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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
This is a "must see" movie, probably best Spider-man movie since Sam Raimi's first one (0 more)
Hard to adjust to animation in beginning, some minor characters felt unnecessary and underutilized, (0 more)
Amazingly Spectacular Again - 9/10
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is a computer animated superhero film based off of the Spider-Man comics and movie franchise focusing on the Miles Morales/Spider-Man. Produced by Colombia Pictures and Sony Pictures Animation, it's set in a shared multiverse, which has alternate universes, called, the "Spider-Verse". The movie was directed by Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, and Rodney Rothman from a screenplay by Phil Lord and Rodney Rothman and story by Phil Lord. Starring Shameik Moore, Jake Johnson, Hailee Steinfield, and Mahershala Ali.

Miles Morales, (Shameik Moore) is a normal regular teenager from Brooklyn, whose parents, police officer Jefferson Davis (Brian Tyree Henry) and nurse Rio Morales (Luna Lauren Velez); have enrolled him in a new school. He visits his estranged Uncle Aaron Davis (Mahershala Ali) to vent and deal with pressures of living up to his parents expectations and making friends at a new school. His Uncle Aaron takes him to blow off steam to an abandoned subway station where he can paint graffiti and Miles is unknowingly bitten by "the Spider-Man" spider. After discovering his new powers, he returns to the subway searching for the spider and uncovers a secret lab where Spider-Man is in battle with the Green Goblin and the Prowler. Wilson Fisk, a.k.a. the Kingpin, is using the lab to test a particle accelerator which Spider-Man says could destroy the city. During the battle Spider-Man finds Miles hiding and entrusts him with a USB drive, when things don't go as planned. And that's just the beginning.

This movie is a must see. If you haven't seen this movie you are definitely missing out. My only complaints would be some of the Spider-Man felt unnecessary; also the style of movie was very dynamic and hard to adjust to, particularly the opening/intro. Once you get past that it's totally fine. The writers created a clear and captivating plot that truly encompasses the struggle of the "Spider-Man" character; such as dealing with normal problems like school, girls, parents, and hero problems like adjusting to powers, bad guys, and saving the city. This movie was rated PG so was made for kids but has a message and themes where it can be enjoyed by all ages and doesn't feel like a kid movie. This movie has quite a few entertaining characters including some of the alternate version spider men like, Spider-Woman/Gwen Stacy (Hailee Steinfield), Peter Porker/Spider-Ham (John Mulaney), and Peter Parker/Spider-Man Noir (Nicolas Cage). Although light hearted and funny, this movie definitely touched on more serious issues like loss, death, betrayal, responsibility and finding one's self. Probably the best Spider-Man movie, undoubtedly the best since Sam Raimi's first Spider-Man. I give it a 9/10.
The Half Wolf
The Half Wolf
Jay Northcote | 2017 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a different take on shifters!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted the audio file of this book.

Quinn has lived in Wales his whole life. He knows of shifters and their nomadic lifestyle. He also knows that they suffer a lot of prejudice. Meeting Kellan, a wolf shifter who’s camped out in the valley, throws Quinn out of sorts: MORE out of sorts that he usually feels. Their attraction is obvious, but Kellan knows he can’t have Quinn. Quinn is human and wolves and humans do not mate, do they?

I usually write a bit about the book first, then the narration, but sometimes I can’t do that because my reviews often take a life of their own and this is one such time.

Hamish Long narrates. It's so nice to NOT have an American accent in your ear, you know? Long’s talent is only just coming to my attention, and I LOVED the narration of this book. His reading voice is deep and clear, and I had no trouble keeping up with the tale. His voices for the different characters were, I thought, spot on. With a mix of Welsh, non-descript English accents fitting for nomads and even an American accent thrown in, they were varied but accurate. The voice for the rogue wolf was major creepy, but very apt. Long gets across all of Quinn’s continuing changes and feelings, and all of Kellan’s need for Quinn, but knowing he can’t have him, and how much it breaks Kellan to realise that he might have to walk away.

My only niggle, and it’s a personal one, rather than a technical one, was that at first, I thought it was Quinn and Calum, not Kellan. But at some point, there was a marked difference in the name’s delivery, and I noticed Kellan more. Might just be me and my rubbish hearing though.

The story itself is well written and well delivered. Different enough to be interesting and to totally hold my attention from start to finish. And trust me on this, that’s a tricky thing right now! (major book funk!) While I twigged something was a little different in Quinn early on, how that all played out was not how I thought it would.

The rogue wolf was called an omega here, and that’s different to other wolf shifter books and I did like that some things were tipped on their head, I really did.

Not especially heavy on the smexy stuff, but plenty of steam! It’s not really needed here, I don’t think. Quinn and Kellan have passion and attraction and that comes across well enough. It is violent though, when dealing with the rogue and I think that was needed.

Long seems to have narrated a fair few of Northcote’s books, I might have a few more hours listening on my audio list now!

4 stars for the book

5 stars for the narration

4.5 overall but rounded UP for the blog.
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Kiss Me Again
Kiss Me Again
Garrett Leigh | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
difficult, but enjoyable
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Aiden fell from the tree he was working on, and ended up in hospital. The only person who seemed to be ale to get through to Aiden was Ludo. Ludo is fighting his own demons again, and Aiden seems to make him all . . well . . he doesn;t know the word but Aiden makes him feel good. And GOOD is not a thing Ludo has had for some time. When Aiden is released and Ludo not, things for oth of them spiral downhill. A chance meeting puts bth men back on track, but can they really be HAPPY? Either of them?

I found this a difficult read. But a very good one!

