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10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
this is the first book by this author that I've read and I couldn't wait to start it after reading the blurb. this is a beautifully written book, it has a feeling of sadness to it which makes the story very black and white in places. the story will have you on the edge from the start to the finish. the relationship between the two characters is fully explored within the book. this book is a fantastic read and I couldn’t put it down till id finished it, the story really sucks you in and keeps a hold of you till the end, leaving you wanting more, I was definitely sad when it had finished, I really wanted it to carry on. I cant wait to read more from this author.

highly recommended
Boundless (Unearthly, #3)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sigh. I'm now grieving the loss of dear friends, left with only memories. No more new adventures to look forward too. I devoured this trilogy and now I wish I'd paced myself because they're all finished and I'm left empty. As much as I love a good book, a book that sucks me in and makes me feel so much a part of the magic, I hate that last page where I know it's goodbye. Thank you, Cynthia Hand, for a wonderful trilogy that I know I will relive over and over.
Shakespeare Songs by Deller Consort
Shakespeare Songs by Deller Consort
1967 | Vocal
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Probably the most famous countertenor of the 20th century – unless you count Frankie Valli – was the wonderful Alfred Deller, a major figure in the revival of original performance techniques for early and Baroque music. When I was a child we had this album,so I grew up thinking everyone knew and loved 'Where The Bee Sucks' and 'We Be Soldiers Three'. The liner notes, at least on the CD version, are woefully inadequate (who wrote what? when? for which play? Did Henry VIII really write 'Greensleeves'?) but the music is lovely. "


Andrea D (21 KP) rated After The Woods in Books

Jan 10, 2019  
After The Woods
After The Woods
Kim Savage | 2016 | Contemporary, Mystery, Young Adult (YA)
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
An excellent beginning only to let you down towards the end.
When I started reading this book I was absolutely enthralled it held so much promise and so much seeming darkness to uncover then it turned into a crap fest. It's as if the author decided at about 80% that they had completely changed their mind about what was happening to Liv and Julia and not for the better either. I wanted this book to be about the psychopath it promised it was instead you get emotional abuse and an obvious attachment disorder and the awful line "We're both brave" no you're fucking not you're a twat who abandoned her so called best friend to a potential murderer.

Just don't waste your time it sucks you in and then gives up on you and makes you hate it for having invested so much of yourself in a book that promises to be all that and more.
Dazed and Confused (1993)
Dazed and Confused (1993)
1993 | Comedy
You haven't seen this movie... It’d be a lot cooler if you did.
I quote this movie so much it's insane.. Like every single day type of quoting and I can hoestly say that as soon as someone gets my reference we become instant friends.

Dazed and confused is such a piece of life movie that it just works so beautifully. Even though I wasn't born until 89 and this movie wasnt made till 93 its such an iconic 70s movie that you just don't question it.

The casting was just so spot in that even the most minor characters feel like real people you could have gone to high school with and it's with that detail that Dazed and confused sucks you in and doesn't let you got to the point that you can watch this movie and rewatxg it multiple times and it's still just as good.

The other stand out factor is the soundtrack is one of the best there is each song just fits so well.
Dirty (Dive Bar, #1)
Dirty (Dive Bar, #1)
Kylie Scott | 2017 | Erotica
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A nice read,
Favourite quote...

“When women read romance books, one of two things generally happen.” Mal ran a hand through his lovely locks. “They either want to discuss the book in great depth. And probably, life and your relationship. Now sometimes that’s okay. You reach a higher level of understanding with each other and shit. But sometimes it sucks, pure and simple. You wind up getting bitched at for days because of something the dude in the book did that makes you look bad. But if it’s an awesome book, however, a hot one? Well then … kinky fuckery like you wouldn’t believe, man. The ideas Pumpkin has gotten out of some of those books. Gold. I could never have talked her into trying half of that stuff.” “Huh.” “Trust me, never mock a romance book,” said Mal with all the zest of a manic street preacher. “You have no idea the amount of good they can do for you between the sheets and on the streets. If you love your girl? Buy her books.”

Young Jean Lee recommended Touki Bouki (1973) in Movies (curated)

Touki Bouki (1973)
Touki Bouki (1973)
1973 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"In general, I’m not a big fan of French New Wave films, and Touki bouki is clearly inspired by their characteristic fragmented, slow-moving, alienating quality. But the world of Touki bouki is so beautiful and engrossing that it sucks you right in. When the cows come toward the camera in the opening shot, you know immediately that these cows have been color-coordinated to within an inch of their lives. I love this kind of super-deliberate film where each frame could stand on its own. Even the piles of garbage are perfectly composed. Mambéty’s visual sense of humor is terrific: the man trying to break up a fight between two women only to get beaten up himself, the taxi driver running away in his yellow socks, Mory in the paddleboat with the lecherous Charlie. The main characters, Mory and Anta, never ask for our sympathy, because they are too cool for us."

Carlito's Way (1993)
Carlito's Way (1993)
1993 | Drama
De Palma’s best films are thrillers, told with a sense of dread and urgency. His characters are flawed anti-heroes either running toward something or away from it, sometimes both at once. As is the case with Carlito, played with an unforgettable lisp and absolute relish by a Pacino let loose to do his thing without restraint. It’s a big film with broad strokes, that sucks you in and keeps you on a tightrope right to the inevitable end, that you should see coming, but somehow didn’t. A transformed Sean Penn steals the show, with a solid gold turn, quirky, intense and thoroughly repugnant. But it is the story that drives it – a man who always wants “out” and finds himself in a labyrinth of pressure and bad choices, in a world overflowing with fools and selfishness. The set pieces are sublime, the pace is relentless – a film where everything comes together to create more than the sum of its parts.

Ruben Ostlund recommended Playtime (1967) in Movies (curated)

Playtime (1967)
Playtime (1967)
1967 | Classics, Comedy

"This film is the most ambitious failure. I love Tati as an actor, and I love the way the scenes are made; they’re so intelligent and funny, and the timing is fantastic in each and every moment. It has a Chaplin-like precision. But it’s also a black hole that sucks energy from the audience. I also really love his short films, like the one where he’s teaching actors how to walk into a wall properly. For me, Tati took acting to a level comparable to sports. His performances are very direct, and you can see his skill as an actor."

Happy Death Day 2U (2019)
Happy Death Day 2U (2019)
2019 | Horror, Mystery
What goes around comes around
A sequel rarely stacks up against the original but in this case, it does.
A plot almost identical to its predecessor which quickly changes saving the movie from a copy paste review.
This better take on inception (because inception sucks) adds players to its life and death game starting off at day 1.

Includes original cast and new members, with a faster pace than the 1st, happy death day 2U is a rollercoaster of fun.
If you enjoyed the 1st, you'd be outta your freaking mind to miss this.

Dark humorous tone throughout.