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The Silent Songbird
The Silent Songbird
Melanie Dickerson | 2016 | Children
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story may be a retelling of The Little Mermaid...but there are no sea witches or talking seagulls in this book. What you will find is a beautiful maiden with the voice of an angel.

Eva longs to be free...Free of the restraints that have been cast upon her by her status. Even if it means to work hard as a servant for the rest of her life. When King Richard decrees that she marry Lord Shiveley, Evangeline decides that she must run away or face a life of fear and abuse. In order to avoid detection, she pretends she is mute. But when her secret is revealed will those she has come to care for be able to forgive her? When Westley's life is in danger, yet Eva is the only witness...Will they heed her word? Or has the seed of mistrust been buried too deep?

Throughout her life Evangeline's voice has brought comfort and pleasure to herself and those around her. But she must stifle that gift in order to hide her identity. Throughout the story we see Westley encourage and draw out the voice, her true identity, that she has hidden. He is so gentle and sweet with her. Evangeline eventually learns that faith and trust in God is the strength she must lean on.

My only knowledge of The Little Mermaid is the animated Disney version. But as you compare the stories, there are several parallel characters. I think what I love most about Melanie Dickerson is that she takes the classic childhood fairy tales and creates a world, a story, that is realistic, yet still so full of "magic". There is also the added element of faith that adds a whole new dimension to the story. Set in medieval England, the way of life was much different then. But I so enjoy immersing myself into the time period and Melanie Dickerson's books. To be swept away by the adventure and live alongside the people of Glynval.

There are a few twists in the storyline that prove to be heartbreaking, exciting, and romantic. A quick read, The Silent Songbird will keep you turning the pages until you are finished. Even though this is a part of the Hagenheim Series. I did not recognize any of the characters (I have only read The Golden Braid and The Silent Songbird so far). You can read this book by itself and not have any confusion. This story is for "Young Adults" (I am still young right?), but is also great for adults. I am so thankful to Melanie for writing stories that are clean and faith filled for our teenagers.

I received a free copy of The Silent Songbird. I was not required to write a review and this does not influence my review, positive or otherwise. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Hush (Nights #8)
Hush (Nights #8)
A.M. Salinger | 2018 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
i love this series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

So! This is book 8 in the Nights Series, but this one really can be read as a stand alone. I'm not sure I recall Lana or Tom from any of the previous books, but that might be me. Also, books one through 6 are male/male pairings and book7 and this one are male/female pairings. Again, I'm not picky, especially when the author pulls off the difference incredibly well, but I know some readers are. Books one through 3, and 6 and 7 are all 5 stars reads from me too.

Lana has been the bane of Tom's existence since he fell in love with her at 16. Having worked for her for 4 years, Tom really has reached the end of his tether, and feels he needs to move on. But when Lana turns up at his door, drunk, demanding sex, what's a guy to do, huh?? He does the right thing, and puts her to bed, while sleeping on the sofa. But, things change between Lana and Tom, and Lana begins to feel things more keenly. These feelings she never realised she had. And the feelings that she wants more than the verbal battling they have every day. But Tom runs, and Lana has to face some facts.

A thoroughly enjoyable addition to this series, even if i found it not quite up to par as the rest.

Oh, don't get me wrong! It's a great book, told from both Lana and Tom's point of view. It's sexy and hot, and I did read it in one sitting.

It just doesn't have the heat level the other books have, and I think I missed that! Ya'll know I made a new shelf for these books, "fan yourself, it's a hot one" and this book doesn't get to join the others there, simply because of that fact.

There is, though, more emotions in this one, I think. Having loved Lana for the better part of his life, Tom's feeling are front and centre, right from the beginning, but Lana's take some digging out. I LOVED the scene when she's talking to Eveline and Lincoln from book 7, about just WHY Lana is annoyed with Tom!

I really have enjoyed this series, and there is just one book to go, and I will be so bloody sad to see the end of these books!

I also find myself curious as to what name this author usually writes under, as AM Salinger is a pen name. I'd LOVE to read something written under that name, just to see the differences. But then again, it might be young adult, or zombies and they really don't float my boat. So, on reflection, no, I don't want to know!

