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Batman and Harley Quinn (2017)
Batman and Harley Quinn (2017)
2017 |
When i watched this i was stuck on a runway for 1.5hours waiting to take off, so that might influence my rating.

I grew up with the batman cartoon and well this is not your tv cartoon batman. A lot of adult themes going on in here. So you might want to take a peak at it before letting the little ones watch it. It is ment for older teens and adults.

 What I like about this is how it is empowering for a female character. Harley Quinn might be a loose cannon but this shows she does not need Batman, Nightwing or the Joker. She is her own stand alone kick ass character and she does not need to be a sidekick.

If you like batman you might want to check it out or leave it but if you are a fan of Harley Quinn i say it is a must to see.
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
2012 | Action, Drama, Mystery
The final part of Christopher Nolan's Christian Bale starring Batman trilogy (after both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight) that takes a large part of its inspiration from the 1990s Knightfall series of graphic novels in introducing the character of Bane: the man who (quote unquote) 'Breaks the Bat'.

As portrayed by Tom Hardy, this version of the character is nothing at all like you might remember from the Batman and Robin abomination: there's no mention of venom (the drug) in this movie, nor is it overstuffed with villains like that earlier movie/portrayal of the character was.

Instead, we have Bane as the primary antagonist throughout, although - in the tradition of Batman Begins - he is later revealed to be but a pawn, with deliberate call-backs to that first movie. While Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow does make a return (in what largely amounts as a camoe) alongside Ra's Al-Ghul (again, largely as a cameo in flashbacks), there's no Joker this time round - probably as a result of the real-world death of Heath Ledger (although I might have preferred even a throw-away line saying why the character wasn't in this!)

We also have Anne Hathaway's take on Catwoman/Selina Kyle, here portrayed more as a cat burglar than the Michelle Pfeiffer version from Batman Returns, and the 'passing on' of the mantle of Gotham's protector to another very-familiar character (who doesn't use his given name until the very end).

Maris (8 KP) rated Heartless in Books

Jun 10, 2019  
Marissa Meyer | 2017 | Children
8.3 (33 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a marvelous gem to read. I enjoy every bit of this story. I could not put this book down, I had to know what was going to happen. Who was the Queen of Hearts before she became who she was? Marissa Meyer did exactly that to explain the story.

"Three luscious lemon tarts glistened up at Catherine". Cath the main character of the story absolutely loves baking goods. Her dream is to start her very own bakery one day right in the kingdom of Hearts. What can possibly go wrong with starting your own bakery? Her heart is sought out from the King of Hearts and her heart also falls in love with the kings joker Jest.

The journey between Cath and where her heart truly goes on this journey to her happiness will just make you curiouser and curiouser on where the story will go and how she became what we all know her as the Queen Of Hearts.

Tea parties, Pastry goods, and white rabbits big announcements to the balls! Ohh lets not forget the jabberwocky!

I gave it a five star out of five stars cause its truly a wonderful heart warming story of one of the most notorious villains we all know. It became one of my new favorite stories and Marissa Meyer became one of my top favorite authors of all time.
Batman: Return to Arkham
Batman: Return to Arkham
2017 | Action/Adventure
You get to be Batman (3 more)
Voices of Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill
Both storylines are worthy of any comic book or movie
Just everything about it
You’ll play City more then Asylum. (0 more)
I’ll get committed to this Asylum any day.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I was never a fan of these sort of games but it came out and I love it. You’ve got the best Batman and the best Joker in 2 of the best games I’ve ever played. Asylum you are stuck to Arkham Island and there isnt much you can do, City I feel is the best, more characters, more gadgets, more abilities, bigger environment, bigger bad guys to fight, loads more trophies. There also is side missions ranging from helping Bane to facing off against Deadshot. What I really love is that no character is the same from previous movies or TV series, I mean Poison Ivy is seriously fit, Freeze looks futuristic, Catwoman looks like a prostitute, you can play as Catwoman, challenges on both Games are good, city’s is tougher though. If you love a good game or a fan of the Dark Knight like me, you won’t be disappointed

Dean (6925 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Oct 10, 2019 (Updated Oct 10, 2019)  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Joaquin Phoenix (2 more)
Great cinematography
A realistic origin story
Send in the Clowns
I've been looking forward to this since seeing the Trailers a while ago. Also the fact that it appears to be a dark, gritty more realistic origin story. Looking and feeling more like a film set in our society, rather than Gotham city. There are enough hints and elements to the film to give it the DC universe setting. It was nice to see these touches in the film.
This film won't be for everyone. It is a slow burner, character driven piece with little action to speak of. It does showcase Joaquin Phoenix talents though in a performance that must make him the favourite for the Best Actor Oscar. It's a dark film, showing his descent into madness, not coping with his mental illness with a bleak look at his past as well. Set against a backdrop of civil unrest in the city. There are obvious comparisons with @Taxi Driver (1976) which had similar themes. It's also quite violent in places but I think compared to many other films it's no worse than you would expect.
Overall I think this could be a modern classic and definitely deserves high praise for the cinematography, which is very artistically shot and the acting. It's Phoenix's portrayal of Joker that this film will be remembered for.
Batman: A Death In The Family
Jim Starlin | 1989 | Comics & Graphic Novels
6.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ah, 1988/89.

