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Well, I read this book in under twenty-four hours easily, and that is with two toddlers to keep me on my toes. With all of the positive reviews out there, I'm surprised it took me this long to get to this book, even despite the over-abundance of vampires in fiction literature.
Cat is like a Midwestern version of Buffy, with a healthy dose of vampire genetics to add to her coolness. Bones' style, looks, and British accent remind me of Spike, so he quickly became my favorite character in the book. These factors alone are enough to get me hooked on the series, but Frost's ability to write hot sex scenes without any of the cheesiness that is prevalent in the romance genre just adds to the appeal.
There were a few small things I did not like, such as the death of certain characters, but I can see how these events served to move the plot along. There were many unpredictable twists and turns in the plot that constantly had me guessing as to what would happen next - and reading to find out. The humor was very entertaining without becoming center-stage in the plot, and I especially loved the dynamics between Cat and Bones. I would have loved to read all two hours of dirty talk that Bones dished out to Cat as part of her training, his forthrightness with her regarding his feelings was intoxicating.
The ending was noble, but not what I would have preferred. Still, it sets up wonderfully for the next book, because I just know that Bones will be hunting Cat down like he promised. Plus, there is lots of untapped potential in Cat's abilities, and I have to wonder if she does not have the same abilities as other vamps with her green eyes. On to One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress, Book 2)!
The Festival (2018)
The Festival (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Mud spelt backwards
#thefestival #thefestivalmovie is overlong, overstuffed, unfunny, repetitive and out dated dribble. After enjoying all 3 seasons of #theInbetweeners I found by the time the films were released the formula was starting to become tiresome and predictable. So now along comes The #Festival and I'm sad to say nothing has changed at all. Within the first ten minutes I found myself exhausted by its relentless #humour and its need to shock, its all just far to simple/predictable and tries nothing new at all going for cheap #laughs over quality every time. Acting is also at times borderline atrocious with most scenes feeling far too scripted and forced. I found none of the characters likable and even during the standard ups and downs of the story you can see things coming from a mile off so I just couldnt sympathise or warm to any of them. Considering they are at a festival #music is not integrated well here, there's #famous hits blasted out over montages but very rarely are we treated to artists blaring from stages or shown bands on stage. This is #teenage humour at its most garish with no jokes hitting their mark/done better in other films and most out stay their welcome. Not many people were laughing in my screening either except one teen who was roaring from start to finish. I appreciate I may not be the target audience for this type of film any more but I cant help but feel with this kind of film now days once you've seen one you've seen them all. Overall it does nail the shit side of attending a festival extremely well but it lacks so much in atmosphere that its almost impossible to enjoy the cliched barebones story or care for its dull characters. A complete waste of my time and I just cant recommend it to anyone accept giggly #teens. #odeon #odeonlimitless #funny #silly #sex #camping #dj #joethomas #drunk #jermaineclement #noelfielding
#filmreview #filmbuff #filmcritic #inbetweeners #uk #british #joke #party #drinking
Rocketman (2019)
Rocketman (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama
I knew before watching this that it wasn’t your average biopic but that still didn’t prepare me for how truly wacky and wonderful it was. But then when you think of Elton John, would you really expect anything less flamboyant?

This is more like an Elton John musical complete with rather strange fantasy elements, and I have to admit that the fantasy is mostly the bit I didn’t like. Singing with younger versions of himself were fine, but the rest I just found a little too odd and ill fitting. However despite this, it’s still a rather good musical. All of the songs that you’d expect are in here and it was a struggle not to sing along. I do think that the general sound on the music in this didn’t seem quite as good as Bohemian Rhapsody, it didn’t feel quite as immersive and concert like and it was in the same screen!

Taron Egerton does a wonderful job, I’ve said before that he’s a marvellous actor and he proves it yet again here. Whilst he doesn’t look exactly like Elton John i can’t imagine anyone else playing this role and there were some moments later on in the film that I had to do a double take as he looked so like him! There are other great performances too, namely Richard Madden as the smarmy John Reid and Jamie Bell as Bernie Taupin. There are some scenes with Bernie and Elton that almost have me in tears. I know fairly little about Elton’s earlier life so for me this was rather an informative and fascinating film too, and I was beyond glad at the end to hear that Bernie is still going. I couldn’t have coped if he wasn’t!

