Never Alone
Elizabeth Haynes' new psychological thriller is a brilliantly suspenseful and shocking story in...
Conveniently Wed to the Greek: The Lawman's Convenient Bride
Christine Rimmer and Kandy Shepherd
Conveniently Wed to the Greek by Kandy Shepherd When luxury hotelier Alex Mikhalis encounters the...
Days Without End
'Time was not something then we thought of as an item that possessed an ending, but something that...
On the Road
Want to know what really goes on during an Olly Murs UK tour? Then get the lowdown in my new book,...
Speed Racer (2008)
Movie Watch
Born to race cars, Speed Racer (Emile Hirsch) is aggressive, instinctive and, most of all, fearless....
Sarah (7799 KP) rated Gemini Man (2019) in Movies
Jun 22, 2020
This didn’t appeal when it came out at the cinema, but as it’s now on Sky Cinema I figured I may as well give it go... and it turned out to be the longest and dullest action film I’ve seen in a long time. The action scenes are pretty decent in all fairness and has some impressive fight choreography (without the dodgy shaky cam that rubbish choreography is plagued by). The CGI is good in parts and the younger version of Will Smith is well done, although some of this CGI does look a bit dodgy when it gets a little close up. The overall look of the film though is quite good and there is some good cinematography but it does give off a premium tv show feel rather than a proper film.
The rest of this film though is rather poor. The script is terrible and the entire thing is very lacklustre and dull, I’ve never seen an action film so boring before. Even the plot feels like it’s been done many times before (except for the clone thing) and isn’t anything new. So glad I didn't watch this at the cinema as I probably would’ve fallen asleep.
Sarah (7799 KP) rated Doom: Annihilation (2019) in Movies
Jul 19, 2020
To start with, you can tell this is a very low budget film. The whole thing just looks cheap, from the poorly built sets to the costumes and props. It just has an overall feel of a cheap made for TV movie. And then there’s the cast and the script, both of which are incredibly dire. The acting for the most part is terrible, although I did have a soft spot for the rather over the top and hilarious Australian Winslow. One good thing about this is they at least use mostly physical effects, which is probably because the CGI is awful when it is eventually used. That said, some of the physical effects are pretty atrocious too. The creatures when they eventually show up (after the weird zombie like creatures that aren’t Doom in the slightest), they’re obviously just a bloke in a suit and a very badly made suit at that. The creatures aren’t scary, they’re just funny and actually reminded me of the bad guys you used to see on Power Rangers.
There are some films that are so bad they’re good, but sadly this isn’t one of them. This is just plain awful and really didn’t need to be made.
Ginger Geezer: The Life of Vivian Stanshall
Chris Welch and Lucian Randall
The extraordinary story of Vivian Stanshall, lead singer of the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band, true British...
The Madness of Modern Parenting
Parenting in the modern world is an overwhelming concept. It seems to divide everyone from...
Archaeology, Geo-Science, and the Holocaust: Finding Rhodes and Vilna
In summer 2016 acclaimed archaeologist Richard Freund and his team made news worldwide when they...