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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Good as Gone in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Good as Gone
Amy Gentry | 2016
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Anna and Tom Whitaker's lives are irrevocably changed the night their thirteen-year-old daughter, Julie, disappears. The only witness to her kidnapping is her ten-year-old sister, Jane, who watches petrified from her closest as a man takes away her sister. The broken parents remain in their home, hoping against hope that someday their daughter will return. And then, amazingly, one night the doorbell rings and there she is: Julie. Now a young woman, with a harrowing tale to tell of abuse and horror, but otherwise unscathed. And just like that, the broken family is whole. But is it? Anna doesn't understand what her daughter is keeping from her, where she disappears when the family thinks she's at therapy. And when a Private Investigator shows up--a former detective who was involved in the early portions of Julie's case, with thoughts that Julie isn't really Julie--Anna is even more confused. She just wants her daughter back, but does she really have her?

This novel hooked me from the beginning, and I tore through it less than two days. It starts out with Julie (or the imposter, but I will say Julie for the sake of this review) arriving home and then we hear from Anna and some of the other characters as the family adjusts to Julie's homecoming. But we also delve into the past, which adds this amazing layer of suspense and intrigue and leaves you slightly befuddled, completely invested, and flipping pages like mad. When the point of view first switched from Anna to Julie early in the novel, I gasped a bit.

Gentry has created a book that is compulsively readable from a thriller standpoint, but also features emotionally damaged characters, struggling to survive after losing Julie for so many years. What I enjoyed so much about this book is that it's not only an excellent thriller, which keeps you guessing and wondering, but a nuanced portrait of a truly fractured family, who is still reeling from Julie's kidnapping. The interactions between Anna and her family is fascinating in itself -- Jane, for instance, has had her entire life basically formed around the disappearance of her sister. You don't always get explicit descriptions of their reactions, but you see it in every interaction and emotional attachment (or lack thereof) the family displays.

Overall, this is a great thriller: a fast-paced read, with a plot that will have you guessing (and gasping) and turning pages long into the night.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 7/26.

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Mirror, Shoulder, Signal
Mirror, Shoulder, Signal
Dorthe Nors | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Shortlisted for The Man Booker International Prize 2017, <i>Mirror, Shoulder, Signal</i> is a piece of Danish literature by Dorthe Nors, translated into English by Misha Hoekstra. It has a tragicomic nature, introducing the 40-year-old Sonja, a woman who is trying but failing to move in the right direction.

Sonja is the type of character full of flaws that readers will recognise in themselves. Although she has successfully become self-employed, translating crime novels from Swedish into Danish, Sonja feels she has not accomplished anything in life. Despite one unlucky attempt at love, Sonja has remained single, moving to Copenhagen in an attempt to find herself. Determined to earn her driving licence Sonja braves the lessons in the busy city, however, she cannot handle gear changes. In other areas of her life, she tries weekly massage therapy and attempts a meditation exercise. Unfortunately, Sonja remains apathetic to the whole scenario and would rather be somewhere warm eating cake.

<i>Mirror, Shoulder, Signal</i> is a cleverly crafted title that makes repeat appearances throughout the narrative. The three words are instructions that Sonja repeats as a mantra each time she pulls away from the curb in her instructor’s car. The majority of the book takes place during these lessons, or, if not there, face down on Ellen’s massage table.

Sonja’s narration constantly varies between the present and memories from her childhood. A particular focus is the recollection of events involving her sister Kate. They may not have been close when they were young, but now it is almost impossible for Sonja to contact her sister. It is as though Sonja has been alienated from her own family.

Embellished with sexual innuendos, poor attempts at humour fail to bring any excitement to the story. There is no clear plot. At the beginning, readers may wonder if she will earn her driver’s licence – she does not – find love – she does not – find herself – she does not. What, then, was the point of this novel? Apart from a suggestion of future happiness in the final chapter of the book, there is no sense of resolution.

The issue with some translated stories is the loss of original intent and meanings. This does not seem to have been much of a problem in this instance; however, the translator has not been entirely successful in converting the Danish into a naturally flowing English.

