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Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)
Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)
Marissa Meyer | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fact: When I discover a series that completely sucks me in...I simply have to binge read the whole thing. If the series has stand alone novels in it, it isn't as much torture and I can wait...But if it is a continuing storyline...You won't see me come up for air until I am done (or to post the reviews for said books). So pass me the Starbursts and Red Bull, I will see ya later! Oh, after I finish this post.

Scarlet picks up the day after Cinder ends. Cinder and Kai remain as main characters throughout the second book. But now we are introduced to a whole new level of intrigue in the storyline. Scarlet and Wolf are AMAZING! I adore them and can't wait to see where their story leads. Scarlet's grandmere is pretty awesome too!

As secrets unfold of her heritage and her grandmother's past, Scarlet embarks on a dangerous mission to find her grandmere and bring her home. Scarlet will do anything to protect the only family she has left, even at the risk of her own safety. We also begin to learn more about Cinder's past and everything that she has gone through.

Cyborgs, Wolf Gangs, Lunar aliens, space travel, escaped convicts, hidden princess, hidden genealogy, this series has so much to offer and entertain. Clean and sweet romance appropriate for Young Adults. I am comfortable recommending this book to teens and adults.

Kate (493 KP) rated Class of 1983 in Books

Nov 26, 2019  
Class of 1983
Class of 1983
Victoria Maxwell | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You get to see the characters grow (0 more)
Such a heartwarming read
I loved this book and I could not put it down. I loved how most of the book focused on 1983 and it wasn't 50/50. This isn't a book I would normally read but the blurb really got my attention and I am so glad I decided to give it a go. The book made me smile and I was thrilled when things went well for Peggy. I felt like I was emotional invested in the characters. It was so easy to get into and continue reading. I didn't want the book to end.
The book/story flowed so well.
I loved seeing Peggy gain confidence that she never had in her 'present'. It just shows what she could of been had people been nicer to her. She fit in so well into 1983 but that could be because she was meant to be there with the way she dressed, the movies she watched and the music she listened to.
I believe I was above the age of the targeted audience as I feel this should be teens/young adults but I do believe anyone can read and enjoy it.
The end of the book said 'to be continued' and I cannot wait to read the next installment.
I received a complimentary copy of the book from the author via Voracious Readers Only.

Ronnie (304 KP) rated See How They Lie in Books

Jan 26, 2020  
See How They Lie
See How They Lie
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Welcome to Hummingbird Creek, an elite wellness retreat for teens. Here they follow a strict regime and their every move is tracked by their watches, not that they have much spare time between all the exercising and tight curfews. To people spending a short amount of time here it is bliss but when you’ve spent all your life here, with no knowledge of the normal world, you start to hate it. Mae is one of the people that has lived here their whole life and has never questioned any of it. But she starts to notice that some things aren’t quite right, then one particularly strange turn of events urges Mae start to start investigating. As she starts to dig deeper she risks putting herself, her mum and all her very few friends in danger.
I absolutely loved this book and could not put it down. It was so exciting, with many amazing unexpected turns. I can not tell you how many times I gasped with the shock of some of the things happening.
I find that books often have bad endings but I was not at all disappointed by the ending of ‘see how they lie.’
I have now read all of Sue Wallman’s books and I can not tell you how much I love them. I am so shocked that her books are not more popular. I always find myself unable to put her books down.
100 Hours
100 Hours
Rachel Vincent | 2020 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
A decadent spring break beach getaway becomes a terrifying survival story when six Miami teens are kidnapped.

Maddie is beyond done with her cousin Genesis’s entitled and shallow entourage. Genesis is so over Miami’s predictable social scene with its velvet ropes, petty power plays, and backstabbing boyfriends.

While Maddie craves family time for spring break, Genesis seeks novelty—like a last-minute getaway to an untouched beach in Colombia. And when Genesis wants something, it happens.

But paradise has its price. Dragged from their tents under the cover of dark, Genesis, Maddie, and their friends are kidnapped and held for ransom deep inside the jungle—with no diva left behind. It all feels so random to everyone except Genesis. She knows they were targeted for a reason. And that reason is her.

Now, as the hours count down, only one thing’s for certain: If the Miami hostages can’t thwart their captors’ plan, no one will make it out alive.

