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Hard To Hold (Haven's Cove #3)
Hard To Hold (Haven's Cove #3)
Jaclyn Quinn | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
not quite as good as one and two
I purchased my copy of this book.

We met Jonah in book one, Hard To Let Go. He was Pwen's partner, and they amicably split, staying good, close friends. Jonah watches Own fall in love with Brody and he watches Nate and Gabe get married. And he wants those things for himself. Cameron, a member at his previous gym, pushes ALL of Jonah's buttons. And when Cam turns up at Jonah's new gym, all tongue tied and incredibly shy, Jonah knows that its Cam he sees in his future.

Book three in the series, but you can read them as stand alones. Personally, though, I would recommend you do read the other two books first. They will give you a better picture of what Jonah sees happening to the men in his life. And they are both 5 star reads from me.

But this one?? Not quite so much, and *insert wailing sound* I've no idea why!

Oh, don't get me wrong, it's still and excellent read, with all the gut wrenching emotions I'm coming to expect from Ms Quinn. The story is well told, from both Jonah and Cameron's point of view. So we get all of Jonah's reactions to Cameron; all of his (almost) jealousy at watching his friends pair off; all of Cam's internal wrangling with himself, and his external wrangling with his family.

I can't put my finger on WHY it didn't quite push my buttons, I really can't and I hate not being able to word what I want to say! So, I'll leave this as is.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Movie Metropolis (309 KP) rated Final Destination 5 (2011) in Movies

Jun 10, 2019 (Updated Jun 11, 2019)  
Final Destination 5 (2011)
Final Destination 5 (2011)
2011 | Horror
7.3 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Did we really need another Final Destination film? After the last, merely average movie, the answer on everyone’s lips was a firm and resounding no. However, a surprising return to form for the franchise has ensured that even this old goat has life in it yet.

Gone are the cheap, cheesy shocks that littered Final Destination 3 and 4. In their place are the genuine thrills and spills from the first two films. The movie returns the guessing game element to its audience and for that I am thoroughly grateful.

Newcomer Steven Quale helms this instalment which combines excellent 3D with fantastic special effects and a dazzling set of opening credits which showcase the deaths from the films that preceded it. I wasn’t expecting much from this film, I have to admit, but the credits really are a highlight as you try and remember which film each death is from.

As with any film in the Final Destination franchise, an epic opening disaster is the norm. Whilst the motorway pileup from Final Destination 2 has been the best up until now, the bridge collapse in this film is utterly mesmerising and edge of your seat thrilling. From the flawless special effects to the scale of the production, it surpasses anything seen before in the series.

The deaths have also returned to form too. Instead of out and out cheese, they’re shocking to the point of jaw-dropping. It’ll have you checking every loose nut and bolt from now on and probably have you resisting that fashionable laser eye surgery too. Thankfully though, away from the deaths, it errs on the side of humorous without delving into slapstick.

Nicholas D’Agosto leads a small cast as they try and find a way to cheat death after surviving that epic bridge disaster. An interesting storyline this time around has the cast told that they are able to cheat death by killing someone else, therefore having their life swapped with yours. The acting from all corners leaves a lot to be desired and the dialogue and performances are unashamedly wooden but this is a small point in a film that really does shock and surprise.

However, perhaps the best part of the film and the reason why it’s so enjoyable is the final twist, a twist that will leave you shouting at the screen in dismay. It’s practically impossible to see it coming until the last 5 minutes and in these last minutes you realise just how clever director Steven Quale has been in creating this film.

It may not be the most original movie to ever grace the big screen and the cast aren’t going to trouble the Oscars but Final Destination 5 returns a lifeless franchise to what it once was, bloody good fun and as such it is by far, the best in the series.

So, the question now is; do we need Final Destination 6?
Vice (2018)
Vice (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama
Good movie with 2 GREAT performances
Writer/Director Adam McKay was known for years as the writing partner/director of Will Ferrell, having written and directed such comedy gems as ANCHORMAN, TALLADEGA NIGHTS and STEP BROTHERS and then, in 2015, he stepped out of Ferrell's shadow - and the comedy world - and delivered the multi-Oscar nominated film THE BIG SHORT, a fascinating, terrifying and (at times) funny look at the financial crisis of the mid-2000's.

His follow-up to this film is another fascinating, terrifying and (at times) funny look at a serious subject - the life and career of former Vice President Dick Cheney, an unassuming bureaucrat that wields much power in the George W. Bush White House. I thought THE BIG SHORT worked on every level so was looking forward to this follow-up and this one works on MOST levels.

So..what does work? Let's start with the acting of the top-notch cast. Steve Carrell, Sam Rockwell, Lily Rabe, Justin Kirk and Tyler Perry all are terrific in smaller, supporting roles that depict real people (like Donald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush, Liz Cheney, Scooter LIbbey and Colin Powell, respectively). They all bring the necessary level of gravitas and ironic humor to their parts.

But...make no mistake...this film stars and IS ABOUT Lynne and Dick Cheney (Amy Adams and Christian Bale) and both of these two stars SHINE BRIGHTLY in their portrayal of a a Washington DC power couple who are always calculating the political angle of any issue and how they can benefit from it. I expect both of these two actors to get Oscar nominations.

What also works is the pseduo-documentary style that McKay brings to the screen (similar to THE BIG SHORT), the characters, at times, speak directly to the camera to explain something or (at one time) breaks into a Shakespearean scene to emphasize what's going on.

So...what doesn't work? I'm going to start with the Narrator of this piece, Jesse Plemons. He is a solid actor who can bring a wry sense of humor - or gravitas - to the proceedings. But, to be plain about it, Plemons narrator character (who we come to find out has a VERY big role in Cheney's life) is just not interesting enough to follow or listen to. In THE BIG SHORT, this role was filled by the charm and charisma of Ryan Gosling and, I'm afraid, Plemons just doesn't have that same level of charm and charisma.

Secondly, what didn't work for me was the people/events that were unfolding in front of me. There was NOT ONE character to root for on the screen. Every politician seen upon the screen was just out for themselves and were willing to screw (or stab in the back) anyone that is no longer any use for them. These are not very likable characters and I longed for someone to root for, which made this film fall short of "GREAT" status for me. It is a very good film - strongly acted - but not a GREAT film.

If you haven't seen it, I would recommend VICE to all if, for nothing else, the performances of Adams and Bale, they are mesmerizing, just don't expect to root for anyone.

Letter Grade B+

8 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Life and Other Inconveniences
Life and Other Inconveniences
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emma London is kicked out her home as pregnant teen. It particularly stings, because when Emma's mom died when she was a kid, her dad dropped her on his own mom's doorstop and never looked back. Genevieve, Emma's wealthy grandmother, took her in and raised her, but she never had much love for Emma. Perhaps because Genevieve was already dealing with her own tragedies: the disappearance of her young son, followed by the early death of her husband. Still, she had time to build a fashion empire--and neglect her other son (Emma's father). Emma hasn't let any of her family baggage stop her. She's built a good life for herself and her teenage daughter, Riley. But now she has a surprise call from Genevieve, asking her for help. Emma isn't sure she can go home again, but what if it's what's best for Riley? And maybe even for her?

What a wonderful read! This was a great book to consume poolside this summer.

I love Kristan Higgins' books and this one was no exception. Don’t go in expecting a light and fluffy romance, though. Sure, there are some romantic elements here and plenty of Higgins’ trademark wit and humor, but this is also a serious read that deals with momentous life events and tragedies. It’s sad, poignant, touching, and real. Because Higgins’ characters are so true to life, and because she immerses you so fully in their world, it’s easy to both laugh and cry while reading. It’s a character-driven read, and I was quickly drawn to Emma, Riley, and several others.

I definitely recommend this one, and if you haven’t picked up any of Higgins’ work, now is the time to start! 4.5 stars.
Chappie (2015)
Chappie (2015)
2015 | Action, Crime, Sci-Fi
In the world of 2016 South Africa, the police have taken a firm stand against the out of control crime problem facing the community by deploying a new line of robotic police officers. The robots known as “Scouts” are the creation of Deon Wilson (Dev Patel), who works for a defense contractor and dreams of taking artificial intelligence to the next level.