Overall, <i>Mirror, Shoulder, Signal</i> is a bit of a disappointment, especially because it has been shortlisted for such a prestigious prize. Since the prize is meant to be awarding the author for continued creativity and contribution to fiction, it makes you wonder what critics saw in this novel to believe it stood a chance at earning the honour.
The Problem with Forever
7.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating

<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Jennifer L. Armentrout is an American author best known for her young adult novel<i> Obsidian</i>. Although her previous books have contained fantasy elements, <i>The Problem With Forever</i> tackles a contemporary, realistic situation. It is a story of two teenage abuse survivors, and the ways they try to break free from their past.

Mallory has spent four years in therapy since being adopted/rescued by a couple of doctors, Carl and Rosa. Struggling with selective mutism as a result of her past, she has been unable to live a “normal” life. However, Mallory has ambitions to go to college, but in order to do this she must be able to cope being around and speaking to other people. So she takes what feels like the biggest step of her life and enrolls in high school for her senior year.

Of course high school was going to be a life changing experience for Mallory but she got even more than she bargained for. On her very first day she meets Rider, or rather is reunited; the boy she was in a foster home with. Neither believed they would ever see each other again and are delighted about being able to rekindle their strong friendship; except there are many obstacles in the way of their ‘happy ever after.’ A jealous girlfriend, over-protective parents, contrasting social circumstances, and, perhaps most importantly, the effects their challenging past has had on the pair.

The horror of Mallory and Rider’s past makes The Problem With Forever a heart-wrenching tale. It is shocking to think that children in real life have gone through, or are going through, similar experiences. Readers will want a happy ending for both characters, yet will undergo a foreboding sense that something will go wrong.

<i>The Problem With Forever</i> is also a love story – however this is where I think the novel falls down. The romance that blooms between Mallory and Rider seems to happen far too quickly, especially as they have only recently been reunited. That is not the only problem: Mallory and Rider grew up like foster siblings, which makes their new relationship feel somewhat wrong. The overall story could have been just as good without love coming into play.

Overall, I am sure readers will agree, Armentrout’s latest novel is a heart-wrenching story that comes with a strong message about letting go of the past and becoming someone new, someone better. You may have had a bad past, but you will have new experiences if you let yourself. You will not feel this way forever. Full of powerful statements, <i>The Problem With Forever</i> is likely to move many to tears – so be prepared!

Lee (2222 KP) rated Luce (2019) in Movies

Oct 30, 2019  
Luce (2019)
Luce (2019)
2019 | Drama
Luce (Kelvin Harrison Jr) is the perfect student. Captain of the high school track team, a passionate member of the school debating society, a great writer and a polite, grown-up young man that just seems too good to be true. Luce was adopted at the age of 9 from war-torn Eritrea by white couple Amy (Naomi Watts) and Peter (Tim Roth, sporting a pretty dodgy American accent). Following years of therapy and the devoted efforts of Amy and Peter, he seems to have successfully put his horrific and traumatic childhood behind him, embracing his future in America.

But then one day, Luce's history teacher, Harriet Wilson (Octavia Spencer) becomes disturbed by a recent assignment that Luce has submitted. The purpose of the assignment was to write an essay in the style and thinking of a historical figure of their choosing - an idea which Luce seems to have embraced a little too passionately with his choice of Frantz Fanon, a black philosopher who was highly supportive of violent revolution. At the same time, a search of Luce's locker reveals some highly explosive fireworks, and Harriet is worried to the point where she calls Amy into the school in order to discuss her concerns.

The assignment, and the fireworks discovery, leads to a series of conflicts among all of the main characters. Luce remains polite and calm throughout, claiming that he was merely doing what was asked of him for the assignment. He states that his locker is shared with friends, so the fireworks must belong to one of them. Tensions are also high between Luce’s parents, seemingly regarding some lingering resentment they have about the fact that Luce is not their biological child. Meanwhile, Harriet is involved in a series of cool, calm stand offs with Luce, each of them believing that there is more to the other than meets the eye.

There are a lot of times during Luce where motivations and actions of characters aren’t very clear. A number of tense moments occur along the way too, in order to try and ramp up the tension, including the introduction of Harriet’s mentally ill sister, horrible racist graffiti on Harriet’s house and accusations of sexual assault. You never know who to trust or what to think, and it all feels as though it’s building towards something big.

