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Chakra Wisdom Oracle: How to Read the Cards for Yourself and Others
Chakra Wisdom Oracle: How to Read the Cards for Yourself and Others
Tori Hartman | 2017 | Mind, Body & Spiritual
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s quite possibly a little known fact that I used to review a lot more new age, self-help books and products in the past, hence the name ‘alternative’ in my website address. So when I saw this available for review it reminded me of those days, and I jumped at the chance of reviewing this – “How to Read the Cards for Yourself and Others (Chakra Wisdom Oracle) Tori Hartman“. Tori is a professional intuitive following a near-death experience some twenty years ago.

Unfortunately, this whole book is built around a set of Tarot style 49 mystical fable cards, revealed to Tori, which do not come with this book. It also focuses on The Chakra Wisdom Oracle Toolkit, which I also do not own. But there is an iPhone app! You can also go online and try them out there for free (an online shuffler).

I really must get these cards… they look gorgeous and after reading all about them I am definitely curious. I also quite like the idea of the toolkit too. Chakra Wisdom Oracle Toolkit: A 52-week journey of self-discovery with the lost fables.

The book itself explains what the cards mean and how to interpret them. You learn about the Great Servant and the 17 Great Spirits of the Council, which all relate to chakra coloured cards, with different aspects and teachings on. It’s written in a concise and well laid out format. There are also some handy quick reference tables to help simplify the teachings, plus reading techniques and meditative journaling are also covered.

With 320 pages, it is quite full on, which in my eyes is a good thing. It doesn’t skimp on detail. Plus, if you visit Tori’s website there are now courses you can take up to train you how to use these cards even further, and more in depth.

I can recommend this book to anyone who is already a fan of spiritual guides and tarot cards, or if this is something that just appeals to you, (there’s a reason for that) just try it out and see. If you’re dedicated enough you can learn so much more by repeated use to better your understanding of what these cards are telling you and how to read them fully.
GERONIMO!!!! I thought I loved Rachelle before reading this book...and before reading her acknowledgements...I love her even more now!!! Aye...That I do, love! Bahaha! Ok, but seriously...Full review to soon as I can manage to get all of my thoughts into a cohesive post.

Here is my full review folks!
When the person you fear the most shows up to "rescue you"....When your life is dependent on this man's rescue....When your life is in the hands of the person you fear the most. Where does your hope come from? Where can you find rest?

The Sound of Diamonds had me sucked into the story from the first chapter. This book is very fast paced with a lot happening. Witnessing Gwyneth's journey to freedom in both the physical and the spiritual sense was tender and sweet as well as fierce and terrifying.

The tension between Gwyneth and Dirk is priceless. I loved watching them banter, argue, and grow together. Dirk and his roguish, piratey ways and Gwyn being the pious Catholic that she is, make such an excellent pair.

Freedom is something that can be so easily taken for granted. We are blessed to be able to worship as we choose, believe how we choose, without the risk of imprisonment and annihilation. Nothing can compare to finding God's peace, allowing Him to fill us up and let His love wash over us. The truth can be hard, but the truth will always win, and even though it may be challenging, I have found that it is always the best path to take.

This book is FULL of adventure and peril. Set in 1566 when religious tensions were extremely high between the Catholics and the Protestants, you will find yourself right in the middle of the fight. Will Gwyn open her heart to the loving salvation of Jesus? Will Dirk be able to clear his name of a crime he did not commit? Find out for yourself in The Sound of Diamonds. This is one adventure you don't want to miss!

I received a free copy of The Sound of Diamonds. This did not influence my review and I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
In the Heart of the Sea (2015)
In the Heart of the Sea (2015)
2015 | Action, Drama
Based on a novel by Nathaniel Philbrick, “In the Heart of the Sea,” is the tale that inspired “Moby Dick.” Set in 1820, the whaling ship Essex is taken out by a gigantic bull sperm whale and the crew finds themselves at the mercy of the sea.

Director Ron Howard strikes a fine balance between drama and action. The film doesn’t linger too long on building up the background story before plunging into an enthralling adventure. The character development is rapid, yet still manages to create depth and give the audience a chance to connect to the personalities.

