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Darren (1599 KP) rated XX (2017) in Movies

Oct 31, 2019  
XX (2017)
XX (2017)
2017 | Horror
Story – The Box is a very interesting horror, it poses a question that would leave the audience much like Susan wondering what changed everything in her family’s life, it has a shock moment, while the rest is filled with the psychological side of horror. The Birthday Party plays out more like a dark comedy that a horror, it does work very well watching how hard the it is to cover up a death. Don’t Fall does seem to be the weakest of the stories here, mostly because it is way too short, it seems to take us to the location, hit night and everything happens and it is over way too quickly. Her Only Living Son does play out a lot like ‘We Need to Talk About Kevin’ only having a supernatural side to the outcome, it is one that could easily be a longer film too. Overall the stories are different enough, we have little sparks for each sub-genre of horror too which only means if you didn’t like one, you can skip to the next with ease.

Horror – The horror in the film gives us something different in each little story, we have psychological, dark humour, creature feature and satanic, which will give the audience something to enjoy between them.

Settings – The film does use each setting to make us feel like we are in different stories with Happy Birthday using the environment the best through the film.

Special Effects – The effects are strong when needed, we don’t turn to them very often which is nice for a horror film at times.

Scene of the Movie – Dinner with a difference.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Don’t Fall feels too short.

Final Thoughts – This is a nice little horror anthology which highlights the female film makers in the genre, each story will have something for each type of horror fan to enjoy.

Overall: Horror Anthology 101

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Pay the Ghost (2015) in Movies

Nov 4, 2017 (Updated Nov 4, 2017)  
Pay the Ghost (2015)
Pay the Ghost (2015)
2015 | Mystery
3.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Another terrible Nicholas Cage horror
I was bored so I decided to watch this film knowing that it has terrible ratings. And I can definitely see why.

It surrounds Cage's missing child who disappeared on Halloween. There emerges a rather unclear pattern of missing children and bizarre otherworldly messages. Given that it is New York, it's difficult to see how they established a sequence of missing children as there were far more than just three children going missing on this day every year. And somehow Celtic folklore gets drafted in, where a mother, who was burned at the stake with her three children, seems to be the one taking these kids in revenge.

The end battle is almost comedic, as Cage gets strangled by a burnt witch while hovering in the sky and rotating simultaneously. It's pretty ridiculous - there's nothing that threads the story together, going from all out supernatural to thriller back to supernatural. A flakey story no doubt.
The Woman in Black
The Woman in Black
Susan Hill | 1998 | Fiction & Poetry
6.9 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoyed this book, so much that I found it very difficult to put down...I must say I wasn't very happy that I had to put it down occasionally. I thought the story moved along at a good pace and it kept me interested from beginning to end. The reasons for removing a star was because I thought the language was a bit too descriptive in some places...a whole page and a half dedicated to how foggy it is in my opinion is a bit too much. Also, it wasn't as scary as I expected it to be. There was a good amount of tension and suspense but it didn't quite give me the chills I was looking forward to whilst reading it at night. For those who have watched the film first the book is very different, not so many supernatural moments occurred which was disappointing but it was like reading a different story. I recommend this book to fans of supernatural horror.
Apostle (2018)
Apostle (2018)
2018 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
This was a strange one. Not sure what category it should actually be under, and it was weird. Seemed like it couldn't decide either. The cinematography and acting were decent. The story played out well enough(for what it was) but the description really only scratches the surface of this movie. It's only on Netflix so if you're interested in this 'sci-fi, supernatural-horror-thriller' you'll have to go there to see it. Overall I'd say it's worth a watch if you're bored and looking for something to pass the time.
The Colour Out of Space
The Colour Out of Space
H.P. Lovecraft | 2020 | Horror
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
186 of 200
The colour out of space
By H.P Lovecraft

H. P. Lovecraft's vision of the perfect horror story was one that transcended the merely creepy and inspired a feeling of bottomless fear - a cosmic terror in which all of creation is at stake. This collection includes some of the genre's most notable achievements, including Algernon Blackwood's "The Willows," Henry James's "The Jolly Corner," and Arthur Machen's "The White People." Inspired by Lovecraft's pioneering survey of the field of horror fiction, Supernatural Horror in Literature, this anthology also contains the title story, one of Lovecraft's best. First published in 1927, "The Colour Out of Space" follows the dissolution of a farming family after a giant meteor hits their land, poisons their crops, and drives them insane. Edmund Wilson praised the story for foreshadowing atomic fallout. Color and black-and-white illustrations are included.

