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Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Finally I have the body of a Norse god! (0 more)
Having to go to the toilet halfway through (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
What a fantastic film!
I have waited a few days before reviewing this film, and honestly think it would have been 10/10 if I had reviewed it straightaway.
This is so very nearly the perfect superhero film. There is a massive cast of characters, there is humour, there are niche geek references, there are shocks and twists, there are highs, there are lows and there are tears.
But also (and here comes why 1 mark was lost) ... there is time travel. I have an uncomfortable relationship with time travel. I know you always have to give a bit of artistic license with time travel and not get too hung up on the nitty gritty. But here the plot revolves around the characters changing nothing in the past as it would change the future/make it not happen. And yet they go ahead and do it anyway! We have to go back and put the infinity stones back the instant after they were taken. But they didn't have to with Thor's hammer? And why did they have to do that at all because past-Thanos died which means the Infinity War never happened.
I have never been truly happy with time travel in film, with the notable exception of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure which somehow nails it. For me, Endgame failed in this regard purely by setting itself rules it then broke and didn't explore the consequences.
But still, an outstanding film and if I can get myself happy with a crude, straight-talking, machine gun-toting space-raccoon and a teenage living tree then I think I can overlook some timey-wimey things.
Clerks (1994)
Clerks (1994)
1994 | Comedy
Dante and Randal - together forever
I had the pleasure of meeting Kevin Smith when he appeared at the Hollywood Video manager's meeting in Las Vegas in the summer of 1999. Clerks was revered at that time by all of us since we were living the life of Randal to a certain extent being video store managers. We could all relate to the examples of stupid customers and things we wanted to say to them, but couldn't since "the customer is always right".

Smith's appearance at our meeting must've shocked the Mormon founder, Mark Wattles, when Smith began using excessive profanity and talking about giving blow jobs in the bathroom for cash.

My own experiences as a video store manager were reflected in a lot of what Randal says especially when it came to movie recommendations. I'll never forget being asked "Which is better, Booty Call or Schindler's List" or arguing with customers during the "full screen" vs. "widescreen" debate explaining widescreen was better because you could see the entire picture instead of the side of the film being cut off.

Every time I rewatch Clerks it always reminds me of those times and how I reflect fondly on them now so many years later.

Smith was a funny guy and he certainly tells good stories if you have ever seen one of his stand-up specials where he talks about meeting Prince, Bruce Willis or his experiences writing a Superman draft.

Jay and Silent Bob are iconic too even getting their own reboot movie now.

Clerks is a comedy cinema cult classic having lived far beyond its original $27,000 budget where Smith had to sell his comic book collection and its characters will live on forever due to some classic screenwriting.

The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (2019)
The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
#legomovie2 is a sequel that manages to out brick the first film & fly straight into your #heart #spaceship first. I loved the first lego movie & absolutely adored the #legoninjago movie but wasn't entirely sure if we needed anymore of them. That being said Im happy to report that the second lego movie is infact really #awesome & while not laugh out loud funny its by far the most interesting & varied one out of the bunch. This time the story is centred around #love, change & the inner battles we all face on a day to day basis with strong themes of battling #depression, realising self worth, being who you are/trying to fit in & trust it gets #pretty complex at times too & as i left i overheard kids telling their parents that they didnt get it. That being said there is enough visual variety, visual pop & #crazy #music numbers to keep people of all ages engrossed the entire run time too. Talking of visuals the #beauty/complexity of the animation & textures has been severely ramped up this time, figures have dust, muck, scratches & chipped paint galore making the real world connection to these plastic blocks even more prominent. Riding on movie cliches & poking fun of other films is a big part of this film too as are various #popculture #cameos & they fit perfectly/bring a #smile (there are some really niche one too like #starshiptroopers & #2001aspaceodyssey which isreally #cool to see). #legomovie 2 really is a lot of #fun & with a good over all message letting us all know that sometimes not everything is awesome.... but that's ok is something i feel a lot of us can certainly learn from. Take the #family to see it you'll all have a blast i promise. #odeon #odeonlimitless #filmbuff #filmcritic #lego #weekend #kids #family #funny #silly #saturday
Who Moved My Cheese
Who Moved My Cheese
Dr Spencer Johnson | 2002 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
1.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can kind of see the message of the book (0 more)
Bad message (2 more)
Well. Even just thinking about this book again riles me up. I don’t even know why I bought the book. The premise sounded interesting, I guess, and it was cheap. The book only took me around two hours to read so at least I didn’t invest a lot of time and energy into reading it.

