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You Will Know Me
You Will Know Me
Megan Abbott | 2016 | Crime, Thriller
6.4 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Suspenseful (1 more)
Katie Knox's life basically revolves around her teenage daughter, Devon, an extremely talented gymnast who is on a path to the Olympics. Katie and her husband, Eric, have given up their lives, their time, and their money for Devon's dream. But when a sudden death hits their close gymnastic community a few weeks before an important competition, this dream suddenly seems in jeopardy. Devon's fellow gymnasts and their families are awash in gossip as their beloved coach and his family deal with an unexpected loss. Katie wants only to focus on healing and moving on, but she finds her family drawn into the swirl, as each day reveals more surprises about her daughter and husband.

This novel was a very realistic look at the gymnastics world. You could easily picture Devon's gym and the cutthroat parents who populated it, forcing the weight of the world on Devon's shoulders, as they believed the gym's success rides on her shoulders. She captured their gossip and competition quite well. It also did an excellent job of portraying the lengths parents will go to support and protect their children. I guessed the outcome of this one fairly early on, but still found it fairly tense and suspenseful. In fact, this novel is almost too tense at times to be enjoyable, even though it's rather well-written and quite compelling. It's a trainwreck; you can't walk away, even though you know how it will end.

The book is intriguing in that it's written from Katie's perspective, despite the fact that it's basically all about Devon. This adds to the suspense -- how reliable is Katie, and how much does she truly know about Devon, her husband, and her younger son? There are times when you'd really love to key in on what Devon is thinking (and what she knows), which just adds to the tantalizingly frustrating element of this novel.

Overall, I enjoyed this one, though it wasn't one of my all-time favorite thrillers. Still, it's a quick, compelling read. 3.5 stars.
The Marriage Pact
The Marriage Pact
Michelle Richmond | 2017 | Thriller
7.6 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thrilling to Read
This book was a complete page turner. I loved the mood, I loved the atmosphere and the tension that was prevalent throughout nearly the entire novel. It was such an excellent read I had to put aside everything else so that I could progress further until I finished.

Jake and Alice were great characters to follow through. It’s a bit hard to see how they both connect and have that chemistry (they’re very opposite of one another) and you don’t really see it between them but somehow their personalities are likable and they just seem to fit well together. Jake is very analytical - his random facts about marriage can attest to that. Also his methods of reading other people is one of the most interesting aspects of his character. Alice on the other hands, is a rock star turned lawyer which is a very odd mix, but you have to pay the bills somehow right?

Onto the plot. The Pact sounds pretty like a harmless group to join doesn’t it? But man oh man does it ever take a twist to the dark and ugly. I love how the dark twisted side of the Pact comes out slowly as you progress throughout the book. The suspense is really tense and you can feel it as Alice and Jake experience the bad side of things - oh but the feelings of paranoia. Those feelings are so strong you yourself feel as if you’re being watched and monitored. Every time you think ‘it’s ok we got this all under control’ nope another big surprise happens around the corner and not everything is going to be okay. You then start to question their trust, and their fidelity and that’s where the mind plays ugly tricks on both Alice and Jake and on you.

I found this book immensely enjoyable and it was a thrill to read. When you feel and start emulating the same way the main characters feel in the book, you know you’re in for a good one.
Shadows of Suspicion
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Synopsis: Revenge is the agenda...“Find my sister.”Rick Reiley ’s words were what drove Luke to search mercilessly for Kerry. He is in a race against time to find her and will have to face more than a criminal mastermind to get close to her. He is prepared to give his life for her, but what about his heart? “...I would like you to meet...My wife.”Those words from her enigmatic rescuer threw Kerry more than anything else that had happened to her in the last few days...and that was saying a lot! Kerry ’s simple life is turned upside down when she is kidnapped and dragged to the middle of nowhere by a madman. She trusts Luke with her life, but can she trust him with her heart? As Luke fights to keep Kerry safe, the chemistry ignites and the danger gets closer. Will God protect them while Luke tries to sort out his heart.... and capture Kerry’s?

My Thoughts: This is the second book in the Shadows Series, and they just keep getting better and better! This book starts where the last one left off, and don't worry if you haven't read the first one, you can jump right in. This novel is filled with suspense and romance. Ashley Dawn keeps the readers' attention wondering what will happen next.

This is a novel of letting go and forgiving, this is what Luke needed to do with his life, and to let God back in. Finding that freedom enabled him to go on with his life and to find the happiness to replace the emptiness that he was feeling.

I enjoy all the characters, this book focuses on Kerry Reilly and Luke, but we meet up with characters from the first book. This is a great supporting cast that works well to make this series work. I am looking forward to the next book "Shadows of Pain"
The Cheerleaders
The Cheerleaders
Kara Thomas | 2018 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Captivating mystery with some heartbreaking, dark undertones
There are no longer cheerleaders allowed at Sunnybrook High School. It's been that way for five years, ever since five members of the team died within a short span of each other. One of those girls was Monica's sister, Jen. Jen committed suicide after four of her fellow cheerleaders died--two in a car accident and two in a brutal murder at the hands of a fellow Sunnybrook resident. That man is dead, killed by the police. Still, Monica doesn't understand why her confident, beautiful sister killed herself. And now she's finding strange things about Jen's death that don't add up: her phone, left behind in her stepfather's desk, weird letters in his drawer, and more. What really happened five years ago? And are people done dying?

