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Slender Man (2018)
Slender Man (2018)
2018 | Horror
From the start it is evident it is a low budget movie. It doesn't have much of a storyline to begin with, just a group of teens hanging out and talking nonsense. Skip to a new scene where they are all having a getogether in one characters bedroom where they all decide it would be funny to summon slenderman - a creepy guy with long arms who takes kids. The video they watch to summon him reminds me very much of the ring, only not as disturbing. Anyway they all go to sleep thinking nothing of it and one member of the group starts having nightmares and a week later another girl, Katie, disappears during a school trip. The remaining friends make it their mission to prove that slenderman is responsible and to get Katie back.
Some of the encounters with slenderman are pretty strange, but some scenes really stuck out for me, such as one particular scene with Wren in the library. Although the fact that she didn't even tell Holly about it annoyed me.
I felt the movie did have potential to be good, but unfortunately many scenes fell flat and for this reason I can only give it 4 bombs.


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