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The Summer I Wasn't Me
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book reminded me, in the beginning at least, of the movie But I'm A Cheerleader. Just this book wasn't a comedy. After Lexi's dad dies her mom finds out she is gay and sends her to a de gayifying program. Lexi goes along hoping not to lose her mom even if she has to lose herself.

This book made me mad. I enjoyed it but the fact that this REALLY does happen to kids is horrible. The growth we see Lexi have throughout the book is incredible. Unfortunately she has to go through so much emotional pain and self hating to get there.

I would recommend this book not only to any LGBTQ person but alsothose family that may not be so accepting.
Miss Drake is not looking for a new pet, but when 10-year-old Winnie comes into her life, the girl just will not leave her alone. So the dragon takes her on as a project. But a mysterious book will give them more danger than they might be able to handle.

I found this fantasy novel for middle graders inventive and funny. The two main characters were great. Unfortunately, the plot was a little slow for my tastes, although I can imagine the target audience enjoying it.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book via Amazon’s Vine program.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Morgan (2016)
Morgan (2016)
2016 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
Excellent cast, and overall a good story concept. (0 more)
Lacking in character development, the movie was over just as things were getting good. (0 more)
Sometimes science goes a little too far
Morgan is a psychological thriller about a secret program to develop bio-engineered "humans" for use as thinking, problem solving weapons. When things go wrong, they go very wrong, and it's up to the risk management team to determine if the project should continue.

I enjoyed the movie, though I think a longer film would have allowed for more character development. Just as I was really getting drawn into the story, the movie was over. With so many psychological thrillers, the ending is spoiled by being a little too obvious. This movie definately kept me guessing til the very end.
The cast was excellent, they just needed more story to really flesh-out the characters.
Would definately recommend.
The Thin Blue Line
The Thin Blue Line
1995 | Classics, Comedy, Crime
7.7 (39 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
I have just recently started to rewatch thin blue line, the comedy in this tv series is mild but classic, it has a silliness to the program but still funny different from today comedy (1 more)
Roman Atkinson plays a police Sargent with a girlfriend whom complains about their boring sex life or lack there of. They often role play ideas which become very out there and Ridiculous
The second series is slightly less funny than the first but still funny, I guess this is why there was only two series, if they could of kept up the same comedy from first series, making a third (1 more)
Series would of been nice to see but I feel as the second series didn’t take off as much that’s why it stop at two.
Golden oldies
Ao Haru Ride, #2
Ao Haru Ride, #2
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This manga is really growing on me! I liked how the five of them went from hardly knowing each other to being quite good friends simply from going on a "bonding" trip through a school program. It was nice reading them become friends and how getting lost in the woods made them closer. *chuckles* Oh and the bonding over a sunrise was sweet.

I'm still holding out for our main guy and gal getting together, they've certainly grown closer. Though that last page had me almost swearing. I wish I had time to start #3 but I have to go to work in the half hour so it will have to wait till later or tomorrow.

I love the art and the slow arcing storyline. Bring on book #3.
Fighting with My Family (2019)
Fighting with My Family (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
Florence Pugh (2 more)
The Rock
Vince Vaughn
Fight For Your Dream
Fighting For My Family- tells the story about WWE superstar Paige and her up rising to the WWE. Its a entertaining, dramatic, comedy film. You will have laughs, the push to push your self to the ultimate limit without losing it, without giving up your dreams.

The plot: Born into a tight-knit wrestling family, Paige and her brother Zak are ecstatic when they get the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to try out for the WWE. But when only Paige earns a spot in the competitive training program, she must leave her loved ones behind and face this new cutthroat world alone. Paige's journey pushes her to dig deep and ultimately prove to the world that what makes her different is the very thing that can make her a star.

Stephen Merchant does a excellent job with his second film that he directed.

Its a excellent film and a must watch if you like the WWE.
Pre-teen's Nick and Tesla have their summer plans rearranged when their parents head out on a scientific trip and they are sent to live with the mad scientist uncle they barely know. But when a rocket they've build winds up in the not so abandoned home down the street, they find a mystery on their hands.

I found this debut to be quite fun. The mystery was decent and the climax was quite suspenseful. It started a little slowly due to the set up and the characters were a bit shallow, but the target middle grade audience won't care. As a bonus, there are several science projects included you can do after reading the book.

NOTE: I received this book via Amazon's Vine program.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
The Running Man (1987)
The Running Man (1987)
1987 | Action, Sci-Fi
Ill Be Running Man
The Running Man- is actually a good movie. Its action mixed with sci-fi mixed with survival. And who better than Arnold to be in it. He does say alot of one liners in this movie. Like his one liner in the terminator, "Ill be back".

The plot: In the year 2019, America is a totalitarian state where the favorite television program is "The Running Man" -- a game show in which prisoners must run to freedom to avoid a brutal death. Having been made a scapegoat by the government, an imprisoned Ben Richards (Arnold Schwarzenegger) has the opportunity to make it back to the outside again by being a contestant on the deadly show, although the twisted host, Damon Killian (Richard Dawson), has no intention of letting him escape.

Wait one second, its 2019 and this is has not happened yet. It still could.

Its a very underrated sci-fi action 80s movie. I would reccordmend watching it.

CKD (37 KP) rated Home Front in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
Home Front
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was great! I won it through the Goodreads pre-release program and received it in the mail just a few days prior to its release to the public. The story focuses on Jolene, her family and her friendship with Tami and her family. Jolene and Tami are helicopter pilots in the Guard, raising their families on the West Coast and neighbors. Jolene's husband is an attorney and they have two daughters. Jolene's husband does not approve of the war and thinks it's something that is happening "over there" and not something that affects us here in America. Until Jolene and Tami get deployed and he has to reconfigure his entire life to be a single parent while Jolene is gone. This is a wonderful story that is beautifully told and I highly recommend it.
Working Stiff
Working Stiff
Rachel Caine | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bryn Davis knows working at Fairview Mortuary isn't the most glamorous career choice, but at least it offers stable employment--until she discovers her bosses using a drug that resurrects the clientele as part of an extortion racket. Now, Bryn faces being terminated--literally, and with extreme prejudice.

Wit the help of corporate double-agent Patrick McCallister, Bryn has a chance to take down the bigger problem--pharmaceutical company Pharmadene, which treats death as the ultimate corporate loyalty program. She'd better do it fast, before she becomes a zombie slave--a real working stiff. She'd be better off dead...

A new spin on the idea of zombie or living dead. This is a reread for me and I love the series. Rachel Caine is definitely one of my favourite Authors. This has strong female lead with a good storyline.
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AJaneClark (3962 KP) Oct 2, 2019

I have read the Morganville series, that’s what encouraged me to look for more of her writing. I loved how Morganville was written.


Lyndsey Gollogly (2893 KP) Oct 5, 2019

I've just started stillhouse Lake it's really good