This was my first book from Kara Thomas, but it won't be my last. While this is billed as a YA novel--and there are definitely some aspects--it's also dark and twisted. I found it to be a compelling mystery that kept me guessing the entire time. Thomas does a wonderful job of painting suspense and unease as Monica slowly unravels more and more details surrounding the cheerleaders' deaths. It's impossible to trust anyone in this novel, which makes it all the more delightful. From one page to the next, I was convinced someone else was the culprit.

There's a varied set of characters in this one, but Monica is definitely the star. She's a strong narrator, even she doesn't always make the best decisions. Again, this isn't a sweet, touchy feely YA novel and neither is our narrator. She's made some bad choices (and been through a lot), but she's also feisty and determined.

Overall, this has a Pretty Little Liars vibe at times, but it's also a captivating mystery with some heartbreaking, dark undertones. It will keep you guessing and engaged. Plus, there's that wonderful, twisty ending. 4 stars.
Dead Memories (D.I. Kim Stone, #10)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
She ruined their lives. Now they’re going to destroy hers.
‘Someone is recreating every traumatic point in your life. They are doing this to make you suffer, to make you hurt and the only possible end game can be death. Your death.’
On the fourth floor of Chaucer House, two teenagers are found chained to a radiator. The boy is dead but the girl is alive. For Detective Kim Stone every detail of the scene mirrors her own terrifying experience with her brother Mikey, when they lived in the same tower block thirty years ago.
When the bodies of a middle-aged couple are discovered in a burnt-out car, Kim can’t ignore the chilling similarity to the death of Erica and Keith – the only loving parents Kim had ever known.
Faced with a killer who is recreating traumatic events from her past, Kim must face the brutal truth that someone wants to hurt her in the worst way possible. Desperate to stay on the case, she is forced to work with profiler Alison Lowe who has been called in to observe and monitor Kim’s behavior.
Kim has spent years catching dangerous criminals and protecting the innocent. But with a killer firmly fixed on destroying Kim, can she solve this complex case and save her own life or will she become the final victim?

Dead Memories is the tenth book in the DI Kim Stone series, wow what a story!
This is another very cleverly written and fast-paced plot. Wonderful well developed characters and a wide range of suspects to choose from.
Lots of action and tons of suspense from start to finish. Riddled with twists and this story is not predictable at all.
Absolutely the best in series so far in my opinion. Thoroughly enjoyed and I highly recommend reading!!

Thanks so much to Netgalley, Bookouture, and Angela Marsons for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an honest opinion.
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Emotional and incredibly satisfying
I’ll start my review off by saying that apart from a very short teaser trailer, I have seen no trailers or read any articles about this film. And for me this really helps with my overall enjoyment of a film, especially with one as highly anticipated as this!

I’m going to struggle to say too much about this film without giving away any spoilers, but what I will say is that it is a truly intense experience. It manages to seamlessly tie up some of the loose ends from previous Marvel films in a matter of a few scenes and minutes, and also move the surviving characters on effortlessly from where we last saw them in Infinity War. This film does not play out the way I expected it to (in a good way) especially during the first third, but this could’ve been because I’ve refused to read any theories beforehand. But this for me made it even more enjoyable and I think the way this played out was rather nostalgic and heartwarming in a way. I spent most of this film torn between a mixture of emotions: on the edge of my seat suspense, confusion and sheer wtf moments, and yes I even shed a tear or two. I’ve never felt so gripped and invested before in a film I’ve seen at the cinema, especially one that’s on for over three hours. My only criticism (which explains why it isn’t a 10) is that some of the characters are underused or go missing with not very satisfactory explanations, and while I appreciate that this is a big film with lots of characters, it doesn’t do as much justice to them as Infinity War did. Despite this though, it is an incredibly enjoyable film with a very emotional and satisfying ending.

And this isn’t a spoiler, but don’t bother waiting after the film. There aren’t any post credits scenes.