Early in the film an entertaining power struggle takes place between Captain George Pollard, Jr. (Benjamin Walker) and First Officer Owen Chase (Chris Hemsworth). Captain Pollard was born into a prestigious whaling family and though not the most experienced, is placed in the position of Captain. Chase on the other hand was an orphan who grew up putting in hard work on whaling ships. The conflict between the two men dooms the crew and the ship from the outset.

The first scenes of whaling are hard to watch, bringing to light the aspect of humans as beasts themselves hunting peaceful creatures for oil.

After the ship has had a bit of success, they move on to take more. Greed and anger backfire and nature fights back. When the ship is taken out by the enraged bull sperm whale, a sheer battle for survival, requiring brute strength and quick thinking ensues.

The ominous seas show no mercy to the men, bringing them to the brink of death. When the men begin to starve they resort to cannibalism. The emotional battle of moral struggle is heart wrenching.

The film has a spiritual quality, incorporating themes of the human experience of survival, ignorance, transcendence. It also has some political undertones dealing with the subject of big oil that, despite being a very old story, are still relevant today.

The graphics are absolutely stunning and the acting is good. But the story and execution is what makes it a truly great film. It is the sum that’s greater than the individual parts in this case, which makes the film an awe inspiring experience.

I give “In the Heart of the Sea” 5 out of 5 stars.

Graham Massey recommended Welcome by Santana in Music (curated)

Welcome by Santana
Welcome by Santana
1973 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I ended up with this record because it was at that point in my teenage years when I was swapping records with my mates at school. We were all a long-haired, Afghan coat-wearing gang into Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin and all those classic rock guitar bands. And Santana were almost amongst that; even when you go to albums like Abraxas and the early albums, they have a quite exotic kind of quality about them, so when Welcome came out, it was really rejected by the gang. It was like, ""Whoah! They've gone too far! What is this nonsense? We don't understand it!"" I got someone else's copy of it and I really started to sink into it. There are so many signposts in this record to the jazz world that has sustained me through the years. The first time I heard the words ""John Coltrane"" was through this record. Alice Coltrane is on the first track, which is this version of Dvořák's 'Going Home', which is adapted from his New World Symphony. It's like a classical piece played on a Mellotron. It's very dramatic and it's got nothing to do with rock music and more to do with that spiritual jazz that Alice Coltrane was knocking about. At that point, you couldn't give Alice Coltrane records away, and it's interesting that they didn't really gain currency until the late 90s. And then you've got people like Leon Thomas on the record, the guy who did the yodeling on Pharoah Sanders' records, which would lead you to his records. And John McLaughlin is on there, which would then lead you to The Mahavishnu Orchestra. Back then, you'd find these names on records and then when you were in the record shop, you'd find these names again and it all connected up like dot-to-dots. The concept of ""fusion"" throws up so many bad images because there's a load of shit there, but there's also so much good stuff as well. With this album, I opened the door expecting that rock guitar thing, but the sound of this record is fascinating: it has so much air in it and you can hear the sound of the room being pushed around. To me, this record is like audio sunshine and it transports me to some transcendental place."

Rise of the Guardians (2012)
Rise of the Guardians (2012)
2012 | Action, Animation, Family
8.0 (41 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Jack Frost is the spiritual figure that nobody believes in, he keeps children happy everyday, but no one will remember him for his work, now he gets given a chance to become a guardian giving him the chance to be the hero the world needs. North is the leader of the guardians the first selected to help to replace Pitch giving the children of the world hope, even if he does feel like colossus from Deadpool. Pitch was once the one that struck fear into children, he wants his crown back and will look to take the belief out of any children in the world. Tooth, Bunny and Sandy make up the rest of the guardians that have mixed feelings towards Jack being chosen as their newest member. Using the iconic fantasy characters does make us understand what they thieve for, but is often used for a pun throughout the film.

Story – The story here follows a reckless potential new guardian that must prove his place in the guardians with the much more experienced and famous icons of fantasy. While this does follow a generic idea, it is fun throughout and does play into the idea of childhood innocence keeping legends alive. The idea of Jack Frost needing to find his place in the battle is the strongest part of the film and is easily the one part of the film you want to see most of.

