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Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
Gail Honeyman | 2017 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (80 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not what you'll expect it to be...
Eleanor lives by her routines. Every weekday morning she gets up at the same time, starts work at the same time, buys a newspaper at the same place which she always reads all of and completes the crossword in. She leaves work at 5.30 every day, travels home the same way and listens to The Archers as she makes pasta and pesto with salad (which requires one pan and one plate). She goes to bed at the same time, 10pm, every evening. Wednesday, ‘Mummy’ always phones and talks to her for 10 minutes.
On Friday nights after work, she buys pizza and two bottles of vodka, that she will drink over the course of the weekend, on her own. She spends all week on her own. Eleanor has no friends, she believes that she doesn’t need any either.
Then Eleanor sees him: the man who she becomes obsessed with, the man who Mummy never believes she will be able to attract, and Eleanor decides to reinvent herself so that he will become interested in her.
Some of these reinvention ‘adventures’ are hilarious, and include things that all women do: self-grooming, in particular. The waxing incident had me in stitches!
At work, things change when she meets Ray from IT when he comes to mend her computer. He’s affable, gentle and intrigues by Eleanor. She however is not at all interested, and her sights are set elsewhere. After work one day, Ray and Eleanor are walking home when they come upon an elderly man, Sammy, who has collapsed in the street. They help him, call an ambulance, and so a friendship is begun. Eleanor’s life is opened up, whether she wants it to or not.
Eleanor tells her own story, and we go along for the ride as she shares her story and learns how to actually live. Secrets she has even kept from herself for years, are revealed.
There are many funny parts to this story, and they are painfully funny. Eleanor’s lack of social skills is evident. I didn’t feel that fun was being poked at Eleanor, but we are encouraged to laugh at the situation and therefore learn about how difficult Eleanor’s life is. There are parts of the story where laughter is very far from the mind. I found parts to be very emotional and so, so sad.
I honestly didn’t want to leave Eleanor Oliphant’s world. The story really doesn’t end at the end of the book, and we are left with the impression that Eleanor’s story will continue in her ‘book universe’. Ultimately, this book is an interesting commentary of modern life and our biggest problem - loneliness. We are the generation of social media, internet and gadgets, and we have left behind our human kindness. We are a social animal that no longer seems to be social. All so wrapped up in our own little worlds, that we don’t realise we’re missing that connection with real human beings, and don’t see when there are others around us who are lonely and need the contact of others.
This is such an enjoyable, funny, heartwarming and heart wrenching and above all, hopeful book. I would heartily recommend it, particularly to those who enjoyed “A Man Called Ove’, ‘The Rosie Project’ and more recently ‘The Cactus’. It’s never overly sentimental, but it IS full of heart.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated You - Season 1 in TV

Jun 7, 2019 (Updated Jun 7, 2019)  
You - Season 1
You - Season 1
2018 | Crime, Drama
A creepy stalker tale for the modern era....
Well that was something; I’m all over the place with my feelings for this series from hating it to loving it; a bit like my feelings for its lead character and narrator Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley.)

Joe is straight off the bat creepy stalker guy when he becomes obsessed with Guinevere “Beck” (Elizabeth Lail) off the back of meeting her in his bookshop - as if Amazon isn’t doing enough on its own to kill independent bookshops…. Convinced they should be together to pretty much save Beck from herself, Joe goes to ever increasing lengths to get to know everything about her and start manipulating her to become part of his life. It offers up a strong commentary on the power social media as well as the back stabbing competitive world of literature and socialites in New York

The narrative from Joe is hypnotic in him justifying his actions and Badgley’s voice is a perfect mixture of good wholesome guy with undertones that just make you shiver. As the series progressed, I got less and less creeped out by Joe and more frustrated with the other characters (oh my maybe Joe is brainwashing me.) With an almost Dexter feel to cheering on Joe at times I had to keep reminding myself that his moral compass was way off in comparison, just because someone is a self obsessed a****** doesn't mean they deserve to die.

The series started off very strongly but did drop off midway and I worry if the second season can bring back the initial engagement, I’ll certainly be tuning in to find out.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Us (2019) in Movies

Dec 15, 2019  
Us (2019)
Us (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
The first thing I'll say about Us is just how unnerving it . It's one of those horror films that leaves you with a sense of unease at everyday normal things.

