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Merissa (11758 KP) rated The Touch (The Cotiere Chronicles, #2) in Books

Dec 17, 2018 (Updated May 17, 2023)  
The Touch (The Cotiere Chronicles, #2)
The Touch (The Cotiere Chronicles, #2)
Michelle Bolanger | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I adored book one in this series, and book 2 is continuing that trend. I love the world that Michelle Bolanger has given us, filled with rich traditions, love, passion, romance, and honour; but also cruelty, abuse, and those that take advantage of situations and let bitterness rule them.

Alexander and Jessi are meant to be together, it's just Jessi has serious 'reservations,' so much so that for that reason (and others) she runs away and tries to disappear. She does a very good job too, and Alexander spends thousands of dollars trying to locate her. When they finally meet, fireworks explode. The story then takes a humorous, sad, and at times heartbreaking, turn as Alexander tries to find out just why Jessi is so scared.

Full of tender moments, this book sweeps you along to the conclusion, leaving you wanting to know the ending, but also dreading it at the same time as you don't want it to end. I will just add here that when the story behind Jessi's mum and dad came out, I actually started to feel sorry for him, thinking that he was the injured party. However, when she meets him and he opens his mouth, I quickly returned to my original feelings towards him. Read it for yourself, you'll see why.

This story came to the perfect ending for Alexander and Jessi, and I can't wait to see where their story takes them. I loved the cameo performance from Leisl and Koen, although I wish it could have been under better circumstances. I know that they will be okay though!!! The final thing I will add is that Michelle Bolanger's characters are so lifelike that even during a couple of pages of an epilogue, you will connect with a character and feel sorrow for them. I can't wait for the next book and the rollercoaster journey I know I will be taken on. Highly recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 19, 2016
Starboard (Voyagers #2)
Starboard (Voyagers #2)
Ava Olsen | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
STARBOARD is the second book in the Voyagers series and it is Dylan's turn. He is Rowan and Drew's best friend and has been to hell and back. He has been offered a book deal; to write his biography with the help of a ghostwriter. Max is divorced but still has communication with his ex due to their child, Blake. She is a brilliant character with a wise head on her shoulders for a thirteen-year-old. To keep the press away from them, they go on Rowan's boat in French waters. Romance strikes again.

Drew makes a joke in this that a spell has been put on the boat. When he said that, all I could remember was the cheesy TV series, The Love Boat 🤣. Surrounded by all that luxury, romance isn't hard but when real life intrudes, I loved the way Max and Dylan worked together.

I loved Drew and Rowan's book but this one... Oh, man; I loved it! The stories of Dylan's past he shared were done in such a sensitive manner. It was both heartbreaking and emotional to read. Max was the perfect person to tell it to, with his reactions being non-judgemental.

I also loved how both of them had had complaints about being too distant, too cold, and yet, with each other, the softness came out. Their endearments - and subsequent grumbles - were wonderful.

Not only did we get Drew and Rowan showing up, but we also have Rafe (who's next up) plus two other "couples" (and I use that term loosely right now) that I need to know more about. There is Jared and Alex, plus Reed and Tate. I don't know if they are in any other of Ava Olsen's books, but I will be searching through the backlist to see. I really want to read their stories as the sparks were just flying.

Tender, emotional, heartbreaking, and funny; this book is guaranteed to give you the warm fuzzies. HIGHLY recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 12, 2023
An Amish Homecoming
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What better way to spend a time lost in book than in a book by not just one of my top Amish authors, but by FOUR of them? There really isn't a better way if you ask me. When I received this book to review, I was sick. I didn't want to read much of anything. But I dove into it with highest of hopes to be able to finish it. I read not just Ms. Clipston's novella, but all of them and fell in love with these stories of hope, faith, understanding and acceptance. Each story, written by equally talented authors, is unique and filled with characters that will stay with you long after.  While I loved all the novellas in this story, I will focus on Clipston's and Fuller's. 

Amy Clipston's NO PLACE LIKE HOME is beautifully and tenderly written.  Her unique writing style shines through and the messages from God are woven throughout. The characters are chiseled beautifully and I could feel myself walking along side them, as Eva returned home and came face to face with a man she once knew, and know is unsure of. Her story of letting go and moving on, is truly a tender one and one that will have me coming back to this story again and again. 

