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The Strangers (2008)
The Strangers (2008)
2008 | Horror
6.9 (21 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The suspense is off the charts. Bryan Bertino creates tension like very few can. You can't even breathe at times, especially on a first viewing. (5 more)
The Strangers themselves are crafted to perfection from the iconic masks to their mannerisms to their lack of a true motive.
The symbolism is heavy throughout. It takes multiple viewings to catch it all. Look at the busted windshield at the end for one example.
The use of music as another character is absolutely brilliant. Each tune was used to perfection.
The camerawork and set design are off the charts given the budget Bertino had to work with.
The ending. Not every horror story has a happy ending. This one was a beautiful and glorious gut punch.
The very last scene. If Bertino had been allowed to keep the exact ending he wanted this would've been 1000 times more impactful. (1 more)
The sound. When things are quiet you can hear a pin drop, but when a noise comes it blows out your eardrum.
Why are you doing this to us?
Because you were home.

This is my favorite film of all time. To me, this film is literally horror nirvana. This remains to this day the only film to ever truly scare me. This isn't some fake supernatural hocus pocus. This is reality. While the film may only be INSPIRED by true events, and not something that actually happened, it could happen, and it does happen...every day, whether you want to come to terms with it or not. The crazy thing is that if Bertino had been able to do this his way without any studio intervention, this film would've been 10 times darker and 10 times better. I don't care what anyone says, this film is a horror heavyweight that pays true homage to the birth era of horror.

JT (287 KP) rated Mama (2013) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Mama (2013)
Mama (2013)
2013 | Horror, International
When a film is presented by a well-known director it initially has a certain weight to it that will place it above the shoulders of others. In the case of horror/thriller Mama it has the backing of Spanish director Guillermo del Toro which is a certain plus point for any one who is a fan.

However, any big name attachment is probably there to push the marketing of the film, sadly this one doesn’t quite do itself much justice and falls some way short of achieving any greatness.

It’s a film of two halves, which as the second and third acts take shape becomes more and more ridiculous.

The film is brought to the big screen by director by Andrés Muschietti who also helmed the short three minute piece. It follows the story of two girls Lily and Victoria who are taken away by their father Jeffrey after he goes a bit doolally and offs his co-workers and wife.

When the car they are travelling in crashes they take shelter in a house deep in the forest, riddled with guilt Jeffrey then decides to enter into murder suicide, but something supernatural stops him and the girls are left to fend for themselves.

Move ahead five years and Jeffrey’s brother Lucas continues his search for the girls hiring a couple of hicks to trail the forest looking for the derelict cabin. When they are finally found the girls are practically feral and need psychiatric supervision as they are welcomed back into society.

Lucas and his grunge girlfriend Annabel are given custody as well as a nice new house for them to live in, all under the watchful eye of Dr. Dreyfuss. Once inside the house its clear to see that the girls have brought something back with them, something that doesn’t want to let them go.

Mama starts well enough, with a frenetic opening that glimpses the supernatural entity through blurred vision it moves from eerie strength to strength building tension and then unleashing it in small doses not giving the audience long enough to draw breath.

Of course it sticks quite closely to now tried and tested horror clichés, with things lurking in the shadows, children talking to imaginary nothingness and the so old “what’s in the closet” routine?

Then the director, whether bored with just giving us tit bits of the mother like antagonist, decides to reveal ‘it’ in all its glory. It then moves from scare mongering horror to poorly constructed ghost story in the space of a few minutes.

The acting is nothing to write home about, Jessica Chastain while so dominant in Zero Dark Thirty is flat and a little off the mark here, why the need for the grunge look is beyond me. Maybe it was in keeping with the Gothic back story?

The young girls do well, sweet and innocent yet dependable when needed, the rest of the cast pretty much fall by the wayside. The ending was for me beyond ridiculous and undid most if not all of the good work the start gave us, although saying that it was pretty much on the decline when Mama herself becomes much more of a central character.

It’s not as main stream a horror as you would expect, but the protagonist shadows the central figure that graced the god awful Darkness Falls and that is one supernatural entity well worth staying away from.
The Dead and the Dark
The Dead and the Dark
Courtney Gould | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Captivating look at the supernatural and the pull of family
In Snakebite, Oregon, teenagers keep disappearing or turning up dead. Things just seem off. The locals blame Brandon and Alejo Ortiz-Woodley, two former Snakebite residents who are back in town. They now host a popular ghost hunting show and travel the country with their daughter Logan. Wanting to clear the family name, Logan winds up joining forces with Ashley Barton, whose boyfriend was the first to go missing. Ashley is sure she can feel his presence guiding her around Snakebite. But as the two team up, they discover some pretty terrifying and dangerous things about Snakebite.

