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Andrew Koltuniuk (766 KP) rated Artemis Fowl (2020) in Movies
Jun 14, 2020
Ok. So this movie is terrible. In relation to the books, it's terrible. But if you take this movie completely disregarding the book, it's a terrible movie. I have literally nothing good to say about this film. I don't like this at all. It was so bad. I watched the trailer for this film and I thought, it can't be horrible... I was wrong. I watched the film and there was nothing redeemable about this film. I cannot say enough bad about this film.
Iwasanisland (1 KP) rated Beauty and the Beast (2017) in Movies
Jan 18, 2018
Saerie_Faerie (18 KP) created a post
Mar 19, 2018
Thimbleweed Park
Video Game
The game is a spiritual successor to Gilbert and Winnick's previous games Maniac Mansion (1987) and...
Sjgore92 (1 KP) rated Widows (2018) in Movies
Nov 16, 2018
Laura (2006 KP) rated X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) in Movies
Jan 28, 2020
Dean (6927 KP) rated The Darkness (2016) in Movies
Sep 25, 2017
Boring (2 more)
Poor effects
Not even slightly scary
One to avoid. Just about any other Kevin Bacon film is better than this rubbish.
Make Me Clean
She will leave your surfaces sparkling. But she may well leave you dead... Maria is a good woman...
Trigger warning: domestic violence & murder!
Heather (21 KP) rated The Handmaid's Tale in Books
May 23, 2017
A fast read
Dean (6927 KP) rated Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) in Movies
Jun 4, 2017
The effects look terrible (2 more)
The whole film feels very low budget
Terrible plot
Blast this into space!
What a disappointment! I loved the original and the fact this had a lot of the original cast gave me high hopes. It's a mess though and looks cheap and trashy like a syfy channel film. Missed opportunity!