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Halloween: Resurrection (2002)
Halloween: Resurrection (2002)
2002 | Horror
Fair play, Halloween Resurrection is not an easy watch for a whole fistful of reasons. Terrible dialogue, boderline-offensive quick edits, a ill advised attempt and mixing in found footage, the forced nature of pretty much every plot point, the bizarre cold open where Laurie fucking KISSES Michael before being unceremoniously knifed out of the remaining 80 minutes. Honestly, Busta Rhymes roundhouse kicking Michael in the face whilst making innapropriate "Kung Fu" noises is probably the best bit.
The movie threatens to become entertaining for approximately 40 seconds following the excruciatingly annoying characters realisation that they're in danger, and the obligatory final-girl chase is ok, but that's ruined by Mr Rhymes returning to save the day whilst shitting out terrible one liners. Did Busta fund this thing or something?

Rick Rosenthal's return to the series is a far cry from the far superior Halloween II. Just an abhorrently crap film all round.

Dean (6927 KP) rated Jumanji (1995) in Movies

Jun 29, 2017  
Jumanji (1995)
Jumanji (1995)
1995 | Action, Comedy, Family
Robin Williams (2 more)
The crazy events
Good effects
A great family friendly film
An old favourite for many and one film that will probably grow on you. An interesting idea of an ancient board game that comes to life. Robin Williams is great as the man freed from the board game and trying to finish it before something terrible happens. There is a remake later this year, it has a lot to live up to.
The Witch (2015)
The Witch (2015)
2015 | History, Horror
6.3 (28 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Potentially good concept (0 more)
Really boring and slow (1 more)
Failed in its delivery
That. Was. Awful.
My reaction to this film was what was the point of this production apart from the fact it had a little historical knowledge behind it. It was a great concept which failed miserably. I wasn't remotely scared let alone engaged at all. Having read extensively about this part of history it just didn't go anywhere. Terrible I do not recommend.
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Dean (6927 KP) Aug 24, 2017

Don't forget to rate it Lee. I know at least 3 other people who felt the same way.


Suswatibasu (1702 KP) Aug 24, 2017

I actually can't believe this was overhyped to this extent. There was literally nothing happening for an hour!

Alone in the Dark II (2008)
2008 | Horror
1.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Even worse than the first
Oh dear terrible, people slated the first. That is way better than this! The camera work is dodgy, lighting poor, acting wooden and dialogue is awful. This is really low budget rubbish. Once again Lance Henriksen appears in a straight to DVD horror, with a short cameo from Danny Trejo and why on earth Rick Yune got talked into this I don't know. A shame for fans of the game!