton) as his partner, as this is a world where humans and fantasy creatures co-exist. The two of them end up contending with the anti-Orc racism of the LAPD and a cult of evil Elves seeking to use a magic wand to bring about the end of the world (Noomi Rapace and her cheekbones are well-cast as the baddie).

David Ayer seems much more comfortable handling the cop movie angle than the fantasy, but then at least this bit of the script actually makes a degree of sense. The movie no offers no clues as to how a world with Dark Lords and dragons and near-omnipotent magic wands ended up so closely resembling our own, with roughly the same history, countries, and cities (they even have Uber, for God's sake). And you have to wonder what kind of social commentary writer Max Landis is intent on when he implicitly draws parallels between Orcs (strong, dim, violent) and real-world ethnic groups.

Looking on the (wait for it) bright side, there is some snappy dialogue and good performances from Smith and (particularly) Edgerton, and most of the action is well-staged. One of those movies that works better if you just don't think about it, but let it wash over you; apparently a sequel is in the works and maybe they will address some of these issues there. David Ayer should definitely stick to writing his own scripts in future, though.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Vampires vs. the Bronx (2020) in Movies

Oct 12, 2020 (Updated Oct 12, 2020)  
Vampires vs. the Bronx (2020)
Vampires vs. the Bronx (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Horror
Starting with the positives for this one...
The three young leads are pretty likable, one of them wears a Ghost shirt at one point which was cool. Method Man plays a priest which is always going to be a good time. It has a diverse cast and deals with the issue of gentrification which you don't see often in movies.

But that was about it for me, everything else is just kind of shoddy. Although the whole cast seem to gel nicely, aside from a few moments that made me smile, none of the humour really landed.
The vampire aspect of this movie was just a bit lame. There's a lot of references to Blade, and a nod to The Lost Boys, but all that does is remind the audience that they could be watching a much better vampire film.
I appreciate that this a family friendly film, but I don't recall seeing a single drop of blood, which is weird considering the subject matter.

There aren't really any set pieces until the end, and honestly, the final showdown is woefully shit. The stakes never seem high throughout, and the twist regarding the vampire leader is telegraphed from the first moment they appear on screen.

Living in the UK, I can't comment on how well Vampires vs The Bronx represents The Bronx itself. In that regard, I've heard positive things, and the closing lines of the movie suggest that this is a film made for those who live there, which is a great thing, but it may somewhat explain why I just didn't connect with it in the way that others have.

As a commentary on several relevant social issues, it's not too bad. As a vampire film, it sucks, pun fully intended.

Elizabeth (1521 KP) Oct 13, 2020

As someone who grew up in the Bronx, it was not the best representation. It was a cutesy movie that was happening in a generic urban area. It could have been any urban project in a major US city.


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Oct 13, 2020

Thank you for the insight 🙌

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