Ludo is bi-polar, and tries to keep up with his meds, but they keep changing his doses, and the type of meds he is taking, and he knows when he is going down, he can feel it. He can equally feel his highs. And these are the bits I struggled with the most. I have someone close to me who is bi-polar, and they are never able to voice how things make them feel. Getting into Ludo's head, difficult as it was, gave me a bit more insight into my friend's head. Scared me a bit, to be honest, but I really did not fully get what my friend was trying to tell me before. I do a bit better now. So hopefully I can be a better friend.

Aiden is GRUMPY! Oh he made me laugh, he really is a grumpy git, and he knows it! Ludo though, Ludo makes him want to NOT be and he tries, he really does. It just takes him time, since he's been so grumpy for so long.

The relationship between Ludo and Aiden moves at an even pace, steady and solid along the book. Its not overly sexy, but their is heat and steam aplenty. But its not about the sex between these two, it's about learning to love another, and what that menas for them.

Both Ludo and Aiden have their say. While both men are difficult to read, I did love them to pieces. I wanted to wrap them both up and be mum to them, I really did!

I loved the way Ms Leigh tells her tales. It takes time for Ludo's full medical history to come clear, and you get hints and snippets to put together your own version, not always correctly, mind!

I've not read anything else by Ms Leigh before, and this is what love most about reviewing for the blog. NEW to me authors pop up all the time. These authors have published many books, but not crossed my path before. So I'd love to read more by this author.

A thoroughly difficult but very enjoyable

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Winging It (Hockey Ever After #1)
Winging It (Hockey Ever After #1)
Morgan James, Ashlyn Kane | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so glad I gave this a go!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I will admit, hockey themed books tend to be a bit and miss for me, depending on the level of detailed descriptions about the actual playing of hockey. I have no interest in hockey, and it's not a very popular sport in the UK. So, when a blurb grabs me, about a hockey book, I walk into it with an open mind and give it a good go.

I was VERY pleased I took this on!

Gabe is far in the closet and has no plans to be out. Dante is not, in the closet nor out of it but a door opening at the wrong time, gets Dante a glance at Gabe in a man's arms. Dante's mind then goes into overdrive. Gabe is all, aside from hockey, he thinks about. When gabe is outed by an ex, Dante stands by his man. Cos Gabe is his, he just doesn't know it yet.

What I especially liked about this, was how things crept up on Dante. Gabe, for his part, liked Dante, and he played a part in Gabe's dreams, but Dante was a ladies man, before Gabe and that does throw him a little bit. Once he gets his head round it, Dante is happy to admit he is bi. And Dante goes all out to get Gabe in his bed and his heart.

Gabe is more cautious, and rightly so. He's been hurt before and doesn't want to be again, but sometimes, fate has a way of stuffing your plans out the window!

I loved the guys on the team, all of them even Kitty. He does a bad thing here, but he does redeem himself, beautifully! And the way they all pull together to help Tom was amazing. They saw he was off, and pulled a bit of an intervention to get to the bottom of it and then they all helped. Loved that.

I found the level of hockey descriptions just enough for me. Some may say there isn't enough, but fo ME, they were just detailed enough for me not to skip them, which is good, cos I would have missed some important bits had I skipped!

The level of steam is fairly high, but not ever so explicit and I liked that here. This is more about seeing what's in front of you, dealing with your past and planning for the future.

Book 2 has a different set of leads, so I'm wondering if that book follows this one, given what is said in the blurb, and given what happens here. I do hope we can catch up with Gabe and Dante though.

First I've read of either of this pair of authors, I will read more!

A very enjoyable 4 star read.

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Deception (The Secret Tales #2)
The Deception (The Secret Tales #2)
Sanna Brand | 2024 | Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Patrick and Charlotte are perfect for each other!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in The Secret Tales series, but can totally be read as a stand alone. I would say, as a personal point, that you will get a better understanding of the ladies of this time, and what they have to do to stay safe. It's also a stunning 5 star read, so you know, get to it!

I loved The Bond, and I loved this one too, for very different reasons!

The Bond is a slow burn, low steam book. Very much a fade to black book. And this one? Not so much! It's a tad steamier, but not explicit, at all. Patrick and Charlotte are perfect for each other, even if they were never meant to be. And I loved that difference about the two books, I really did.

I loved how Patrick deals with his injury: by not letting it get the better of him. Being confined to a wheelchair after a life at sea would be hard for anyone to deal with, but Patrick and his family set out to make his life easier, but not limiting. I gather from reading this, that injuries of this sort at that time were far more devastating than they are in this time. But once Patrick got his head round what HE needed, he got to it, and devised his new wheelchair, adapted his house to accomodate his chair. I love that his sister devised a new saddle for him to continue to ride his horse.

Lottie's forging her father's work is their only real stumbling block, but once Patrick knows WHY she does it, he understands, but makes sure Lottie knows it cannot continue once they are married. But that takes a nasty turn, and I really did not see that coming at me!

I had to giggle though, out loud! It was so funny, reading about what Lottie thought was going to happen on her wedding night. She really had no clue and it was Rose who educated her. Proper made me laugh! I loved that Rose and Rhys (since Rhys is Patrick's brother) play a huge part here, it was so lovely to catch up with them.

I wrote at the end of my review for The Bond that I thought one of Rose's sisters was the second book, but I cannot remember which one! However, Lottie is not one of Rose's sisters and one of LOTTIE'S sisters has the next book.

I love this group of ladies, and the men who fall for them and I really look forward to catching up with the supporting cast in future books, cos there are some interesting side characters!

Loved it, so it can only get:

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere