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AVP - Alien Vs. Predator (2004)
AVP - Alien Vs. Predator (2004)
2004 | Action, Horror, Mystery
Story: AVP: Alien vs. Predator starts by taking us around the world fron Antarctica to space to Nebraska to Nepal where we meet the mountain climbing expert Alexa Woods (Lathan) onto Mexico where we meet the archaeologist Sebastian (Bova) who both get a visit from Maxwell Stafford (Salmon) who represents Charles Bishop Weyland (Henriksen).

Weyland has discovered an ancient pyramid buried under the ice of Bouvetoya Island in Antarctica and has built a team including Alexa, Sebastian, Miller (Bremner), Mark (Flanagan), Joe (Rye) and Adele (Boulaye) to mention a few. To travel to the island to enter into the pyramid for what could well be a massive discovery for whoever finds it.

What starts out as a simple exhibition turns into a nightmare when above ground the men get attacked by Predators but inside the pyramid they must battle aliens in a battle for survival stuck in the middle of these iconic villains.


Thoughts on AVP: Alien vs. Predator


Characters/Performance – Alexa Woods is the expert climber hired to lead the team into the pyramid using her experience on climb ice surfaces, she reluctantly agrees knowing she is the only available person to do the job safely. Sebastian is the archaeologist that is an expert on many ancient cultures. Weyland is the man funding and seeking technology inside the pyramid. The rest of the characters get a proper introduction only to be killed off in about a ten-minute sequence.

Performance was Lathan is good and the highlight of the human characters with everyone else just coming off fine not getting the time to make an impact.

Story – When you look at this story you are left thinking this is Alien on Earth, just without any suspense, horror or interesting stuff going on. This sounds harsh because this is an easy watch and people are going to be happy to watch aliens and predators fight, the problem I have was the introducing us to countless humans only to be disposable for these villains. Certain elements of the story telling do work though, looking at the idea of ancient civilizations worshiping the predators in exchange for the pyramids I did like.

Action/Horror/Sci-Fi – The action is all what you would come to expect, large body counts and alien or predator kills we have seen before. The horror is almost gone which disappoints with the sci-fi edge working on the level it needs to only.

Settings – After taking us around the world in the opening sequences we do settle down nicely for the setting inside the pyramid under the ice with little escape.

Special Effects – We have good effects when we keep things small scale but bad effects when things get to the large scale.

Final Thoughts – This is just fine nothing more, it is an easy watch and brings together icons of film, but this just isn’t as fun as Freddy v Jason.


Overall: Easy to watch all actioner horrorless movie.
Unrest (2006)
Unrest (2006)
2006 | Horror
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
For many medical school students the most daunting class they face early in their studies is that of Gross Anatomy. The class which introduces aspiring doctors to their first bodies, as well as the reality and complexity of the human anatomy is often seen as a make or break moment for the challenging studies that lay ahead.

In the film Unrest Writer/Director/Producer Jason Todd Ipson follows a group of new students in a Gross Anatomy class. At first the students are shocked by the disfigured cadaver in front of them, but soon begin the dissection they are required to do.

The appearance of the corpse they are working on becomes a source of fixation for one of the students named Allison (Corri English), who becomes convinced that something is not right with the body they are working on, as something tells her that things are not as they seem.

Allison’s concerns are dismissed as her being overwhelmed by her first encounter with a body, and she is told that her concerns will soon pass. Soon after, one of the dissection group is affected by a freak accident, and Allison becomes convinced that there are evil forces at work, and that nobody will be safe until the mystery behind the corpse is settled.

As the body count rises, Allison and her friend Brian (Scot Davis), face a race against the clock and the supernatural to find the cause of the unrest and make things right, before they end up the next victims of a vengeful specter.

Unrest is a very impressive debut for Ipson, who himself was a promising surgeon before turning his talents to directing. The film is well paced and has plenty of tension and suspense without resorting to the clichéd horror staples that have become all too common.

