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Man's Search for Meaning: The Classic Tribute to Hope from the Holocaust
Man's Search for Meaning: The Classic Tribute to Hope from the Holocaust
Viktor E. Frankl | 2004 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"This book is one of those beautiful accounts of a terrible time in our history. His calm and sagaciousness, while witnessing one horror after another played out during his time in three separate concentration camps, is awe inspiring. He speaks to the strength of the human spirit and there is a sentence in the book that made me put it down and think — ‘I stopped asking myself what I expected out of life, and asked myself what life expected out of me."

Overall, this was a great read. Some parts were completely terrible while others were absolutely fantastic. I would only reread parts of this novel as certain stories are better than the others but all in all, it’s a 4 star read.

Type: Stand-alone/ multiple short stories contained in one book

Interests: Witchcraft, Short Stories, LGBTQ+, Romance, Family, Multiple POV’s.

Point of View: Multiple of different characters

Audience/ Reading Level: 14+ as there are some serious scenes that are a bit more mature.