His boss Michelle (Sigourney Weaver), is not interested in anything other than the bottom line and discourages any creation or research that do not have military and financial ramification to them.

Deon must also content with an ex-soldier and rival designer named Vincent (Hugh Jackman), who is jealous of the success of the Scouts and wants to instead see his heavy weapons unit be given the chance to shine.

When he has a breakthrough, Deon opts to defy his boss and installs a new and revolutionary A.I. program into a Scout that was scheduled to be demolished after taking extensive damage in the field.

Things do not go as planned when Deon and his creation are captured by a gang who are desperate to raise money in order to pay back a debt to a rival gangster.

The new unit is like a child and Deon explains that he has to be treated like a child and given the chance to learn. The fact that his damage prevents him from being able to be recharged means the Scout now named “Chappie” only a few days of life adds urgency to the situation.

The gang starts to teach Chappie (Sharito Copley), when he needs to know to help them pull of their crimes but also become attached to him as he innocent ways and outlook start to grow on the gruff criminals.

With the clock ticking, events take a turn when Vincent takes matters into his own hands and before long several parties are pitted against one another with their very survival on the line.

Writer./Director Neil Blomkamp has crafted a “Thinking Man’s” science fiction film that evokes many solid debates about the definition of life, death, a soul, and other less tangible themes. The film has some action at the beginning and end and the CGI effects are very solid.

The biggest issue I had with the film was that the great premise lost momentum in the final act and in many ways takes some huge leaps of faith. We are supposed to believe that this is a top defense company yet people are able to come and go, especially at crunch time during the film. I had no idea you can just drive through a fence into a loading dock without every encountering any security or resistance. The area is like a revolving door as characters come and go without raising an eyebrow.

The cast is solid but some may have an issue with the accents in the film which Blomkamp recognizes by adding in subtitles at various moments in the film.

In the end “Chappie” is a good premise that never fully meets the potential it aspires to but still has enough good moments to underscore that Blomkamp is one of the most gifted talents in Science Fiction as he is able to infuse what would otherwise be a soulless character with enough heart and compassion that the audience will have empathy for him. With that in mind, Blomkamp should do a great job with the upcoming new Alien film as he has crafted a solid and enjoyable film that entertains while making you think about the deeper issues of existence without doing it in a heavy-handed manner.
First Comes Love
First Comes Love
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Josie and Meredith are sisters with an often antagonistic relationship. Older, impulsive Josie is single and seems to approach life head-on. Meredith, a married lawyer with a four-year-old daughter is more cautious and often annoyed by what she sees as her sister's antics. Josie, a first grade teacher, wants to find a man and settle down, but she wants to become a mom more than anything. Meanwhile, Meredith feels restless and trapped in her marriage, plagued by doubts and insecurities. Meredith and Josie lost their older brother in a tragic accident: an incident that influences and affects their entire family, even after fifteen years. With the anniversary of Daniel's accident looming, Josie and Meredith have to face their painful past, for once and for all.

This was a difficult book, but one I really enjoyed. I will warn you up front: neither Josie nor Meredith is a particularly likeable character. However, they were, at least to me, relatable, which is key. Their flaws are human and ones we can spot in ourselves and those around us. This book particularly hit home to me as a very real portrayal of how families deal with with loss and grief. Giffin did an excellent job of showing how Meredith, Josie, and Daniel's parents and close friends were still so affected by his passing after fifteen years. This will hit home to others in similar situations, grappling with the guilt and grief that comes with losing someone you love.

The book isn't always easy to read because of this, but I do think it's worth it. There are some comedic moments in there as well. Still, sometimes it's good to read about real life and to see it portrayed so realistically and clearly. The characters are flawed, but vivid and real and you become invested in their lives. Their tangled web is a twisted one, but it's one you want to see them emerge from. By the end, I found myself smiling and feeling at peace; I had really become caught up in these characters' lives, which I feel is the sign of a good book. It's not the tense sort of novel I'd like to read all the time, but this one resonated with me.

