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Leila (5 KP) rated Gwendy's Button Box in Books
Feb 3, 2019 (Updated Feb 3, 2019)
I'll admit, I checked this book out of the library and let it sit for a few months (I'm terrible, I know), but not for lack of interest, I just didn't have the time to sit down and read. Once I finally got around to it, I had completely forgotten why I had grabbed it up! The cover did not immediately scream "Stephen King" so I was a bit apprehensive starting out, willing myself to push through the first couple of pages.
To my surprise, I needn't have given myself such a talking to, as the book drew me in from first word. The main character has relatable relationships with the people around her, portrayed as the kid we all knew (or were) growing up, the one that just wanted to fit in and was always just on the outskirts. Things change of course, with the help of a special box, and we get a very real glimpse into how humanity deals with great power and responsibility.
My only criticism is that for once, I wasn't satisfied at the end of a King book, wishing there was a bit more, especially concerning the box itself. But then, if we always got all the answers, it wouldn't be a King book, now would it?
To my surprise, I needn't have given myself such a talking to, as the book drew me in from first word. The main character has relatable relationships with the people around her, portrayed as the kid we all knew (or were) growing up, the one that just wanted to fit in and was always just on the outskirts. Things change of course, with the help of a special box, and we get a very real glimpse into how humanity deals with great power and responsibility.
My only criticism is that for once, I wasn't satisfied at the end of a King book, wishing there was a bit more, especially concerning the box itself. But then, if we always got all the answers, it wouldn't be a King book, now would it?

Sarah (126 KP) rated The Haunting of Hill House- Season 1 in TV
Feb 18, 2019
Surpassed Expectations
I started watching this alone, as I'd heard so many people talking about how good it was and how scary it was - I didn't expect much, as I don't scare easily (I tend to prefer scary books over scary films, as the frights can be a little predictable on screen, whereas your own imagination can conjure up the things that are truly terrifying!), but I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
After the first three episodes, I was so enthralled by the story, I roped my husband in and started watching from the beginning again.
There were moments where I was unable to tear myself away from the screen, even though I didn't want to look! Parts where my husband and I both almost jumped out of our skins, and by the very end of the series, I think I'd run the gamut of human emotion. I think the most surprising thing of all was just how moving the series was; a few times, I'd been close to tears and in the final episode I was bawling my eyes out!
It is, without a doubt, a must-watch series on Netflix - in fact, it's one of the best shows I've seen of late - but be prepared to hold your breath, hide behind the cushions, and have the tissues ready for the finale.
After the first three episodes, I was so enthralled by the story, I roped my husband in and started watching from the beginning again.
There were moments where I was unable to tear myself away from the screen, even though I didn't want to look! Parts where my husband and I both almost jumped out of our skins, and by the very end of the series, I think I'd run the gamut of human emotion. I think the most surprising thing of all was just how moving the series was; a few times, I'd been close to tears and in the final episode I was bawling my eyes out!
It is, without a doubt, a must-watch series on Netflix - in fact, it's one of the best shows I've seen of late - but be prepared to hold your breath, hide behind the cushions, and have the tissues ready for the finale.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2273 KP) rated War and Peach (Georgia Peach Mystery, #3) in Books
Mar 9, 2018
The local election for mayor is all anyone is talking about in Cays Mill, Georgia, and Nola Mae Harper has become caught in the middle. Just an hour before the last debate is to take place, a fire breaks out in Clem Rogers’s barn, and his body is found in the ruins. Since he had some dirt on his opponent in the race he was going to share at the debate, the people in town are certain his opponent did it. The sheriff has another theory, Nola Mae’s father, who has admitted to visiting the victim just before the fire broke out. Nola Mae doesn’t think either of those suspects could have done it. But can she find out the truth?
If you are tired of politics, don’t let the election angle worry you. That is only one aspect of this fun mystery. In fact, we get some delightful red herrings before Nola Mae zeroes in on the truth in the suspenseful climax. The characters are charming as always, and we get to see more growth in Nola Mae. Plus there is lots of talk about peaches. How can you go wrong with that?
NOTE: I received a copy of this book.
Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
If you are tired of politics, don’t let the election angle worry you. That is only one aspect of this fun mystery. In fact, we get some delightful red herrings before Nola Mae zeroes in on the truth in the suspenseful climax. The characters are charming as always, and we get to see more growth in Nola Mae. Plus there is lots of talk about peaches. How can you go wrong with that?
NOTE: I received a copy of this book.
Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Lindsay (1727 KP) rated Last Stop in Brooklyn in Books
Mar 20, 2018
Mary is a case when she feels like someone is following her. But she cannot tell who at the moment. Once she sees her friend's husband talking to Colleen. She thinks the worse of her best friend's husband.
On her way out, she confronts a man see that is following her. When she does, he wants her to look into his brother case that is that Ben Ali is not a killer.
There seems to be some corruption going on in the NYPD in the year of 1894. Who does all the cover-up? Who the Killer of more than a dozen woman.
Looks like Mary get pulled into an investigation that has to do with Sage Bombing and as she gets more into the case of Ben Ali she finds more clues and finding the killer. Who is Jack the Ripper, the killer?
You will be turning the page to find out. Have you read the book you learn about that time period in NY? We even meet Teddy Roosevelt before he becomes President of United States and the reason why or at least partly.
If you are a historical Fiction fan you will enjoy this book. It a Mystery and part historical so you will get both if you are a fan of both or one or the other.
On her way out, she confronts a man see that is following her. When she does, he wants her to look into his brother case that is that Ben Ali is not a killer.
There seems to be some corruption going on in the NYPD in the year of 1894. Who does all the cover-up? Who the Killer of more than a dozen woman.
Looks like Mary get pulled into an investigation that has to do with Sage Bombing and as she gets more into the case of Ben Ali she finds more clues and finding the killer. Who is Jack the Ripper, the killer?
You will be turning the page to find out. Have you read the book you learn about that time period in NY? We even meet Teddy Roosevelt before he becomes President of United States and the reason why or at least partly.
If you are a historical Fiction fan you will enjoy this book. It a Mystery and part historical so you will get both if you are a fan of both or one or the other.