On the one hand, I can kind of see what the book is trying to accomplish. It is a message of encouragement and productivity in life. Instead of waiting around for something and complaining about changed circumstance, we should move on and look for something better.

On the other hand, it does it in a terrible way. It feels like an adult message told in a children’s story book fashion. It feels patronising. We have a group of adults talking about how they dislike their life. One of the adults tells the story of the two mice, humans, and block of cheese, and at the end the adults realise, in an expositional way, how the story relates to their lives and how they should change it. It is oversimplified and cringy. If only it was that easy to move on if say you’ve just got fired or accused of something you didn’t do. Life, unfortunately, it not that easy. I don’t know what the author was thinking. (More over, I don’t agree with the message Johnson is giving. To me, it feels like Johnson is explaining why laborers and lower class individuals should just accept and adapt to the whims of capitalism and upper class authorities instead of fighting for what is right. But hey ho.)
The Princess Diarist
The Princess Diarist
Carrie Fisher | 2017 | Biography
7.5 (22 Ratings)
Book Rating
I want to start off by saying that I was so saddened to hear about Carrie's passing. She was a childhood hero of mine, so to see that she was gone was devastating.

Carrie Fisher was a brilliant woman, but like was not always kind to her. She battled with addiction, depression, and so many other things, but I would have never guessed it.

It was interesting to actually read what she thought of herself when she was younger. With her self worth and self-esteem issues, it was very easy to identify with her journal pages. Now, having read the whole book, I know she would tell me to buck up and don't give a damn about what other people think of me. Which is something I am trying to do now. It honestly hurt to read these things because I can see myself in these pages. People are so quick to put these famous people on pedestals and forget that they are human too. I can say that I did the same thing.

Yes, we get information on her affair with Harrison, but I don't necessarily want to get into that. If you want information on it, feel free to pick up the book.

We also get an understanding of how fame affected her. She often speaks of her own mortality, talking about how people will see her after her death. Many of these things have already started happening. For example, she talked about how she would be forever immortalized by her pictures as Princess Leia with those buns she hated so much. Oh, and she loved fan interactions because it showed why her work was important to others.

I loved reading this book and I am going to pick up some of her other biographies.
Looking for La La
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Cathy is a stay-at-home mom, but that's starting to be an issue for her husband. He thinks all she does is sit at home all day, now that both kids are in school most of the day. He harps on her about joining the workforce again, but she has her own issues and reasons for not wanting to go along with it. Then, random postcards start arriving in the post from a person called "La La," talking about Cathy's husband. Is he having an affair? Is THAT why he wants her otherwise occupied with a job, so she's not home as often? Or is it just someone messing with him, with her? As Cathy and her trusted friends try to figure out the identity of the poison penner, their "perfect" suburban lives start to go through downward spirals. With all this other chaos going on, how will Cathy even find the time to figure out who La La is, much less be able to nab a job?

This is such a fun little mystery, and it has all those juicy tidbits that also pull you along for the ride; you know, the ones we all watch reality shows and soap operas for. Cathy and her friends are such interesting characters, and I honestly can't tell you how many times I flipped back and forth on La La's identity, as well as how I felt about certain people in her life. All of this, while still trying to be a wife and mother; it's craziness, I tell you! I'm definitely looking forward to reading the next one in the series, and will actually be starting it upon publishing this review. Loved it!

4 1/2 stars
That's My Ethan
That's My Ethan
Tarian P.S. | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
really REALLY enjoyed this!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Damir met Ethan at a college coffee and was SMITTEN. It's the only word to describe how he felt about Ethan. And this is their story: the true story of love at first sight.

I liked this one! I LIKED it a LOT!!!

Damir is in a frat house, and is, by his own admission, a bit of a man-whore. Ethan is. . . not. And like a moth to a flame, Ethan pulls Damir in, and keeps him close by throwing that 6 months wait time him! Loved that! Loved that it was ETHAN who called time, so close to the end and finally gave in!

But what I particularly liked about this one, was the development of the D/s relationship between Damir and Ethan. That Damir didn't know he was a Dom till his friend, Lance, pointed it out. That Ethan didn't know what he needed, til Damir gave it to him.