Jordan Peele's second horror offering verges on standard horror tropes, clearly taking influence from horror that had come before, and at times feeling similar in nature to The Strangers, and It Follows, but it's intriguing underneath-the-surface plot and underlying social commentary save it from being just another horror film.
The idea of doppelganger horror has been explored before, but it feels a bit more apt in todays climate, as Peele explores the fear of outsiders, whilst also carrying a message about wealth gaps and the effect of privilege obliviousness.
In doing so, he successfully crafts a family of character we can root for, facing off against 'monsters' that sometimes feel all to familiar.

Lupita Nyong'o in particular is a massive stand out here, playing an inherently good central character, desperately protecting her family against a shadow of herself, who at times come across as relatable.

The plot has a decent amount of depth to it, and I'm glad that the narrative explores beyond the central family.
Jordan Peele's camerawork is fantastic throughout. There are striking shots put forwards from start to finish. He also makes fantastic work of colour... The vibrant setting of Santa Cruz works nicely, and the simple colour setup for The Tethered creates a look that is sure to become iconic in the horror genre.

I found Us to be a hugely enjoyable experience, and between Peele and Ari Aster, the future of horror is looking pretty exciting.
Get Out (2017)
Get Out (2017)
2017 | Horror, Thriller
Get Out is an incredibly strong directorial debut from Jordan Peele and is easily in the top tier of horror/thriller movies in the last few years.

He manages to craft a film that has an underlying sense of unease throughout, an aspect of the film that hardly lets up at any point.

The plot revolves around Rose (Allison Williams) taking her African-American boyfriend Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) away for the weekend to meet her very white family. Chris has reservations, understandably, due to the fact that casual racism is a thing that unfortunately exists. As the weekend draws on, Chris begins to realise that his worries perhaps aren't that unfounded. The only other black people around are house servants, and are acting strange, and it's doesn't take too long before a truly disturbing truth is discovered. To say any more would spoil the narrative, but it's a great plot, with a ridiculous twist.
Layered underneath the madness of the horror is a strong social commentary about race divides, and how a lot of white people perceive others. It's executed brilliantly, and is absorbing as much as it is uncomfortable.

The cast are terrific, especially Daniel Kaluuya, Allison Williams, Betty Gabriel, and LaKeith Stanfield.
Catherine Keener is another highlight - I'm so used to seeing her play good people, that the sinister nature of her character in Get Out is so unnerving, and adds even more the experience.

With both Get Out, and last year's Us, Jordan Peele has started his career in horror on a hot streak, and I can't wait to see what he brings to the table next.

Gareth von Kallenbach (974 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Oct 7, 2019 (Updated Oct 13, 2019)  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) is a broken and troubled man. Arthur toils in as demeaning and berated Clown for Hire, and lives with his troubled mother in a dilapidated apartment.
Arthur meets with a Social Worker in an attempt as the seven medications he takes simply are not cutting it and he struggles to cope in a world that has ignored and discarded him.

Arthur dreams of being a comedian but sadly lacks the confidence and ability to pull off his material which is iffy at best. Undaunted he keeps toiling away even when life continues to beat him down mentally and physically.
This all changes when Arthur stops being the victim during and assault and fights back.

Arthur stops taking his medication and becomes more determined and is no longer afraid to confront those who antagonize him.

This leads Arthur to some renewed opportunities such as an appearance on a talk show which he has long idolized.
All of this happens against a smoldering Gotham City where tensions are high and rising even higher due to a Garbage strike and a perception that the elite of the city have abandoned those in need such as eliminating Arthur’s Social Worker due to budget cuts.

With nowhere to go but up; Arthur transforms from a disturbed individual to a violent and deeply disturbed and dangerous individual who is angry and ready for revenge.

Phoenix is fantastic and he is not afraid to let unglamorous scenes of his very thin body or lingering close ups at unflattering angels undermine him. He uses them to illustrate just how disposable Arthur is too many in the film and to also show how little he cares about such matters. The role is deeply dark and disturbing and will no doubt spark much controversy and debate ranging from making a dangerous person a sympathetic figure as well as commentary about class structure and the danger of unstable people inspiring others via a Cult of Personality.

There is a connection to the larger Batman universe even though the film is light on action and FX. This is a character study of a decent into madness and it is deeply disturbing as it is compelling.