The plot is refreshingly original and deeper than most films in this genre attempt to achieve, as its complexity is deceiving simply. The film can be taken as a simple scare fest, but for those willing to look beneath the surface, there are deeper layers to the film that tackle areas such as the afterlife, intuition, possession, second sight, and the supernatural. While all of those have been covered before in various films, few have ever combined them in such an intelligent fashion that allows the audience to reach their own conclusions on the topics the film introduces.

The cast is solid especially Davis and English who take what could easily be stock characters and infuse a sense of purpose which helps the audience relate to them and their situation.

While the film might have what appears to some to be plot holes, the film is actually a clever examination of the spirit and afterlife, and delivers the goods. While much has been made about the alleged use of real body parts in the film, Ipson is careful not to let his film become a gratuitous gore fest and uses blood and carnage only in the amounts necessary to propel the story.

Unrest is a very solid effort that marks the emergence of a talent to be watched and will delight fans of the genre who want some intelligence with their horror.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Stone Mothers in Books

Jun 21, 2019  
Stone Mothers
Stone Mothers
Erin Kelly | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Marianne's heart drops when she realizes her husband, Sam, has bought a flat for her in the town where she grew up, Nusstead. It's in the town's former mental asylum--all prettied up and converted into beautiful apartments. But Sam doesn't know about the dark secrets the asylum holds for Marianne and her teenage boyfriend, Jesse. Marianne fled Nusstead--and Jesse--as soon as she could, making a new life for herself with daughter Honor and Sam. Jesse never really forgave her and now that she's back, he's threatening to expose their long buried secrets. Marianne is determined to keep her husband and daughter from knowing about her past. But how far must she go to protect her secrets? And what doesn't she know about the past?

This was my first Erin Kelly book; it was a different sort of thriller. First off, please note there is a trigger warning for self-harm and suicide.

The book started off slow, and honestly, this is why I have such a hard time with being able to DNF a book. I was tempted for a little while, because I couldn't get into Marianne's voice or story. But then, as the book progressed, things picked up, and I actually became pretty engrossed in the plot. The story is sort of told backward, almost. It starts with the present and Marianne and then we get some different points of view, as well as timelines in the 80s and even 50s. (I don't want to say more than that.) The portion in the 80s is still told by Marianne, but I really liked her younger voice and was caught up in what was happening by then. I was glad I had kept reading. Initially, the book had seemed a little confusing--a lot is made about the fact that something has happened in the past and yet we don't know what it is--and yes, keeping us in suspense is the point, but still. It was a little much at times.

There are some interesting twists and connections in this one. I enjoyed how it shone a spotlight on women's issues and mental health stories. It's always rather scary to see how women's mental health was treated in the past, though I suppose women's health isn't being treated with much more respect right now, is it?

The book was a tad repetitive at the end as the storyline wrapped back around to the present, but it was still pretty interesting. I wasn't always sure if I was reading a thriller, a character driven novel, or a treatment on mental health and women's issues: sometimes it seemed like the book was struggling to find itself and maybe the ending faltered a little bit because of that. Still, overall, I enjoyed this book. It became progressively more interesting, and the intersecting stories, especially the ones in the past, were very compelling. I enjoyed the focus on mental health, especially. I have Erin Kelly's He Said/She Said on my TBR shelf, and I'll definitely pick it up at some point. 3.5 stars.
Telling Christina Goodbye
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Original Rating: 3.5

*Formatting and image(s) have been lost due to copy and pasting.

     I hate commenting about how much the synopsis gives away. I don't find much joy in reading the book when the synopsis gives spoilers away. And I hate giving it a lower rating because of that synopsis. But as much as I want to like this book, I'm gonna have to give it a facepalm. The synopsis practically gave away EVERYTHING. From the synopsis, cover AND title, the book already gives these things away (I don't think this counts as spoilers since the synopsis already says it):

~Trisha, Christina, Cody, and Tucker are Seniors.
~Best friends, Trisha and Christina are having a great year.
~Trisha is dating Cody. Christina is dating Tucker.
~Trisha doesn't get along with Tucker.
~Christina receives a scholarship from University of Vermont.
~Tucker is controlling of Christina and wants her to stay.
~They get into a car crash after a basketball game. Trisha is injured, Cody's in a coma and Christina's dead. Yet Tucker is all injure-less.

