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Death Awakening (Society #7)
Death Awakening (Society #7)
Mason Sabre | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
185 of 250
Death Awakening ( Society book 7)
By Mason Sabre

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They call it Moon-Night. The night when the moon rises high in the sky, fully visible for all to see, is the time Humans venture outside in hopes of catching a glimpse of Others for their personal entertainment—shifters transformed, strange dark creatures, all answering the call of the moon. Yvette is a vampire who works in a bar owned by a panther shifter called Raven. It is one of the few bars in their community in which Others and Humans can mingle. Restless shifters, blood lusting vampires, supercilious Humans … the night is filled with them. But what happens when the doors close tonight? What long-buried evil awaits Yvette? A dark force will awaken—one that will change her life, and those of the people around her. Forever.

This was one of the best novellas yet! It was fast paced and interesting we finally have some decent vampire action! But wtf was that ending 🙈 I now need to hunt down the next book set!

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2275 KP) rated Murder on Wall Street in Books

Feb 18, 2023 (Updated Feb 18, 2023)  
Murder on Wall Street
Murder on Wall Street
Victoria Thompson | 2021 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
High Finance Murder
Frank Malloy might not normally take on the case of investment banker Hayden Norcross, but when a friend hires him to look into it, Frank can hardly refuse. Hayden was shot in his office after hours, and the list of possible suspects in long. Enlisting the help of his wife, Sarah, and her parents, Frank must navigate society and the world of finance to figure out what happened. Working together, can they do it?

This book is a perfect example of why I love this series so much. All the regulars and supporting players are here and in top form. There were a couple of moments that were absolutely special for those who really know the characters. The plot was complex and kept me guessing right up to the page turning and fun ending. While the book does take on some serious subjects, it balances those with humor, mainly the interactions of the regular characters. The time period also comes to wonderful life. If you are a fan who hasn’t read this book yet, you will be in for a treat.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2275 KP) rated Christmas Past in Books

Dec 15, 2022 (Updated Dec 15, 2022)  
Christmas Past
Christmas Past
Brian Earl | 2022 | History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Look at Christmas Traditions Past and Present
Have you ever wondered why we celebrate Christmas the way we do? If so, this book is for you. It takes a look at four categories: food, entertainment, sights and sounds, and society. Each category gets several chapters that focus on specific things like mince pies or candy canes, Rudolph, lights, and Christmas cards. We get a look at the origins, the rise, and sometimes the fall, of these old traditions.

This book is purely looking at the secular, pop culture celebration of Christmas, although the religious aspect does pop up occasionally, most noticeably in the chapter on “Silent Night.” A couple of chapters seem a bit vague, and the writing can be dry at times, but those are minor complaints. On the whole, this was a fascinating look at where our traditions came from, both those we still use today and those that have faded over time. I am not familiar with the author’s pod cast, but my understanding is much of this material first appeared there. As a Christmas lover, I enjoyed learning more about the holiday. If that’s you, you’ll enjoy this book as well.