Kevin Phillipson (10017 KP) Apr 25, 2019

I did stay to the end whoops but I liked it to

Pet Sematary (2019)
Pet Sematary (2019)
2019 | Horror
Pet peeve
#petsematary is a dire #remake of an already bad #film. Its drab, lifeless & should never of been #reanimated. I had high hopes for this film because it feels like its been a while since the last mainstream horror movie so as I felt genuinely excited but after the first 15 minutes this feeling had quickly been replaced with sheer #fear there was still well over an hour left to go till i could leave. Before we hit the negatives ill give you my positives that saved the movie from being a total walk out. First - #johnlithgow is great as always but mostly wasted largely because of the terrible script he's been given to work with. Second - the running theme of #death is great & the film portrays how all living things fear it so much rather well (it also handles #grieving & guilt #trauma surrounding #death well too but its ultimately far to brief). Now the bad - the movie feels nasty & cheap to look at visually, cgi is bad, make up design is lazy, the camerawork feels awkward & strangely zoomed in just a bit to close to everything, theres weird #90s era motion blur on everything fast moving, acting is laughable/cheesy & scenes go on far to long as does build up to key scenes that have an anticlimactic pay off. If you've seen the original or the trailer for that matter the film becomes highly predictable killing all suspense & what little atmosphere the film conjures up is ruined by naff & bland set design. I honestly cant recomend anyone wasting their time on this highly forgettable film unless your a big fan of really #adorable #cats then this one in this is a clear 10/10 on the #cute scale. An uninspired lazy cash grab & there are a million horror films out there that tell almost the same story way better. #odeon #odeonlimitless #horror #gore #stephenking #scary #cat #animal #pet #classic #retro #cultclassic #80s #filmbuff #filmcritic #zombie
The Wife's Shadow
The Wife's Shadow
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Every woman has a secret...
From one of Elle magazine's 'authors to watch' comes a suspenseful and emotionally fraught novel about how little we really know the person we marry. For fans of The Affair and Dr Foster.
Everyone admires Suzy and her doll's house life. She has a gorgeous family, a beautiful home and a successful business. But Suzy hasn't always been in control. In her past lies a shadowy tale of fear and instability - a life that she once ran away from, and has hidden from ever since.
When Suzy starts being followed, she fears that her past may finally be catching up with her. And when she finds herself unable to do what to her is the most important thing - keep her loved ones safe - she has to decide how far she'd be willing to go to win everything back.
Even if it means sacrificing everything she knows and loves...

This story is about Suzy a married mum of two who is the breadwinner of the family. Her husband had to leave his job as a police officer as he injured his leg. Her husband Mike has taken on the role of a stay at home dad. Suzy starts finding things subtly left around that relates to her dad. Suzy and her mum fled from due to his violence. Suzy's mum has not long died and Suzy wonders if there is somebody watching her or is it just down to her grieving for her mum.

Imagine a small dream snowballing into an even bigger nightmare! That's what Kath Weeks made happen to Suzy Taylor. Big time!

This book, although it comes under women's fiction, I would say has a thriller edge to it as well. It's a story that keeps you on the edge of your seat, wondering what will happen on the turn of the next page, it's full of suspense and drama, lies and deceit and definitely had me gripped from beginning to end.

My thanks to Little, Brown and Netgalley for an advanced copy.
Because murderers are never who you expect…
She was the quiet one… but is she guilty?
For twin sisters Rose and Bel, enrolling at the prestigious new boarding school should have been a fresh start. But with its sinister rituals and traditions, Odell soon brings out a deadly rivalry between the sisters.
For Sarah and husband Heath, the chance to teach at Odell seems like the best thing that ever happened to their small family – a chance to rise through the ranks and put the past behind them.
Until one dark night ends in murder.
But who’s guilty and who’s telling the truth? And who’s been in on it all along..?

The author does a great job with the characters in this book as whilst they are fairly stereotypical I felt they were well developed and I enjoyed learning more about them. The twins are very different to one another and it was interesting to see their different friends and experiences at school. I’ve seen a couple of reviewers describe one group as similar to those in the film ‘mean girls’ which I would say was accurate.
The mystery of who has died was very well done and I liked the suspense and gradual revealing of this. The reader is aware that one twin has been held for this murder at the beginning of the book but not which one. This is gradually revealed through a series of flashbacks and police interviews which made for quite gripping reading.
The ending was great it was as I'd expected but there was a sneaky little surprise that I hadn't been expecting and so that gave the ending to the book that little something bit extra.

I highly recommend this book and if you haven't already done so, be sure to check out the author's debut book of It's Always the Husband.

Thanks to HQ and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.
The Stillwater Girls
The Stillwater Girls
Minka Kent | 2019
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Two sisters raised in fear are about to find out why in a chilling novel of psychological suspense from the author of The Thinnest Air.
Ignorant of civilization and cautioned against its evils, nineteen-year-old Wren and her two sisters, Sage and Evie, were raised in off-the-grid isolation in a primitive cabin in up-state New York. When the youngest grows gravely ill, their mother leaves with the child to get help from a nearby town. And they never return.
As months pass, hope vanishes. Supplies are low. Livestock are dying. A brutal winter is bearing down. Then comes the stranger. He claims to be looking for the girls’ mother, and he’s not leaving without them.
To escape, Wren and her sister must break the rule they've grown up with: never go beyond the forest.
Past the thicket of dread, they come upon a house on the other side of the pines. This is where Wren and Sage must confront something more chilling than the unknowable. They’ll discover what’s been hidden from them, what they’re running from, and the secrets that have left them in the dark their entire lives.

This was my first novel by Minka Kent and it was quite a suspenseful story.
The chapters switched between two characters which was good as well.
Wren, Sage and Evie are three sisters and their mother has been raising them in the forest away from all of civilization.
This is a great story that will have you on the edge of your seat from the first chapter. Very well written.
Loved the plot and the pace. Characters were very believable.
The ending is such an unexpected twist.
Will definitely be reading more from this author.
Highly recommend.

Thank you Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for a copy of The Stillwater Girls. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book