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Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)
2019 | Drama, Romance
10.0 (4 Ratings)
Luck was not with me when it came to seeing this, I turned down an opportunity to see it and then Rona cancelled the ticket I booked for it. I finally managed to see it on one of the many free trials for streaming services I picked up while I was confined to the house.

Marianne is hired to paint a wedding portrait of Héloïse in secret after a failed attempt has left her against the whole idea. Marianne is presented as a companion and spends her days observing the bride to be before taking to her chamber to paint at night. As her deadline approaches the pair's bond goes from strength to strength despite their future being set in stone.

Portrait is simple in so many ways and yet utterly complex. Set mostly in a desolate island location in a large family home you would expect to have the ornate and busy look of a period drama, but this is the unfussiest film I've seen in this genre. There's no clutter, no excess characters, no frivolous dialogue or scenes, their relationship is all that needs to be focused on, everything else just happens to be there.

It's difficult to describe how this film made me feel, it's serene even in the chaotic moments and I keep finding myself at a loss when it comes to putting that down in words.

I could gush on about Portrait for ages but I don't want to take away from you seeing it, the fact is that it's breathtaking. The shots, the dynamics of the cast, the fact that the film doesn't need filler... I was unsure going in (even though I wanted to watch it) but by the end I was a devastated wreck who wanted to see it all over again.

Originally posted on:

Lee (2222 KP) created a post

Jun 24, 2018  
I was wondering how everyone feels about digital copies of movies, in particular the digital redeem code that you get when buying a Blu-ray. Personally, I find the whole system very frustrating.

Over the years, I've built up a nice little collection of these backup copies online using flixster video. I have the app on my iPhone and iPad, and although I've never really made much use of them, it's nice to know they're there if I ever do want to access them. I also used to have the flixster app on my NowTV streaming stick (a Roku based system, produced in conjunction with Sky TV), enabling me to fire up a movie quickly without having to hunt for the Blu-ray and load that up. Nice, I liked where this was all heading.

But then NowTV disallowed the flixster app from their boxes, presumably in favour of their own Sky store system. And then I bought a few Blu-ray's and tried to redeem the digital code, only to find that flixster wasn't supported, only Google Play. Luckily, I have a Google Play account, so I was able to still use it, but the point is I now have my digital movies in multiple locations.

Recently, my daughter wanted to own Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. The Blu-ray wasn't out yet, but it was available to buy and download, and Amazon we're offering it at a reduced price. So, now we also have another location where a purchased movie lives.

All of these companies seem to be so interested in restricting us to using their service, and only their service. To me, that makes life more difficult, when it should be getting easier. Instead, I now find it easier to just pickup a Blu-ray from the shelf, instead of trying to remember where My digital copy is located. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, maybe I'm using the wrong service altogether. Maybe there's a simpler way out there that I don't know about. Or maybe I'm just getting too old for technology these days! I don't know but I'm interested to hear what others think.

Andy K (10821 KP) Jun 24, 2018

Very much agree. If you own the movie, you can do what you want with it, when you want. If you own digital, you are entirely at the whim of the studios which is what they want, but not good for you. What if Disney decides they don't want you to own the digital Beauty and the Beast any more? They can just yank it from you. Now stores like Best Buy are not even carrying DVDs at all their locations. It's a conspiracy!


Meg Dean (138 KP) Jun 25, 2018

I like them for the same reason I like ebooks...they are easy to store. We live in a small apt. so my massive library needs to have as small a footprint as possible.

My Movies - Movie & TV
My Movies - Movie & TV
Shopping, Reference
7.3 (3 Ratings)
App Rating
Just scan and it instantly uploads (1 more)
Easy interface
Can be pricey for full app (1 more)
Not the easiest thing to share
For all DVD and Blu Ray lovers
Not to boast but this app informs me I have catalogued over 3,000 DVDs and Blu Rays in my collection and I still haven’t logged them all. One day I might have room in my apartment and I will be able to do it but that’s a little way away.
This app is a lifesaver. Having this amount in a collection can make you wonder when you get more whether you have it or not. I do have duplicates in my collection but purposefully so because of collectors editions or the like. This app allows you to scan the barcode and log it into a collection that allows you to see all your dvds at a glance. You can filter any way you want (I do it by most recently bought) and you can search using either a simple or complex search system. It is just an app to store dvd information like the cover and not a chance to view the actual film. This is obvious to many but may not be to some who will see this as a disappointment.
The one major downside is how you can share this collection with your friends. It’s not the easiest thing to do and involves URLs and other things that are not necessary. It does have a feature that allows you to ‘book out’ your films and enter the details of who has what.
A lot of people will think why bother? Netflix, amazon prime or Now TV (streaming services available in the UK) provide me with my viewing needs and for the most part yes, they do but do they offer, correct at the time of writing, the James Bond franchise? 24? The office (US)? All of these have licencing issues that DVDs don’t. This is a bigger issue than this app and ever so slightly off point but the app does allow people with big collections to have quick and easy access on the go to what they have.