The colour out of space is a retelling of events from a witness that experienced a meteor occurrence. I’m still quite new to reading Lovecraft and I think I’m this has to be my favourite so far! Apparently they made a film so that’s on my watch list too! I just love how descriptive these tales are how you kind of get lost in his telling!
The Living Skeleton (1968)
The Living Skeleton (1968)
1968 | Horror
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"To be found in the When Horror Came to Shochiku set from Eclipse, Horishi Matsuno’s engagingly demented Japanese picture jumbles gruesome crime, supernatural vengeance, psychic twins, mad science, and strange sea story—it may never settle on a tone, but its unpredictability is compelling. Haunted by her twin sister, who was murdered during a pirate attack, Saeko is mentored by a priest whose cool sunglasses conceal an evil secret identity and scars. Other pirate victims appear as living skeletons who inhabit a wreck and bring about the deaths of their murderers, and there’s also a mad scientist with vampire tendencies in the mix."


Awix (3310 KP) rated The Stone Tape in TV

Feb 22, 2020  
The Stone Tape
The Stone Tape
1972 | Fantasy, Horror
9.0 (3 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Acclaimed ghost story for TV looks slightly dated now but is still likely to put the wind up the unwary. Scientists investigating a haunted house jump to one conclusion too many. Ghostwatch's only serious rival for the title of spookiest thing ever made on videotape, The Stone Tape is notable for the way in which it manages to combine a genuine science-fiction approach with proper supernatural horror: the characters think they've managed to come up with a testable rationale for residual hauntings, but their inability to fully work out how the 'stone tape' operates leads to a climax quite unlike anything else in TV horror. Interesting subtext about gender politics in the workplace, too.

It is nearly fifty years old, made using quite primitive TV technology, quite talky, etc, etc, all of which probably counts against it for modern audiences. But it is interesting to look back to a time when British TV networks made horror for the brain.

Rachel (48 KP) rated The Fear in Books

May 25, 2017  
The Fear
The Fear
Rae Louise | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Horror (6 more)
Haunted House
Great Horror
I really did enjoy this book immensely. I am always searching for the 'perfect' ghost story and this comes pretty close!

The authors writing style really drew me in, an almost casual voice that ramps up the tension without you really realising it.
The characters were all extremely natural and sympathetic. None of the conversations felt forced, even though they were between characters of very differing ages.

The actions, and reactions, to the dramatic events made sense. At no point did I think "No one would ever do that, how silly" which often happens in supernatural/horror stories.

The way in which the atmosphere and tension slowly crept up meant that I just couldn't put it down. I could actually imagine the growing claustrophobia the characters were feeling.
Because certain events are not as they seem, for reasons you will understand after reading, it really kept me on my toes - did that happen? Can I believe what I'm reading this time?
Even though it kept me guessing it never got annoying - I just wanted to read that little bit more to find out! To me that is a sign of a talented author.

If I had to find fault it would be with the ending, unless there is a sequel planned! It was satisfying until reading the very last chapter, which was left as a kind of cliffhanger.

Rae Louise has managed to write a horror which is genuinely creepy and has suspension and action in spades.
The Prodigy  (2019)
The Prodigy (2019)
2019 | Horror
Finally! A really good supernatural thriller/ horror film. The cinematography was on par. The acting was great(the little boy was quite impressive!). The story unfolded really well with a few jump scares and an interesting take on certain ideologies. Very well written. A little predictable in a couple parts, but not enough to ruin the movie. The only thing that disappointed me was that, as always seems to be the case anymore, it left itself open for a sequel. Hollywood can't resist itself, I guess(always looking to "piggyback" on a potential hit)but other than that I highly recommend this film. REALLY worth a watch!
The Forlorned
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a free copy of this book via Clean Teen Publishing Elite Reviewers which I am a member of. I made no guarantee of a favorable review.

If you are looking to read a book that will creep you out then look no further because this one will do just that. There's even a scene in the story that had me quickly getting out of the bathtub and I LOVED it!!!

This is horror and supernatural at its extreme best. The author's unique and creative story telling ensnares you from the very beginning and the heart pounding scares will keep you glued to the book until the outstanding end. I hope the movie version does this book justice. I can't wait to read more books written by this extremely talented writer.