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Daniel Holford (0 KP) rated It (2017) in Movies

Sep 20, 2017  
It (2017)
It (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror
7.9 (355 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The surprise hit film of the year is here and there's no wonder it's such a hit. Immediately from the outsit of the movie it is clear what this film is going to be. Frequent scares and creepiness, mixed with excellent visuals and directing, all spliced together with a great coming of age story. Think stranger things and stand by me, with added monsters and killer clowns.

The kids are brilliant throughout, the stand out being Richie and Beverly, the former having already kicked off his career by appearing in the excellent stranger things. Although I compared the two earlier, his character could not be more different. Beverly is also excellent in her role, a brilliant young actress who shows the sadness that Beverly hides behind her fears (perhaps the most chilling/uncomfortable moment in the movie). The other kids were also good, but some rather less well developed than the others, making their struggle with their scares far less satisfying than some of the more prominent kids. I must also admit that the greatest achievement this film has is replacing Tom Curry from the original movie and having an actor, almost, maybe actually surpassing him in the form of Bill Skarsgaard. He is excellently scary and charming in the creepiest way.

The films scares are in moderate but heavy bursts, rather than the usual constant jump scares there is often anti climaxes, tension building with little to no big jump or sound effect which works in the horror franchise almost as much as a larger scare.

Overall this film has many elements that make it such a hit, the Stranger Things hype train certainly had helped it along its way. As well as having perfect comedy, great characters, directing and visuals and most of all, scares.

Ross (3282 KP) rated It (2017) in Movies

Nov 7, 2017  
It (2017)
It (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror
7.9 (355 Ratings)
Movie Rating
More horror than the original (0 more)
Such a tease (0 more)
I'm a massive fan of the (widely slated) original TV mini-series and can't see past Tim Curry as Pennywise. However I found this to be a good alternative version. I would say it is more of a horror movie than the original version, and probably closer to the book (though it has been some time since I read that) and there is a lot less of a Stand By Me feel about it. All the child actors are excellent in this, especially Stranger Things' superbly named Finn Wolfhand as (Beep beep) Ritchie who here gets to have a lot more fun than he seems to on Stranger Things.
Bill skarsgard plays Pennywise well, at times appearing childish and just wanting to be friends, and then quickly switches to a blank mental stare.
The decision to make this two films was a brave one, though the story does lend itself well to doing so. I much preferred the 80s setting for the film with the kids being the victims and am not exactly awaiting the adult follow up with anticipation.
Stranger Things  - Season 2
Stranger Things - Season 2
2017 | Sci-Fi
The whole series from season 1 to the story build up to season 2 and there year there growing up in (0 more)
Stranger things 2
Contains spoilers, click to show
Awesome series you need to watch it from the very beginning if you don’t understand it watch it again then it will hit u and then you be like wow let’s go straight to season 2 it might loose you a little with 11 going on her adventures which I hoping that the build up to the rest of the seasons because I can’t wait to watch the next season
Fargo (1996)
Fargo (1996)
1996 | Drama, Mystery
Extremely dark, black comedy based on a true story
That scene woodchipper scene will haunt me for life.

Truth is definitely stranger than fiction. This extremely dark 'comedy' is now infamous in gallows humour. Without revealing everything, a woman is kidnapped by a psychotic conman and his slightly weedy partner for ransom. Her husband is in charge of gaining this ransom from his father-in-law, only for things to go very, very wrong.

It's a classic cult film, not for everyone. But if you loved 'In Bruges', this will be right up your street.

Demi (22 KP) rated OXENFREE in Apps

Apr 25, 2018  
8.5 (2 Ratings)
App Rating
Narrative (3 more)
Excellent game
This game is incredibly fun. The basic concept is something like a cross between the movie Frequency and Stranger Things with a fun synth score. A group of teens end up on a haunted island in a series of time loops and have to use radios to communicate with the ghosts and break free. It's an easy way to lose a few hours, and then play all over again with a few surprises. This is among my top IOS games for sure.

Donna C (199 KP) rated The OA - Season 1 in TV

Apr 26, 2019  
The OA  - Season 1
The OA - Season 1
2016 | Drama
Hello to Jason Isaacs
Just discovered this series on Netflix after Jason Isaacs was on a chat show talking about it.
I’d describe it as having the atmosphere of Stranger Things but a totally different subject.
A blind girl is abducted but returns able to see. As she adjusts back into her previous life she begins to tell the story of her captivity. But she also talks about her previous life even before she was blind.
And there’s a great baddie in it too.
I’m 4 episodes in and totally intrigued.....
Stranger Things - Season 3
Stranger Things - Season 3
2019 | Horror, Thriller
So many 80's references (1 more)
More action
Keeps getting better
You start to worry with some series that start so well, can the next series be as good? Well no worries here as each new series of Stranger Things keeps outdoing the previous one. There are some great characters old and new in this and the chemistry between them is great. There are a lot of influences from some cool 80's films, from The Thing to The Terminator and plenty of others. If you enjoyed the other series you'll love this just as much.

Dean (6921 KP) rated Summer of 84 (2018) in Movies

Oct 11, 2021 (Updated Oct 11, 2021)  
Summer of 84 (2018)
Summer of 84 (2018)
2018 | Horror
80's vibe (0 more)
Bit slow going (0 more)
Decent Thriller
Definitely more thriller than a horror, Slasher film. A mix of Stranger Things crossed with Disturbia. A group of friends spy on their cop neighbour and suspect he could be a local serial killer.
A slow burner with very little horror for the most part. Features more on the friendship as they spend the summer spying on their neighbour to try and find evidence if he could be a serial killer. Their friendship is the strong part of the film. So if you like the other shows mentioned you should enjoy this.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Stranger Things - Season 3 in TV

Jul 9, 2019 (Updated Jul 9, 2019)  
Stranger Things - Season 3
Stranger Things - Season 3
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Season 3 of Stranger Things (much like season 2), takes a little while to take off.
Not only that, but there's a good handful of different story threads running at once, in different locations, that at one point, I was starting to feel that it may not land as well as it had done in the past.
Turns out, I really had nothing to worry about.

The overall narrative may feel splayed at times, but by the end, it all feels pretty slick, as Hawkins once again finds itself siezed from an otherworldly threat.

The cast shine as expected, with the usual suspects now experiencing the ups and downs of being a teenager, and the adult characters, having to deal with said teenagers.
It makes for a nice comedic and emotional dynamic, whilst exploring some nice story arcs.

Billy gets more to do this season which I personally found awesome, and I really enjoyed the unexpected connection's he had with certain characters.

The effects are looking better than ever, especially in the breathtaking final episode, but the whole season has some really striking visuals throughout.

This third season continues to remind why Stranger Things is ahead of the pack when it comes to this kind of television.
I'm already (im)patiently waiting for season 4!
The Mystery on the Mississippi
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trixie and her friends take a trip to Missouri, where Trixie finds some stranger papers in her hotel room's garbage can. Soon, someone is following them. What do the symbols on the paper mean?

I'm torn on this one. It was my introduction to the series, so it will always hold a special place in my heart. The fast moving and suspenseful plot captivated the 7th grade me and introduced me to life long friends. However, reading it as an adult, boy to all the characters do some pretty stupid things.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.