I loved that Lance taught Damir how to wield a flogger correctly, how to restrain and how to push Ethan way more than Damir could have on his own. All too often, these books have experienced Dom and newbie subs, and we don't get HOW the Doms are taught.

While I am aware this is based around a true story, I didn't read it as such.

It is written in the first person, from both Damir and Ethan's point of view, and there are a lot of flipping from one to the other inside of the chapters, sometimes from page to page BUT each change is clearly headed. So you know who is talking to you.

First I've read of this author, I'd like to read more!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Handmaid's Tale
The Handmaid's Tale
Margaret Atwood | 1998 | Essays
8.3 (112 Ratings)
Book Rating
The ending leaves a little to be desire. (0 more)
The Handmaid's Tale By: Margaret Atwood
Adult Fiction 295 Pages My rating 4 stars

I wasn't sure that I wanted to read this because looking at the cover reminded me of nuns and I really didn't want to read about nouns. As I heard people talking about this book I finally decided to give it try.
I was pleasantly surprised. I really enjoyed this book. This book talks about the world as we know it but is no longer the same. We are still around but have gone back a little in time. The women are no longer allowed to hold jobs, have money or property. Everything they have now is now owned by the men.
Our main character is known as a handmaid and her job is to have babies. She is assigned to a family and once a month she has relations with the husband and yes the wife knows in fact she is there with them. She has a very boring life. She is only allowed to eat certain things and can not smoke or drink. She is allowed once a day to go outside to run an errand for the cook. She is not allowed to go by herself she meets up with another handmaid and they shop together. They are watched all the time.
She is adjusting but can still remember what life was like back a few years ago. Before all the changes she was married and had a little girl. She doesn't know what happened to her husband or her child.
You must read this book to find out the changes and how she got where she is now. The ending leaves a little to the imagination. Please give it a try, it is a good story.
A Skeleton in the Family By: Leigh Perry
Cozy Mystery 291 pages
Takes place in Penny Cross, Massachusetts

This is a mystery novel so I won't be going into much detail. I don't want to spoil anything.
This book is about a college Professor, Georgia, who hasn't been able to hold down a position for more than a year at time. Her boss's always want her to write a book but she can never find time with all she has to do.. She is a single mom of a teenage daughter, Madison.
She has received a teaching job at her hometown college where her parents teach. Her parents have tenured at this college and have taken a sabbatical for the semester. She moves back home to help with her finances.
Her daughter doesn't know that the family has a secret. That secret is the living, walking, talking skeleton called Sid. Sid followed Georgia home one day when she was 6 years old. He has been with them since. Sid doesn't want Madison to know that he is around. He does everything to keep himself away from her.
One day Sid talks Georgia into letting him out and have a little fun. He goes in disguise. He sees and recognizes someone while he out. This starts him to remember some of his pass but not enough. So they decide to start finding who he really is and what happened to him.
Who is Sid? Where did he come from? Why is he able to walk and talk? What happened to him?
All of questions are answered in this book. This is a good book and a fun mystery. I recommend that you give it try.
The Eagle and the Fox (A Snowy Range Mystery #1)
The Eagle and the Fox (A Snowy Range Mystery #1)
Nya Rawlyns | 2015 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Mystery
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Eagle and the Fox (A Snowy Range Mystery #1) by Nya Rawlyns
The Eagle and the Fox is the first book in the Snowy Range Mystery series.

The story is about two adult males, a young girl, and her secret boyfriend. The two adult men, Josiah and Marcus, have known each other for years, but only to 'grunt' to each other as they pass by in the store that Marcus owns. Pet is the young girl that Marcus keeps an eye on, like an adopted uncle. He took her on to save her, but you'll need to read the book to find out what he was saving her from! And Kit is her secret boyfriend, a mysterious figure that we don't actually learn much about.

Once Josiah and Marcus start talking, things move at a pretty pace for them. Not only do they have their feelings for each other to contend with, but they also have the problems with Pet, plus the trouble in town that is happening.

I found this book to be very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow. The characters are well rounded and well suited to the story. This story is a definite mix of romance and mystery. It defies being in just one genre. It is finished off for this story, but the ending is definitely left open for it to continue. Looking forward to book two to see where it will go next.

If you like a bit of mystery with your romance, then I can definitely recommend this book/series.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!