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The Suicide Squad (2021)
The Suicide Squad (2021)
2021 | Action, Comedy, Crime
Its adult humor is also incredibly poignant (2 more)
Blood and gore is Troma levels of insanity
King Shark and Polka Dot Man
Not as fun on repeat viewings (1 more)
Is a little too similar to Guardians of the Galaxy
I'm a Motherf@#$ing Superhero!
You could probably get away with calling James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad an R-rated version of Guardians of the Galaxy, but it isn’t entirely fair or correct. It’s a complicated comparison much like Gunn’s status with Marvel Studios that allowed him to make the film in the first place and whether or not The Suicide Squad is a sequel or a reboot to David Ayer’s 2016 film.

Gunn has always had a knack for getting gory or gross or raunchy if the opportunity presented itself. The Suicide Squad almost feels like a clean, strike that, blood-splattered slate for the filmmaker. Gunn had complete creative control while making The Suicide Squad and it shows; not only in its graphic content and excessive vulgarity, but also in the characters Gunn chose to be in the film. Nearly everyone has been replaced from the previous Suicide Squad film except for Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney), Colonel Rick Flagg (Joel Kinnaman), Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), and Amanda Waller (Viola Davis). The new characters are mostly unknown or barely known villains, which makes the fact that nearly all of them are expendable all the more intriguing.

While Guardians of the Galaxy and The Suicide Squad are two different films, there are some undeniable similarities. The cast of The Suicide Squad is insanely stacked, but you have to know by now that three quarters of these characters die in horribly gruesome ways. Witnessing who lives and who dies is half the fun of the film, so that won’t be spoiled here. But The Suicide Squad has a team of five characters that are grouped together and featured more than anyone else. It’s a lot like how Guardians began with Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. These five characters also end up being the ones you love the most.

Gunn also has a thing for taking a group of assholes and giving them meaning. In the tenth season of South Park, Eric Cartman meets Bart Simpson face to face. Bart has always been a troublemaker and a prankster, but Cartman ground up Scott Tenorman’s parents, slapped that ground parent meat in some chili, and made Scott eat his own parents. The comparison between Guardians and The Suicide Squad is a lot like the difference between Bart Simpson and Eric Cartman. The Suicide Squad features straight up murderers, demented psychopaths, and whatever the hell Weasel is.

Not unlike his other comic book film work though, Gunn typically takes what would be unlikable characters on their own and finds a purpose for them once they’re with other outcasts that they can relate to. There is a ton of heart in The Suicide Squad. You fall in love with King Shark because he’s trying to read books upside down and use one of his fingers as mustache as a brilliant disguise, but you don’t feel for him until he reveals that he’s never had a friend. Sebastian, Ratcatcher II’s go-to rat, is adorable because he waves at, offers leaves to, and flocks toward Bloodsport even though he’s afraid of rats. There’s still this camaraderie in The Suicide Squad. It may be broken and gory, but it’s still camaraderie.

There are some unusual choices that Gunn made with The Suicide Squad though. They originally wanted Will Smith to come back as Deadshot, but supposedly cast Idris Elba to replace Smith in the role. Then they backtracked and made Elba Bloodsport. The odd thing is that both Bloodsport and Peacemaker are exactly the same as Deadshot. Peacemaker seems to be a bit crazier, but both characters have a thing for making anything a weapon in their hands and having precise aim. Bloodsport is even doing everything in the film for the sake of his daughter. It gives Warner Bros a chance to bring Smith back as Deadshot down the line, but having all three characters in the same film would be serious overkill.

Harley Quinn’s action sequences in The Suicide Squad are better and more satisfying than anything Margot Robbie has done with the role. Polka Dot Man is low-key the coolest character of the film despite seeing his mom in every person that he meets. Many will likely point to the blood, the gore, and all of the F-bombs shouted mostly among teammates as Gunn cleansing his Marvel/Disney palette so to speak. However, the major difference is Starro. Starro is a giant blue and purple starfish with an eyeball in the middle of his body. He is essentially a kaiju, but he shoots miniature versions of himself out of his armpits which latch onto people’s faces, kills them, and turns their corpses into zombie-like slaves that do his bidding; all while Starro gets bigger and bigger in the process. The abridged version of this starfish heavy explanation is that Starro is fucking terrifying. The entire world is basically on the verge of bowing down to a Godzilla sized starfish that has the ability to shoot armies of himself out of his Goddamn armpits! The MCU featuring a monster or creature of any kind that is that scary is slim to none.