Dana (24 KP) rated Illuminae: The Illuminae Files: Book 1 in Books
Mar 23, 2018
This book has an interesting way it was written in the way that it is more like documents compiled together rather than being all prose. I enjoyed seeing this different style of writing, plus it made for a very quick read.
Even though we were never truly in Kady or Ezra's complete point of view, we still get their feelings in the way the characters are inhabited. They jump off the page at the readers.
The plot moved at a great pace, neither too fast or too slow. I read this book very quickly (we're talking a couple of hours here) but I felt very immersed in the story.
The way each character was introduced was very interesting as well. A lot of it was similar to an investigation log or script from an interrogation room. Even though we don't get much in the way of physical description, we still get the big picture of the characters.
The AI (AIDAN) was quite interesting itself. Even thought it was not a human, there were so many intricate parts to it that I thought it was at some point.
I don't normally enjoy or read space operas or science fiction novels much, but this book made me want to read more.
There is an awesome set up for the rest of the books, as well.
Even though we were never truly in Kady or Ezra's complete point of view, we still get their feelings in the way the characters are inhabited. They jump off the page at the readers.
The plot moved at a great pace, neither too fast or too slow. I read this book very quickly (we're talking a couple of hours here) but I felt very immersed in the story.
The way each character was introduced was very interesting as well. A lot of it was similar to an investigation log or script from an interrogation room. Even though we don't get much in the way of physical description, we still get the big picture of the characters.
The AI (AIDAN) was quite interesting itself. Even thought it was not a human, there were so many intricate parts to it that I thought it was at some point.
I don't normally enjoy or read space operas or science fiction novels much, but this book made me want to read more.
There is an awesome set up for the rest of the books, as well.