I loved this book so much. Sometimes it feels like I read similar books over and over. Not this time. Gould’s book is original and spellbinding. This is such a dark and ominous read. Gould truly brings you into Snakebite, the supernatural, creepy, and quite unwelcoming small town. It’s atmospheric and spooky. I could not put this book down!

DARK is filled with LGBTQIA representation, between Logan’s dads, the fact that she’s an out lesbian, and her own burgeoning friendship (and more) with Ashley. I loved everything about all of it.

This book is part horror story, part exploration of the meaning and depths of darkness, and part look at family dynamics. It’s an extremely well written ghost story with a sapphic love interest. It really doesn’t get much better than that! (It’s so good, read it—and it’s a debut!)

I received a copy of this book from St. Martin's Press / Wednesday Books and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.
Noroi: The Curse (2005)
Noroi: The Curse (2005)
2005 | Horror
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Documentary Style feels authentic and hits all the right notes (0 more)
It gets a bit hard to follow at times (0 more)
Creepy Japanese Mockumentary hits the right notes
My word, the Japanese just do great horror huh?

A lot of my favourite Horrors are Japanese, from the classy Ringu, Kairo and Ju-On films to the trashier 'One Missed Call', but they all sure a singular understanding of tension, and most of all dread.

These movies revelled in slow horror, in knowing that the threat is inescapable, and like Michael Myers or Jason Vorhees (In the good films) it needn't rush.

Noroi: The Curse continues this theme, with a slow burning documentary style movie about some curious supernatural phenomena, that leads an investigator down a jagged and twisting path to discover the origins of the titular curse.

Whilst the movie is slow paced, the feeling of unease kicks in very early...there is something lurking on the edge of the screen, threatening to show you something horrifying at all times, but remaining patient until the tension is built to an almost unbearable level.

The story moves between a few pivotal characters, all of whom are able to provide a very genuine performance, that helps keep the viewer in the moment and suspending disbelief enough to enjoy the movie as it was meant to be enjoyed.

I really enjoyed this one, and to be fair it ticked a lot of the boxes for me:

Found Footage
Documentary Style
J-Horror Style
Creepy Mythos
Dread over Jump Scared

highly recommend this, check it out!

Darren (1599 KP) rated Gnaw (2017) in Movies

Dec 3, 2019  
Gnaw (2017)
Gnaw (2017)
2017 | Horror
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Verdict: Slow Build, Great Ending

Story: Gnaw starts when Jennifer Conrad (Mitchell) escapes from her abusive husband, to start a new life in a small apartment complex, where the handyman Terry (Gass) takes her under his wing, trying to make her feel welcome. When one of the neighbours spends hours crying at night before killing herself.
Jennifer must deal with her ex-husband Boyd (Johnson) finding her, just as she gets a pet turtle and more painfully an uncomfortable bite, which just seems to keep getting worse.

Thoughts on Gnaw

Characters – Jennifer has been struck in an abusive relationship which she has gotten the courage to leave behind her, this does leave her in a small apartment complex where she must try to start a new life. Things seem positive, when she bumps into an old friend who wants to help her get a job, only things start going badly after her neighbour’s suicide and bites which appear on her skin, with no explanation behind them. She must face her own past, deal with a problem before moving on with her own life. Terry Lumley is the friendly handyman that offers Jennifer all the support while staying the apartments. Boyd is the abusive ex-husband and police officers, making it harder for Jennifer to escape him, he has always put her down and wants to keep his control over her. Claudette runs the apartments she doesn’t get on with anybody, just wants to see money coming in.
Performances – Penelope Mitchell in the leading role is the star of the show here, being able to show the pain she is running from and the hope she is fighting for. Kyle Gass is the next best thing in the film, where he does bring moments of laughter in his kind natured character. The rest of the cast do a solid job without being tested with what they have to do.
Story – The story here follows an abuse victim that is trying to escape her own life’s pain only to find herself dealing with the latest problem which has come her way in the form of a bite. This story does manage to show us how difficult getting out of an abusive relationship can be for the victim, where starting a new life can take more time than people believe, this side of the story is the strongest part because it shows the real horrors of Jennifer’s life. When we get into the mystery about the bites, it does go on the routine way, until we learn the truth, which makes both sides of the story get connected nicely.
Horror – The horror side of the film mixes the reality of being abused by a partner with the unknown of mysterious bites being found on the body and why they are there.
Settings – Most of the film remains in the hotel complex which is a place where people go to start life again.
Special Effects – When it comes to the effects we see what happens with the bites getting worse and the revel of what is behind it.