Kathleen Fuller's WHAT LOVE BUILT is another beautiful, moving story. Carolyn quickly stole my heart and when Atlee is introduced, bless! These two sweet souls truly had me pulling for them!  I cold feel their heartaches, their love for the Lord, all of it, as if the story was written just for me. I loved the messages of acceptance, of faith, of trust, all woven together to spin a story I won't soon forget! 

These stories together create a 5 star worthy novella collection that will be on my keeper shelf for many years to come. The Amish simplicity and the hope and love within, will forever pull me back. Each author did a wonderful job in their stories and I am looking forward to another collection like this from these talented ladies! Well done, and I highly recommend this book to all! 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
I have finally made some time to read a few books on my TBR list that have been taunting me with their sweet descriptions. And oh gosh, I can NOT believe that it has taken me so long to read this book! The Governess of Highland Hall was perfect for satisfying the Downton Abbey fan in me. And Carrie Turansky's descriptions and attention to detail drew me into Edwardian England and I got lost wandering down the road alongside husband didn't see me for days. Because it is the same era as Downton Abbey I was tempted to think of the characters in relation to the show, but boy are they different! Let's just say the housekeeper, is no Mrs. Hughes. However, she definitely adds a very interesting twist on the story. Throughout this book you will see the storyline unfold through multiple perspectives. It was easy to follow along and added a lot of depth and insight to our supporting characters. I LOVE Sir William's sister Sarah! And I just giggled with delight to find out that Sir William's cousin (and dependent) Katherine Ramsey is our leading lady in the next book. SO excited to read her story. One of the things mentioned in this book are Christmas crackers...And let me tell you, if you have never had these at Christmas you are missing out! We started our own tradition last year with these, and they were a HUGE hit! No one else in the family knew what they were, but the immediately put on their paper crown, and we all wore them throughout dinner. You can order them on Amazon. This isn't the first book I have read about a governess. Not a servant, not a part of the family...But they pour so much into the children. Love them, raise them, and they are so easily cast aside. It can be a sad lot from what I have seen. However, we are reminded throughout the story, that we must walk on God's path for our lives. We may not understand His purpose or His ways, but we must trust that He loves us, His children, and wants the best for us. I encourage you, as this book encouraged me, to keep your heart tender toward the Lord's voice and follow where He leads. Now, bring me book two!
But Bottom line, "You have bewitched me body and soul."
GERONIMO!!!! I thought I loved Rachelle before reading this book...and before reading her acknowledgements...I love her even more now!!! Aye...That I do, love! Bahaha! Ok, but seriously...Full review to soon as I can manage to get all of my thoughts into a cohesive post.

Here is my full review folks!
When the person you fear the most shows up to "rescue you"....When your life is dependent on this man's rescue....When your life is in the hands of the person you fear the most. Where does your hope come from? Where can you find rest?

The Sound of Diamonds had me sucked into the story from the first chapter. This book is very fast paced with a lot happening. Witnessing Gwyneth's journey to freedom in both the physical and the spiritual sense was tender and sweet as well as fierce and terrifying.

The tension between Gwyneth and Dirk is priceless. I loved watching them banter, argue, and grow together. Dirk and his roguish, piratey ways and Gwyn being the pious Catholic that she is, make such an excellent pair.

Freedom is something that can be so easily taken for granted. We are blessed to be able to worship as we choose, believe how we choose, without the risk of imprisonment and annihilation. Nothing can compare to finding God's peace, allowing Him to fill us up and let His love wash over us. The truth can be hard, but the truth will always win, and even though it may be challenging, I have found that it is always the best path to take.

This book is FULL of adventure and peril. Set in 1566 when religious tensions were extremely high between the Catholics and the Protestants, you will find yourself right in the middle of the fight. Will Gwyn open her heart to the loving salvation of Jesus? Will Dirk be able to clear his name of a crime he did not commit? Find out for yourself in The Sound of Diamonds. This is one adventure you don't want to miss!