4.5 stars out of 5
Demon Hunts (Walker Papers, #5)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was my favorite book in the series without a doubt, because I finally get to see Joanne in love! While it is not with her boss, Morrison, whom it is obvious she has an attraction to, it is still a very satisfying romance. Her bubbly happiness is quite enjoyable to read, and it does not get on my nerves despite how sickly sweet Joanne is in the descriptions. At times, her love interest really does seem like the perfect man, and I am thrilled that she gets to have this in the midst of the chaos of her shamanic lifestyle.
I think what keeps bringing me back to this series is that Joanne's narration is both unique and comical. She is refreshingly honest about herself and her quirks and abilities and keeps a running commentary behind the scenes, even as she solves supernatural-size problems while balancing a social life and a job as a detective. Even though I still understand very little of the role of a shaman and all of Joanne's world-jumping, there is something very likable about Joanne Walker.
The other half of Joanne's romance is a man that was assumed to be dead. Aside from the romance, I love that he shows up in this book, as I get to see more of what he can and cannot do and what his personality is really like. Plus, the tension between him and Morrison is quite interesting, as it brings to the forefront the chemistry between Morrison and Joanne and makes her admit to a few things about herself.
The wendigo is the "big bad" for this book, but the final battle ends differently than what I assumed. In a way, the wendigo teaches Joanne that some flaws are acceptable and even useful. I look forward to the next book, Spirit Dances.
Unseen Academicals (Discworld, #37; Rincewind #8)
Unseen Academicals (Discworld, #37; Rincewind #8)
Terry Pratchett | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I recently finished reading Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett, the latest book in the Discworld series. The wizards at Unseen University discover a law that states that they must participate in city football games (soccer), but the catch is they can't use any magic. The assistant candle dribbler, Mr. Nutt is brought in to coach this humorous seemingly hopeless team of over the hill wizards. Mr. Nutt is a little odd and seems to be a goblin, but he can't really remember himself. He befriends his candle dribbler boss Trevor Likely whose father was a famous footballer and they strike up an unlikely, but endearing friendship.
 I loved this book. The friendship between Mr. Nutt and Trevor makes you smile and even laugh at certain points in the story. Terry Pratchett introduces some new characters like Juliette, Trevor's love interest and assistant cook and Glenda, her supervisor who warns her all the time about men and their ways. There are even cameo appearances by old favorites like Rincewind, the librarian, DEATH, the watch, and even Lord Vetinari.
 The pacing starts off a little slow, but it finds its groove and we are told a great story about football, the fans, and the players. We are also shown how wonderful it is when you have friends and loved ones, that see the good in you and because they believe in you, it brings out the best in you. There are also the funny jokes, wit, and social commentary that comes with a Discworld book, overall making it quite an enjoyable read.
 If you haven't read Unseen Academicals yet and you are a Discworld fan, I suggest you do. It's a great story and you will find yourself chuckling at various moments.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Bright (2017) in Movies

Feb 8, 2018 (Updated Feb 8, 2018)  
Bright (2017)
Bright (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Orcz in da Hood
Fantasy-cop movie mash-up which probably sounded cool at the pitch meeting but doesn't really work as a full movie. Will Smith plays a careworn LA street cop saddled with an Orc (Joel Edgerton) as his partner, as this is a world where humans and fantasy creatures co-exist. The two of them end up contending with the anti-Orc racism of the LAPD and a cult of evil Elves seeking to use a magic wand to bring about the end of the world (Noomi Rapace and her cheekbones are well-cast as the baddie).

David Ayer seems much more comfortable handling the cop movie angle than the fantasy, but then at least this bit of the script actually makes a degree of sense. The movie no offers no clues as to how a world with Dark Lords and dragons and near-omnipotent magic wands ended up so closely resembling our own, with roughly the same history, countries, and cities (they even have Uber, for God's sake). And you have to wonder what kind of social commentary writer Max Landis is intent on when he implicitly draws parallels between Orcs (strong, dim, violent) and real-world ethnic groups.

Looking on the (wait for it) bright side, there is some snappy dialogue and good performances from Smith and (particularly) Edgerton, and most of the action is well-staged. One of those movies that works better if you just don't think about it, but let it wash over you; apparently a sequel is in the works and maybe they will address some of these issues there. David Ayer should definitely stick to writing his own scripts in future, though.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Vampires vs. the Bronx (2020) in Movies

Oct 12, 2020 (Updated Oct 12, 2020)  
Vampires vs. the Bronx (2020)
Vampires vs. the Bronx (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Horror
Starting with the positives for this one...
The three young leads are pretty likable, one of them wears a Ghost shirt at one point which was cool. Method Man plays a priest which is always going to be a good time. It has a diverse cast and deals with the issue of gentrification which you don't see often in movies.

