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The Personal History of David Copperfield (2019)
The Personal History of David Copperfield (2019)
2019 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
Misses the mark
The trailer made this film out to be a wonderfully eclectic humorous look at the life of David Copperfield, but I'm afraid to say the trailer was very misleading.

I've never read the book and to be honest, I really hope it's different to this mess. Yes this film is definitely rather eclectic and seems to swing from attempts at humour (that really miss the mark) to rather sombre drama and seriousness, and it also just feels a little jumbled. The script too is not what you'd expect from a film that feels so obviously British and there's nothing particularly clever or witty about it.

The cast are great, there really is a stellar line up of British stars in this and Dev Patel is a wonderfully charismatic choice as Copperfield and he's well supported by Tilda Swinton and Hugh Laurie. It's just a shame the rest of the cast are let down by the dodgy script and plot.

I really wanted to like this, but sadly it's missing virtually everything you'd expect and want, especially some decent British humour.

Lee (2222 KP) Jan 30, 2020

Everyone seems to be loving this, I’m so glad I’m not the only one that didn’t 😀

Greed (2019)
Greed (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
410. Greed. A satirical look at the super rich. We meet Sir Richard McCreadie and it's his birthday coming up so he's gonna throw himself a party like the Romans used to party. And leading up to the party, the movie goes splitz on ya. Its the tale of young Richard and how he got to where he is. Its part documentary about the garment business as slave labor in foreign lands, also talks about immigration issues. Another huge chunk is Richard on some sort of business ethics trials, then it'll swing back to the party planning where we get to see his turbulent family life, his relationship with his son falling apart, however the main theme is the party, and keeping up appearances. It was an oddball movie, wasn't expecting it to be all over the place. I did enjoy it, I thought Steve Coogan played a cool though somewhat sleazy businessman, who really doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone else but himself. Filmbufftim on FB
The Last Templar
The Last Templar
Raymond Khoury | 2006 | Thriller
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's an O.K. Read, But...
...but. It's not riveting. I had no problems putting it down and going to do other things. In fact I stopped for a day half-way through and read an entire other book. That said, I had no problems picking it up again.

The writing style is a bit unsophisticated. It seems to swing between slightly out-of-synch passages of 'Historical Travelogue' and 'Something That Was Written With The Movie in Mind' - screaming Hollywood-esq car chases, murderous priests etc.

In it's favour the theory it puts forward is intriguing and over-all the story is well-paced and well presented. Unfortunatly parts of the plot only stand up if you read them with one eye shut, from behind a pillow, and some of the arguments are highly dubious to say the least (e.g: people can only be good, kind and charitable if inspired to be by religion; Christianity was the first religion to preach love not hate)

All in all, it's not a bad read but if you have to budget your 'book allowance' I'd suggest getting it from a library or borrowing it from a friend.

Justin Hawkins recommended Jazz by Queen in Music (curated)

Jazz by Queen
Jazz by Queen
1978 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was brought up on this album. It had a poster in it of naked women on bikes which, you know, in certain parts of Europe I think that’s pretty normal, but in England that’s not quite the case and that was super outrageous. We hung it on our wall. Roy Thomas Baker produced that album so there are loads and loads of dynamics. It’s too quiet in bits and then so loud it takes your face off. From when ‘Mustapha’ starts it lets you believe that the album is going to be a certain way and then halfway through that song it completely changes. It keeps you on your toes. I think all their great albums are like that to some degree, but I think that one is the most Queen of the Queen albums. Or at least the most Roy Thomas Baker of the Queen albums. It’s got ‘Fat Bottomed Girls’ on it, which is a real favourite. I particularly used to like the more playful Queen tracks, and there’s one called ‘Dreamers Ball’ which sounds like swing music, but instead of the big band being all brassy, it’s just Brian May’s guitars."

Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror
Slaughterhouse Rulez is a textbook example of a swing and a miss. It tries to give us a nice slice of comedy horror, but executes it pretty miserably.

A few things I liked...
- The fracking company were moustache twirling type villains, and were fairly amusing in the tiny amount of screentime dedicated to them.
- The CGI for the monsters is pretty decent, and the practical effects for close ups are also good.
- The whole final act when the monsters eventually turned up was effectively entertaining


It takes a painfully long time to get to that bit. The hour plus of runtime preceding the monsters attacking is mostly boring setup, messy pacing and dialogue and a waste of a good cast.
The younger cast are fine, but it's hard not to feel that Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Margot Robbie and Michael Sheen are just severely under utilised, in a sometimes humorous comedy that is trying ball achingly hard to be an Edgar Wright movie.

Slaughterhouse Rulez isn't awful by any means, more accurately frustrating because it feels like a much better movie is buried somewhere beneath the final product.
Swing Time (1936)
Swing Time (1936)
1936 | Classics, Musical, Romance
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Entertaining Despite Some Flaws
Fucking blackface, am I right? I’ll warn you now if you plan to watch Swing Time: There is a blackface scene. In spite of this touch of ignorance, as a black man, I have to say that I rather enjoyed the movie. The plot: When John Garnet (Fred Astaire) gets cold feet on his wedding day, his fiance opts to give him another chance if he can find a way to earn $25,000. John is all for it until he falls in love with a dance instructor and tries to find every way in the world to avoid making the money.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 6
In the beginning John’s dance troupe tries to distract him by keeping him from getting married. They feel like if he doesn’t go through with it, he can keep working with them. Despite their efforts, it was much more annoying than it was funny. Not a great way to kick off the story.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 8
For the most part, the movie is cinematically gorgeous. I loved the dance numbers, well most of them anyway. It all reverts back to that damn blackface scene. It was an unnecessary piece of the film that did absolutely nothing for the story. Other than that, the movie is shot in a gorgeous fashion.