4 solid sexy (but not quite as sexy as the rest) stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
If I Could Ask God One Question
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>This is a review of a soon to be published (April 2016) version of <i>If I Could Ask God Just One Question</i></b>

<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Whether you have been brought up in a Christian family or have made the decision to turn to God yourself, religion can still be very confusing. Greg Johnson has worked with teenagers for fifteen years and has compiled “80 Answers to teen’s most-asked questions.” Johnson’s aim with <i>If I Could Ask God Just One Question</i> is to aid the reader’s progress towards their goal of understanding the bible.

Johnson maintains that all answers to questions that matter can be found in the bible. He tries to prove this by answering each question firstly with a bible verse or passage, before explaining it in an informal, more relatable manner.

Presumably, the questions discussed are what teens have directly asked the author, or questions he has heard throughout his career. Many of the questions are generalized, such as how to become a better Christian, fears about being mocked in school, worries about sin and not going to heaven, and so forth. On the other hand there are a few deeper questions, for example why do bad things happen? These are not simple yes/no questions that can be stated as fact. Many of the answers are up for their own interpretation depending on the reader’s own circumstances. This may make things more confusing, however something may hit home and open their eyes in recognition of the Christian faith.

Although written informally and appropriately for teenagers, it is still obvious that this is an adult talking to someone considerably younger than himself. Johnson includes his own personal experiences, however they are slightly outdated compared with the issues modern-day teens may face, e.g. social media.

Johnson tries to make the Bible a less intimidating book. He suggests a chapter order to follow for those new to the Christian faith. The layout of<i> If I Could Ask God Just One Question </i>lets readers dip in and out, reading the answers to questions that relate to them or that they have thought of at some point themselves. It is probably not wise to read from front to back in one sitting, but instead to take the questions one at a time, analyzing the answers and relating them to personal experience. Note pages have been included for the reader to jot down any thoughts they have whilst reading.

Ultimately this book helps teenagers to feel less alone and overwhelmed with their newfound faith. Despite this there is nothing to stop older Christians from benefitting from it too. Everyone needs a reminder once in a while, and a nudge back onto the right path in order to continue living a humble, Christian lifestyle.
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover (1989)
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover (1989)
1989 | Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Intriguing Movie
A woman begins a torrid romance of infidelity and tries to keep it from her nefarious husband.

Acting: 10
There is a reason Helen Mirren is one of my favorite actresses. She can be vulnerable and powerful all in the same breath. She makes you sympathize with her character and champion for her to win. She plays Georgina, the wife of a thug. She hates her life and is longing for more. The way she expresses that longing is done in subtle fashion, yet you can feel exactly what she is feeling. There are a number of strong performances in the film, but none quite as strong as hers.

Beginning: 1
I couldn’t tell up from down when the movie started. I didn’t know what to think, who to hate, or who to root for. That all eventually became clear, but the beginning was very muddled and had me losing hope that the movie could be good. Good thing there’s more to this film than the first ten minutes.

Characters: 7
The title, of course, gives away the characters that dominate the story. Each character carries their own weight and adds a different value to the story. Outside of Georgina, I enjoyed watching Alan Howard act out his role of Michael the Lover. He has an air of ignorance with a touch of nobility. He’s a good guy that enjoys being alone, not realizing that he is looking for someone special in his life. That is, until he meets Georgina who turns his life upside down. The interactions between the two provide for a number of great scenes. And, no, I’m not just referring to the sex, although there are some steamy scenes.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 8

Genre: 8
Definitely not the best drama I’ve seen, but hands-down, one of the most unique. I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything quite like this movie. It’s different for a lot of reasons, but mainly in the way the film is shot which helps push the overall tone. It shines with a special kind of flare that sticks in your memory.

Memorability: 8

Pace: 5

Plot: 10
Unique story with an interesting twist. I appreciate when movies try and do something different, and that’s where (insert long title here) succeeds. It’s a gut-wrenching love story told with conviction and passion.

Resolution: 10
Can’t talk about this movie without talking about that ending. Wow, what an ending! Didn’t see it coming in the least. It was both unbelievable and gratifying at the same time. If you haven’t heard of or seen this movie, I won’t ruin it for you. I’ll just say prepare to be pleasantly shocked.

Overall: 77
A stronger beginning and a quicker pace could have made this movie excellent, but it’s still solid enough for a one-time watch. I can guarantee you The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover will be unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.
Infinities Gate
Infinities Gate
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
“At the Equinox, a bright blue glow engulfed the entire hill. Above the monument, a vortex opened and sucked them into its eye. When the light faded, they were gone.”