This film isn’t faultless and I felt like it was rather drawn out, but it’s still a rather good musical biopic and definitely one I’d like to see again and sing along too. Indeed, wouldn’t this be marvellous as a musical stage show?

Lee (2222 KP) May 29, 2019

Yeah I didn't feel this was really a sing along kind of movie, in the way Bohemian Rhapsody was


p3anut (62 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Dauntless in Video Games

Jun 1, 2019  
2019 | Action, Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Customization (2 more)
Hack and slash fun
Voice acting
Beta (1 more)
Dauntless+dash of monster Hunter+ rpg mmo=
I want to start out by saying if it wasn't for Xbox game share I never would have discovered dauntless. I saw my buddy had downloaded it so I decided to give it a go.

At first glance I was a little put off since it was made by epic, had fortnite looking character models and I didn't know anything about the game. And right now I'm a little burnt out on the fortnite craze.

After about 10mins of playtime, I found myself really enjoying the hunting aspect of the game. The monsters are huge and sometimes they have little ones around them that you have to kill before attacking the bigger ones. The battles range from 5min to 30min so far which is pretty nice depending on your time constraints.

The world hub that you visit in between hunts is fairly decent sized and full of human characters. They have this cool little icon feature where you can see if the player is on pc or Xbox. The hub is full of what you would expect from an RPG games as a service title. It has your typical weapon master, grenade master, potions master, and armor master. And of course looped into all of those are micro transactions for skins and dye packs etc.

Which if you're like me you don't really care about customizing the color of your hat etc. Enough to spend actual money on.

I've only played about 4 hrs of dauntless and so far I'm pretty into it. I do feel like eventually the grind will get repetitive but I will update once I have at least 10hrs put into it. As I mentioned in my tags it is in a beta stage so don't be surprised from some lag from time to time or quests not showing on the screen as completed because even tho it doesn't show, it does complete them

ClareR (5674 KP) rated The Ghost of Hollow House in Books

Jun 9, 2019 (Updated Jun 9, 2019)  
The Ghost of Hollow House
The Ghost of Hollow House
Linda Stratmann | 2019 | Mystery, Paranormal
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Victorian ghostly mystery.
This is a mystery set in Victorian England (1872), a time when women were the weaker sex and unable to tolerate anything vaguely ‘upsetting’. Mina Scarletti clearly hasn’t seen the memo about this. She’s intelligent, witty and brave - she’s also 4 feet 8 inches tall, and she has what appears to be a severe scoliosis. So those who don’t know her are surprised by her outlook on life and her independence. Mina is a great character, as are Dr Hamid, who is her physician and travels with her, and Nellie, her friend.

Nellie is invited to stay with an old friend, Kitty, from her stage days, and her wealthy husband. They have a large house in the country and it appears to be haunted. The maids won’t stay overnight, and Mrs Honeyacre (Kitty) is beside herself. Her husband is a big follower of spiritualism and the occult(it was very fashionable at this time), but just not in his house.

It’s a slow burner, but when the action gets going, it really does go for it. I’m no expert on Victorians, but the attitudes and daily routines rang true, and the characters were all interesting and on the whole, likeable - especially Mina. I loved how she consistently surprised the male characters: they expected a meek and mild, sickly girl, and got an outspoken and independent woman instead.

I hadn’t realised when I began to read this, that it was the fourth in a series. I didn’t feel that I missed anything by not reading the first three, and it definitely could be read as a stand-alone. However, based on this novel, I would think that books 1-3 will be going on to my ‘to read’ pile!

If you like Victorians, mysteries and possibly ghosts, then this is a book that you’ll enjoy. I did!

Many thanks to Sapere books for my copy of this to read and honestly review.
The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock
The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock
Imogen Hermes Gowar | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stunning prose (2 more)
Enjoyable plot
Interesting characters
It ended. (0 more)
This is the best book I've read in months, it immediately made my list of favorites on Goodreads and I'm sure that I'm starting to annoy people with my raving about this book.