Dana (24 KP) rated Robinson Crusoe in Books
Mar 23, 2018
I had to read this novel for one of my college courses. I was very excited to read it at first. I had been wanting to pick this up for a while, but didn't get around to it. As I read it, however, the boredom started to hit. There are a lot of very slow moments in this novel with little bursts of excitement. It is written as if Robinson Crusoe is talking to himself, rationalizing everything he does or thinks on this island. There were a few instances where I thought something that should have been written more in-depth were most certainly not. They were given one sentence and then it was right back to the lists of items that Crusoe had gotten. There are many ties to religion in this novel as well which is due to the time it was written. There were also a lot of random capitalizations throughout the novel which made it very difficult to get into the story at first. Once I started blocking it out, it became much easier to read. If you want to read one of the early "castaway" novels, go ahead and pick this up. But, if you want something with action and adventure, I am afraid this novel is not for you. Overall, I didn't hate it, but it isn't my favorite book either.

Kristin (149 KP) rated Rock & Roll, Sex, and Fools ...The Slow Fade to Black of Mr. Joe Kool Jack in Books
Dec 7, 2018
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.
There's a reason why Joe's name is "Joe Kool": He's the coolest cat around. So cool, in fact, that it simply can't be spelled correctly; his nickname has to stand out as much as he does. Therefore, we have Joe Kool, and the world is a much better place for it. Why, without him, we wouldn't have many of the great artists we know and love, not to mention certain recreational activities and popular phrases of yesterday and today. What would our lives have been like if Joe had just stayed at home, never leaving home in search and bigger and better pastures? I'll tell you: they would've been horrible, boring, monotonous, and just not any fun at all!
This story was excellent, and I found myself talking about it with family, friends, and even one poor stranger who will probably never take the Metro alone again. There were times that I laughed myself almost to tears, and those were quite plentiful. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants to add some comic relief to their lives, and of course, to anyone who wants to know the REAL story behind rock and roll. You think you know, but you have no idea ;)
5 stars
There's a reason why Joe's name is "Joe Kool": He's the coolest cat around. So cool, in fact, that it simply can't be spelled correctly; his nickname has to stand out as much as he does. Therefore, we have Joe Kool, and the world is a much better place for it. Why, without him, we wouldn't have many of the great artists we know and love, not to mention certain recreational activities and popular phrases of yesterday and today. What would our lives have been like if Joe had just stayed at home, never leaving home in search and bigger and better pastures? I'll tell you: they would've been horrible, boring, monotonous, and just not any fun at all!
This story was excellent, and I found myself talking about it with family, friends, and even one poor stranger who will probably never take the Metro alone again. There were times that I laughed myself almost to tears, and those were quite plentiful. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who wants to add some comic relief to their lives, and of course, to anyone who wants to know the REAL story behind rock and roll. You think you know, but you have no idea ;)
5 stars
A great review website
I was recommended Smashbomb by a friend who knows I like talking about books and films. I had a book blog, but I was sick of doing endless weekly scheduled posts and wanted to be able to review what I wanted, when I wanted.
Smashbomb gives me that freedom. I love that you can review anything you want and have enjoyed posting on Smashbomb so far. I also enjoy interacting with other members through the different orbs the site has.
I also like the limit on 'likes' you can give everyday. Instead of just liking something so that people go and read your reviews, the limit makes you really consider which information is worth reading or liking.
I haven't really got to grips with the giveaways yet, but that's something I would like to participate in the future.
When I'm looking for reviews about a certain book or film, I enjoy reading the varied opinions of others.
If there are no reviews of a book I have read or film I've watched, it's also really easy to create my own page.
I really enjoy this website and I look forward to seeing how this website will grow in the future.
Smashbomb gives me that freedom. I love that you can review anything you want and have enjoyed posting on Smashbomb so far. I also enjoy interacting with other members through the different orbs the site has.
I also like the limit on 'likes' you can give everyday. Instead of just liking something so that people go and read your reviews, the limit makes you really consider which information is worth reading or liking.
I haven't really got to grips with the giveaways yet, but that's something I would like to participate in the future.
When I'm looking for reviews about a certain book or film, I enjoy reading the varied opinions of others.
If there are no reviews of a book I have read or film I've watched, it's also really easy to create my own page.
I really enjoy this website and I look forward to seeing how this website will grow in the future.

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