I received a free copy of The Sound of Diamonds. This did not influence my review and I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Jonathan Higgs recommended Nevermind by Nirvana in Music (curated)

Nevermind by Nirvana
Nevermind by Nirvana
1991 | Alternative, Rock

"I can remember being introduced to this album at a very specific moment. I went round to my friend's house, and I think my sister had the CD and put it on, and I heard the introduction to 'Lithium' and those drums and I just thought: ""What the hell is this?"" It was the most exciting thing I'd ever heard. It was like that for a lot of people of course, I was no different. But it was very shortly after we heard that that my friend got a drum kit and my brother got a guitar, and my brother had a bass, and I knew that all I had to do was pick up that bass and we had a band. Nirvana were a three-piece and there were three of us. You didn't have to play very well, and you could play the same thing quietly and then play it loudly and that was kind of a revelation for a little kid. That was all Nirvana ever did and created the most amazing feelings with it. It was a very powerful thing to put into the hands of a little teenager. It's really easy to get together. You just all need to play the same thing on these three instruments and it will work, and you will sound like a band and that's so empowering. In terms of my musical style, Cobain has a really good way with melody and he doesn't really sing very obvious things. He always comes down on the major or minor third of a chord, and it really colours the music both positively and negatively in a way that not a lot of melodies do. The aggression in it and the fact that it can be tender in one moment and then the opposite the next is something which happens in my music. The emotional intensity of Nirvana is something which I definitely think my band is probably guilty of, in terms of high emotional stuff happening. They are really interesting, just in terms of the fact that there's so much depth in it, despite it being very simple, and the lyrics don't actually mean anything, and yet you can get so affected by Nirvana in such a strange way - not necessarily just because of Kurt's story, but because there is something in the music and it's very difficult to describe."

Queen & Slim (2019)
Queen & Slim (2019)
2019 | Drama, Romance
Extremely Entertaining
In the first ten minutes, you have a good idea of how Queen & Slim is going to end. Two black people on a first date end up killing a cop during a traffic stop. In spite the dread of knowing where things are heading, the movie is so powerfully done that it gave me a bit of a chill as the credits were rolling.

Acting: 10
Daniel Kaluuya puts on yet another powerful performance, this time playing the role of the male love interest Slim. I love the way he chose to play this role as a man that doesn’t have it all together trying to figure things out on the fly. His counterpart Jodi Turner-Smith playing Queen is so on point as well carrying the strong emotional defensiveness of the lawyer that she is. Their chemistry drives this movie to heights I wasn’t expecting.

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
The movie is beautifully shot with a number of strong sequences and setpieces that keep things interesting. Director Melina Matsoukas is a master of capturing emotional moments with well-timed closeups and long pauses. She pushes the emotions out of the viewers with tender scenes and scenes that get your blood boiling.

Conflict: 10

Entertainment Value: 10

Memorability: 9
This movie sticks, it sticks with you. It’s hard to walk away from it and not feel some way or the other. It will challenge you emotionally and mentally. It’s not perfect as it does stick to a pretty linear script, but it’s extremely memorable nonethless.

Pace: 10
Because of the constant danger the two main characters are under, the movie moves quick even when they’re just sitting around awaiting their next piece of the plan. It’s heartpounding like knowing a car crash is coming, but you’re forced to watch it anyway. There is no standing still. They’re always on the run so the pace remains uptempo.

Plot: 8

Resolution: 10

Overall: 97
Yes Queen & Slim is pretty linear, but it works for the building of the relationship within the story. And yes you see the ending coming but there’s a true power that comes from it that makes it worth it. The conflict is great, but the dialogue solidifies it for me as a classic. See this movie.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Flatshare in Books

Sep 13, 2019  
The Flatshare
The Flatshare
Beth O'Leary | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
8.7 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's been two months since I finished this book, but I still remember it fondly. This was such a funny, sexy, and sweet read, but balanced out by its serious themes, too. I was a little wary at first, because Tiffy seemed completely obsessed with Justin, her ex, and utterly lacking in self-esteem, and I wasn't sure I'd care for her. But it quickly becomes apparent that there is/was more to Tiffy and Justin's relationship than meets the eye, and that our heroine is battling a lot.

And then there's Leon, our quiet nurse, who I liked nearly immediately. I'm sure it had nothing to do with that the fact that he doesn't like to talk to people. I didn't recognize a kindred spirit or anything. Leon, too, has a lot on his plate, with a brother in jail whom he feels was wrongly convicted.

With Tiffy and Leon having never met, we receive their communication via notes they leave in the flat, which is actually way more charming and witty that it might sound. We also get dialogue from each, told in their own style, which made them both very much seem their own person from the start. Tiffy quickly became funny and enjoyable--she just had a million miles of personality, and it was hard not to love her. And, Leon, of course, was incredibly lovable in a way that's hard to describe. (He's a nurse who took care of the elderly and kids in such a kind and tender way, okay?!)