Andy K (10821 KP) Jul 11, 2018

Sounds awesome. I use DVD Profiler, but should check into this one.


Benedick Lewis (3001 KP) Jul 11, 2018

From what I can see, it looks very similar


JT (287 KP) rated Fractured (2019) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Fractured (2019)
Fractured (2019)
2019 | Action, Mystery, Thriller
I went into this without expecting much. More often than not Netflix originals fall flat. I can’t understand why, given the amount of money that the streaming service has behind them? While their original TV series’ are bingewatched, their original films just don’t seem to get the high praise – until now.

Ray Monroe (Sam Worthington) and his wife Joanne (Lily Rabe) are driving back from Thanksgiving with Joanne’s parents, by all accounts it didn’t go well as the pair bicker over cold turkey and the dirty looks Ray receives from Joanne’s mother. Oblivious to their low key argument is daughter Peri (Lucy Capri), sat in the back seat. When the trio makes a pit stop at a local gas station Peri is injured in a fall and Ray takes her to the local hospital to get help. What results is a Hitchkoiam style thriller with several clever twists and turns that will leave you constantly second-guessing yourself.

Worthington is a hit and miss actor, but here actually stands up on his own two feet and delivers a solid performance as a desperate father and husband pushed to the edge

Ray has a troubled past. At the gas station, he purchases miniature bottles of alcohol rather than the batteries needed for Peri’s music player. He’s dealing with a number of issues that invlude trying to save his rocky marraige and escape a past that keeps coming back to haunt him. Worthington is a hit and miss actor, but here actually stands up on his own two feet and delivers a solid performance as a desperate father and husband pushed to the edge.

As the drama and tension unfolds we start to wonder whether or not Ray has actually lost it? We are swayed one way to the next, settling on a likely outcome but then changing our minds mid way through. Is the hospital hiding something? To go into any more detail would give it away but it’s safe to say that in my humble opion this is one the best thrillers I have seen for some time.
Impact Wrestling
Impact Wrestling
2005 | Sport
5.9 (8 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Production, roster, global availability (0 more)
Regular live streaming technical difficulties like audio. (0 more)
Hard to Kill
2002 - the beginning
Founded by Jeff and Jerry Jarrett in 2002, the company was known as TNA it was officially changed to IMPACT (the company's weekly named staple show) in 2018.

Beginning as NWA/TNA Total Nonstop Action being associated with the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA), though not as a merged promotion.
In 2004 the company dropped the NWA co. Branding & ran soley as TNA (Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, but continued to use the NWA World Heavyweight and Tag Team championships in agreement with the NWA.

2007 - Becoming their own
both parties parted ways and the company created the TNA World Heavyweight and TNA World Tag Team championships. The promotion was purchased by Anthem at the beginning of 2017 and, in March of that year, was fully rebranded under its current name after its main television series.

Falling on hard times -
From its inception, the promotion had been considered the second-largest in the United States behind WWE.
Impact was viewed by some to have fallen behind longtime rival Ring of Honor in 2017, with the loss of their U.S. television contract with Spike in 2014, as well as monetary and personnel issues, being noted as factors to their decline.

2017 - Anthem sports & entertainment purchase TNA!
January 4th 2017, Anthem sports announced they had bought Majority interest in TNA & had formed Anthem wrestling exhibitions LLC. Having already owned Fight Network, a 24/7 multiplatform service dedicated to complete coverage of combat sports, TNA was a perfect fit that was sure to attain more attention.
Soon after, the TNA name was dropped & the promotion would simply be known as IMPACT WRESTLING!