Adventure/Fantasy – The adventure that Jack Frost must go on brings him to the next moment of his stage of immortality, being on a level with a Santa or Tooth Fairy, this is him finding himself in this world that is full of fantasy icons that children will always be believing in.

Settings – The film takes us to different lands which would be the ones you would imagine finding the fantasy icons, the north pole being the most iconic.

Animation – The animation standard is top notch just like we are expecting from a major study involvement in a film.

Scene of the Movie – The final battle.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – A lot of the jokes are aimed at how people would imagine talking to each of the guardians.

Final Thoughts – This is a fantasy family animation that can be enjoyed by all, it doesn’t over test the audience and comes off fun throughout.


Overall: Fun family animation that will give you a smile.
MirrorMask (2005)
MirrorMask (2005)
2005 | Drama, Family, Sci-Fi
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Mirror World of Weirdness
Now, I will admit that even though I have read many of Neil Gaiman's works, I had never heard of this movie before, until just recently and I must admit that I really enjoyed this movie a lot! What was the most interesting thing to me about this movie was that the drawings that Helena had drawn throughout the film was none other than Dave McKean's drawings, who was well known for doing a lot of the artwork for Neil Gaiman's books! I loved the way that the drawings provided a haunting and surreal atmosphere for the film as I found myself either being memorized by the imagery (the scenes with the City of Lights were beautiful) or being frightened by the imagery (the scenes with the sphinx cats really creep me out). I also loved the fact that this film is somewhat of a spiritual successor to "Labyrinth," another film from the Jim Henson Company, as both films dealt with the main character having problems with their families and once they enter another world, they have to save the people who resemble their family members from whatever dark force happens to come upon them. The actors and the actresses in this film were fantastic, with my favorite character being Valentine as he was played wonderfully by Jason Barry and he really brought so much humor to the film. I also loved Stephanie Leonidas' portrayal of Helena as she is shown to be a spunky girl who doesn't seem to be afraid of the frightening world she ends up in and it really makes me get into her character.

The only problem that I had with this film was that the story tend to get a little confusing at times to the point where I don't exactly know what is quite going on with the characters. Like for instance, the movie didn't really explain about what kind of condition Helena's mother had that caused her to go to the hospital in the first place and even though it wouldn't be a major part of the film, I still would like to know what kind of disease Helena's mother had that would be so dangerous to her health.

Overall, "Mirrormask" is a fantastic and surreal film that anyone who is a huge fan of Neil Gaiman's works or surreal movies in general will definitely enjoy for many years to come!
The Northman (2022)
The Northman (2022)
2022 | History, Thriller
7.9 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The bloody action. (2 more)
The rhythmic, pounding score.
Amleth's visions and strange encounters.
May be too weird or slow for some. (2 more)
Won't change your opinion of Robert Eggers if you already dislike him as a filmmaker.
...Did you say fart sniffing?
A Gory Viking Epic Forged in Boisterous Greatness
The Northman is director Robert Eggers third feature length film after The Witch and The Lighthouse. The film is written by Eggers and Sjón (Lamb, frequent collaborator with Björk). The Northman is described as an epic historical action drama, but is essentially a Viking revenge film. Taking place in AD 895, King Aurvandill War-Raven (Ethan Hawke) is killed by his brother, Fjölnir (Claes Bang). Aurvandill’s son, Amleth (Oscar Novak portrays young Amleth) flees and swears revenge on his uncle while vowing to save his mother Queen Gudrún (Nicole Kidman).

In AD 914, a now adult Amleth (Alexander Skarsgård) has been raised as a Viking and was enlisted as a berserker. Seemingly losing his focus in furious battle, Amleth is reminded of his vengeful mission a few years later by a Seeress (Björk) that predicts that Amleth will soon get his sought after revenge on his uncle.

The film is based on the story of Amleth, which was written sometime before the year 1200 and inspired Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The Northman feels like it’s forged by the same cinematic swordsmith that created the likes of Conan the Barbarian, Beowulf, and Gladiator, but with a bloodier, and slightly trippier ambiance Robert Eggers tends to be known for.