Infinities Gate is the second book in the Tamara Jenkins, Sorcerer series by author John R. Moore. It tells the story of archaeology professor Tamara Jenkins and the magical world of wizards she does not just fall into but becomes one of the greatest wizards and leader against the fight against darkness. In this book, Tamara and her husband mysteriously disappear on their honeymoon, and it is up to their friends to find them. Along the way, they discover the Infinities Gate and realize that they must keep the gate from opening or risk releasing chaos itself. When talking about his book series Moore says it is “In the order of Indiana Jones crossed with Merlin.” This statement perfectly sums up the atmosphere of the book. This was the crossover I never knew I needed. This mashup was an imaginative and clever premise that immediately had me hooked into the first book which continued into the second.

The story begins quickly, showering you with information, questions, and mysteries. This kind of beginning hooked my attention immediately and made it hard to put the book down. This story is filled with mysteries, interesting twists, and exciting adventures. From wizards to Norse gods, Moore delves into the fantastical intricacies of myths and legends while still making the stories his own. You can’t help but root for Tamara as she makes her way through these magical adventures. I really liked seeing her growth in both books and found her to be an interesting and fun heroine to follow on this journey.

The Celtic and Scottish history is something I love learning about so getting to read about it, and the magical side of it was very exciting for me. My love for both Indiana Jones and Arthurian legend fueled this fascination with this story. From the very beginning of the book, it connected itself to these histories and had events taking place in some of the most magical feeling places in the world like Stonehenge and the Isle of the Sky. This setting brought the magic and history into the book beautifully.

I was very impressed with Moore’s writing style. His descriptions of the world are beautiful as is his attention to the details of history. His characters have a depth which is integral for me in any book I read. I enjoyed reading this series so much I am excited to look into some of his other work. His interest in science fiction and fantasy stories align very much with my favorite genres to read. I cannot wait for the third book in this series so I can continue my journey with the wonderful Tamara. This was a very enjoyable book that offered a quick read into a magical world. I would highly recommend this book to fantasy readers!
Redwood (2017)
Redwood (2017)
2017 | Horror
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Verdict: Vampire 101

Story: Redwood starts as a couple Josh (Beckingham) and Beth (Nardone) head away for a hiking trip to get back to nature before Josh start his treatment for leukaemia, the pair meet ranger Steve (Khan) who warns them to stay on the path and the two set off on their adventure.
The couple see a chance at a shortcut up the mountain, which sees them go off the trail where they run into bloodthirsty vampires forcing them to battle to survive.

Thoughts on Redwood

Characters – Josh is a workaholic that has just discovered he has leukaemia, which sees him want to do more open to nature, which sees this hiking trip come about, he is dealing with everything well believing everything is under control and he suggests the shortcut off the trail. Beth is the supportive girlfriend that is getting scared about what is happening to Josh, wanting to get the most out of their time in case the treatment doesn’t work. Vincent and Steve are both rangers that are met on the way up the mountain, both have the same warning about staying on the trail.
Performances – Mike Beckingham and Tatjana Nardone both are solid enough through the film, we get the ideas of how their relationship is facing a new problem, with how they are both trying to stay strong. Anybody we meet is simply a cameo like performance.
Story – The story here follows a couple that head off on a hiking trip on a mountain range only to head off the trail and find themselves facing off against vampires. This is a typical type of story which follows a couple making the mistake of going of the trail, there really isn’t much more to the story, we do have the relationship strain between a couple when one could become terminally ill. Once we get to the vampire side of the story, we just don’t get very much going on because by the time we get to the vampire side of the story, it is just running without doing much. We don’t get much out of this story by the end.
Horror – The horror in the film does feel weak because we have a couple of moments which is mostly just running, with the emotional drama seeming to take centre stage.
Settings – The film is set in a mountain range which shows us just how far the couple have gone to get back to nature, it could have mystery about it.
Special Effects – The effects are simple when it comes to the vampire creations, we don’t need too many effects either.

Scene of the Movie – Getting to the top.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – Too much talking.
Final Thoughts – This is a poor vampire movie that tries to do something bigger, but ends up dragging along way too long.

Overall: Forgettable Vampire Movie.