Scene of the Movie – The showdown in the room.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – The job interview.
Final Thoughts – This is a nice slow build horror that tries to reflect the ideas of the horror being in real life rather than needing supernatural elements.

Overall: Horror that tests the reality of life.
The Enfield horror trilogy (books 1-3)
Ron Ripley | 2022
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
75 of 230
The Enfield horror trilogy ( Books 1-3)
By Ron Ripley

In the deep woods of Enfield, an autumn windstorm has unleashed a horror that has been trapped for over 100 years. For decades, the beast and its lair have hungered. Now the people of Enfield have to deal with a supernatural hunter with an insatiable appetite for humans.A hunter that is disturbingly good at what it does.As people start disappearing, Officer Tom Henderson finds himself thrust from the role of a rural police officer into that of a savior. Improbable eyewitness accounts tell him that the beast he has to face is merciless. And now, Tom will discover how deep his courage truly runs.

Well I wasn’t expecting that! I thought I was getting some creepy story out in the woods. What I got was a fully fledged Japanese dragon with an appetite for human flesh and an attitude problem lol. Haha I just wasn’t expecting it. Overall I enjoyed it but found it a little strange I can’t quite put my finger on why! I would have liked a li more on the mythological side to explain it all a little better I think. I do like this author his books always find a way to surprise me.
Crimson Peak (2015)
Crimson Peak (2015)
2015 | Horror
For Writer/Director Guillermo del Toro horror and the supernatural go hand in hand with much of his work. From Pan’s Labyrinth” to The Strain, and “Hellboy” his unique mix of visuals and compelling characters have made him a darling of the genre.

In his new film “Crimson Peak”, the setting is the cold locales of Buffalo New York and Rural England during the late 1800s, and one where the weather both cold and wet play important parts in the look and plot of the film.

For Edith Cushing (Mia Wasikowska), life is exciting as despite the loss of her mother, her wealthy and supportive father has arranged for her to see her potentially see her stories published. As an avid writer, Edith holds that she has seen the ghost of her mother a secret and uses this as central themes of her writing.

Naturally this does not go well with the times, and she is urged to focus on romantic stories instead. Undaunted, Edith soldiers on unaware that her sheltered and privileged world is going to be upended by the arrival of the dashing Thomas (Tom Hiddleston), and his sister Lucille (Jessica Chastain), who have come to America to secure funding for their business ventures.

Tom came from a wealthy background and has fallen on hard times which have forced him to look for backers abroad. Edith’s father takes a disliking to him and even more so when he begins to court his daughter.

When her father pays off Thomas to leave when parts of his past are uncovered, things become complicated when Edith’s father is brutally killed and it is passed off as an accident. Grief stricken Edith marries Thomas and relocates to his home in England with Lucille to await her inheritance.

Of course things are not as they seem, and the home in which she lives is filled with dark secrets and Edith must find a way to survive the nightmare to which she has become a part of.

The film has some great visuals and a strong cast, but does tend to plod along. It is less of a horror story and more of a drama as the Supernatural element is there mainly to support aspects of the story rather than be the driving point.

My biggest issue with the film aside from pacing was that I was able to figure out where the story was going, twists and all within the first 30 minutes so there were no real surprises for me as it unfolded.

That being said, it was a pleasant enough diversion, I just do not think it will deliver the thrills and chills that audiences are expecting as it is more of a turn of the century drama than a horror film.
Stumbling Stoned (The Patchwork Prince #1)
Stumbling Stoned (The Patchwork Prince #1)
A. Van Wyck | 2018 | Mystery, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dark humor (1 more)
Fast paced
A few bad writing techniques (0 more)
When I realized that Wyck's Stumbling Stoned was like Memento meets a season of Fargo, I was all in. A book about a mental patient with amnesia that has supernatural powers? Yes, please!

I was completely blown away by the twists and turns in this story, and even more so by how well it all fit together. But if you find dark humor distasteful, you won't like this book very much. I found myself giggling at things I probably shouldn't have, but these things made it all the better.

