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The Silver Ones (The Silver Series, #1)
The Silver Ones (The Silver Series, #1)
Charlotte Mallory | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A very different shifter story that stands out from the crowd.
THE SILVER ONES is the first book in The Silver Series and we learn about a world inhabited by shifters, hunters, vampires, witches, and the 'normal' folk. Except something has happened recently that means some of the normals have turned into Silvers. They have silver hair and their eyes changed colour. This marks them out from the crowd but no one knows why.

In Rem's village, the witches control everything. No one is taught how to read and write in case it gives them too many ideas. She is one of the newly changed Silvers and doesn't know what to do. The plans that were made were too late as Rem and her brother, Oliver, were kidnapped by shifters, and Rem was cursed by an Elder Witch. How will she protect her brother and break this curse?

I loved this story! It's a long one so I was able to fully immerse myself in it. I loved how the different factions were described, especially the shifters. I love that Finnish is their native language and the difficulties Rem has trying to learn it. As someone learning German, it was brilliant to read that she translated everything in her head first, instead of just being able to speak fluently within a couple of days!

Hold onto your hats though because it is Intrigue Central. There are so many twists and turns to hold your interest. Some are obvious, some are not; all are fantastic.

It is a slow burn for the majority of the story, with a steamy scene near the end. The connection between Ronan and Rem leaps off the pages though and I can't wait to see where their story takes them next.

A very different shifter story that stands out from the crowd. Highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Kynhaven (Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria #3)
Kynhaven (Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria #3)
Sarah Westill | 2022 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
KYNHAVEN is the third full-length novel in the Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria series, and we start off with a tragedy. Cora, Mason's twin sister, who we have met in previous books is viciously murdered. Mason is shattered by this news and, with the help of his team, quickly find the killer. As they deal with him, they find out that he had more than one victim, but only one survivor. This sends Mason off to find them, to learn all he can. This leads him to Jessi. She is broken but living, finding peace in tending to her bees. Mason awakens something in her, and her future looks promising. Things change though, and she can't stay where she is forever. She's survived a sadistic killer but will she survive Sziveria Society?

This story moves along at a steady pace, giving the reader time to take in all the emotions and plots that keep it interesting and intriguing. There are 'guest appearances' from previous couples, which is always nice to see and you get an idea of how their lives are moving along.

Mason is the perfect gentleman in this story. He gives Jessi all the power and moves along at her pace, accepting her rejections with grace and dignity, which is just what she needed. Jessi is stronger than she realises and faces challenge after challenge, some of which come from close to home. Trust me, motherly love isn't really a thing in this book!

The overall story arc is also moving along nicely, giving snippets as necessary, whilst still allowing for the romantic storyline to take shape.

There are some steamy moments that show the growth and level of trust between Mason and Jessi.

This was a brilliant addition to the series and highly recommended by me, so long as you start from the beginning so it all makes sense!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Keep Me On Edge (My Kinky Housemate, #4)
Keep Me On Edge (My Kinky Housemate, #4)
Colette Davison | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sad, hopeful, caring, sweet, HOT! I loved every word.
KEEP ME ON EDGE is the fourth book in the My Kinky Housemate series and it's time for the pro-Dom to take centre stage. Stefan has liked Quinn ever since he entered the house. Quinn has liked Stefan ever since he entered the house. And it's through my boy Hendrix's meddling that Quinn finally has the courage to ask Stefan out.

Ah, man. These two! They are absolutely gorgeous together. Not in the 'I now have cavities' way of Theo and Preston (who I still adore, btw!) but in a caring and totally loving way of looking out for someone. And it goes both ways. It's not all Stefan catering to Quinn. The storyline with Stefan is absolutely heart-breaking. We already know some of it due to having Beau's story already, but hearing Stefan's side of it was just as bad.

Moving onto the steamy side of things, it's hot! I don't expect anything less from Colette Davison, but I seriously love the thought she puts into her scenes. This book taught me things I never knew I didn't know about narcolepsy and cataplexy and not once did I feel as though I was reading an instruction manual. Stefan takes notice of Quinn at all times, giving him the time he needs. This includes when they're in the bedroom. This will sound crazy until you read the book, but the bit with the fan made my eyes leak! So sweet, so considerate. LOVED IT!!!

I am loving this series. It seems as though it may be Rory's story next but who knows? What I do know is I will wait patiently for each book and thoroughly enjoy it when I get my grabby hands on it. We learn a little more about Hendrix in this book but, once again, I'll wait.

Absolutely fantastic and highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Ascendant (The Made Ones Sage #3) by Vicki Stiefel
Ascendant (The Made Ones Sage #3) by Vicki Stiefel
Vicki Stiefel | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
ASCENDANT is the final in The Made Ones Saga and we have an action-filled climax. And I'm not talking about steamy times, either!

We start where book two finished - Sybi waking up in a glass casket and being rescued by Kes. She has some recovery time during which her sisters visit and talk to her, hoping that will help her come back to them. The overall story arc is also coming to a head, with the Alchemics working hard to destroy Eleutia. The Clans and CastOuts, obviously, don't want this, so they're working just as hard to ensure that doesn't happen.

I liked Sybi and Kes but I didn't feel the connection like I wanted to. There are some pretty big obstacles in their path that seem to 'magically' disappear without much (if any) communication. For me, I felt their relationship got lost slightly in the dramatic conclusion. Most of the time they were together, they were talking or planning what to do next in the war. I'm sure most won't agree with me here, but that is how I felt.