But that was about it for me, everything else is just kind of shoddy. Although the whole cast seem to gel nicely, aside from a few moments that made me smile, none of the humour really landed.
The vampire aspect of this movie was just a bit lame. There's a lot of references to Blade, and a nod to The Lost Boys, but all that does is remind the audience that they could be watching a much better vampire film.
I appreciate that this a family friendly film, but I don't recall seeing a single drop of blood, which is weird considering the subject matter.

There aren't really any set pieces until the end, and honestly, the final showdown is woefully shit. The stakes never seem high throughout, and the twist regarding the vampire leader is telegraphed from the first moment they appear on screen.

Living in the UK, I can't comment on how well Vampires vs The Bronx represents The Bronx itself. In that regard, I've heard positive things, and the closing lines of the movie suggest that this is a film made for those who live there, which is a great thing, but it may somewhat explain why I just didn't connect with it in the way that others have.

As a commentary on several relevant social issues, it's not too bad. As a vampire film, it sucks, pun fully intended.

Elizabeth (1521 KP) Oct 13, 2020

As someone who grew up in the Bronx, it was not the best representation. It was a cutesy movie that was happening in a generic urban area. It could have been any urban project in a major US city.


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Oct 13, 2020

Thank you for the insight 🙌


Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Follow Me in Books

Mar 19, 2020  
Follow Me
Follow Me
Kathleen Barber | 2020 | Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Audrey Miller moves from New York City to Washington, DC after receiving a dream job offer at a museum--running their social media accounts. She rents an apartment sight unseen and finds herself in a creepy English basement unit, with a faulty lock and watched constantly by her landlord's sketchy nephew. She feels isolated, as she only knows two people in the city--her old college friend, Cat, now a busy lawyer, and her former boyfriend, Nick, whom she broke up with when she moved to New York. But on Audrey's Instagram, she presents a bright and perfect life. For that, she's rewarded with over a million followers, constant comments, and free items from brands. She shares everything with her fans--pictures, her locations, her thoughts, and more. Little does she know that there's someone out there who has been soaking up those thoughts for years, since Audrey started her first blog. And now that Audrey has moved to his city, he's determined it is fate. He's going to use advice garnered on the dark web to make Audrey his--no matter what.

The first word I can think of to describe this book is "menacing." It's definitely creepy at times, but it mostly projects a sinister feel, as Audrey's stalker--who tells bits and pieces of his side in a POV entitled "Him"--moves closer and closer into her private world. Our other two POVs are Audrey herself and her friend Cat, her socially inept lawyer friend, who begs Audrey to move in with her as Audrey's own apartment becomes increasingly unsafe.

"But the internet can reveal just as much as it can obfuscate."

It's hard not to compare this book to Caroline Kepnes' YOU. But the portions from "Him" are slim, and I just didn't find the narration as creepy and engaging as Joe's. When I read YOU, I literally felt watched, the book was so convincing. This book feels more like a cautionary tale about oversharing on social media.

And in that facet, it does a great job. Our friend Audrey: she shares it all. Instagram stories, photos, and more. Audrey getting her daily coffee? On insta. Her latest exercise class? Shared. And, of course, her move from New York City to Washington, DC is carefully catalogued. It's easy, we realize, to track Audrey's precise location and schedules. But Audrey seems blissfully unaware, living for the adoration the internet provides her. And it gets you thinking, wondering how much we all share across social media. And why...

"Comments from my followers were hands down my favorite part of living my life on the internet... With a million friends at the palm of your hand, how could anyone ever feel truly alone?"

Audrey goes through a lot in this book, but she's not always easy to like. There are no real likeable characters here. The power is in the escalating narrative. As incidents pile up against Audrey (remember: menacing!), you are kept guessing. There's a handful of characters who could be "Him," and Barber does a good job of letting you wonder who it could be. I would settle on someone and then something would happen, and I'd start to waver, changing my mind.

I really liked the commentary on social media and oversharing, combined with the need to be liked, even if virtually. And while the character of "Him" didn't have the personality I really wanted in his sections, they did capture his desperation and his seeming lack of understanding that what he was doing was wrong.

The ending for this one was rather bizarre and bit tough to swallow. I saw some of it coming and it all happened a little quickly after all the buildup. It was definitely twisty, though! Overall, this was a very captivating thriller--perhaps not as deep as I had hoped, but definitely worth a read. 3.5 stars, rounded up here.