The Suicide Squad is an uproarious extravaganza filled with grotesque nom-noms, full-on naked dick shots, and John Cena in tighty-whities and it’s is the most fun you’ll have with an R-rated comic book film in a theater (or at home with HBO Max) since Deadpool. It’s the first comic book film to come along in a good long while that’s charming because of how weird it is. As a final note, stay/watch after the credits. James Gunn and John Cena are doing an 8-episode Peacemaker TV series for HBO Max due sometime in 2022, so that may or may not be teased in some capacity.
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
When John Ceepak sees something suspicious at a soldier's suicide, he and Danny begin investigating. But who would want to kill a hero? I love these characters, and the plot had me confused until the end.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Riding Gain
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A murder and attempted suicide bring Shauna back to the world of murder. I wish this weren't the final book in the series since it was an amazing ride once again with characters I just love.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

KarenRC (6 KP) rated The Second Cup in Books

Jul 23, 2018  
The Second Cup
The Second Cup
Sarah Marie Graye | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is an enlightening read, making you think about subjects or feelings that you might normally find uncomfortable. The general theme is around depression and suicide, but it is handled well. The 4 different character perspectives made the story feel a little thinly spread and may have benefited from being from just one or two perspectives.

Niki Caro recommended All My Puny Sorrows in Books (curated)

All My Puny Sorrows
All My Puny Sorrows
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Read while directing Anne in Canada. A book that begins with two spirited sisters and a forward-thinking mother in a Mennonite community was always going to be irresistible to me. That it also encompasses musical prodigy, the prospect of assisted suicide, and the forthright, self-deprecation of its flawed and funny lead character made it even more so."

Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Crime
Better than Suicide Squad
I'm going to get in a lot of trouble for watching this film. I promised my friend we'd watch it when she finishes her night shifts in 2 weeks, but I was in the mood for watching something a little less intensely serious and more brainless, and this is pretty much what I got.

I hated Suicide Squad. Seriously I gave it a 2, so the best thing I can say is that this is at least a lot better than that. Mainly down to Margot Robbie and her endearing and enigmatic take on Harley. She was the best thing about Suicide Squad and it's the same here. She's the star of the show and brings a lot of the humour and fun. I did feel like a lot of the other female characters were sidelined more than they should have been which is a shame especially as the film is called Birds of Prey, and I'm really not sure what was going on with Ewan McGregor's over the top slimy gangster.

The plot is entertaining enough, the fight scenes and the soundtrack played along side them are very well done and it was these that mainly kept me going throughout - these are some pretty kickass women. When the action dropped and especially when Harley wasn't in a scene, it soon began to get very dull and tiresome.

Whilst overall this definitely isn't the best DC film (indeed the Wonder Woman 1984 trailer shown before this looked a lot more exciting), it's miles better than Suicide Squad and rather a relief not to see Jared Leto's Joker again.
Show all 3 comments.

Kimmic (814 KP) Feb 10, 2020

I wasn't too sure when I saw the trailer but this review is making me think otherwise!


Sarah (7798 KP) Feb 11, 2020

@Erika I suppose considering how awful Suicide Squad was, it would be rather impressive if it wasnt better than it! 😆


Catherine (40 KP) rated 13 Reasons Why in TV

Aug 29, 2017  
13 Reasons Why
13 Reasons Why
2017 | Drama
They tried? (0 more)
It doesn't fit with my personal experiences with self-harm and suicide (0 more)
Poor Portrayal
To be honest, I didn't finish this series. It was THAT bad. I personally struggle with clinical depression and have some friends who have considered and/or attempted suicide. To me, it was a poor representation of what I have experiences. Suicide is a personal decision, chosen by people who don't feel as though their life is worth living anymore. Oftentimes, this decision IS reached after a person has been a victim of bullying and/or abuse. However, these events lead to a person devaluing his/her life and suffering so much they just want to end it. In the series, the girl seems confident in her analysis of each event and tells them how they should have acted differently in certain situations. It has been a while since I watched it, so I don't remember specific details that bothered me, but I don't remember her holding herself accountable for anything. There was no self deprecation or even much introspection. Perhaps others' experiences are different, but this series was so different from what I have experienced; it really didn't strike a chord with me as it seems to have other viewers.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
The story itself is amazing goes for a different direction than the usual Star Wars movies the characters are pretty good has a much more dark and gritty feel to it then usually found in Star Wars movies (0 more)
It is a prequel so you know certain things are going to happen that's just the way prequels work (0 more)
Suicide Squad a Star Wars story
Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad (2016)
2016 | Action
I held off watching Suicide Squad because I wasn't sure if it would live up to the hype. I really liked it and I definitely see why people were obsessed with Harley Quinn! (0 more)
Definitely feel like it was overrated but not by too much, I will say. Felt a sequel is in need as a lot of story left to tell! (0 more)
Surprisingly Good
The Skulls (2000)
The Skulls (2000)
2000 | Horror, Mystery
6.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A good young cast, including a very young Paul Walker. It's a decent conspiracy thriller about a secret society that picks the best students from the top universities. After a friends apparent suicide on campus though, is there more to this elite group. It's entertaining, and has a strong cast line up, locations and action. If you like thrillers check this out.