     Not to mean it in a bad way, but that gives practically the entire plot and some other stuff. Maybe even the entire book. Besides some things, such as (those who read it would know the answers already, but I'm speaking from the reader's perspective of just examining the book at the bookstore and reading the synopsis and such):

~Does Cody wake up from the coma?
~Do those effected by Christina's death find the courage to move on and heal?
~Do Trisha and Tucker get along later?
~Etc, etc. One can only know the answers to their many questions when fully reading a book.

     But despite the synopsis giving so much away, Ms. McDaniel still leaves the reader, regardless of whether just staring at it at the bookstore or anyplace or have to read it due to required reading, with many questions. Props for not giving the full story away, especially the ending. And while some of us may love spoilers to the point of actually spilling beans, some of us just like to keep things detailed yet vague on what's happening because we just love the suspense building up. It would've been a triple facepalm if the synopsis gave any more away (kinda explains the meme).

     If you're still thinking I'm being a bit negative, the only part I found pretty bad was how the synopsis gave it all away (I'm that person who hates too much spoilers and end up predicting and being right majority of the time. I kinda like my dose of keeping me guessing...).

In many good parts (of the pie or something good), Ms McDaniel manages to narrow in with an emotional story while weaving in the meaning of losing a cared one and to not take life fully for granted, because you never know when it will all end and it may be someone or something very close to you. (Kinda reminds me of a sad song...)
Mars Needs Moms (2011)
Mars Needs Moms (2011)
2011 | Action, Animation, Comedy
6.9 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Milo is your typical 9-year-old boy who doesn’t like doing chores, eating his vegetables or getting disciplined by his mother. But because his mother makes him do his chores and eat his vegetables and scolds him when he doesn’t, she’s made herself the prime target for Martians who need her great mothering skills. Apparently, Martians are “hatched” and raised by “nanny-bots” that are programmed with an Earthling mother’s caregiving and disciplinary abilities. Of course, not any Earthling mother will do. Bypassed are those who spoil their child or fail to care for their child’s safety and wellbeing. So when Milo is spied dutifully, albeit grudgingly, doing as he’s told by his mother, she becomes Mars’ candidate for abduction, because, as the movie title states, Mars needs moms.

On the night Milo’s mom is abducted, Milo (enacted by Seth Green, voiced by Seth Dusky) wakes up in time to witness her being loaded onto a spaceship and he quickly becomes a stowaway. On the red planet, he’s rescued by Gribbler, a chubby, fast-talking, tech-savvy human (voiced by Dan Fogler) who helps him devise a plan to save Milo’s mom, a recognizable Joan Cusack, in voice and, somewhat creepily, in CGI’d face. The two are up against an army of female Martians lead by The Supervisor (voiced by Mindy Sterling) a mean, old Martian. Think Frau Farbissina as a mean E.T. Luckily, Milo and Gribbler find an ally in a rebel Martian named Ki (voiced by Elisabeth Harnois). Milo has less than 6 hours to get to his mom before she’s programmed into the nanny-bots and destroyed by the process. Soon, it’s a race against time for Milo, Gribbler and Ki as they run around endless corridors, hurtle through chutes, tumble down trash mountains, splash into other-worldly caves and fall off cliffs.

Based on a children’s novel by cartoonist Berkeley Breathed, the film is produced by Robert Zemeckis and directed by Simon Wells in performance-capture 3D, a technique pioneered by Zemeckis in Polar Express and used again in A Christmas Carol. In performance-capture filming, actors are covered in sensors that capture their actions and expressions to animate their digital characters. During the end credits, a sampling of outtakes show the actors in their sensor suits physically acting out various scenes. I have to admit, the most entertaining part of the movie for me was watching Seth Green and Dan Fogler literally throw themselves into their characters.