Amleth’s opening voiceover as the film opens with a monstrously intimidating volcano on the verge of erupting is haunting. Alexander Skarsgård has this gruff and nearly grunt-like growl to his speech that you can feel reverberate in your chest as he speaks. The score to the film is also just as memorable and incredible. On paper, it’s just a series of loud drumming or pounding, a fancy string arrangement, and some harmless chanting. But all of those elements together suddenly become this impressive musical declaration of war. The score constantly crescendos and always finds a way to ignite a fire within you.

It’s humorous to think that most will have seen Willem Dafoe last in Spider-Man: No Way Home. Dafoe’s role as Heimir the Fool is also a leap in a different direction even when compared to his role as Thomas Wake in The Lighthouse. Heimir’s key role in the story is to oversee the spiritual journey Almeth takes with Aurvandill right before his death. It’s a bizarre sequence as both grown men and young boy are dressed in nothing but loin cloths as they act like dogs, get on their hands and knees, drink water from a bowl, belch, and take turns sniffing each other’s farts. It’s an intriguing role for Dafoe as he’s this crowd pleasing jester one minute and a spiritual guide the next.

The barbaric action is fairly straightforward in The Northman, but what complicates things are Amleth’s visions. Beginning with his encounter with the Seeress, Amleth also battles an undead spirit for the Night Blade, has a vision of a Valkyrie taking him to Valhalla, and sees his unborn children in rare glimpses of the future. These surreal sequences have a palpable dream-like quality to them. It makes you wonder if they’re actually occurring or are only in Amleth’s head.

Nicole Kidman is exceptional as Queen Gudrún. The character is written in a way that makes her seem like a damsel in distress, but she’s much more evil and manipulative. At first, she seems like the typical Queen character that is pushed aside in order to give the spotlight to the king. But once Gudrún comes face to face with an adult Amleth, she strikes like a snake with venomous words that pierce Amleth deeper than any weapon actually could. Kidman shines in the role as well as you seem to love the fact that a mother could be so cruel to one of her children.

Spoiling a film is no fun, but since The Northman is kind of bombing at the box office right now ($23.5 million opening weekend on a $70-$90 million budget) this is worth mentioning. The finale of the film takes place at the volcano Hekla, which resides at the Gates of Hel. Lava is spilling out everywhere as smoke fills the air and two grown men sword duel to the death. That’s right, the ending of The Northman has two naked men sword fighting at the base of an erupting volcano. It’s freaking nuts.

The Northman is a bloody and ferocious battle cry of a revenge film. The action is brutal and the performances are extraordinary. This is Robert Eggers at his most savage and masterful.
Healing Is a Choice: 10 Decisions That Will Transform Your Life and 10 Lies That Can Prevent You From Making Them
Healing Is a Choice: 10 Decisions That Will Transform Your Life and 10 Lies That Can Prevent You From Making Them
Stephen Arterburn | 2011 | Mind, Body & Spiritual, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Religion
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is an excellent resource for anyone who has gone through a painful experience and has yet to heal from it. Big or small, public or secret. Maybe you've gone through the Bible, gone to counseling, talked to people, taken medicine, and nothing is helping. Maybe you haven't told a soul and you don't know what to do.

This book is for you.

The ten decisions (and ten lies exposed!) are so straightforward that they totally change your thinking. It's blunt, clear, easy to read, and divided up into chunks that are easy to swallow (although I had no problem tearing through several chunks at a time because of how clear and understandable it is).

Here are 5 reasons why this is a great book for individuals and small groups:

It comes from someone who has not only counseled people with problems, but someone who has been through emotional and spiritual pain himself. He understands what you're thinking and feeling, and he has a way of writing it that everything makes sense.
It is extremely biblically founded. It's not just quoting a few verses and most of it psychology… It's all straight from God's word.
The new version has a workbook built right into it. There are journaling places, Bible verses to look up and relate back to the chapter, and exercises to complete (individually, or as a group, depending on your situation).
It can be used as a devotional, or as a small-group handbook, because everything in here will apply to every small or large problem you have.
I know this is really random, but there are decent sized margins and good space between the lines. This makes for good annotating and note taking. I don't know about you, but all my non-fiction books—especially God books—have writing all over them. It annoys me when I don't have space to write my thoughts in the book. There is space in this one.
All in all, I encourage you to grab this book. It's excellent and I love it, and have been using it for my personal Bible study.