2018 - Rebirth
Impact has since made a fantastic recovery & although has not quite reached the height of it's earlier Glory days, it has sustained an international television distribution with Anthems majority purchase of AXS TV, which subsequently began carrying Impact programming.
Though, with the formation of All Elite Wrestling (AEW) that year, and that promotion's high-profile U.S television deal with TNT (which is seen in more households than AXS), Impact is still viewed as a smaller promotion by comparison.
Tell Me It's Real (At First Sight, #1)
Tell Me It's Real (At First Sight, #1)
T.J. Klune | 2013
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog
A Romance Reader's Reviews

Well, right from the start this had me laughing as Paul introduced himself. It was very frank and pretty much laugh-out-loud at times. He doesn't have the best opinion of himself, bless him, but he's so fun. And then he meets eyes with Vince while out at his friends drag queen performance at a bar/club and things go from there. Vince is not backing down about his intentions to date Paul, while Paul cannot believe that this younger, attractive, really nice if slightly dumb man, wants him and fights it tooth and nail.

They have a text conversation about a third of the way through the book that almost had me laughing like an idiot. The text faces that Vince was sending Paul were frigging hilarious. The Sex Face one is going to stick with me for a long time: >_<

And let's not forget Paul's parents. Oh. My. God! They are so funny it's not fair. I almost had tears streaming down my face at one point. They all go to nan's house for a meal and ignoring Johnny Depp, the homophobic parrot, they get into a conversation about how they met and it's stuff like this that has me crying with laughter at times. Vince, bless him. Not the smartest but he's a real sweetheart.
"He was choking to death in a restaurant," Vince explained
"I was not!" I said.
"On like a burrito or something."
"It was spinach."
"Anyway, he would have died had I not done the haemorrhoid manoeuvre."
"Heimlich. It's Heimlich."

There were so many conversations like this, with some crazy stuff being discussed and I LOVED it! They were such a cute couple and they gelled so well. It was so obvious they truly needed each other at the time that they found each other. Paul needed to let himself be loved and Vince needed someone to be there for him after a family issue. It was amazing!

I'm going to be keeping my eye out for other books in this series.
The Girl in the Spider&#039;s Web (2018)
The Girl in the Spider's Web (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
I'm not sure whether you need to watch the other films in this series being that this is number four in the sequence. I did buy them before this came out but never got round to them. I don't think I've missed out of anything, but you can never be sure.

We get a lot of striking black and white (sort of) shots throughout the film. The snow and dark buildings are very effective. As were the action sequences. You can see a snippet of the home invasion in the trailer and the slow motion leap. I do wonder how many films put them in just because they think it's the done thing. But the whole piece worked well.

I don't really know what it is about her but I'm not a fan of Claire Foy. This is the third film with her in this year and none of them have hit the spot. Out of the three this one in my favourite, there's something a little less irritating about her on-screen presence. Perhaps it's that the character of Lisbeth is naturally awkward.

When I saw Stephen Merchant in the trailer I'm not going to lie, I was a little concerned. I find him amusing and generally enjoy his hop across the pond to movies and TV. Those have mostly got a comedic lean to them though. This roll however had none and I'm not really sure it suited him. He's still got those slightly oddball characteristics that don't really fit in such a serious movie.

Sadly I don't feel like there's much more I want to say about The Girl In The Spider's Web apart from mentioning the James Bond vibes you get from everything from the opening credits to, well, the general feel of the whole thing.

What you should do

It's certainly not a waste of time watching it, definitely catch it when it hits streaming or the TV.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

Some amazing IT/hacking skills wouldn't go amiss in my day to day life.
Odd Thomas (2014)
Odd Thomas (2014)
2014 | Mystery
7.9 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I'd put off watching this for a long time, I loved the books by Dean Koontz and that made me a little nervous for the film. I'd almost forgotten about it until it popped up streaming, it's been a long time so I figured I'd forgotten enough about the books to see it.

Odd tries to live a simple life in Pico Mundo but when you have the ability to see dead people and talk to them it makes things difficult, especially when everything is pointing to something disastrous on the horizon.

The idea behind Odd's ability is a good one and I feel like they manage to illustrate it well during the film, foreknowledge may have helped a bit but I honestly don't remember that much from the books and we're given a succinct explanation.

Anton Yelchin plays the lead character and he has the perfect demeanour for it. There's a calm but scared quality that fits right into his wheelhouse and it was a match made in heaven.

Yelchin is off-set by Willem Dafoe as Chief Porter and Addison Timlin as Stormy Llewellyn, both of whom give great performances that bolster to story from each side. While they're not massive roles they both influence and guide Odd in very different ways and they're particularly effective characters.

The film plays out like a supernatural detective story with Odd at its centre trying to save Pico Mundo from an unknown terror. It creates a nice sense of intrigue to latch on to early on and plenty of fantasy action to move you along with the story at a quick pace.

