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Hustle of the Gunman [Galaxia Pirates 4] (Galaxia Pirates #4)
Hustle of the Gunman [Galaxia Pirates 4] (Galaxia Pirates #4)
A.M. Halford | 2017 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hustle of the Gunman (Galaxia Pirates #4) by A.M. Halford
Hustle of the Gunman is the fourth book in the Galaxia Pirates series. In this instalment, we have the exact opposite of insta-love. Instead, Darrel has been in love with Toby for over eight years, but Toby wants nothing to do with him. Toby finally succeeds in pushing him away, only to have a change of heart and realise Darrel is who he wants after all. There are reasons for him pushing Darrel away, but nothing that is explained in too much detail. In fact, it is just skimmed over, which is a shame when it has impacted his life to such an extent. It is during a job that goes wrong that Toby realises exactly how much Darrel means to him, and is determined to show him, just so long as Darrel survives.

There were parts of this book that I loved - the longing from afar between both Toby and Darrel, and Toby's mastery of knives, for example. Unfortunately for me, it was never explained why he mastered them. What drew his interest to knives and swords, in this space age of laser guns etc? And although his upbringing was rough, why did it impact his life for so long?

This was well written, don't get me wrong. The pacing was smooth, and it was action-packed. There are moments of steam, as well as tenderness. The characters are familiar but I'm still learning new things about them with each book. I would recommend this book as I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. However, it just didn't 'push my buttons' like some of the other stories have.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Bishop Ridge (Sawyer's Ferry #2)
Bishop Ridge (Sawyer's Ferry #2)
Cate Ashwood | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a far more engaging read than book one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in the Sawyer's Ferry series. It's not really necessary to read book one, Alaska, first but I would personally say you should. Gage and Holden play a huge part here. And their story is really rather good too!

Jackson walks into Logan's clinic and sparks fly. I mean, even Logan was thinking about going against his doctor/patient rules. But Logan passes Jackson's case to Holden and all bets are off. But both men have a no-repeat rule. So just why are they going for round two, three and more?

Logan is Gage's partner at the hospital and best friend. We met him in Alaska. I'm glad he got his story!

It is again told from both men's point of view in the first person. Not my favourite, but Ms Ashwood seems to somehow negate that fact and I really am enjoying this series.

I loved the fact that this . . . Non-relationship kinda creeps up on both the guys. Its very much a slow burn in regards to the emotions involved for them both. Steam and passion? Immediate and powerful but the emotions creep up on them and it takes a while for them to see. Loved that they both fought it, hard.

Loved how Logan made Jackson admit to his feelings but not what got them to that point! Scary, I was worried!

We never did get to the story about how Jackson has a gunshot wound from 6 years ago, but it's only when typing this up that I realised that!

I gave Alaska 4 stars, but I found myself far more engaged with Logan and Jackson, than I was with Gage and Holden, so. . .

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Siren's Fury
Siren's Fury
Mary Weber | 2017 | Children
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
**Please note that this is the second book in The Storm Siren Series. While I always strive to keep my reviews spoiler-FREE, if you have not read the first book, you MAY encounter unknown information in this review**

Mary Weber's unique world is completely incredible. Rich with colorful descriptions and details, I feel like this is a real place I would read about in my history books. Granted...the magical elements kind of give it away as being fiction.

One thing that I have come to appreciate in Young Adult Fiction is the use of symbolism. Reminds me a lot of Ted Dekker's circle trilogy. The evil and darkness vs. The good and pure. The struggle that can occur when we open ourselves to the darkness...And the power that it can have over us IF WE LET IT! Ahh! SO GOOD!!!! And this story just keeps getting more and more intense. This book has a much more steam punk feel to it vs the first book. Different country, different culture, different feel. I LOVE IT!

I do enjoy a book series that continues the story line because it gives the author a chance to develop the characters and thicken the plot. And also makes me glad that I usually wait till these books are all released before I dive into them...So I can, you know...BINGE READ!!!

As Nym continues on her journey of harnessing her powers and stopping a war before it starts...We meet a few new characters and a few old ones tag along. Forget everything you think you know.......And be prepared to be enchanted by this tale of good vs. evil. Make sure you have book 3 ready to go before you start this one...TRUST ME...You are going to want to keep reading.

I found Siren's Fury at my local library. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Sin's Thief (Vampires of Vadin #3)
Sin's Thief (Vampires of Vadin #3)
Shelby Rhodes | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sin's Thief (Vampires of Vadin #3) by Shelby Rhodes
Sin's Thief is the third book in the Vampires of Vadin, and I'm still denied my Kaiden and Asher pleasure! However, I am consoled by the amazing story of Cecil and Sin. Not only is Cecil the complete opposite of Sin in looks, deportment, and behaviour, but he is also the opposite in age. Cecil is only eighteen, whilst Sin is approximately six thousand! Talk about cradle robber!

It works though! Trust me on this. It really does.

