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Runes (Runes, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book through Newgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Runes is the story of a teenage girl who has everything should could possibly want until her father's plane crashes, and a mysterious guy moves in next door. Raine has a great relationship with her parents, she is on the school swimming team, and she has the start of a great relationship with her best friend Eirik. Then, Torin moves in next door and her world starts changing. She sees things no one else can see, and she begins to have feelings for the mysterious new neighbor.

Raine is a character you can easily love. She is a good girl who always tries to do the right thing; especially, when it comes to her friends. She always has a positive outlook, and you can't help but cheer for her. Raine is a very well rounded character, but the rest of the characters seem extremely flat or one dimensional to me. Her best friend Cora seems like she is constantly jumping from guy to guy and is never happy. Eirik is a very vague character, he's around but pretty much only to hang off of Raine. I would like to see more development with these characters in the next book.

The idea of Torin, Andris, Meliina, and Ingrid being Reapers was not something I saw coming. I purposefully didn't read any information about this book because I didn't want the surprise to be ruined, and I'm glad I waited. The idea of reapers is refreshing and not something that is currently popular with currently paranormal romance.

The pacing of the story is just right, there is always something happening and it left me wanting more, more, more! I couldn't put the book down, and I actually read it in 1 day.

The one thing that kept this book from receiving 5 stars from me was the ENORMOUS amount of grammatical errors and missing words I encountered while reading. I think the author needs to have someone else proof read the next book, or hopefully I received an early enough copy that it wasn't finished with the process.

Overall, this book is a wonderful adventure that I was truly lucky to get my hands on. I absolutely can't wait for book 2! You won't want to miss this book!
He's Out There (2018)
He's Out There (2018)
2018 | Horror, Thriller
The mask... Wicked (1 more)
One helluva great build up
Felt unoriginal... Had lots of staple Home Invasion ingredients. (0 more)
Slow burn that heats up well
Contains spoilers, click to show
Woman takes kids to weekend home in the woods. Husband to meet up with them later that night. What could possibly go wrong?
Well... Lemme tell you.... Your whole fuckin day just got ruined by some psycho in a mask who starts of small... Banging on windows... Moving things around the yard... Typical teenage prank type stuff...
As the fear builds, his sadistic nature come to the surface... He intercepts the husband on his way through the darkened goat path of a road and proceeds to carve out his eyeballs and leave his corpse on the front step... Like some cat leaving his master a dead rat or bird... Seeking approval
There's a scene near the end of the film that I found kind of brilliant.
The killer hangs three life sized dolls, representing the mother and her children, for the three to find when they try to run... Stopping them in their tracks... Then... As if they were kids playing a game, he begins pelting them with paintballs to drive them back into the house... Giving himself total control over the situation. The killer has made it impossible for the victims to leave... Thinking the car is a good idea... Mommy hides her children in the closet... Telling them how brave they are and giving them a watch to time 20 seconds before they make a break for it to meet their mother at the car... Mom takes the keys from her dead husbands pocket and start a the car. She then grabs the kids from the closet and is immediately trapped in a room by Mr. Madman.
 A neighbor comes over and sees the carnage that is the yard, smashed up SUV, deadman on the steps and tries to help... His fate is sealed by an axe to the head...
The killers total control of everything is what makes me like this movie... Reminds me of The Collector in so many ways... Total control...
Its worth a watch or two... When the climax of the film finally comes a long... Its kind of a let down... But the build up was nice and impressive... If you're looking to get blue balled by a movie... Its a great pick :)
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)
2010 | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
The beautiful people of Forks, Washington, are back in the latest installment of the Twilight saga. This time around there’s a little bit more story and a lot more action. Still, not nearly enough of either to make this movie compelling for anyone but diehard fans. Oh, I’m sorry..Twi-hard fans.

Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) and Bella Swann (Kirsten Stewart) are reunited and still very much in love, to the brokenhearted dismay of Jacob Black (Tayor Lautner). As Edward and Bella prepare for graduation and contemplate marriage, Victoria, a vengeful vampire now played by Brice Howard, is creating an army to destroy Bella and the Cullen family. Because of this, the Cullen and the werewolves form an uneasy alliance to keep Bella from harm. Bella finds herself struggling with her desire to be with Edward and have him “change” her and her feelings for Jacob. Not your typical teenage angst, but in Bella’s world of vampires and werewolves, these are actually the least of her worries.

Directed by David Slade, of Hard Candy and 30 Days of Night, Eclipse at least makes attempts to flesh out the supporting characters, which helped keep the movie interesting because, honestly, if it just focused on the love triangle of Edward, Bella and Jacob, it would have felt interminably slower. While Pattinson, Stewart and Lautner play tortured, awkward and earnest well, they play it too much. Thank goodness for Chief Swan, portrayed with perfect unease by Billy Burke and the stories of Jasper (Jackson Rathbone) and Rosalie (Nikki Reed) and the first Quileute werewolves.

When there was action, it was fast and furious and and when there was humor it was usually when Jacob was around, but I’m sure there were a couple of funny lines that were missed because of the collective sighs and moans the predominantly female audience emitted every time Jacob graced the screen in all his shirtless splendor. A slowly paced tale that picks up speed towards the end, Eclipse is definitely easier to watch than the previous two movies. While no true Twi-hard will care what critics say about the movie, if you’re on the fence about watching this movie, stay on it, especially if you haven’t read the series or watched the previoius two.
Fledgling (Afterlife #1)
Fledgling (Afterlife #1)
Katrina Cope | 2015 | Paranormal, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
With the increasing population and growing evils of the world, the guardian angels are struggling to keep up and have started to recruit human souls to be angels. Those that meet the criteria are then trained to fight evil - quite literally.

The heroine of the story (unnamed for very nearly half the book) is one such recruit, She is sent on missions to protect innocent souls from evil people and to insert a conscience into their attackers so they will change their ways. But the new angel is worried about the side effects of the new conscience and this causes her to break the rules and to question if what the archangels have taught is correct.

Despite the premise, this book is neither religious nor do the angels behave exactly as guardian angels are traditionally supposed to. They are more like an angelic version of Thunderbirds as they are despatched from their secret island base around the planet to protect those in trouble. And they don't fight evil with a kind word and good deeds, these angels are trained in martial arts and are very much not afraid to use it.

This book reminded me most of a computer game where each mission granted new powers, but also the end of level opponent gets tougher. Every chapter raises the thrill another notch and the fight scenes are very impressively written and choreographed. It is like The Matrix with angels.

The characters are well written. The angels - both the new recruits and the archangels - are well formed and each has their strengths and weaknesses and are certainly not in any way perfect. The heroine in particular is someone the reader can empathise with as she struggles with the dilemmas of her new life (and her old human one). Some pages I didn't want to turn as it was clear that something unpleasant was going to happen to her. But with the help of her friends and their combined strengths they win through.

Given that the main character is female angel and that there is a romantic sub plot this might not appeal to teenage males but that would be overlooking a terrific book for a very superficial reason. The tale of a feisty angel who always does what she believes is right is ultimately a good read for anybody.
IA: B.O.S.S (IA #2)
IA: B.O.S.S (IA #2)
John Darryl Winston | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first book in this series, IA: Initiate, introduced us to Naz, a teenage boy living in a ghetto with his little sister after both their parents have died. Naz, who has no memories from before he came to live in the Exclave, find he has unusual abilities. He is able to play chess to an impressive level and perform physical feats with ease. He is also very intelligent but chooses to live the easy life, doing just as well as he needs to at school to avoid attention. He just wants to be left alone.

In this second book he finds he can no longer hide; his chess playing prowess has been spotted and he finds himself trying out for the school basketball team. Although this exposes him more than he would like he also goes from something of a loner to a member of a close-knit team.

The first book showed a glimpse of the depth of Naz's abilities and history, with hints that something larger is going on. This novel continues that, answering a lot of the questions arising from the first book, but again it is clear that there is a lot more going on than Naz is aware of. Where the first book was focussed tightly on Naz and his sister, this book moves back a bit to include more of his school mates and teachers.