For a relatively obscure film it's got a solid all round feel with passable graphics and a great visual style. Normally I find voice overs in films a little off putting but the bits of the story it's combined with work really well and again, added to the storytelling. I couldn't honestly say how accurate it was to the source material after such a long time, but I can tell you I wasn't disappointed with what I watched.

Originally posted on:

AJaneClark (3962 KP) Aug 17, 2020

Absolutely love this movie


Amy Norman (1042 KP) Aug 18, 2020

Have watched this film a few times, and love it 😊
I haven't read the source material but it's been on my list for a while 😅 from what I have read about them, there are a few nods given to things that played a much larger part in the books. However, from what I can tell they may not necessarily translate well to film!

The Electrical Life of Louis Wain (2021)
The Electrical Life of Louis Wain (2021)
2021 | Biography, Drama, History
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
1/2 of a GREAT Movie
It is a fun surprise to be perusing all the streaming services available and tripping across a very entertaining film that, heretofore, was unknown.

Such was the case with THE ELECTRICAL LIFE OF LOUIS WAIN - a biography (of sorts) of the eponymous English painter, known for his fanciful portraits of cats.

Starring Benedict Cumberbatch (in the title role) and Written and Directed by Will Sharpe (BLACK POND) based on a story by Simon Stephenson (who also co-wrote the screenplay with Sharpe), THE ELECTICAL LIFE OF LOUIS WAIN is 1/2 of a very good (maybe even GREAT) film that falls apart in the 2nd half.

The first half of this film finds the eccentric Wain finding love and discovering his artistic talent. It is this 1/2 of the film that draws you in - and must have been what drew the talents of Sharpe, Claire Foy (Queen Elizabeth in the first few seasons of THE CROWN) and Cumberbatch to this film. Cumberbatch, of course, is superb as Wain (especially in this first half) and his chemistry with Foy (who plays his love interest/wife) is tremendous and IS the reason to see this film.

However, the film shifts focus, by necessity, in the 2nd half to the rising stardom of Wain and his descent into madness. Toby Jones (as his benefactor) and the always under-rated Andrea Riseborough (OBLIVION) take center stage with Cumberbatch in this part of the film and the love, fun, whimsey and depth of the first 1/2 of the film disappears. Riseborough, particularly, suffers from a poorly written role where her character - Wain’s disapproving sister - is (in essence) the “bad guy”, so Sharpe and Stephenson replace love, warmth and support with disapproval, anger and madness. While this is true to the life that Wain lived, it didn’t make for a particularly interesting 2nd half of a film.

Come for Benedict’s and Foy’s chemistry and performances, stay for the rest because…well…it’s still pretty good.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)

Merissa (11800 KP) rated Boldly (Breakers Hockey #2) in Books

Aug 31, 2021 (Updated Jul 17, 2023)  
Boldly (Breakers Hockey #2)
Boldly (Breakers Hockey #2)
Elise Faber | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BOLDLY is the second book in the Breakers Hockey series and hold onto your hats, folks, because you're in for one helluva ride!

Oliver was the Captain of the Breakers. Yes, he'd made mistakes along the way, but he had the respect of his teammates and the management team. But then one foul tackle and he's out. A shattered leg and an infection that won't go leaves him with a prosthetic and his dreams on ice are gone.

A year later and he's back, although not as he would wish to be. He finds himself attracted to Hazel and immediately works on making her his own. Of course, Hazel isn't prepared to just sit there and take it. Trust me, she makes her own stands too. Together, these two are sappy, hot, and crazy for each other.

I read this book in one sitting - simply unable to put it down. I really respected and admired Oliver's way of thinking, which helped him move forward after such a devastating thing happened to him. He hadn't had it easy but, with his mindset, he was able to make the best of a bad situation. Hazel is simply stunning. I loved her go-get-em attitude and how she thinks outside the box if she thinks it will help her boys. Both of these know how to communicate and the book is so much better for not having oodles of misunderstandings and hurt feelings caused by not speaking to each other!!!

This story made me smile and laugh out loud. I adored the scene with Luc, Lexi, and Noah! Those babies sure know how to run a parent ragged!

Oh, and fair warning - if you're like me, you just might need a Kleenex to help you through the last part of the book. I will admit to tears streaming down my face during the epilogue, and I'm not ashamed!

Absolutely fantastic, and highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 31, 2021