Visually the book is a stunner and one you can definitely judge by its cover. It's rare to find a historical fantasy where the fantasy aspect takes more of a backseat. I love both genres but this was a perfect balance between the two. The Regency London setting rather than Medieval or Victorian was really refreshing as was the use of mermaids rather than vampires/werewolves/zombies/magic. I've read a few reviews where people complain that the mermaids are prolific enough considering the title but I think this is only the case if you enter it anticipating the focus to be mermaids. It's definitely a consistent theme from start to finish but it doesn't take center stage until the very end. If you go in expecting mermaids galore, you might be a little disappointed.

A lot of historical fiction written after the time it portrays attempts to emulate the formal language of the time and usually with cringe-worthy results. This book is an exception. The prose is lightly reminiscent of a Jane Austen novel and beautifully descriptive but not overly so. The plot isn't one you can guess from the first page and while you can make educated guesses, the journey there is full of delightful twists and turns.

Really though I cannot say enough about this book. The only word that seems to come close is 'sumptuous'. It's the sort of book you can easily reread because the enjoyment doesn't hinge on shocking plot twists or mystery and suspense. It was a sheer joy to read and I dreaded the ending from the very first chapter. I almost never reread books but this is one I actually look forward to rereading.
7 Days In Entebbe  (2018)
7 Days In Entebbe (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, International
Doesn't really work
Most of us (including me), when we heard about the new film 7 DAYS IN ENTEBBE, thought to themselves "didn't they just make this film a few years ago...?" The answer is yes. A similar film to this - RAID ON ENTEBBE - was a TV movie made a few years ago - 42 years ago, to be precise. It starred Peter Finch, Martin Balsam, Jack Warden and good ol' Charles Bronson. Made a mere few months after the true events, this slapped together movie was an old-fashioned "shoot 'em up."

This film is most definitely not.

7 DAYS IN ENTEBBE tells the true story of the 1976 Air France Hijacking of (mostly) Israeli citizens that settle in Entebbe, Uganda (under the leadership of crazed dictator Idi Amin) - refusing to negotiate with terrorists, the Israeli government plan, stage and execute a daring rescue mission.

Sounds like a pretty good plot for a Charles Bronson shoot-em-up.

In this version, Director Jose Padilha (the 2014 remake of ROBOCOP) decides to focus most of his attention not on the hijacked Israeli citizens, but rather, a pair of German hijackers juxtaposed against the political infighting in Israel between Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Defense Minister Shimon Peres. The Israeli governmental infighting was interesting to watch with intriguing characters and cat-and-mouse back-stabbing politics while the plight of the kidnappers was underwritten and underwhelming. Consequently, this film was "just okay".

Oh...and it had about an hour-fifteen minutes of content stretched over an hour-forty-five minutes, so to stretch things out, Padilha decided to cut back and forth between the action (what there was of it) and a modern dance recital. Clearly he was trying a metaphor of the dance punctuating the emotions and actions elsewhere. It just didn't work for me.

Neither did this film. Skip this one and check out the Charles Bronson shoot-em-up.

Letter Grade C+

5 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Andy K (10821 KP) Mar 22, 2018

Too bad. This looked good.

Killbox (Sirantha Jax, #4)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Killbox won't make any sense without reading the previous three books, and I honestly feel that I should have gone back and re-read them before starting it. I was impatient for more fresh Aguirre after finishing [b:Shady Lady|6767883|Shady Lady (Corine Solomon, #3)|Ann Aguirre||6913777], though, and [b:Killbox|7843135|Killbox (Sirantha Jax, #4)|Ann Aguirre||6913748] is what I had on the Nook.

I really love Sirantha Jax's strength and complexity. She has grown and changed a great deal over the four books of the series, and reflects on the changes in herself during this book. Her relationship with March has deepened, as well. The depiction of a mature relationship being tested, rather than one that is fresh and new, is a nice switch from most of the books I've read recently.

The friendship between Velith and Jax is also a treasure. It is rare to see a pure friendship between a male and a female in fiction, without any sexual tension entering the picture. We're reminded that while he is an alien, Velith has had a human lover in the past, so it isn't as if that is impossible between the two — it just doesn't occur.