Even with a run time of 88 minutes, kids around Milo’s age and younger may remain enthralled to the end simply from the countdown suspense. Older kids, maybe not. Yes, the high-point of the tale is Milo’s realization of how truly important his mom is to him. But even with all the running and tumbling around, the story takes a long, meandering walk to get to that point. While the technological achievements of 3D animation get more and more impressive, if the story doesn’t captivate or inspire, it’s practically a wasted effort, especially when watching in 2D would not take much away from the effects.

BookInspector (124 KP) rated Dear Amy in Books

Sep 24, 2020  
Dear Amy
Dear Amy
Helen Callaghan | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I read the description of the book it really left me intrigued and I was very excited when I got this review book. After I finished it, I was slightly disappointed of how it turned out. The main character was a teacher/adviser Margot Lewis. Who was about to get divorced with her husband. When the schoolgirl gets kidnapped, Margot starts getting letters from Bethan, who vanished a decade ago, with a request to save her. Police is laughing at her letters, so she is trying to figure out Bethan’s story on her own. But what she finds out ruins her life. Margot is a very strong woman, who has some serious psychological issues. However I really liked the way she was dealing with them. Most of the novel is told by Margot, however I really loved that there were parts, where other characters had chance to express themselves. There was a part where the kidnapped schoolgirl had to tell her side of the story and how she was feeling in some situations. I was ecstatic when author gave an insight of the kidnapper’s brain and how he saw and felt during the whole story. The ability to involve more than one character in the book makes me enjoy it way more, and I am over the moon when authors do it. The characters in this publication were quite interesting and enjoyable.

I don’t think that the whole idea of getting letters from kidnapped people was very original, but the fact that they come after so long kept the suspense going. Unfortunately not for very long, because at least for me it was quite predictable what the outcome will be and who the sender was. The intensity of the plot I would describe as “V” shape. The beginning had turns and was interesting, the middle of the book got quite boring and predictable and then towards the end it became interesting and twisty again. I was not very excited to read so many Margot’s thoughts, as some of them were quite irrelevant and felt like dragging unnecessary. There was some action going on but it could’ve been a bit faster paced. It was quite easy to read this book; it has a simple and understandable writing style. The author shares her love for Cambridge in a very enjoyable way by describing the places and buildings very nicely and with great detail. Never been there but from this book I can imagine it is a beautiful place. I really liked that author touched such themes as school hierarchy, influence of internet posts and how naive young girls can be. I do hope that people who read the book will learn something from this book. I truly enjoyed the ending of the book and I think it was really thought trough and concluding. It didn’t leave any unfinished business and I’m very happy about it. So to conclude, It is a good book if you looking for mystery, some twists and turns and the story which was told from more than one point of view.
Feel Me Fall
Feel Me Fall
James Morris | 2020 | Contemporary
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
More reviews at

Sometimes I wonder, why great books like this one don’t get published, and you hardly will find it in the book stores, and other, average books, get published and sold everywhere… It is my little mystery, to which I do not have an answer

Three boys and three girls, magically survive a plane crash. Their main goal is to survive, to survive in Amazon, where danger is behind every tree. They need to work as a team to get back to civilisation, find food, shelter and overcome the past which follows them even in a middle of a jungle. Eventually, only Emily Duran is saved, so what happened to the rest of her friends? That was the question, which kept me glued to this book.

I absolutely loved the characters of this book, they all are teenagers who went to same school and are sharing some difficult relationships. I really enjoyed the different personalities of each and every character. All characters are incredibly complex, charismatic, realistic and very interesting personas. Everyone will have a great variety to choose from as their favourite. I really couldn’t pick one as my favourite, because they all had some great qualities, which left me baffled.

