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    The Vault

    The Vault

    Emily McKay

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    In a world where vampires rule and teenaged humans are quarantined as a food source, there's only...


KarynKusama recommended The Elephant Man (1980) in Movies (curated)

The Elephant Man (1980)
The Elephant Man (1980)
1980 | Drama, History

"Though perhaps an outlier in Lynch’s seminal body of work, this film reveals the depth of his humanity and the care with which he attends to all matters of the tragic, the pitiable, and the grotesque. Lynch demands that we align ourselves with the deformed John Merrick, and in bringing the audience so close to the agony of being this man, we approach the same exquisite, unexpected grace that Merrick experiences. Misunderstood and reviled, ridiculed and feared — this is the terrible humanity that Lynch dares to reveal in all of us. We should be grateful for a statement of such compassion and hope."
