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Rec 3: Genesis (2012)
Rec 3: Genesis (2012)
2012 | Horror, Thriller
6.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: We start by seeing friends and family coming together for the wedding of our two leads Clara and Koldo. The wedding goes perfectly but as they after party continues one of the guests starts coming off sick and the quarantine team turn up. One an infected guest starts to spread the virus all hell lets loose and we have to follow our groom and a few friends as they try to find safety and watch how he has to find his bride. All this while the bride tries to escape but refuses to leave without her groom.

With the first two in the series being set in the same building it is nice to see something different and with the wedding we get a one night chaos idea. It has the basic escape from the zombie like creatures that we have seen before with the self-sacrifice but lacks the unique kills. It ends up turning into a romantic escape as the two want to find each other and end up getting all their friends and family killed. It is very basic but does what you ask it too. (6/10)


Actor Review


Leticia Dolera: Clara bride who escapes with a priest and a few friends but once she releases her groom is not out she wants to go back and armed with chainsaw she goes back for him. Leticia gives a good performance. (7/10)


Diego Martin: Koldo groom who escapes and tries to save the people he is with before going back in his armour to save his bride. Diego gives a good performance. (7/10)


Support Cast: Friends and family back up the support cast and end up becoming victims while our heroes try to escape.


Director Review: Paco Plaza – Paco makes a solid bloody zombie film that has some good kills but lacks what made the first one special. (5/10)


Horror: Never really reaches the levels of the first ones. (3/10)

Settings: Fresh setting for the series works because it shows how one of the greatest moments of a couple’s life could turn into the biggest nightmare in a matter of moments. (8/10)
Special Effects: Great effects used for the kills and zombies images. (9/10)

Suggestion: This is one for the horror fans to try, it is bloodier that the first too but lacks the suspense they had. (Try It)


Best Part: Chainsaw time

Worst Part: No suspense


Believability: No (0/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Chances of Sequel: There is a fourth in the series.

Opening Credits Rating: We get to see photos of the two leads as they grow up until they are about to get married. (7/10)

Post Credits Scene: No


Oscar Chances: No

Runtime: 1 Hour 20 Minutes

Tagline: You may now kiss the bride


Overall: That moment when zombies crash your wedding
Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid (2004)
Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid (2004)
2004 | Action, Horror
Deep in the dense jungles of Borneo, a research team has come hoping to succeed where famed explorer Ponce De Leon once failed. History notes that De Leon ventured to Florida looking for the fabled Fountain of Youth that would endow all who drank from it with eternal youth and life.

The modern quest is taken up by a research team who believe that the rare Blood Orchid, which blooms every seven years is the key to eternal youth, as the small samples they obtained shows that the plant allows for greater cell reproduction and thus an end to aging.

With visions of billions of dollars in their heads, the team sets off to collect several samples of the orchid, as they only have a week to do so before they must wait another seven years for the flower to bloom again. Complicating matters is that the team has arrived during rainy season, and as such there is only one boat captain named Johnson (Johnny Messner), who will attempt to take the team down river in the dangerous conditions. The trip turns out to be even more dangerous than expected, and the team leader Dr. Byron (Matthew Marsden), offers and additional $50,00 to Johnson unbeknownst to his team to push on, no matter what.

When the boat jams a rudder due to debris and ends up on the bad side of a waterfall, the team finds themselves without any transportation and forced to trek across the jungle to not only catch other transportation, but to reach the Orchids in time. Unbeknownst to the team, they have entered an area of the jungle that is teaming with giant and deadly anacondas and the team is soon under attack by the large and deadly creatures that strike without warning and vanish almost as quickly as they appear.

Fractions soon arise as many in the team want to abandon the quest for the orchid and return to safety, while Byron insists that to give up now would be crazy and despite the risk, the prize the orchid promises is well worth the risk.

What follows is the typical cat and mouse game that while short on suspense does have some surprises and laughs along the way.

The snake effects are done via CGI this time out instead of animatronics, and the technology allows an even greater range of motion for the snakes, which adds to the suspense factor, as the snakes are able to appear as full body creatures rather then a simple head. The cast is solid especially Messner and Kadee Strickland as a scientist named Sam. The remainder of the cast has a bit of depth even those whose entire purpose is to become snake chow. Yes, the film is a B-Movie, and is light on plot, realism, and depth, but for late summer entertainment, “Anacondas” has enough bite to keep you interested.
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Beautiful to watch (1 more)
Good battle scenes
Destroyed some of what was set up in the last film (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I know I am late to the party just seeing today, but I think this film has gotten a bad wrap. I went in to it listening to the negative Nancy's out there, but the film ultimately turned me around and I enjoyed a lot.

Yes it did borrow a lot from the other Star Wars films, but it also went in a few surprising directions also. I was a bit surprised they did not resolve Leia's character since the death of Carrie Fisher, I'm sure that will be explained in the next film.

Mark Hamill was on record as saying he disagreed with the direction of Luke, but I'm not sure what he wanted to happen. I suppose some grand death scene after saving the universe once again and going out in a blaze of glory, but who is to say that won't still happen.

I think what it boils down to is people are unwilling to be left in suspense. Those of us who are old enough to remember know how we felt when we had to wait three years to see if Han Solo would get free of the carbonite and how the Rebellion would prevail against the Empire the first time around, so I say just be patient and see how it all comes together in the end (it had Better)!

