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Ross (3284 KP) rated Bird Box (2018) in Movies

Jan 14, 2019 (Updated Jan 14, 2019)  
Bird Box (2018)
Bird Box (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
Drama and acting (0 more)
Nobody bumps their head (0 more)
Slightly flawed premise for a film
Contains spoilers, click to show
The premise of the film, that there are mysterious beings that, once seen, will drive sane people to suicide and insane people to do their bidding is intriguing. That is, until you realise that this means a film where people are either stuck inside, afraid of those mad "helpers" knocking on their door, or people wandering blindfolded around looking for food, water and shelter. Neither of these for me make for a particularly compelling watch. This film is split between the two.
The former aspects of the film are by far the best, people locked in a house together, running out of food (but somehow with plenty of electricity and running water) and considering venturing outside. However, with only those insane helpers likely to come to the door, we don't have the same level of jeopardy as your normal zombie/apocalypse film.
The latter aspects, people wandering around blindfolder, are just a nonsense. People driving in a car with blacked out windows and barely bumping into anything and sat-nav somehow getting them right to the front door (and the people know they are at the front door) was just totally unbelievable. Sat-nav frequently tells me I am in the sea when driving anywhere near the coast, so the chances of it accurately delivering me to the front door of a shop I programmed it for are minimal. Similarly when people are wandering around, they rarely bump into anything at all, and when they do it is always a trip (which would be easily avoided).
And finally the premise - the mysterious beings were not explored at all. While I am happy to have some mystery around the likes of this and actually hate it when they attempt to explain circumstances and fail, I felt this was just omitted completely. There is no real rhyme or reason for what happens in the film and I didn't like that. Its really just 2 hours of people afraid of some leaves.
The rating of this was for the suspense of the film and the acting within the house section, and for the epic opening sequences where the cataclysm unfolds, despite the glaring flaws in the premise and people miraculously getting around without concussion.
Driving Me to You
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This heart-warming story is based around only a few characters but trust me when I say with characters this full of life, you don't need many. Sam has just come back from India after being severely ill but it has changed how she views life and she has a lot of ideas on how to share this with others. Verlaine is down on his luck after being out of work for four months and has applied for his dream job - renovating classic cars. Gemma is struggling to keep the business her late father started afloat and has asked (but paying for) the help of an old friend, Marcus. Marcus is Sam's ex-boyfriend but he has decided that he will have her back, after all, who could resist him? And then you have Paul and Scott, a couple that definitely belong together, that complement each other and work well together. The one you don't hear much of is Jack, Verlaine's flat mate, who seems a bit grumpy but that is understandable as he is worried about where they will live if things don't work out between Verlaine and the boss' sister! So there are the characters, let the story commence.

This story is full of bumps and bends as Sam and Verlaine learn about each other, make friends with each other and the others in the small circle, and let the sparks fly between them. Sam is also trying to find a way of mending her relationship with Gemma, is it really broken beyond repair? The things you find out about Marcus will make your toes curl but I won't say whether that's in a good or bad way.

The thing that I love about Julie Farrell's stories is that although you have the main characters, you also get taken along on the side stories of the other characters. This makes the book simply a delight to read and they are never boring! They are realistic but not depressing. Julie's heroines have backbone, a sense of humour and wit, and yes, slightly kooky in a good way. Her hero's are not perfect, they have their flaws which just makes them more loveable.

If you are looking for a modern romance with a hint of suspense and mystery, then check out this book. I honestly can't see how you would be disappointed.
There is so much going on in this book, I honestly don't know where to start! Okay, deep breath, here we go.

First of all, Rissa - she is feisty, sassy, honest, truthful and forthright. I love her. When she literally tumbles into the lap of Spencer, she knows that she wants to know him more so goes for it. I loved this bit about her and, to be fair, Spencer was a real grump at this point in the book so when she refused to take his **** and met him head-on, I was cheering for her.

Spence - wow, there is so much more to this guy than you originally thing. The quiet, geeky, artist man is just a façade. Trust me, as you read through this book, you will be amazed at the 180 he pulls, and you will be swept away with it just like Rissa was/is.

There are lots of supporting characters in here too that each deserve a mention, but this isn't the Oscars, so I won't. What I will say is that each do their job very well, allowing you to get to know the main characters in different situations, without being overpowering.

Our two main characters are 'real'! They have their faults, their ups and downs. One of my favourite bits of the book is when Rissa is curled up due to her monthly onslaught. I could so relate to this, I'm sure most women could, but it's not something usually written about. Spencer has a temper but Rissa isn't afraid of it. She knows that Spencer wouldn't hurt her, so gives him the space he needs to regain his equilibrium.

The levels of mystery and suspense layer on as you read through. I think I know who the mysterious voice is, but I'm not saying as I'm sure I'll be wrong! There are just too many twists, turns and possibilities right now.

Exceedingly well-written, with an intricate, interesting plot, smoothly paced and HOT, this was one enjoyable read! I can't wait for book 2 to come out already.

Please note that no dogs were actually forced to listen to a Justin Bieber CD in the making of this book!

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Chernobyl Diaries (2012)
Chernobyl Diaries (2012)
2012 | Drama, Horror
The problem with the horror genre these days is its becoming far too predictable, you almost spend the majority of the film second guessing the writers as to what is going to happen next. This is exactly what happened to me when I watched Chernobyl Diaries.

