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Abandon Station (Dyson Bridge #1)
A thunderous explosion echoes through the vastness of space. The Bridgeway Space Station is rocked...
Science Fiction Dyson Bridge Series

Dean (6927 KP) rated Pandorum (2009) in Movies
Sep 12, 2017
Mad Max in Space
A very decent Sci/Fi, thriller effort.....first time I can say that in a long time! A very good atmospheric film with plenty of action. Starts well the middle is patchy, but it picks up again towards the end. Good effects and set design, the overall feel of the film and the spaceship is quite creepy, good use of lighting etc. It's not the most original, it feels like a compilation of ideas from the best known Sci/Fi films. Overall a good effort that most should enjoy.

Elizabeth (1521 KP) rated Fifty Shames of Earl Grey in Books
Apr 24, 2019
This book is to Fifty Shades as Spaceballs is to Star Wars and Scary Movie is to Scream. It is a witty, satirical look at the Fifty Shades trilogy with plenty of Twilight references thrown in for good measure. If you are among the readers that didn't take Fifty Shades too seriously to begin with, then you will love this book. A light, entertaining read with loads of fun 80's pop culture references that will keep you laughing from beginning to end.
Looking forward to reading the sequel, Fifty Shames in Space.
Looking forward to reading the sequel, Fifty Shames in Space.

Red Otter (340 KP) rated Terraforming Mars: Venus Next in Tabletop Games
Jun 6, 2019
Venus Next adds Venus to the list of areas that can be terraformed, through either cards or a standard project. However, it is not required to in order to end the game. It sits as an optional board that takes up space. This is my least favourite of the expansion as it doesn't feel part of the game as closely as it should. It simply feels extra, another source of points. It adds floaters which can be a cool way of doing resources but as a expansion that improves the game? I disagree with that

Mayhawke (97 KP) rated Pitch Black (2000) in Movies
Feb 9, 2018
Before there was Toretto, there was Riddick.
One for the old-dark-house/monsters-from-outer-space lovers :)
A passanger ship crash-lands on a supposedly colonised planet. The inhabitants are all mysteriously missing. Turns out there are other inhabitants on the planet, no one knew about.
Ship's passengers find themselves suddenly dependant on the nasty mass-murderer previously chained up in the hold.
Nothing earth-shatteringly original here, but it's good creepy entertainment delivered well.
And Riddicks eyes are waaaayyy cooler than anything F & F served up 😆
A passanger ship crash-lands on a supposedly colonised planet. The inhabitants are all mysteriously missing. Turns out there are other inhabitants on the planet, no one knew about.
Ship's passengers find themselves suddenly dependant on the nasty mass-murderer previously chained up in the hold.
Nothing earth-shatteringly original here, but it's good creepy entertainment delivered well.
And Riddicks eyes are waaaayyy cooler than anything F & F served up 😆

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2277 KP) rated Mr. Monk in Outer Space (Mr. Monk, #5) in Books
Mar 9, 2018
Monk is called on to find a needle in a stack of needles when the producer of a cult science fiction show is shot by a costumed fan. But can Monk deal with the fans who are more obsessed then he is? I laughed my way through this book and thought the plot was great. Unfortunately, I felt the characters became caricatures in this volume. Still lots of fun.
Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Rachel Howser Roberts (96 KP) rated Salvage Trouble (Black Ocean Mission 1) in Books
Jul 9, 2018 (Updated Jul 9, 2018)
Firefly Meets Wizards
This book was advertised as Firefly with wizards, and that's pretty much what it is. There is almost a one-to-one correlation between the characters in the book and the characters in Firefly. That being said, I love Firefly and enjoyed the story very much. It's a fast-paced space opera. The story felt a little short to me, more like a TV episode verses a movie. The book was self-published and had some editing problems (specifically typos).

Dork_knight74 (881 KP) rated Cargo: Space is Cold (2012) in Movies
Aug 1, 2018
Find this one in Amazon. It's in German with English subtitles but was a pretty interesting sci-fi thriller. The acting was decent enough and the effects weren't too bad. The story unfolds a bit slow but it's interesting enough if you pay attention. It's definitely an interesting idea. Involves the concept of space travel to other passengers because of what we have done to earth and he technology is used by the "government" to fool us into believing there's a utopia like planet that we've habitated. Worth a watch if you're bored.