Natacha (374 KP) rated Half the World in Books

Dec 15, 2019 (Updated Dec 15, 2019)  
Half the World
Half the World
Joe Abercrombie | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
As with the first book, the main story is very basic. I group of misfits that are thrown together to complete a quest to find allies. But I still had a blast reading this book.

Things I liked:

-Because the main plot is so simple all characters and their developments are amazing. All of them have their own voice, their own personality and keep evolving and keep you intrigued until the end.
-Thorn. Thorn is a strong female character but with a twist. She is not the typical strong female character that is the best fighter to ever walk this earth, the most beautiful woman to ever walk the earth and who think that loves is something stupid and not for her. No, she tall, muscular, with scars and a weird hair cut. She is a fighter and a killer but you get to see her become one through hard training and strong will. And when she falls in love? She is afraid of it, yes, but when the times comes she doesn't shy away from it, she embraces it and doesn't mind showing a more gentle side of her. That was very nice to see.
-Brand is our second main character and the opposite of Thorn. He is a sweet boy that wants to be a soldier but deep down he just wants to be a good person and do good no matter what.
-There is a love story but it's not the main theme of the story and it's a slow burn one. Initially, I was a little annoyed just because at some point there is a misunderstanding that could have easily been solved by simply talking but the way things evolve later makes up for it.
-The ending left me with the feeling that something big is coming with the next book and made we want to pick it right away.
-We got to see magic! One of my complaints in the first book was that we had elves and magic being mention but never saw any of it.

Things I didn't like

-The main reason why my rating is (4.5 instead of 5 goodreads rating) 9/10 instead of 10/10 if this one. As I mention the main plot is very basic. I group of misfits that are thrown together. They travel a lot, get to know each other, bond and fight bad guys. Unfortunately, although I loved the characters, for more than half of the book I felt disappointed because what I was reading felt very similar to what I had read in book one. In Half a King you had again a group of misfits thrown in a boat together that travelled a lot, had to find a way to survive, they get to know each-other bond and fight bad guys. It sounds like a minor thing but when I picked because it picked up this book straight after the first one it felt repetitive.
Mask of Shadows
Mask of Shadows
Linsey Miller | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>Review copy provided by SourcebooksFire via Netgalley</b></i>

I don’t think I follow enough people on social media, because I rarely see Mask of Shadows running around in my timeline and it deserves more hype if it hasn’t. I’ve also been reading a lot of “fluffy” reads with very little blood involved.

Mask of Shadows is a complete 180 from that. It is absolutely bloody and there are assassins involved, and sad to say, it is completely up my very dark alley of reading preferences.

My mother should be worried about me. “You’re a good kid compared to most of those I’ve seen out there. You don’t do drugs, don’t party, hang out with good people….”

I mean, has she seen the books I enjoy reading? (She would be very concerned.)

I honestly thought of The Hunger Games as an assassin edition while reading, even though the novel is pitched as Sarah J. Maas meets Leigh Bardugo. Our main character, Sal, finds an invitation to become one of the queen’s personal assassins, and sets off to audition in the hopes to get a new life. The auditions are full of trials and are a fight to the death – each of which are varied so there is never a dull moment. I’ve never read Maas, but I personally don’t see any comparisons to Bardugo unless we’re talking world building. The world building is absolutely amazing and stunning, and if I could actually draw some of the descriptions, I would totally do it. (Alas, I am just a graphic design minor.)

Emerald, a vision of steel and green silk, glided through the doorway. She was lithe and muscled, arms bare and flexed, streaked in scars with a pale silver dust twinkling over her skin like stars scattered across the evening sky. She walked past me in a breeze of perfume and peppermint, the apothecary scents clinging to her like the old, black ink of the dead runes scrawled across her. The silk layered and draped over her shoulders matched her high-cheeked, mouthless emerald mask perfectly. Beetle wings stitched into the train of her dress glittered in the light.

That is actually one of my favorite descriptions in the book. It is gorgeous.

Mask of Shadows is the first book I’ve read featuring a gender fluid character. Miller does a really good job of handling Sal’s character well, but the beginning seemed a little rocky, almost as though the author was trying to find the right foothold in the story. But after those rough patches, the story went along smoothly.

2017 was a fantastic reading year for me, and I am extremely happy to say that Mask of Shadows is one of my favorite books for the year. Miller’s debut novel is action packed and fast paced, and it will leave you turning the pages until the very end.