I received a copy of this novel from Netgalley (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 06/28/2016.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Honey Girl in Books

Mar 4, 2021  
Honey Girl
Honey Girl
Morgan Rogers | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this book so much I could cry. (I did cry.) Oh Grace, my sweet, emotional girl, and oh this book. This beautiful book. Do not go into HONEY GIRL thinking it is a gimmicky read because of the Vegas marriage premise. It's a real, heart-wrenching book that will rip and tear at your soul. But don't worry, this is a good thing. Because this is a ridiculously romantic and adorable story, as well as a nuanced coming-of-age/finding yourself (hey, it can happen at twenty-eight) story.

"Have you ever gone to bed thinking of someone you only knew for a night? Have you ever stared up at the sky and wondered where it was you saw yourself, all those years ago? Which star it was you followed here?"

Rogers writes with a lyrical beauty. She gives us Grace and Yuki, two sweet, lovely, flawed, real characters whom I adored. As for Grace, I wanted nothing but good for her. I identified so much with an anxious workaholic crippled by the expectations of her parents. ("Being angry at his unattainable expectations is so much easier than accepting that the only ones I have to meet are my own." -- I think I may need to have this bronzed, as it sums up my life.) Grace struggles with the pressures placed on her by her ex-military father, by intense racism that makes it difficult to succeed in a field where she's extremely qualified, and with mental health/anxiety issues. Rogers handles all of these excellently, covering them so well in her story, along with Grace and Yuri's burgeoning relationship. It seems like it should be too much for one book, but everything fits perfectly together.

Honestly, no review of mine can do this book justice. I love the characters of Grace and Yuri and the supporting cast is excellent (and the book is diverse). It's hilarious and funny yet deftly and kindly covers mental health issues. It also takes an insightful look at racism--especially in academia--and how difficult it makes life for Grace. There's romance, friendship, family, and so much more. I loved it all, and I highly highly recommend HONEY GIRL. I cannot wait to read what Morgan Rogers writes next. 4.5+ stars.
    My Little Pony: The Movie

    My Little Pony: The Movie

    Book and Entertainment

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    The official storybook app for MY LITTLE PONY: THE MOVIE is here! In Hasbro’s MY LITTLE PONY THE...

My Sister's Bones
My Sister's Bones
Nuala Ellwood | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel started creating tension from the first pages, and it kept the intrigue going all the way till the very last page. This book contains tree parts. The first one is the story from Kate’s point of view. She is a successful Journalist, who came to her birth place after her mother’s death. The second part is the story told from Sally’s point of view. Sally is Kate’s younger sister, who is chronic alcoholic. She feels like a black sheep of the family, the “never good enough” daughter. The third part will remain a secret; I don’t like to spoil the pleasure. I love when Author gives voices to more than one character, I really enjoyed reading the story from different point of view and it made the book and the characters way more interesting and indulging. The characters which author chose are really intriguing and interesting. All of them suffering from some mental problems and are disturbed. Kate disturbed by her childhood and constant trips to war zones, and Sally by her inner demons. I think the characters were well rounded and exciting to read about.

The plot was amazingly thought through and overflowing with suspense. I couldn’t put it down, it captivated me and I needed to know more. I loved that the chapters were not long; it made it quick and pleasurable for me to read it. The writing style used in this novel was not difficult and very easy to read. I really loved how every part of the book was concluded with a sentence, which actually used to take my breath away with disbelief and wish to know more. This book has everything, it is fast paced, it has lots of twists and turns and it thickens with every chapter. This book covers so many great universal themes: how alcoholism destroys families and life of children in such families, what does journalist feels during and after trips to war torn countries, how it affects their personal life seeing so many ruined lives and death of innocent people, how people react while suffering domestic violence. There are so many great and very important themes in this book. I am amazed how author rounded all them up and fitted so many of them in this beautiful creation. The ending of the book was really unexpected and I was so confused after reading it. To be honest, all I have for this book is praise, it is an amazing book and it is a Must Read. Can’t wait for the movie because there definitely will be one.