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Santa Claus: The Movie (1985)
Santa Claus: The Movie (1985)
1985 | Family, Sci-Fi

"As a children’s movie, this might be a failure, but as a surrealist nightmare set in a world of Yuletide kitsch, it’s a masterpiece. Santa lives in a castle in outer space, with a wizard and a giant room full of singing children of every ethnic stereotype imaginable. The reindeer are robots. He watches the earth with a giant all-seeing electronic eyeball. Satan sends a demon to corrupt the children of earth, and only you-know-who can stop him. And that’s only the beginning…"

An Elephant Sitting Still (2018)
An Elephant Sitting Still (2018)
2018 | Drama, International
Bleak but marvelous
Four hour Chinese epic. From the reviews which claimed it was boring arthouse I expected a non sensicle four hour delve into weirdness. Its not art house at all (well apart from the ending), instead it is a bleak walk through an impoverished inner Chinese city, with the space in the film creating a feel of claustrophobia as each of the characters lives start closing in on them. The theme really is of blame and understanding the difference and ownership of responsibility.
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Betrayal at House on the Hill
2004 | Adventure, Exploration, Horror, Miniatures
Can be different every time you play (4 more)
Can be co-op, or competitive
Great game mechanics
Game pieces and board are well made
Nice artwork
Needs a large flat space as the board spreads (0 more)
A great evolving game
This is a great game, with multiple mechanics, almost like Cabin in the Woods (an amazing film)... Depending on what you roll and what items you pick up, depends your fate... From zombies, to Dracula and evil doppelgangers! It's great fun, and can get quite tense!
Fast & Furious 9 (2021)
Fast & Furious 9 (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Crime
I remember back when these films used to be relatively grounded.

If I say flying a jet-powered car in outer space happens in this, that will give you a clue how far the series has moved on since then.

The rest of the film? Completely ignores the laws of physics, with car chases, car crashes and shoot-out galore, yet with our heroes coming out of the same with nary a scratch on them.

Go for the stunts.

Leave your brain at home.