As before the characterisation is really effective and the interactions feel real and genuine. Coach Fears, introduced as a bit-part in the first book is now a main character as are the members of the basketball team.

The plot takes several left turns which took me by surprise and there is a palpable undercurrent of menace as the climax builds. Winston put his hero through the emotional wringer and doesn't spare the readers from the full impact of this. Everything progresses to a stunning conclusion which just opens up the possibilities for the next in the series.

This is pure science fiction but with such a powerful human dimension and intelligence that I simply cannot fault it. Although this is aimed at a Young Adult audience it will appeal to anyone who appreciates a carefully plotted and finely written book. Recommended to anyone
IA: Union (IA #3)
IA: Union (IA #3)
John Darryl Winston | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
With great power comes great responsibility. That's particularly true of Naz, a boy who has been given amazing mental and physical abilities thanks the the unorthodox, controversial and groundbreaking training given by his genius father.

Initially keen to use his powers to find and punish those responsible for his sister's death, he soon doubts both his motives and abilities. Together with his best friend Harvis they plot to be removed from the prestigious International Academy and return to their former friends - and enemies - at Union High School in the Exclave.

Things start to settle down for both of them and Naz is able to rekindle his relationship with the equally mysterious D, but just as daily life starts to get comfortable, his world is turned upside down, his abilities making him, and those around him, the subject of unwanted attention. Despite his reluctance he must face danger and use his powers to save them.

There are so many good things about not only this third instalment of the IA series but the series as a whole. The first is Naz, a very well developed character who is believable despite his incredible powers. His very human self-doubt and reluctance to be anything other than just one of the crowd make him a very interesting hero. In this book in particular it is up to others like Harvis or D to actually persuade him that he needs to do the right thing and help him along.

The school setting is also a very big plus, with all of the good and bad parts of school life present. The first half of the book spends time building up the description of Union as well as showing at, at the end of the day, Naz is just a teenage boy with all of the troubles and insecurities that can bring.

What is impressive is that even here in the third book both the reader and Naz are still discovering exactly what his abilities and past mean. Like a carefully constructed onion each book has removed layer after layer, revealing conspiracies and conflicting motives of those around Naz.

Each book goes from strength to strength (as does Naz). There really aren't many 'young adult' books that engage and involve as well as the IA series. It is something very special indeed.
Poltergeist (2015)
Poltergeist (2015)
2015 | Horror, Thriller
5.2 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I struggle with my view of this film. Mostly because I want to compare it to the 1982 horror classic it is a remake of. But rather than pick apart how it does or does not compare to the original I realize I must judge this film on its own merit. As such, I feel this film is just…ok. Not bad, not great, just ok.

That isn’t to say this film is not a good time. In fact, It is quite fun. I feel there are more laughs in this film than scares. Fun times indeed. Sam Rockwell and Rosemarie DeWitt play good spirited parents trying to make the best of their financial burden while moving into a new home. The three kids are the typical modern type. The older teenager concerned with her cell phone, the tech savvy son, Griffin, who seems to be sacred of everything and the “gifted” little daughter, Madison, who is innocent. The film starts lighthearted enough with jokes and everyday family squabbles. But that quickly changes as Madison starts to have conversations with her closet and the television. Yet, the only one who sees these freak events are scardy-cat Griffin, who won’t sleep in his room when there is a squirrel but doesn’t scream for his parents when he notices the electricity doing things it shouldn’t. But I digress.

And here is where the problems of this film arrive. Rather than create its own memorable scenes that sets it apart from the original, it is in such a hurry to give its own take on the classic scenes from the first film. As such, there is no real sense of rhythm to the pacing of this film that is a staple of good horror films with drawn out sense of suspense the help heighten the sense of dread. And so we are left without any real worry for our characters or us as the audience. We have a few jump scares before a long conclusion that feels more like “Classic” made for TV than big budget film.

In the end, we are left with a “popcorn” horror film that is fun but forgettable at best. Fans of the original will be disappointed. Parents who want to take their young teenage kids to their first horror film will appreciate the wholesome family feel.
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