Cecil may be young in years, but he has ages worth of experience in abuse and horror. His mother left him, his father is an alcoholic and thinks nothing of physically abusing his son. No, Cecil hasn't had it easy, which is why it is hard for him to trust either Sin, or anyone else he is introduced to.

This story is poignantly written in so many places. It's not just steam and sexy times, although they are there too. We learn the full extent of how Cecil's experiences have changed him. We learn about Sin's history, and his beast. Both these characters have more in common than you might originally think.

Once again, this was excellently written, with no editing or grammatical errors. There is one humdinger of a cliffhanger ending though, so consider yourself warned. We reunite with previous characters once again, and I loved the little updates about Adrian and Xavier, plus Stephen and Jayden.

I can't wait for the next book to see where that's going - and then I may also get a hint about Kaiden and Asher. Please, Ms. Rhodes, I'm begging you! Highly recommended by me.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Raising Steam: (Discworld Novel 40)
Raising Steam: (Discworld Novel 40)
Terry Pratchett | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The 40th(!) Discworld novel, that probably best fits into the Industrial Revolution sub-series of such novels (i.e. [b:Moving Pictures|34510|Moving Pictures (Discworld, #10)|Terry Pratchett||1229354], [b:The Truth|51737|The Truth About Forever|Sarah Dessen||1032900], [b:Monstrous Regiment|34511|Monstrous Regiment The Play|Stephen Briggs||2073281], [b:Going Postal|64222|Going Postal (Discworld, #33)|Terry Pratchett||1636617] and [b:Making Money|116296|Making Money (Discworld, #36)|Terry Pratchett||144656] (possibly also including [b:Unseen Academicals|6250169|Unseen Academicals (Discworld, #37)|Terry Pratchett||6432996] and [b:Snuff|1840511|Snuff|Chuck Palahniuk||2034926])), and is also the third book to feature Moist Von Lipwig as the main protaganist (after [b:Going Postal|64222|Going Postal (Discworld, #33)|Terry Pratchett||1636617] and [b:Making Money|116296|Making Money (Discworld, #36)|Terry Pratchett||144656]).

This one is to do with the introduction of the railway to the Discworld, and also offers many a reference to previous characters and situations in the series as a whole: indeed, at times, it almost feels as if Pratchett is trying to squeeze as many in as possible.

Unfortunately, it's also not his best: I have to admit, in general, I've found most of his Industrial Revolution novels to not be as good as, say, those based around either The City Watch or those based around The Witches. Like the locomotive on which it is based, I found this one to take a fair bit of time to gather steam, and to feel a wee bit ponderous and unwieldy - this, I have to say, is not a novel I would use to introduce somebody new to the delights of the Discworld. :-(
Risky Business (1983)
Risky Business (1983)
1983 | Comedy
That shot of Tom Cruise sliding across the hall in his trademark shades, pink shirt and the tightest pair of white briefs is synonymous with the spring board that launched his career.

A film that may have proved the inspiration for Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is one of Cruise’s most famous roles, and it has all the hall marks of a classic 80s comedy with an influx of drama that proved the catalyst for a great film.

Joel Goodsen (Cruise) is just your average American teen, when his parents go out of town for a few days he and fellow buddies look to have a little fun, in part by turning the homestead into a working brothel.

Of course there is a method behind the madness with Cruise hooking up with call girl Lana (De Mornay), they both have their problems and agree on a mutual business deal which also involves engaging in sex every now and again.

If you ever wonder what to do on the subway one night Cruise and De Mornay lead the lesson. That scene in itself is draped in 80s clichés, soft rock music and a strobe lighting effect from the train, it delivers on the steam factor.

The subject matter throughout is strong and covered across all angles. A highly sexed teenage boy, drug use, what not to do to your father’s Porche and being hunted down by a killer pimp, its all in there.

Cruise’s acting display is not the best, but he has the early raw talent to get him through, and of course as we know, the rest is history. What is always similar about teenage kids of this era getting into trouble is that they always seem to get away with it in the end, Ferris Bueller a prime example.

To think that anyone in this day and age would be as lucky is highly unlikely, and that goes for sliding around in tight white under garments.

Jesters_folly (230 KP) rated the PC version of Beat Saber in Video Games

Sep 14, 2019  
Beat Saber
Beat Saber
Music & Party
Beat Saber is a rhythm/dance game for PC VR. The premise is quite simple, you are armed with two Sabers, one red & one blue (Although some levels have different colours) and you have to hit blocks of the corresponding colour in time to music. Sounds easy right but, the blocks have arrows on them to tell you which direction you have to hit them in, you also have to avoid hitting bombs and avoiding walls. Being a VR game the blocks come towards you and you are free to swing the Sabers in any direction (Just make sure you’re not going to hit anything/one in reality.) and, to avoid the walls you do actually need to move and duck to get out of the way.
There is a good selection of songs available with (at the time of writing) three albums and one ‘extras’ track list for free and two albums to buy as expansion packs. One of the expansions is a pack by Imagine Dragons so I hold hopes that more bands will release official content. If you don’t like the tracks provided then you have two options; the game has an inbuilt level editor so you can make your own game maps or, if you don’t feel creative then beat Saber does support modding, although not through Steam and there are a large number of songs available this way, not to mention different Sabers, effects and other little treats.
Each song has anything from one to five levels of difficulty and some of the mods do seem harder than the level advertised.
The one thing a lot of people say is missing it multi player. There is a mode where one player has a turn then passes the headset to the nest player and you compare scores but you can’t currently play directly against someone else although I believe this function is being worked on.
Light My Pyre (Everwood Falls #1)
Light My Pyre (Everwood Falls #1)
Kat Kinney | 2023 | Mystery, Paranormal, Romance
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I did not see who was doing it, or why, because THAT little titbit was kept from us and that point was very well played
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is a new series by Kinney, I read a couple of the Blood Moon books, but they didn't quite work for me.