I was just entering double digits, the Cold War was still in force, and DC decided to bump off Robin.

Of course, when I say 'Robin' I actually mean the second character (Jason Todd) to take that mantle (with the first being the more famous Dick Grayson, who has now become Nightwing), and when I say DC I actually mean the DC readers - in a (then) unprecedented move, DC had actually left it open to the readers to decide his fate, via a telephone poll.

It is, of course, Batman's nemesis Joker who is responsible for the killing, after he (yet again) breaks out of Arkham Asylum and heads to the middle East to sell a nuclear weapon that he just-so-happened to have lying around. Batman goes off in pursuit, with a sidelined-by-Batman (due to his erratic nature) Robin on the trail of his real parent; a trail that leads to the two of them meeting up (amazing coincidence, Batman!), Robin ignoring Batman's advice and proceeding to put himself in harms way.

Apparently there was also a media storm around this; around the fact that over the course - and due t 0the events of - this plot-line, that Batman was moving back to his nihilistic vigilante loner roots rather than the kid-friendly character he had become: he even goes so far, in this, to punch out at Superman! The horror!!
Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad (2016)
2016 | Action
For years we have seen the Super Hero ensemble film where bands of heroes form up to save the day. But in “Suicide Squad” we get a twist on the theme and the audience actually gets to cheer on the villains for a change.

After the events of “Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice”, Agent Amada Waller (Viola Davis), hatches a plan to use the greatest threats to security as an asset that can be used against unstoppable enemies.

Waller forms a team comprised of the worst of the worst who are incarcerated at a Black Site prison and savors having skilled, deadly, yet highly expendable assets at her disposal should the need arise for their unique talents.

Not long after getting approval for her plan, events are set into motion which requires her dangerous plan to be called into action as a threat of extreme danger emerges and time is off the essence, as such Hitman Deadshot (Will Smith), psychotic Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), and various other sordid members of the team are dispatched under the watchful eye of Agent Flag (Joel Kinnaman), who has orders to detonate an internal explosive on any team member who turns on his team, becomes defiant, or attempts escape from their control.

Though dysfunctional and unstable the team is highly efficient at their task and soon the group is making progress despite overwhelming odds against them. As if the threat facing them was not enough, The Joker (Jared Leto) is determined to get Harley back and will allow nothing to get in his way, no matter how high the body count rises.

What follows is an exciting if at times formulaic action film that mixes in humor, action, and solid characters to create a winning formula.

Writer/Director David Ayers wisely let his stars carry the film and Smith is in vintage form with his mix of one liners and action which is a welcome return to form. Robbie shines as Quinn as her portrayal of the emotional, volatile, and psychotic character is a grand performance. It would have been very easy to make the character one dimensional or too over the top, yet she blends a clever and psychotic tapestry that shows the many layers of this complicated character.

The supporting cast does solid work but special praise needs to be given to Jared Leto for his inspired take on The Joker. Leto plays him with an animalistic and feral manner that plays up the dangerous and highly unstable nature of the character. You never know which way his character will move or what action he will take next, but you know that danger and menace are a constant companion.

The story is a bit by the numbers and the big threat developed rather quickly rather than having any real build up, but for what is essentially an introduction to the characters, the bulk of the attention was spent on the members of the team and their interactions with one another.

In a summer filled with big budget disappointments, “Suicide Squad” is an enjoyable adventure that delivers what it promises and more.
Batman: Gotham After Midnight
Batman: Gotham After Midnight
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel contains 12 episodes of Batman stories, each full of action and crime and excitement. It includes Man-Bat, Axe-Man, Clayface, The Joker, Killer Croc, Catwoman, Scarecrow and the new villain, Midnight. At first, Batman is trying to figure out why his villains are suddenly changing their patterns. But then Midnight comes into the scene...

Batman becomes rather attached to a police officer, although Bruce Wayne has no success with her. But can he save her from this strange, crazy new murderer?

The detective side of this - especially toward the end, when Batman is close to discovering Midnight's identity - is fantastic. Full of suspense. Of course, his encounters with the enemies are great, too. I wasn't sure about his relationship with April, but I like how it all fit together in the end.

The inner monologue - and even the dialogue - wasn't great. The text that was chosen for this also wasn't the wisest. But the story got told and that's all that really matters in the end.

And Alfred... I love him! He's witty and smart, but also caring and wise when it comes to dealing with Batman. He often has to tell Batman to pull himself together and to stop being an idiot. I think he may be my favourite character.

The art was great and I liked the story, but the dodgy, clunky monologue was quite off-putting. Even so, it was an easy read still so it obviously wasn't that bad. I think I'll say 4 stars for this, though I may be being a little generous there.
    Marriage Card Game

    Marriage Card Game


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    Marriage, brought to you by, is a 3 deck, 21 cards rummy game popular in Nepal, Bhutan and...