So, O'Leary gives a wonderful surface layer of funny, quirky, and sweet. I mean, we know what we are getting, right? These two flatmates are going to fall in love via notes or something. But there's such a deeper, serious layer underneath due to Tiffy and Leon's own troubles. It brings such a nice addition to the usual formula and just gave the story so much more. Sure, a few coincidences abound, but it doesn't diminish the fun and enjoyment in reading Tiffy and Leon's tale at all.

Overall, this book made me smile. It's endearing and fun. I loved both Tiffy and Leon and their supporting cast--Leon's brother; most of Tiffy's friends; and the gang where Leon worked. The format was different and unique and easy to read. A real winner here. 4.5 stars.
Dominic has spent years perfecting his rock-hard shell, keeping his human heart under lock and key, for fear of getting hurt again. His brutal horrible father has tortured him for his softness and lack of black fire magic for years, and Dominic can’t handle any more. So he isn’t prepared for a kind, sweet, tender-hearted wife…

Cassandra has been raised in the catholic school, but trained in to fight in the rebellion as a death-dance assassin. She is sent to marry the son of the Imperial Fire Lord, so that she can get close enough to the Fire Lord to kill him. She knows it’s a death mission, and she’s fully prepared… but she’s not so sure she wants to part with Dominic once she breaks down his hard exterior shell.

As Dominic and Cassandra begin to love each other, Dominic starts to worry about Cassandra’s mission, and Cassandra worries about Dominic’s father trying to kill him. How can two people who love each other protect each other, if protection of the one ends with death for the other? And what of the evil Fire Lord’s hate towards the people and the rebellion against the elves?

I enjoyed The Fire Lord’s Lover from start to finish. The characters were developed quickly and I liked them, the dialogue felt right, and the pacing was great.

The most important thing about The Fire Lord’s Lover, the thing that made it good, was the character’s love for each other. It didn’t feel sappy and fake, centered around physical attraction. It was real and it had reason behind it. Cassandra and Dominic needed each other, and the people needed them together.

At first, I didn’t really like the ending. I almost got a little annoyed at it… but the more I thought about it, the more I liked it—a lot like It’s Not Summer Without You. I didn’t quite like it at first, even though I knew why Kennedy had done what she did… but then I thought back over it again, envisioned in my mind how it would play out, and was very pleased. I won’t spoil it! But I will say that it was surprisingly satisfying.

Content: I thought the love scenes were slightly overkill… I was literally skipping chunks of pages at a time (I don’t read the scenes). There was a little bit of language, but it wasn’t bad and I felt it was appropriate.

Recommendation: Ages 18+

I’ve got a giveaway for 2 copies of The Fire Lord’s Lover up for grabs, and (soon) my ARC will be available for swap at ARC Swap.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing! Sarah Sundin has done it again…….she has created another story and made it come to life before the reader and captures the reader with the love and mercy that flows through out! I love an author like that. She pulled me instantly with the characters and the storyline, and held me til the last page. It was EXTREMELY hard to put this book down. I wanted to read through the whole book in one setting to see what finally would happen at the end!

A Memory Between Us continues the Novak brothers’ story, this time, with middle brother Jack. Much like A Distant Melody, Sarah continues with a message of over coming the past and moving forward in your life, while relying on God for the redemption and love. A well created message by a super talented author. Reading Ruth and Jack’s stories was both funny, and serious. I loved all the quirkiness that Sarah threw into the story to keep the reader smiling, but I also loved the seriousness that she gave to Ruth. Ruth was a character I could relate with in many different ways. I saw myself in a lot of what Ruth did or said. She really tugged at my heart!

And let’s not forget about the handsome and charming Jack Novak! After all, this is his story. He is determined that Ruth is the girl for him, but there’s a secret from her past that’s holding her back and he’s determined to find out what it is! I loved his charming ways and his humbling attitude. If only I could find a guy as sweet and handsome as Air Corps pilot, Jack Novak…..*sigh*. His character was chiseled wonderfully and added so much to Ruth’s part of the story, as he was working his charm and getting her to like and trust him. He really captured my heart in this well written story!

This is a book that is definitely worth 5 stars, along with high recommendations to all who love a tender historical romance story…’s a perfect addition to the Wings of Glory series. While it is always my recommendation to read a series in order, this could easily be read as a stand alone title. If you’ve never read a Sarah Sundin novel, this is a good place to start, along with A Distant Melody, book 1 in this awesome series. I look forward to book 3, Blues Skies Tomorrow, releasing in August of 2011, and following oldest brother, Ray Novak’s story.