This one, however, was a much better read, I thought!

I liked the build up, the development of the relationship between Asher and Gywn. I liked that it takes time for both their back stories to be fully told. What happened to Gywn when she was injured, and by who. What happened to Asher in that fateful fire that drove him to Evewood Falls.

I especially liked that the physical aspect of their relationship is very much OFFpage. There is steam here (dragons and Asher's power notwithstanding!) but the story focus is very much on their relationship and who might be setting these fires in town.

Which, when it all comes out, very much surprised me, how intertwined recent events were for Asher and Gywn. I did not see who was doing it, or why, because THAT little titbit was kept from us and that point was very well played, Ms Kinney. Had certain things been made common knowledge, I think I might have put the pieces together sooner, but it wasn't and I didnt! So yeah, well played on that point.

As this is a new series, in a new place, there are a host of quirks that Everwood has, along with a huge supporting cast. Very interesting people (of the paranormal world) all with interesting stories to tell. Some hints of their pasts are revealed here, just enough to hook you in!

So, yeah, a thoroughly enjoyable wander into Everwood and I really wanna return SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON

4 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Lies We Tell
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
dark and deadly but oh so good!
Independent reviewer for BookSirens, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Nate is a police detective tasked with taking down the local gang leader. Ollie witnesses a murder by said gang leader and Nate is tasked to keep him safe. Even if it costs him his own life.

This is a decidedly darker book by Adams, and I loved it!

Nate is a jaded police detective, facing the end of his marriage. He is a grumpy git, with good reason. Meeting Ollie gives him a teeny tiny light to hang on to. Ollie, in turn, comes to rely on Nate to keep him safe. I loved that neither saw the other coming. I mean, Nate thought he was straight, and here is is, drooling over a PICTURE of a possible lead on the gang leader he wants to take down.

I loved that it all crept up on them, Nate and Ollie both. And I loved the way Nate's soon-to-be-ex wife dealt with everything. She could have been a nasty b8tch but I'm glad she wasn't.

Although the blurb says spice and steam, I didn't think it overly explicit, indeed it's quite some time before Nate and Ollie get physical. It's more about the powerful emotions they evoke in each other than the smex.

It is, as I said, on the darker side. Some on page torture of a police officer is described, and on page kidnapping. (Did not see that one coming, I tell ya!) There is Ollie's abuse at the hands of the gang leader (some off and some on page) Gang activities are talked about too. Be midnful of these, if you have triggers.

Pushing my personal boundaries in the best way, an excellent read. I am loving watching Ms Adams grow and develop her skill. It's been a crazy ride so far, but I do not wanna get off!

5 full but dark stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Merissa (11805 KP) rated Clusterf*@k (Life Sucks #4) in Books

Aug 12, 2021 (Updated Jul 17, 2023)  
Clusterf*@k (Life Sucks #4)
Clusterf*@k (Life Sucks #4)
Elise Faber | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
CLUSTERF*@K is the fourth book in the Life Sucks series and is another winner from Elise Faber.

Misty is feeling lonesome and, maybe, just a tad jealous at seeing her brother and sister-in-law so happy. Although she has lots to be grateful for, a relationship isn't one of them. So when she reverses into Chance's car and he states his interest in front of everyone, Misty's world is about to turn upside-down.

You know, if you are lucky enough, you will happen along an author that just ticks every box. Elise Faber is one of those for me. I found Ms Faber through her Phoenix series, a superb paranormal romance set, but since then, every book I've read I have thoroughly enjoyed. I don't usually 'do' contemporary romance. MM Contemporary? Yep. Romantic Suspense? Absolutely. But for some reason, 'normal' contemporary romance doesn't seem to work UNLESS I'm reading a Faber book. There is something about her writing style, how the story is character-driven, that draws me in and certainly doesn't leave me wanting.

Misty and Chance have their disagreements, and yes, Chance messed up to begin with, but both of these are straight shooters. They don't play games, they don't act coy. What they want, they let you know about. This made their story worth reading. And not only that, but I now need to know the stories for Raven, Frankie, and Maggie! (Psst, Maggie is the next one!)

Full of humour, steam, family moments, and a warmth that seeped through my Kindle, Clusterf*@k was a fantastic read that I have no hesitation in recommending. Absolutely brilliant.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 12, 2021