The narrative of this novel is told by moving between past and present. Emily is telling the story of what happened in Amazon, and she comes back to the present, to share how all this influenced her present life and relationships. I really enjoyed how Morris manipulated readers mind in this novel. When I started believing in some course of action, author threw in a turn or twist which changed everything, and left me guessing again. This book is not long, that’s why the action and pace had to keep happening in every chapter, and I am thankful that there was no unnecessary writing.

The writing style of this book is very pleasant, it is easy to read this novel, and it is very skillfully written. It is a survival novel, and people died in this book, and to be honest, it is quite graphic, so if you are sensitive and don’t like graphic death scenes, you might want to avoid this book. The chapters of this book were pleasantly designed, dividing the chapters into smaller sub-chapters, which didn’t leave me uninterested, and kept the suspense going. I was absolutely amused and shocked by the ending of this novel and I give nothing but applause to the author for it. I think that ending was absolutely fantastic!

I could carry on praising this book, but the only thing anyone could do, is read it. It is not a typical survival novel, it has fresh approach to it, it is very nicely written, gripping, twisty and very enjoyable to read. Not to forget, it discusses some very important issues, which teenagers are facing, and how it can change in a matter of minutes. So, yes, I do strongly recommend this book and I really hope that publishers will notice this great work, and one day people will be able to buy it everywhere.

Was given this book by author for honest review.
What Lies Within
What Lies Within
Robert Smith | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
For more reviews please visit

When I read the description of this book, I found it very catchy, and it got me really intrigued of what this book can offer. I had this ARC for a while now, and I am not sure was anything edited before publication, so this review is my opinion of the copy the author sent me.

The main character in this book is Tyler, along with his younger brother Devil, they are killing child abusers, who have been released by police due to lack of evidence. Unfortunately, their “good deeds” don’t get unnoticed by the police, and the chase begins. I really liked Tyler as a character, I liked his personality, his manners, and his way of thinking was very amusing and interesting to follow throughout the book. I really loved his complex relationship with Devil, and wish to adjust in society. This novel was told from multiple perspectives – Tyler’s and Police investigators. I preferred Tyler’s parts, I think they opened his character very nicely and was more interesting to read than the police investigation.

The plot of this novel was appealing but not fully utilized. I think this book has lots of potentials, and by adding some deeper parts about Devil’s identity, where he came from, it would’ve been better. I think Smith did a good job by incorporating Devil, but the truth was given away too early. Another thing which disappointed me was the investigation, I was not very happy with how detectives were working, I didn’t feel the suspense breathing through the pages, and I think they could’ve done better. However, I think this book would make a pretty interesting film because it has the right amount of action and a riveting suspect. There were some interesting turns and twists in this novel, which kept my interest going. What really struck me, was the topics which Smith was discussing in this book, such as child abuse; how mental illness affects children, when there is nobody to help; children homelessness; survival and adjustment in the society.

This book was very easy to read, and the language used in this novel was not complicated. It has short chapters and it got me binge-reading all the way through. These short chapters kind of made me keep going to find out, what else Tyler has planned. The ending of this novel is unexpected, but absolutely impossible and compromises what detectives said, once they entered Tyler’s flat. I was very pleasantly surprised, that at the end, the author gave a little description of all the characters who were mentioned in this book. I think it was pretty awesome. So, to conclude, I think this novel has a really engrossing message to share with the world, through these intense characters and the struggle between what is good and what is bad in this world. I do recommend to read it and to figure out for yourselves, how people try to cope in this world after something horrible has happened to them in the past.

I would like to throw in a disclaimer, there is murders, violence, child abuse scenes in this book.
A Present from India
A Present from India
M.J. Carreyette | 2016 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I started reading this book, it did not hook me, and that remained till the end of the book. The main characters of the book were mother whose name was Eva and her half Indian, half English daughter Dee. I really admired Eva’s character in this book. She was like an old wise owl, I liked that, at least now she was wise and made good decisions.(what I wouldn’t say about her study days) Unfortunately I found Dee quite stupid and annoying, with her silly decisions and being stubborn with those not logical wishes she makes in the book. Because of these real life character features I found them both to be very realistic and believable, there are many mixed marriages in the UK and I liked the diversity of the characters.