At first I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy this book but it turned out to be pretty good! I did think I was going to like Genesis at all but she was the best thing about it! The hostages manage to thwart the plans of the enemies but at the cost of Genesis and her supposedly dead uncle! Love the twists and turns at the end and definitely looking forward to book 2
Moxie (2021)
Moxie (2021)
2021 | Comedy, Drama, Music
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Representation. (1 more)
Likeable characters.
Some scenes are rather unrealistic. (0 more)
Young adult film done right.
When I was getting ready to watch this movie for the first time, I was sort of expecting it to be your ordinary, cringy YA film - I was very pleasantly surprised at how well the movie pulled off the topics it was covering.

I don't think I have ever seen a YA feminist movie before so this was very much a new experience for me. I love that the movie realistically included representation such as a character that is disabled. I know that when I was younger my disability made me feel ashamed and seeing this in a movie targeted at teens would have given me a slight confidence boost.

I have to give the movie props for not making the main character "perfect"; she very much has flaws that can be spotted at certain parts of the movie and at one point, she even gets called out by her best friend.

All in all, I have to say I enjoyed the movie and the only negative thing that I have to say about it is that at some points it was not very realistic, but I think that can be excused when looking at the bigger picture, I truly hope the movie inspires young people to take a look at the world and see the changes that need to be made so that we achieve equality and equity for all.
Phoenix Forgotten (2017)
Phoenix Forgotten (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
For what it's worth this is incredibly, incredibly convincing for what it is. The problem is that it's actually *too* convincing - this is so caught up in crafting a dead-ringer documentary (albeit admirably so) that it forgets to actually put horror movie stuff in too until the last act when this type of movie is required to spiral out of control. Essentially a beat-for-beat ripoff of all three Blair Witch movies but with aliens instead of the witch, honestly not a terrible concept and this still ends up being way better than at least one of those films anyway. Decently immersive, brisk, and engaging for the dirt cheap prices you can find this for even if it never fully sells itself on its premise. On the one hand I appreciate that this never (bar one sole time) jumps the gun by throwing in cheap jump scares before the buildup has set in (a rarity with these things) but that buildup just lasts too damn long, no excuses. Super well put together but it needed a lot less (or at least more fleshed-out) docu-stuff with that crushingly blandass lead (who conveniently is the only less-than-perfect performance in a film chock full of expert ones [particularly Chelsea Lopez, who gives a tour de force one]) and more eerie found footage stuff with the teens. Eventually turns into exactly what you'd expect. Far from that bad, but still a shame.

Charlotte (184 KP) rated Orestin's Own in Books

Oct 21, 2020  
Orestin's Own
Orestin's Own
L. Alyssa Austin | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Knight, a Priestess and a Necromancer set off on a quest......

What could go wrong? Enough to break my heart to be fair. Not bad to say I wasn't sure I'd be able to read Orestin's Own at all. I'm not normally a reader of things written in a medieval time period but I'm so glad I read this.

I love the way the characters grow, how they each become more than you'd expect.
    Caelesta, the Priestess, is by all accounts still a child in her mid-teens, full of hope and naivety. She's the one I think I feel for the most. She is sent out into a world that even an experienced adult would be hard pushed to find their way through......She does what is needed but the cost is high.
    Solarys, the Knight, is a wary warrior. He's seen and done things that nobody should have to but still he does his duty to protect his people and honour his God.
    Melèbrand, the Necromancer, for all the evil he has done, has a weakness where caelesta is's almost bittersweet.

I would love an epilogue to help fully close the book so to speak......unless L. Alyssa Austin is going to treat us to a follow up?

Orestin's Own is a solid 4 out of 5 for me. The right level of detail, good characters and good continuity, no random jumps that make you wonder what's happening.
I went on a little comic spree yesterday and this is my favourite of the three I read. It was my first introduction to the Supergirl series, and I really enjoyed it. I look forward to reading more!

Kara Zor-El, the cousin to Superman, is sent to Earth while her home city is dying. She;s given a secret identity, a human life to lead under the name of Kara Danvers. Her human parents try to help her settle in and live like a normal human, going to school with other teens and even learning to drive a car. But then her father - who she thought was dead - returns, with some strange new (and very modern) changes.

I love Kara as a character. She's a sassy teen, but she also has so much more going on. She's from a whole different planet, she lost her parents (twice, now) and has to make decisions that no teenager could ever dream of. 

And the art style in this is a bit different to other comics - more sketchy, kind of sharper. I liked it.

The overall plot was really good - Kara's dad, Zor-El, is trying to rebuild Argon for her. But his visions are twisted, and he's causing harm to Kara's new family while trying to bring back her old one.