The book isn't solely about relationships, of course — I just appreciate how well Aguirre depicts relationships in and around the excellent plot. That's the part that you need background to understand.

The Morgut keep coming, a bigger threat than ever: they're colonizing instead of raiding. Jax secured a treaty with the Ithiss-Tor (Velith's people), but there's no help from them coming yet. Humanity's survival is on the line. Aguirre depicts battle believably, giving a sense of the horror without dwelling too much on gore.

Lovers are torn apart, established characters die, new ones come on stage. It's impossible to know at any given moment whether anyone, including Jax, will survive from scene to scene. That certainly kept me reading, and I think it will engage you, as well.
La2 - Single by Rami Salmi
La2 - Single by Rami Salmi
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Rime Salmi is a Canada-raised singer-songwriter with Moroccan roots. Not too long ago, she released a celebratory afro-pop tune, entitled, “La2”, produced by Ghanaian super producer Willisbeat.

‘La2’ tells a liberating tale of a courageous young woman who decides to trust her own instincts, visions, and dreams—regardless of what people might say she should or shouldn’t do.

What she wants most in life is to surf in Agadir, have drinks in New York, and go on expensive trips that she can’t afford.

Later, she admits that nothing in life is guaranteed, only what we choose to be. Therefore, what she chooses is a life that she wants to live.

‘La2’ contains a relatable storyline, gorgeous vocals, and joyful instrumentation scented with an Afro-pop fragrance. Also, the likable tune possesses joyful melodies sprinkled with ethnic Arabic rhythms.

“‘La2’ (‘no’ in Arabic) is about saying ‘no’ to what was expected of us, what society says is acceptable or ‘normal’, especially as women. This song stems from my desire to pursue my passion and break free from boundaries set by a conservative Arabic background, especially what is expected of me as a woman. I’m choosing to pursue my goals. I’m choosing to say yes to my own gut feeling, my vision, my dreams, and the world I wanna create. I’m learning to say ‘no’ and live my life how I’m the happiest. ‘La2’ is a joyful anthem that I hope will inspire freedom and living out loud, and living now because it’s all we have.” – Rime Salmi

Rime Salmi was born to Moroccan parents and raised in Canada. She grew up a child of many cultures.

Her music became a way to channel her challenges in being torn between two cultures: her traditional Moroccan heritage and her western Canadian upbringing.

Also, her charisma shines through her high-energy stage performances, which combines belly dancing, afrobeat dancing, and powerful vocals.
Flashback - Single  by Mathew V
Flashback - Single by Mathew V
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Mathew V is a singer-songwriter based in Vancouver, Canada. Not too long ago, he released a heartfelt music video for his emo-pop ballad, entitled, “Flashback”.

“I’m weak, is that what you make of me when I had to get up on my own. Seventeen, when he put his hands on me, and I had to find my way back home. But I, oh I, I’d never play you for a fool. But now, I’m here with nothing left to lose.” – lyrics

‘Flashback’ tells a bitter tale of Mathew V’s personal experience with sexual violence/rape at the age of seventeen, and how it affects his personal life today.

Five years ago, the above-mentioned incident occurred, and ever since then, the 22-year-old survivor has been trying his best to cope with the recurring flashbacks of him being violated sexually.

‘Flashback’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and piano-driven instrumentation flavored with sentimental elements.

“Writing this song was one of the hardest things I‘ve had to do in my life. I wrote this song about my experience with sexual violence/rape at seventeen years old, and how that situation has influenced and affected my life today. It was something that I always knew I had to process and had always avoided. But with every new song I wrote, I still had this in my closet, this weight on my chest.” – Mathew V

After 10 years of classical operatic vocal training, Mathew V moved to London, England at the age of 17 to teach himself how to write pop music.

Since then, he has penned a deal with 604 records and his debut single, “Tell Me Smooth”, went Top 40 on Canadian Radio (Hot AC/AC) for 18 weeks, peaking at #18.

Mathew has written with the likes of Dan Mangan, DiRTY RADiO, and on stage, he’s opened up for the likes of Betty Who, Hanson, Daya, MAGIC! and more.