<a href="">This review is originally posted on That Book Gal</a>
Destiny Gift (Everlast, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'll admit first and foremost that just because I had to swap review dates with The Iron Traitor a few weeks ago, does not mean that I wanted to toss Destiny Gift right out the window and into the ocean. I almost lost part of my notes with the assumption that my Kindle was broken while in perfect condition when it really just needed charging.

      Marking in ebooks is the only way not to get in severe trouble. x) I pity my poor planner with the chickenly scribbles of doom.

      Destiny Gift is actually a really interesting book, being set in a futuristic (though not so far from today I'm assuming) New York with a hint (okay, more like a lot) of mythology – hooray! – and fantasy – double hooray! – mixed in. So much is made clearer about halfway through the book, but Haygert manages to keep us in suspense and not confuse readers in the process, which basically shows that the author has great writing potential – and hopefully a very successful writing career too!

      The idea behind the Destiny Gift is also pretty intriguing, so let me toss some basic word math in: Visions + Made Up Mythology (Because then one has full control of making of legends. So much fun.) + Other Goody Elements = Cooking Up A Pretty/Really Good Story.

      I hope that sums up my entire thoughts in a nutshell of good old math. No Algebra needed (YES). But I'm not exactly finished, because I still need to talk about the characters, and having no clue about the characters is pretty much a book losing an arm or leg (ouch).

      Victor and Micah, the lovely guys one can go swoon over if they so choose – but no thanks. I'm focusing on good old days of Finals – seemed to be too perfect. Well, I take that back. They're not perfect. They just seem too perfect in looks. Not that I mind.

      I also like Micah's humor. Victor seems more of a "I'm a poisonous snake. You know, red on yellow. Stay away if you want to live." type of person. Not exactly the most pleasant image, since this is the snake I'm talking about:
<img src=""; />
     Freaking out? It's not the actual poisonous one. I didn't really want to... "poison" my blog with snakes you know. :p

      I was sort of thinking about Biology at the time the review was written.

      I suppose it isn't a terrible comparison. Why? I'm not giving spoilers....
<blockquote>"All right, let's change the question. What* are you three?"
 "Power Rangers, ever heard of them?"</blockquote>
Review copy provided by author for review
Original Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Owls
This review and more can be found at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
<img src=""; />
Seizure (Virals, #2)
Seizure (Virals, #2)
Kathy Reichs | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>

Formatting may be lost due to copy and paste

I had no clue why the title was Seizure. For all I knew, seizure meant something to do with a stroke or a heart attack and could possibly result in death if not fixed ASAP. I could be wrong with that definition as well. What I never knew however, was the other definition. The Dictionary enlightened me:
<img src=""; />
I guess I was partially right. Apparently there goes proof I'm not a walking/talking dictionary. Living proof. I'm honestly better off as a spellchecker any day. I must be bored if I did know the definition for every word that exists. Extremely bored. To the point of desperation. Which isn't happening any day until the zombie apocalypse at the least.

      Seizure is the second novel in the Virals series (first book is Virals, but my review for it never existed on this planet because my book blogging life never existed at the time) written by Kathy Reichs. It's been awhile after the Virals have transformed from a super-virus. Due to financial problems, Loggerhead Island is at risk to be shut down, and the Virals may have to separate, facing the super-virus on their own. At least until Tory Brennan hears about Anne Bonny's legend. It's said that her treasure is buried right in Charles Town, but no one has succeeded in finding it for around 3 centuries.

     What I like about Seizure is the storyline. It's creative, and it twists a legend (I don't know the actual legend though) to fit in with what's going on with the Virals after their transformation. I also love how the characters have changed a lot from the first novel, or at least, most of them, and how there are new characters introduced. Whitney's still as annoying as before (just get out of Tory's hair already! Dx) and Chance hasn't changed much. As for everyone else? Well, I can't say. I can say they changed, but I can't say how. I might as well tape an index card on my forehead with the words SPOILER.

     What I dislike? My prediction (always. I fear I'm aiming correctly... even though I have terrible accuracy). I sense a love triangle coming soon. And as typical as it goes with love triangles in YA, it might get ugly with the tension. The best part about that though? I might be off the mark. Or I may be bull's eye (I hope not!). Don't take my prediction for granted. It's just a thought. I might be wrong, or I might be right. I guess we'll see.

     Speaking of which, the third book in the series, Code, came out last Wednesday, March 12. Who's excited for a new Virals adventure? :D