This was easily one of my favourite comics I've read. 5 stars. It was so interesting and exciting and I just love Kara's character so much.
Endless Knight (The Arcana Chronicles, #2)
Endless Knight (The Arcana Chronicles, #2)
Kresley Cole | 2013 | Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
163 of 200
Endless Night ( Arcana chronicles book 2)
By Kresley Cole

Shocking secrets

Evie has fully come into her powers as the Tarot Empress, and Jack was there to see it all. She now knows that the teens who've been reincarnated as the Tarot are in the throes of an epic battle. It's kill or be killed, and the future of mankind hangs in the balance.

Unexpected allies

With threats lurking around every corner, Evie is forced to trust her newfound alliance. Together they must fight not only other Arcana, but also Bagmen zombies, post-apocalyptic storms, and cannibals.

Gut-wrenching treachery

When Evie meets Death, things get even more complicated. Though falling for Jack, she's drawn to the dangerous Endless Knight as well. Somehow the Empress and Death share a history, one that Evie can't remember--but Death can't forget...

I didn’t think I could enjoy the second as much as the first book but I did! I listened to it on Audio which I’m still getting used to. I’m absolutely in love with Death and god knows what Evie sees in Jack he is so annoying!! So yea I’m team Death! This was fast paced and full of adventure I would absolutely recommend Kresley Cole! The whole story that we finally hear about Death and the Empress is absolutely fascinating can't wait to see where this dark path goes!

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated That Night in Books

Apr 8, 2019  
That Night
That Night
Amy Giles | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I cannot recommend this book enough, for teens and adults alike
It's been a year since the shooting in their town changed everything, and Jessica Nolan and Lucas Rossi are each trying to manage in their own way. Jess is trying to care for her severely depressed mom, who can barely get out of bed. That means helping pay the bills, cook the meals, and generally take care of everything. She misses her best friend desperately, but Marissa is across the country at a school for those suffering post traumatic stress. Meanwhile, Lucas is coping by taking up boxing. It helps relieve some of his stress and anxiety--and get him away from the watchful eye of his newly overprotective mom. When Jess and Lucas meet at their after-school job, they realize they have one big thing in common: their shared tragedy. It's not exactly something they want to share. But slowly the two become friends. Can they help each other move forward from some of the horrors they've been through?

Oh this book. This beautiful, sad, lovely book. It's such an immersive, amazing read. Giles gives such a great voice to her characters; even though the book has a sad topic at its core, it's also hopeful and touching, and you want to keep reading it. You know how some books seem to go out of their way to have unlikeable characters and you have to like the book in spite of them? This book is the opposite. I dare you to not fall in love with Jess and Lucas. And, oh my goodness, my heart just went out to these kids. Poor Jess. She has so much to deal with it, and so does Lucas, too. The guilt these kids feel at being alive--Giles does such an amazing job at portraying their feelings and emotions. They come across so realistically and starkly. It also portrays mental illness very well: real, without embarrassment and shame; I was impressed and heartened. What a great thing for teens to read.

I really enjoyed the fact that this novel featured a sweet romance, but not a typical one. Jess and Lucas clearly like each other, but don't immediately "meet cute" or fall for each other the second they meet. You can see they need each other, but it takes them time to get there, which I appreciated. Their relationship is really well-done, and it was lovely to read about.

As you've probably read, Giles made the deliberate decision not to write about the actual shooting in the book--it's just the background event that has shaped so much of our characters' lives. We don't even hear about who the shooter was. I really like this decision, because we get to see the horror that a mass shooting can leave behind, without going into the sensational details. Instead we see, close-up, the humanity behind it--the real people affected and how much their lives have changed. There are sad moments mixed in with sweet and funny in such a beautiful way. It's incredibly well-written and I thought it was a very smart way to frame a shooting: it's almost more profound this way, honestly.

The depth of emotion in this book--the sadness, the unhappiness--and even sometimes the hope--is staggering. Honestly, this book left me in tears, and I don't cry easily when I read. As I said, I fell in love with Jess and Lucas. They were real people to me, and it takes an excellent writer to bring your characters to such detailed life as Giles did in this novel. I waited to read this book--after absolutely loving Giles' novel NOW IS EVERYTHING (which also made me cry!)--until my library got in my copy, which I had them order. I'm proud to say my lovely library system now has three copies of this book now, but I'll also be purchasing my own copy, because it's that good.

Overall, I cannot recommend this book enough, for teens and adults alike. This novel made me cry, and it made me laugh. I loved its characters and their supporting cast. It offers such a powerful way to look at the aftermath of a mass shooting. It's profound and poignant, and the way it conveys the terror, sadness, and hope of its characters cannot be praised enough. 4.5+ stars.

(Also, this book is full of Young Frankenstein references, as if I could not love Giles or her characters more.)