As it was mentioned in the description, there are two stories told of two generations. It is the trip to India which is happening at present and a time spent in Moscow in 1977. I really loved reading about Eva's time in Moscow; it was really interesting to me. I enjoyed all the details author told about Moscow. I think that's where authors experience comes in, she studied in Moscow during seventies herself, that's why she was able to portray the city and the atmosphere of those days quite accurate. The relationship Chandra was having with Eva was really complicated and for me it kept the suspense going, that's why I used to get excited once those chapters used to come up. Unfortunately the Indian trip was not very interesting to read for me. I think in many places there was too much detail which was not necessary. What drinks they had and what food they ate, I was not very interested in that. The characters wanted to see real India, but what was written in the book was far from the real India. Living in a hotel and travelling first class is not real India experience. It seemed like a tour which most probably author had, and this was the way to share the experience. As person who saw and lived in everyday Indian conditions, I can assure, it’s not like it was in the book. Even though I didn't really enjoy the parts of India voyage, it made me want to take my mother there. I liked the relationship which Eva and Dee shared during that trip.

I liked the writing style of this novel; it has this lovely English way: refined and polite, avoiding conflict. I am a big fan of short chapters, or long chapters divided into smaller, so the length of the chapters was not my favourite part in this book as well. They were long and too boring sometimes. Another thing I really enjoyed, was the ending of this book. It was unexpected to me and made sense why the novel was written in the way it was. So to conclude, if you never visited India and have interest in Soviet history, you will enjoy this book and will find some exotic places and interesting way of living in 1970ties Russia.
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I don’t always read poetry, but I won "It's Getting Harder and Harder To Tell the Two of You Apart" by Casey Renee Kiser and Johnny Scarlotti through a giveaway on LibraryThing.

And if you are already familiar with my “reading rules”, you know I try and read every single book I have ever received, because it’s only fair. And sometimes, the most unexpected books and the ones we don’t actively search for tend to surprise us the most. That happened with this book as well!

"It's Getting Harder and Harder To Tell the Two of You Apart" is written by two authors - two amazing writers of poetry, who have a very similar style of horror and suspense, but also very distinctive differences in their writing style too. The book is split in two parts, and we get the chance to explore both worlds. 

<b>Part 1 - Casey Renee Kiser</b>

The first part of the book was written by Casey Renee Kiser, and my favorite poem was “I am not a ghost yet”. It is morbid and powerful, and I loved the way the feelings and scenes were amplified in a morbid sense. I love the brutality of the writing. 

<b><i>“Everything was beautiful the day you died”,
You said as you touched my cold hand. </i></b>

<b>Part 2 - Johnny Scarlotti</b>

I could instantly see the difference in the poems between the two poets, but at the same time, also admire how similar their styles and themes are. I find Johnny’s writing very creepy, much creepier than Casey’s. Especially when the mood suddenly changes and the random “haha’s” and “woahh’s” in the poems appear.

<b><i>Now I’m dashing through the park clipping
Children’s kite strings
Ha ha, that’s what you get, you little freaks!</i></b>

It felt like I was reading the secret diary of the Joker. Either him, or Pennywise. It was so fucked up, but it read as the new normal, which is what a psycho would think and feel. It was creepy, it was wrong, but at the same time it satisfied my curiosity. I think that may be the same curiosity that makes me watch true crime shows, crime confessions and old interview with Ted Bundy. And I really enjoyed it. 

If I could change anything about my experience with this book, I would have read this for Halloween. I think it would have been the perfect experience, next to a lot of red candles and dim lighting, alongside some quiet creepy music. 

I would recommend "It's Getting Harder and Harder To Tell the Two of You Apart" to all fans of horror poetry - it is dark and twisty, brutally honest and creepy, and it will pull you over to the dark side, even for a day.