Our main character is an amnesiac mental patient known as John Doe, and the entire story is told from his point-of-view. He escapes from the hospital soon after the start of the story with one of the psychiatrists in-tow. We find that Doe has tied up the former in a bathtub while an older man is tied up to a toilet. The man is unknown to the two, and apparently has jet black eyes that make him seem inhuman. And Doe seems to have eaten a fellow patient's finger and upchucked it in the sink- - - something that surprisingly disgusts him - - - and leads him to a drawing on the mirror above, something Doe drew before blacking out.

Doe, after realizing he kidnapped the psychiatrist, quickly lets her go, and goes off on his own with no idea who he is or where he's going. Just when the reader suspects that Doe might find out who he is, he is suddenly swept up into a human trafficking business and mafia dealings he had no idea existed. And because of this, after being drugged by a mafioso, Doe realizes that he has supernatural powers whenever he is hopped-up on drugs.

When Doe makes an escape from the dirty warehouse where young girls are held as sex slaves, he helps these girls by breaking their chains with his bare hands. Not only does he co-lead their escape, but he also ends up saving the daughter of a well-known Mafia boss. However, this leads to Doe being stuck in the middle of a family feud, and he is almost killed by this very same family for knowing just a little too much. And this isn't even half of the story!

Later on, Doe ends up in the hands of a witch, but he realizes quite quickly that she's not the one to fear, but rather who she is working for - - - a man named Zabat- - - who she is delivering our character to. Somehow, Zabat knows exactly who Doe is and why he has supernatural powers, but he refuses to tell him unless Doe helps him first. Doe refuses and, instead, throws himself out of a high rise window. From here, Doe begins to piece some of his life together, but Zabat causes a couple of problems that ends up revealing to the reader that Doe is not human and that the supernatural powers are not a figment of his imagination.

Now, the story is so fast-paced and borders on ridiculous at some points, yet it all fits together quite well; I personally can't think of another way this story could have been told, but that didn't make the book flawless. Stumbling Stoned had some bad writing techniques in it, but not enough that I think readers would put it down.

I can only recommend this book to people who like dark humor, but as far as horror - - - this isn't that type of book. Stumbling Stoned takes readers on a thrill ride through the seedier side of life. I personally believe this is a good book to read to get away from the daily stressors of life. I truly hope that Wyck decides to write a sequel!
Cara Martin | 2019 | Horror, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Supernatural horror is one of my favorite genres. Through the blogging universe, I came across Shantallow by Cara Martin. After reading the synopsis, I was hooked. When the opportunity arose to review Shantallow, I couldn't turn it down. Luckily, I enjoyed it!

I felt like the plot of Shantallow was a little confused to begin with. It started out as a teen love story between to high school kids gone wrong thanks to jealousy. However, after about thirty percent through the book, it quickly became a supernatural horror story about an evil haunted house. I thought this would focus on the nightmare that the main character, Misha, has about Tanvi. The nightmare, to me, only seems brushed upon. This didn't take away my enjoyment from the story though. I will admit that the whole love story in the beginning was a bit slow, and I did find myself wondering if I should continue. I'm really glad I persevered because after the love story, this book really takes off. It was as if Shantallow sank it's teeth into my attention span and didn't let go. I couldn't wait to see what would happen next in the evil house known as Shantallow. The creepy factor was definitely there throughout!

The ending of Shantallow felt a little as if the author didn't know how to end the book. It seemed rushed and too quick to end without being explained. Although Shantallow didn't end in any cliffhangers, I was still left with unanswered questions. Perhaps Shantallow will end up being a series, and my questions about the house will be answered.

The diversity of characters in Shantallow was done fantastically. I also enjoyed each of the characters once this book got going. Tanvi was an interesting character throughout the book. Although I could picture all the characters in my mind, Tanvi was the easiest one to bring alive in my head. She felt so realistic and like she could be someone I know. Misha comes across as really selfish, jealous, and controlling to being with. However, he redeems himself during his time in the Shantallow house with how protective he is over everyone. Lauren was my favorite character. I loved scenes that she was in. She seemed like such a sweet innocent kid.

Trigger warnings for Shantallow include violence, jealousy, murder, death, attempted murder, profanity, sex between teens (although not graphic), evil spirits, and underage drinking.

Despite the hurried ending, Shantallow really is a good read. It's got a very spooky plot and great characters once you get past the love story. I would recommend Shantallow by Cara Martin to older teens and adults aged 17+. If you love scary stories that will keep you up late at night reading with the lights on, Shantallow is the book for you! It definitely made my nights scarier (but I enjoy being scared)!
(A special thank you to Xpresso Book Tours for providing me with an eBook of Shantallow by Cara Martin in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)