Content/Recommendation: Some of the stories used for examples included in this book are about very…mature topics. I would recommend ages 14+, and if used for anyone younger than that, maybe a parent or small-group leader to guide the younger students and explain certain things, or assign only specific readings. That being said, there is nothing graphic or offensive. In my experience, however, some young teens are just not ready for certain content. As always, this is only a personal recommendation.
The Lightning Thief
The Lightning Thief
Rick Riordan | 2005 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (100 Ratings)
Book Rating
I decided to read this partly because I had just seen the movie and partly because I heard that it was a good series for fans of the Harry Potter series. Well, in regards to the movie, it's appalling how much the producers changed the book's plot to make the movie. If they make a second movie, I likely will not be interested, as I much more prefer the book's plot. In regards to the book's similarities to Harry Potter, they are vast, but really, who wouldn't aim to write something as popular and complex as the Harry Potter series? J.K. Rowling owns a castle! So, on to the actual book.
Years ago I thought that writing a fantasy series that uses Greek mythology would be a great idea, so I was excited when I heard of the Percy Jackson series. I love the modernized spin on the various good and bad characters, bringing them to life in both creative and believeable ways, such as Ares on a Harley and "Mr." Charon wearing Italian suits. The "Gods" of mythology at times seemed more like immature teenagers or work-aholic parents, with as much flaws as any normal human, and I really appreciated that they were differentiated from The GOD early on, and their place in the known universe was explained in the context of Percy's world. I especially like the scene of Hephaestus' trap that Percy and Annabeth get caught in. How the "normal" humans explained away the activities of the mythological characters was probably the most creative of the whole text, and at times rather humorous. It actually makes me wonder how much of what I see everyday is only a cover for what is really happening in the spiritual realm.
The only element that really bugged me about the text was how Percy changed from this moody, victimized pre-teen to a rather mature young man with almost no transition - emotional or otherwise. It almost felt like Percy possessed two different personalities that shared the same body. While Percy often says that he did not want to be the son of Poseidon, I found evidence of inner termoil strangely absent throughout the text. I also felt that there were smaller issues that could have been more detailed and developed, such as the characters of Grover and Annabeth. I will be continuing the series with The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 2) in the near future.
Warriors with Holy Hands
Warriors with Holy Hands
Peter Toeg | 2017
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Warriors With Holy Hands is the story of a young woman who finds herself lost in time and whose life over a period of three years is spiraling downward. Ruth Falk is stricken with an inexplicable illness and then orphaned. With only a distant relative in her life now, Ruth faces a life of debilitating pain and infirmity. She determines to look to the past for answers she believes her bloodline may reveal.

Searching through diaries and records, Ruth discovers blood relatives and others who lived far away over the course of a century. We follow their lives across three generations culminating in the revelation of indisputable connections that are created—words and actions with lasting results.

Ruth learns that a curse spoken by one ancestor may have had a devastating domino effect, one whose beginning also engaged her prayer-warrior grandmother in a pitched spiritual battle to break. A challenged believer herself, Ruth grows in the faith of her predecessors who faced ominous situations.

The rich symbolism of Judaism provides a backdrop for the saga with traditions and meaning sprinkled throughout the story.

When she faces increasing paralysis, Ruth and a birth friend in the faith journey to the Southern Highlands of Tennessee where it all began. Here in the span of seven days—over ten months—all that has unraveled in recent years comes together. Life as she knows it will never be the same.

God reveals himself to Ruth and others in remarkable ways along a tortuous path that comes full circle.

Warriors is a mystery that is finally, stunningly, revealed as serendipitous fruit from the branches of a family tree. It is a story of encouragement and life that empowers those who seek God and believe.

My Thoughts: This is a story about Ruth, a woman who is injured while deployed. As she recovers from her injuries, including PTSD and other physical injuries, she learns about her past through journals that her aunt gave to her. The author has done a skillful job of intertwining the history from the journals to the present time to Ruth. The author Peter Toeg, presents us with a good picture of how we can be affected by our past relatives whether it's good or bad.

I love history and journals. We cal learn so much through our past. This is a story about healing, both physically and of course, spiritually. The author has done a brilliant job with this storyline and I believe that others will enjoy this book also.