Unfortunately though, that’s not the case, and it all just kind of fizzles out towards the end. It’s clear that the filmmakers are more interested in delivering undertones of privilege and prejudice throughout, promoting more questions than they provide answers, and that’s not for me. Overall a pretty solid movie, let down in its delivery towards the end.
    ECG EKG Mastery

    ECG EKG Mastery

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Me Before You
Me Before You
Jojo Moyes | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (59 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ham Handedly Dealing with Sensitive Materials
Contains spoilers, click to show
I did NOT like this book. In fact, there were several sections of this book where I actively hated the book. Before you continue reading, note that I do intend to spoil the story.

First, the only character that has more than 5 lines that I didn't think was awful was Nathan the nurse. Lou, Will and their whole families were terrible! Selfish, rude, cold and uncaring. Maybe my sister is too supportive even at the worst of times, but Treena made me want to scream with her selfishness.

Second, I feel as though they took an exceptionally sensitive subject and kicked it around in the dirt for a while. I would be interested in sitting around discussing the concept of euthanasia. However, I feel like this story focused on all the wrong arguments.

Third, this book did a huge disservice to the paraplegic and quadriplegic community. Even with the addition of the chat rooms with the other members of the community, there is a lot of emphasis on how life will inevitably blow until the end of time if you're in a wheelchair. It felt like a book that was intended to educate and inform people who maybe don't know much about this life and instead, they wrote an extremely whiny story about one man who's a giant asshole.

Fourth, Louisa's rape should have been a major plot point, treated as a juxtaposition to Will's accident. Instead, the treat Lou getting raped by a group of men as an after thought that Will cures with one conversation.

Fifth, the writing was lazy and the pacing was bad. It felt overly long and things were dragged out farther than they needed to be. Also, Will's family's money was a bit of an easy fix. Will could have top of the line everything. He could afford to go on fancy expensive trips. He could afford a nurse to come over several times a day. Imagine how much more real this story would be if Lou was the disabled person. Lou's mom would be the one responsible for her care. This would be a much more dire situation. Will comes across whiny because he has to rely on other people. He doesn't seem like a sad man in a bad situation. He seems like a whiny selfish asshole

Finally, what do these people have against therapy. When someone has been through an experience as traumatic as a car accident that leaves you paralyzed, you should probably speak to a therapist. I do not mean Nathan, the physical therapist. I mean a psychologist. I'm not saying Will wouldn't have ultimately made the same decision, but somehow I think trained licensed professional might have been a better option for Camilla Traynor to hire as opposed to unemployed waitress.

I know I'm apparently in the minority in this, but I HATED this book.
The Army Ranger’s Surprise is part of the At-Ease Ranch series by Donna Michaels, but according to the blurb it can be read as a standalone. I have not read any other titles in this series and I can agree that this read pretty well as a standalone. There is some reference as well as interaction with previous characters and I only felt a little lacking in knowing Leo’s past actions getting him to the point he was currently.

Leo Reed is a restless former soldier dealing with PTSD. With the help of his friends he was finally able to get therapy to deal with his tragic past. He still has trouble feeling worthy enough to fit in and make his friends proud, he has trouble accepting that they don’t need to carry him through life. When he agrees to keep an eye on his grandmother while his Mom is out of town helping his sister, he quickly realizes he has an even better motivation to visit Grams, in the form of neighbor Kaydee Wagner. He is attracted to Kaydee but getting involved means talking about the past and he knows if she ever finds out about his past she would leave him faster than anything.

Kaydee Wagner gave up her home to move with her grandfather into a duplex in the small town of his choosing. She promised her parents she would take good care of him until they could get back home in 2 years, after her father’s time was up in the army. Restless is Kaydee’s middle name, rarely staying in one place very long, but she knows she needs to do this for her family. And having Leo Reed visit his grandmother every week just adds to the appeal. He helped them move into the house and she was enamored from the word Hi. But getting involved means getting out of her comfort zone, could she actually be able to be someone’s girlfriend. She was horrible at it, but for Leo she would give it a good shot. But she can tell he is holding back, can she get him to let go?

Leo and Kaydee both suffer from a restless energy inside them and it will take a lot for them to let go of that feeling and be free to stay together. When they find themselves in an unexpected situation they both realize they need to let that edge go so they both can move forward in life. I enjoyed Grandma Ava and Grandpa Nate as secondary characters. As well as Fiona and all the At-Ease boys and the girls that love them. Even Lula Belle the cow has a good storyline haha. I’m glad I ended up receiving an advance copy of this novel, I will definitely be looking up the other titles to add those to my bookshelf. Any opinions expressed are my own; no expectation for review was ever expressed or required.