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Five Ideas to Fight for: How Our Freedom is Under Threat and Why it Matters
- Human Rights - Equality - Free Speech - Privacy - The Rule of Law These five ideas are vitally...

Freedom of Speech in Russia: Politics and Media from Gorbachev to Putin
This book traces the life of free speech in Russia from the final years of the Soviet Union to the...

Gods and Worshippers in the Viking and Germanic World
What was paganism really like? Who were the gods and how were they worshipped? These are the...

History of Technology
New work on early modern Europe has now opened up the hidden avenues that link changes of...

Tom Chaplin recommended Pink Moon by Nick Drake in Music (curated)

Nick Love recommended The King of Comedy (1983) in Movies (curated)

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated Shark Tale (2004) in Movies
Jul 7, 2021
Ghastly. I mean holy shit these fish are fucking UGLY. I was expecting some sort of ironic enjoyment or overlooked nuance a la something like 𝘍𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘧𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵!, but instead I just got an in-your-face assault of nauseating animation and the worst sound design DreamWorks has ever shat out - Angelina Jolie is barely even audible in this. I'm a firm believer that the most aesthetically horrible time period was the 2000s - specifically the mid-2000s - and this tried so hard to be 'in the now' when it was released that it feels like looking back at some sort of garish cave drawing that serves as a reminder for how much society has progressed since then. For instance, you know how you can go back to Finding Nemo and not be repelled because it doesn't open with a fucking "MTV Cribs" parody? I've never been a huge fan of Will Smith's shtick but here it grates worse than it ever has before or since - and with such an irredeemable, downright annoying character like this fugly little idiot to boot. In fact the only intrigue in any of these voice performances are from Jack Black and - er - *checks notes* Martin Scorsese. I can't honestly say it was laugh-free but I can still say it sucks hard.

Jerry Cantrell recommended Number of the Beast by Iron Maiden in Music (curated)

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated District 9 (2009) in Movies
Sep 20, 2020
Not thought-provoking or challenging in the slightest, but as always my boy Sharlto Copley saves this from mediocrity (he single-handedly doubled my rating for it). I'll happily stand alone in being glad this went for loud, beastly body horror over the broad, half-finished, overly obvious metaphor that it introduces but refuses to interrogate in favor of conventional genre trappings at the end. But thank LORD this doesn't get preachy about how an innocuous use of technology is the death of society or some bullshit, like these realist-dingy-future films usually tend to do. Super messy (not only can it not decide when to use its gimmick nor what its purpose is, but why even film half this stuff?), hard to find a shot that lasts longer than five seconds and overall it's pretty polluted both visually and audibly for this to make much sense (the editing... hoo boy). That being said, this is totally lovingly grisly and it ends with an extended segment of Copley in an alien mech ripping random government dudes to shreds and chunks of bloody human meat. Also design-wise - as tends to be the case with Blomkamp - it's a knockout... when we can actually see it.

Bong Mines Entertainment (15 KP) rated Human by Grace Gaustad in Music
Sep 2, 2019
Grace Gaustad is a rising singer-songwriter from New York City. Not too long ago, she released an honest pop tune, entitled, “F.L.Y”.
“‘F.L.Y (Feel Like You)’ is the story of a realization. Often the people we idolize and fantasize about being are shallow individuals. In a society where money, power, and fame dictate who is validated, it is easy to lose sight of who you are deep down and even harder to admit that heroes can sometimes be the villain. So ask yourself, Is it worth it?” – Grace Gaustad
‘F.L.Y’ tells an interesting tale about a young woman who doesn’t want to have anything to do with a certain individual in her life.
Apparently, she doesn’t want to fall back in time. Therefore, she avoids interacting with what she’s trying to stay away from.
‘F.L.Y’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and stripped instrumentation scented with an alternative-pop aroma.
The likable tune is featured on Grace Gaustad’s latest EP, entitled, “Human”.
“Feeling grateful for a lot of happy positive changes that are slowly coming together around me. Been working on the EP for you guys and it’s incredible. I can’t wait to share a full body of work that holds some of my favorite songs I’ve ever written.” – Grace Gaustad
“‘F.L.Y (Feel Like You)’ is the story of a realization. Often the people we idolize and fantasize about being are shallow individuals. In a society where money, power, and fame dictate who is validated, it is easy to lose sight of who you are deep down and even harder to admit that heroes can sometimes be the villain. So ask yourself, Is it worth it?” – Grace Gaustad
‘F.L.Y’ tells an interesting tale about a young woman who doesn’t want to have anything to do with a certain individual in her life.
Apparently, she doesn’t want to fall back in time. Therefore, she avoids interacting with what she’s trying to stay away from.
‘F.L.Y’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and stripped instrumentation scented with an alternative-pop aroma.
The likable tune is featured on Grace Gaustad’s latest EP, entitled, “Human”.
“Feeling grateful for a lot of happy positive changes that are slowly coming together around me. Been working on the EP for you guys and it’s incredible. I can’t wait to share a full body of work that holds some of my favorite songs I’ve ever written.” – Grace Gaustad