This book also doesn't feel like the ending!!! I was left with multiple questions, so I'm really hoping there is more to come in this world! It would be fantastic to see how they all cope now the Alchemics have been defeated, how they change their world, and what the new generation gets up to. Hints are also given about other pairings, including Alrina, so I would love to know more.

I did think this was a fitting end to the sisters' trilogy, and meeting Mother and Father Tree was brilliant. I found those meetings to be so full of feeling and humour, it brought a huge smile to my face every time!

A great series that I have no hesitation in recommending.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 16, 2022

Merissa (11721 KP) rated Changeling (Outcast Mates #2) in Books

Feb 22, 2022 (Updated Jul 3, 2023)  
Changeling (Outcast Mates #2)
Changeling (Outcast Mates #2)
Lee Colgin | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My wish came true! Mongrel is now the first book in the Outcast Mates series, with CHANGELING being the second. You have no idea how happy this made me!!!

AND we get to hear a little snapshot of Andras and Bowie, as well as hearing how Bettina is getting on with Erzsébet. I loved Andras and Bowie, and I love Sebastian and Dominus just as much.

So, quick recap, Sebastian thought he was human but was actually fae. Dominus is an incubus, cursed by the fae. So should be easy, right? Of course not!

Sebastian is floundering in this unknown world but is travelling to somewhere he has been told he will be made to feel welcome, for the small payment of some of his blood. During his travels, he is taken to Dominus' brothel where the attraction is instant. All that changes though once Dominus realises he is fae. What follows is another slow-burn romance that is both sweet and steamy. The relationship develops between Seb and Dom over time. Yes, there is insta-lust, but that isn't everything!

I am so happy Ms Colgin returned to this world. Not only are the characters delightful and loveable, but the world-building is second to none. I love the history side of things and the way she develops the story. No 'wham, bam, thank you, ma'am' here!

I adored Dominus when we met him in Mongrel but I wasn't sure I'd like him as much as Andras and Bowie. Well, I do. Simple as that. But who next? I want Leonas, Ivaz, Sachi, and Annais... do I need to continue? I could return to this world every day and be happy. That is how brilliant it is.

So, that being said, do I recommend it? Ah, go on then. If I must... 😆 Seriously though, read Mongrel and then read Changeling. They're both fantastic and I can't wait for more!!!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 22, 2022
Witch's Knight (The Bloodline Chronicles, #1)
Witch's Knight (The Bloodline Chronicles, #1)
Evelyn Silver | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
quite dark in places, but I do think it is needed!
Independent reviewer for archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Here's the thing, right? I DNF'ed this book, 2 years ago, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why!

I really REALLY liked this book! It starts off with a zombie mouse, and then runs away with itself!

Sarai is a witch, with dual power. She is in hiding from her father. When vigilanties hunting both vampire and witch find her, she is saved by a vampire. Marcelle is second in command to the vampire king, Setanta. Who wants to use Sarai to form an alliance to fight said vigilanties.

This is wonderfully written, starting off fast and furious and not letting up. Mostly from Sarai's point of view, with Marcelle having the other voice, it really was a great read. It is quite dark in some places, with a slightly deranged witch doing despicable things to Marcelle that is on page, but I do feel that it is needed.

The smexy times between Marcelle and Sarai are not explicit, but they are steamy.

But the thing is: I can't see where this is going, nor how it's going to end. And it's frustrating! Sarai and Marcelle have a relationship here, and Marcelle (along with most vampires, if not all) are NOT monogamous, but the relationship between Marcelle and Setanta takes a back seat to Sarai and Marcelle. I think I would have liked a bit more of Setanta, either as a voice or with Marcelle. He's an interesting character! So, I've no idea if Sarai will end up with Marcelle, or someone else, or no one, because her father might get her!

So, the book ends on a bit of a cliff hanger, with Sarai being confined to the vampire stronghold. Not quite a kindle-throwing cliff hanger but nearly!

I have book 2, Midnight Fear to read next, which is the conclusion of this storyline.

4 very VERY good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
A Thousand Glittering Lights
A Thousand Glittering Lights
Jennie Lynn Roberts | 2024 | Contemporary, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A THOUSAND GLITTERING LIGHTS is set in the contemporary world, with a game designer as our FMC. The MMC remains a mystery so I won't say anything to spoil it.

Jennie Lynn Roberts is a one-click author for me BUT I will admit to feeling slightly dubious when I saw this was a contemporary. Surely it can't be as good as her fantasy - can it? The obvious answer is YES!!! It can be just as good, in fact, I'm hard-pressed to say which I prefer.

Ellie isn't having an easy time of it and struggles to leave the safety of her cottage. Her best friend and business partner is giving Ellie plenty of excuses about why she can't be there for her. Her dad is pressuring her to sell her business. And then - out of nowhere - a man, or ghost, starts appearing to Ellie. She thinks she's going mad. And I loved it.

There is a level of mystery to this story that had me hooked. I didn't try to figure things out for myself. I just sat back and let the story hold me, and boy, did it ever. There were so many levels to this that all fitted together perfectly in ways that might not be immediately clear. In fact, I think I may be a little afraid of this author if she ever decides to go 'dark!' 😆

This book was a very emotional read for me, with situations and circumstances so incredibly well written, I felt it like a punch to the throat. I was f'ugly crying more than once, while still trying to convince myself that I'd get my HEA.

There's so much to this book that I absolutely adored and have no hesitation in HIGHLY RECOMMENDING. Seriously, get your copy and lose yourself in this steamy, supernatural romance.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 22, 2024