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Mice and Mystics
Mice and Mystics
2012 | Adventure, Exploration, Fantasy, Fighting, Miniatures
Miniature game pieces are amazing (3 more)
Game board tiles art is amazing
Card artwork is amazing
Story is amazing ice a
Epic board game
Mice and Mystics is a phenomenal dungeon based board game which has an awesome story to help drive game play. The fighting mechanism is all down the roll of the dice with opportunity for the attacks to also be blocked by the roll of the dice. You get a chance to search for special equipment as well to help your missions. If you want a game that is going to keep you occupied for hours and can be played between 1 and 4 people it is one that needs to be purchased. This will not let you down in any way.
The Truman Show (1998)
The Truman Show (1998)
1998 | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi
My only highlight is the ending because so feared it would never come (0 more)
Jim Carrey (2 more)
The acting
The so called comedy
I don’t understand why people love this
There are some films that are heralded as special within film culture, most of these are deserved but this film is not deserving of the love shown.
Jim Carey is beyond abysmal in this movie, from his vocal delivery to his odd facial expressions, there is no saving grace from him in the movie.

An interesting premise but unfortunately something that could be groundbreaking becomes derived and pointless.

I’m sad I can’t enjoy this movie but unfortunately unless this movie is remade the Truman Show needs to be axed and visit Room 101 for crimes against good films.
The Path (Tag #1)
Peter Riva | 2015
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review: The Path by Peter Riva Simon Bank does not know he is special. He is the one that starts it all by doing something in the system. He needs to fix it to save humanity on Earth. We learn what we do not know yet. Earth needs to be in balance and if not our world will be gone and we will not know what has happened.Who and how does Peter and then Apollo and Ra become as they do? Peter Riva has you wondering whether it will happen in our real world after a couple chapters. He does so well that all his characters seem real and that you are a part of the story.Will earth survive or will it be exterminated? Simeon reveals secrets and meets up with Crammer and Angie and a few others. Will they help or will they not? Can Crammer and Angie protect Simeon? Will they stay on the Path?If You enjoy this book you will enjoy "Reaching Angelica" which you will want to read. You can review "Reaching Angelica" by clicking the link.