The premise in itself sounded good, a group of tourists/friends travelling the globe decide upon a little bit of extreme tourism and take a venture out to the site of the Chernobyl disaster.

Finding a picnic spot wasn’t going to be a problem
In particular they head to the city of Pripyat which has become a desolate ghost town since its inhabitants had to drop everything and leave in a hurry, something about a nuclear disaster.

The location provides an eerie setting, empty desolate buildings are submerged by overgrown trees giving off a sinister mood. The group, after getting refused entry by the guards take a back road inside, and spend time wandering about. When the van they are travelling in fails to start they have to spend the night and try to locate a way back out.

Oren Peli wrote the screenplay, but still seems to be living off the success of his debut chiller Paranormal Activity as he reuses the same horror clichés that we have seen too often in the past. Children wandering about aimlessly and shadows in the dark are all present in this, as well as a group of humanoids who give off a similar feel to that in The Descent.

That isn’t too say the film doesn’t have its good points (although rare), and there are some brief moments of tension. But the resulting final act in which the remainder of the party run haplessly about being chased by some unwelcome guests is poor. Slamming doors here, screaming there does little to satisfy the imagination.

The ending falls flat but you could see it coming, if only more had been done to elaborate on the back story it might have given the overall plot a bit more credibility. This was Bradley Parker’s debut directorial role after cutting his teeth in visual effects through-out his career.

While he might have done a credible job with some aspects of this film visually, once again he becomes another director in a long line who fail to deliver on tension and suspense.

JT (287 KP) rated Rogue (2008) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Rogue (2008)
Rogue (2008)
2008 | Horror, Mystery
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Along the quiet river banks of the Australian outback, buried deep within the baron red plains that surround desolate bush, lies a fear, a fear that lurks beneath the murky waters. Greg McLean does to boat trips what backpacking did for Wolf Creek, after seeing it you’re going to want to steer well clear of ever doing it.

Pete (Vartan) is a travel writer, sent around the world to exotic locations he finds himself in a place that he has no idea about. Taking a boat trip up the river with a bunch of people that we really won’t care much about, he goes in search of what the territory has to offer.

Leading the tour is Kate (Mitchell) someone who is the polar opposite to Pete and has never traveled out of her comfort zone once. As the boat glides up the river McLean makes sure he includes sweeping shots of the quiet picturesque landscape, of which is beautiful.

The focus of course is on the salt water crocodile’s that populate the river itself, a quick lesson from Kate about these prehistoric looking creatures sets up for the carnage that is only minutes away. Once the boat is capsized the unfortunate crew end up stranded on an island surrounded by a fast rising tidal river, with no direct route off it.

Like any monster movie we only ever catch glimpses of the predator (at least until the very end), a tail there, a moving ripple in the water there. The stranded patrons of course go through the motions, there’s infighting, emotion, selfishness and a coming together that in the end they are going to be able to escape the island.

It does carry a fairly decent degree of suspense even though it is predictable in places, and has an ending which quite frankly is a little preposterous.

The story line is as basic as it can get and the script is not brilliantly written, the acting has its moments with characters that don’t really have time to reveal their back stories to great effect, before a few all but disappear between the teeth of the seven foot beast.

It’s not overly gory but does have some scenes for those that are blood thirsty. On a whole it’s a decent flick, not as terrifying as Wolf Creek but holds itself well for the 100 minute run time.
Poltergeist (2015)
Poltergeist (2015)
2015 | Horror, Thriller
5.2 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I struggle with my view of this film. Mostly because I want to compare it to the 1982 horror classic it is a remake of. But rather than pick apart how it does or does not compare to the original I realize I must judge this film on its own merit. As such, I feel this film is just…ok. Not bad, not great, just ok.

That isn’t to say this film is not a good time. In fact, It is quite fun. I feel there are more laughs in this film than scares. Fun times indeed. Sam Rockwell and Rosemarie DeWitt play good spirited parents trying to make the best of their financial burden while moving into a new home. The three kids are the typical modern type. The older teenager concerned with her cell phone, the tech savvy son, Griffin, who seems to be sacred of everything and the “gifted” little daughter, Madison, who is innocent. The film starts lighthearted enough with jokes and everyday family squabbles. But that quickly changes as Madison starts to have conversations with her closet and the television. Yet, the only one who sees these freak events are scardy-cat Griffin, who won’t sleep in his room when there is a squirrel but doesn’t scream for his parents when he notices the electricity doing things it shouldn’t. But I digress.

And here is where the problems of this film arrive. Rather than create its own memorable scenes that sets it apart from the original, it is in such a hurry to give its own take on the classic scenes from the first film. As such, there is no real sense of rhythm to the pacing of this film that is a staple of good horror films with drawn out sense of suspense the help heighten the sense of dread. And so we are left without any real worry for our characters or us as the audience. We have a few jump scares before a long conclusion that feels more like “Classic” made for TV than big budget film.

In the end, we are left with a “popcorn” horror film that is fun but forgettable at best. Fans of the original will be disappointed. Parents who want to take their young teenage kids to their first horror film will appreciate the wholesome family feel.
    Lure: Read Chat Fiction

    Lure: Read Chat Fiction

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    Lure features a huge collection of chat fiction; short stories told with text messages, like if you...