Sheridan (209 KP) rated Horde in Books

Jul 9, 2017  
Ann Aguirre | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Perfect Finish to a Trilogy
Contains spoilers, click to show
Wow what a brilliant piece of work! This was an incredible end for this brilliant series. Just a warning though if you are reading this series don't read the blurb for this book huge spoilers which kind of wrecked the suspense for me. Overall it was amazing and blew my freaking mind. *Spoiler Alert* I cried several times and when Stalker was killed I almost put it down I couldn't stand it I wanted so desperately for him to find a happy ending. Fade becomes a little less like a wet rag in this one which improved my opinion of him. I became attached to many characters that didn't survive the final battle but in the end it's war and I respect the fact that some of them died because it would've been completely unrealistic if they had all survived and that would have lowered my opinion of the book. I loved how the freaks evolved and came into play at the end it shows real research into realisitic war situations. finally I was shocked and amazed that Stone and Thimble survived and were on the island, great plot twist I was like "get the f**k out!" so that was a fun moment because many books are very predictable and that threw me for six. Amazing amazing work! Read it it'll change the way you see the world. :-)
Another cover love novel from the hands of Mrs. Colleen Coble, a gem among the Christian Fiction authors I review books by! I struggled just a bit with the first 3 chapters, trying to get engrossed, but once I did......boy, this novel flew by for me! The characters were wonderfully chiseled and the theme of the story was suspenseful, just as the first. 

This book, to me, while having amazing characters, started off too slow for me. It wasn't until about chapter 4 that I became fully engrossed and flew through the book with lightening speed, following Ellie and Grayson through their story. There was unique twists and turns through the story once I got engrossed in it. Those twists and turns left me on the edge of my seat on a few occasions.

This book, filled with terrorism, truths that don't add up, and characters that are perfect for their roles, will leave you ready to get book three in your hands to find out what happens next. This is definitely a 4 star worthy novel and one that I will recommend to all who love a good, faith filled, thrilling suspense page turner. Mrs. Coble's talented hands have once again created a thrilling addition to her Lavender Tides series! Well done!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under not obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Before She Knew Him
Before She Knew Him
Peter Swanson | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
An Exceptional Psychological Thriller!
This exceptional psychological thriller from Peter Swanson (author of ‘The Kind Worth Killing’), is an absolute masterpiece!

Henrietta ‘Hen’ Mazur and her husband, Lloyd Harding, have dinner one evening with their new neighbours, Matt and Mira Dolamore, at their suburban Boston home. Following dinner, on a tour of their house, Hen notices a fencing trophy in Matt’s study that she believes was won by Dustin Miller, a college student who was murdered two years previous and who attended the high school where Matt is a history Professor. Matt claims that the trophy was bought in a sale, but Hen, who is obsessed with Dustin’s case, suspects that Matt killed Dustin. However, the next day when she visits Mira, the trophy has vanished, thereby reinforcing her suspicions. But Hen gets little support from the Police or her husband because of her history of mental health problems. An unlikely bond then develops between Hen and Matt, whose traumatic childhood adds tonnes of emotional interest to Peter Swanson’s superb narrative. Lots of twists and turns and an edge-of-your-seat plot keep the suspense in “Before She Knew Him” really high until the fulfilling and dramatic conclusion.

This brilliant psychological novel is a fabulous page-turner and a definite winner.

{Thank you to Edelweiss, HarperCollins UK/William Morrow and Peter Swanson for a free copy and for giving me the opportunity to provide an honest review.}
M is for Malice (Kinsey Millhone, #13)
M is for Malice (Kinsey Millhone, #13)
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Malice Among the Maleks
PI Kinsey Millhone is reluctant to take a case from one of her recently discovered cousins, Tasha Howard, but the case is too intriguing to turn down. The head of Malek Construction has recently died, and the only will anyone can find divides his estate among his four sons. The problem is no one has heard from Guy, the black sheep of the family, since he was supposedly disinherited almost twenty years ago. Can Kinsey pick up a very cold trail and find him?

Those familiar with the series will know what to expect, plenty of family drama and a case that is much more complicated than it sounds. Yes, things slow down a bit in the middle, but I suspected what was coming next and I found that suspense more than enough to keep me reading. Kinsey is the star of this series, and her slow growth is enjoyable to watch. We do get a bit from other series regulars, but we spent the most time with the characters related to the mystery, and they are all strong. I was especially happy to note that a group of Christians Kinsey meets don’t turn out to all be hypocrites or extremists, which is what I expect almost every time I run across that in a mystery. Fans of Kinsey who haven’t read this book yet are in for a strong entry in the series.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated My Lovely Wife in Books

Apr 6, 2019  
My Lovely Wife
My Lovely Wife
Samantha Downing | 2019 | Thriller
8.2 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
A gem of a read
This book is like nothing I have read before ... in a good way of course but I am slightly worried that I may be moving onto the dark side of normal! Why? you may ask - just read this book and you'll understand!

What we have here is an absolute gem of a read that had me hooked from the start. I won't go into the plot as I don't want to give anything away but will describe it as being edgy, dark, twisted, engrossing, disturbingly entertaining and totally unique. The characters are just excellent but more than that, they are frighteningly believable and rarely do I find myself feeling so wrong about liking and rooting for someone so disturbed but scarily normal!

The writing is crisp and effective and easy to read with excellent pacing; great suspense and twists leave you reading way too late into the night in anticipation of what the heck is going to happen next.

I can't believe this is a debut and I am waiting on tenterhooks for Samantha Downing's next book and I only hope it's as disturbingly good as this one. On her website, she says that she wants to "tell stories that make people walk into walls"; I think she did with this one.

Thank you to the publisher, Penguin UK - Michael Joseph, and NetGalley for my copy in exchange for an honest review.