Conflict: 10
Most of the conflict stems from John’s rising feelings for Penelope the dance instructor (Ginger Rogers). You get the sense that they are meant to be together but John is working towards trying to be with another woman. You hope before the story’s end that he ends up in the right place. It’s a journey getting there.

Entertainment Value: 8

Memorability: 10

Pace: 10

Plot: 2
The premise and the way it unfolds is a miss for me. Fortunately the characters and setpieces were enough to carry the movie. it was a really hard buy-in for me.

Resolution: 10
While not perfect, the ending is a satisfying completion to the story. You can definitely see it coming the closer you get, but it’s still good. Great closure for the main characters.

Overall: 84
Not my favorite of the classics, Swing Time still deserves its place in history. As far as the blackface is concerned, I think we owe it to ourselves not to shy away from things that happened in history. Even the bad things. In spite being on the wrong side of history, I enjoyed it.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Dr Jekyll and Sister Hyde (1971) in Movies

Feb 9, 2018 (Updated Feb 9, 2018)  
Dr Jekyll and Sister Hyde (1971)
Dr Jekyll and Sister Hyde (1971)
1971 | Horror
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Gender on the Agenda
Hammer's second swing at a Jekyll and Hyde movie boasts a good cast, a capable director, and an inventive script that takes what sounds like a risible premise just seriously enough to keep it interesting. Dr Jekyll, intent on finding the universal cure for all diseases, realises he will die long before he completes the project, and so starts searching for an immortality serum - the recipe for which happens to include large quantities of female hormones. When he drinks it the inevitable happens.

Well, what ensues is a struggle between the moral but weak Jekyll and his ruthless, psychotic alter-ego, which somehow develops to include the real-life grave-robbers Burke and Hare and a somewhat unlikely solution to the mystery of Jack the Ripper's true identity. It's not exactly the subtlest or most refined piece of work, but neither is it completely sleazy or ridiculous.

The cast, director, and production values give the movie a touch of class (the punishingly low budget is concealed rather well) and the main weakness is that the script often seems to almost be treating the idea as a black joke, and doesn't explore some of the potential of the premise. Still, far from the travesty or spoof it sounds like.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Bottled Goods in Books

Aug 18, 2018 (Updated Aug 18, 2018)  
Bottled Goods
Bottled Goods
Sophie van Llewyn | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Life in Ceausescu’s Romania.
Set in Romania in the 1970’s, this portrays life for Alina and her husband, Liviu, under the Communist Ceausescu regime. Life for them becomes even harder when Alina’s brother in law defects to Germany. Her husband is a head teacher and is transferred to a difficult, failing school and seems to rely heavily on the alcohol that he drinks on the long train journey home. Meanwhile, Alina is harassed by a Secret Service agent, and this becomes very sinister.
The bottled goods of the title could be used as a metaphor for different aspects of this story: the perfumes Alina covets from the West; Liviu’s reliance on alcohol; how the couple (and probably their countrymen) bottle up their emotions and desire to defect; and a final, more fairytale bottling up - which I won’t give away.
This was all presented in the form of flash fiction that joined together to make a whole story. I liked this approach. It made the whole book feel uncomfortable (you never quite get in to the swing or the rhythm of the story), probably how Alina and Liviu felt, constantly under threat of arrest.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Fairlight Books for my copy of this book.
Ratcatcher (Matthew Hawkwood, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I picked this book up for something like 99p in a Clearance sale in my local WH Smiths, and I have to say: it actually proved to be a better read than many other books that I've paid full price for.

Set during the late Regency period, this is the era of the Napoleonic Wars, Affairs of Honour (i.e. forbidden duels), Highwaymen and the Bow Street Runners. Starting with the robbery of a coach, this builds up into a plot surrounding a (historically correct) invention that agents of France hope to use against Great Britain to swing the balance of power in their favour. Matthew Hawkwood - the hero of the tale - is a former army officer from the Rifle Corps, who now works as one of the Bow Street Runners (few in number, and who have since been called London's first professional police force), who is initially charged with investigating this robbery. While I did find elements of the plot to be obvious - one reveal, in particular, I saw coming from about a mile away - there is still plenty to enjoy in the novel.

Based on this one, I may be convinced pick up a few more of the sequels ...
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)
2019 | Horror
Not bad, but confused
I'd heard a lot of good things about this and never got round to seeing it at the cinema so was glad to see it had finally made it onto Prime. However whilst it wasnt bad, it was a little disappointing.

My main problem with this film is that it seemed to be very confused about it's audience. Is it a scary kids film like Goosebumps? Or is it a more adult horror? And sadly it never really answers these questions and seems to swing between the childish to adult. As the main characters are children, this leans a lot towards a younger audience especially with their conversation and humour and the basis for the entire story does feel a little younger. However some of the actual scares and horror aspects feel a lot more adult. Some of the monsters are actually rather creepy and there is a bit of violence, which I'm guessing is why this has been given a 15 rating.

I enjoyed the actual stories themselves, especially the monsters as they were very well done and the CGI was quite impressive. The cast were okay and overall the film held my attention and was enjoyable to a point, I just found the mixed audience level rather frustrating.