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The Devil's Prayer
The Devil's Prayer
Luke Gracias | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thrilling Read
When I first read the blurb of this book I was desperate to read it - Why would a nun commit suicide? Why had a mother abandoned her children? What exactly is The Devil's Prayer?

To be honest I was expecting a mystery thriller with supernatural undertones. I could not have been more wrong.
This book is entirely unexpected. In a very good way though, it far surpassed my expectations. It does start off slowly but wow - you soon find yourself in an incredibly fast paced tale that twists and shocks constantly.

I enjoyed it immensely. The shifting of the voice telling the story is natural, the differences between them enough to make it obvious who was narrating. The two main female protagonists become incredibly sympathetic as the story moves along and the descriptions of various locations were detailed enough that you could easily 'see' them without the minute that bogs down some novels. Some of the scenes are brutal and deal with subject's that are very delicate. I felt that the author dealt with these incredibly well and, as someone who could be labelled 'sensitive' to some, it never felt gratuitous.

So why only nine stars? Well, there are a few nagging issues that grew rather tiresome.
The main issue has nothing to do with the story itself - rather it is a huge formatting flaw. Every word that is written in italics, usually the foreign names of things or places, is tiny. About half of the size of the normal font. I do not need glasses but squinting constantly left me with a slight headache and a huge amount of frustration. It's always nice to know the real name of things so I nearly always took the time to look. Unfortunately that meant that the flow of the story was somewhat spoilt.
One other minor niggle was that I felt that some characters deserved much more of a back story than they got. At one point the motivation for one of the later characters is being explained then it suddenly turns into a detailed historical description and then back to one of the main protagonist's again. That was a shame because it would have been very satisfying to have learnt more about the actual character.

Overall I would definitely recommend this novel - I just hope that the migraine inducing formatting is sorted out!
Prison Break  - Season 3
Prison Break - Season 3
2007 | Action
Still Good, But Lacking
Contains spoilers, click to show
As surprising and exciting as ever. The characters grew into something more than themselves. The story continues to amaze. Nothing feels forced even if it was a bit unrealistic for them to end up where they did.

Season 3 of Prison Break takes us back to a familiar scenario. Michael Scofield is trying once again to break out of prison. Only this time the setting is different. The previous season's finale ended on a tense note. It gave us a glimpse at what looked like a more brutal and darker place to be locked up when compared to the Fox River Penitentiary of the show's first season. It showed a lot of promise.

Unfortunately, it doesn't quite live up to that potential. "Sona" comes off as quite tame compared to Fox River. Shocking considering the lack of guards. The sense of anarchy that could have been in place is sadly lacking. That's not to say there isn't a sense of urgency. The lives of these characters are still in danger, and it's still a joy to watch them try and survive. Even if the story isn't up to par with the excellent first two seasons.

The mystery grows larger. Unfortunately, this season is lacking in big reveals. It leads for the season to feel more like a side-story rather than the next big chapter in the story of Michael and crew. A few shocking developments take place and some new players are introduced while older ones are killed off, but it's lacking in all of these categories when compared to previous seasons.

That's not to say the show isn't still enjoyable. It's just lost some steam. I was still on the edge of my seat in every scenario. Even when it was completely obvious that the writers were just teasing us with some tension that we know the characters would wiggle their way out of consequence free. The show is still at its best when it's using its brain. Watching the heroes and villains constantly play a game of chess in order to stay ahead is as thrilling as ever. Prison Break still provides plenty of satisfying moments where a plan comes together and our crew makes a narrow escape. It might not live up to what came before, but there are still plenty of reasons to follow this story.
The Husband's Secret
The Husband's Secret
Liane Moriarty | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Husband's Secret focuses on three main characters. Cecelia Fitzpatrick, married to John-Paul with three beautiful daughters. Tess O'Leary who owns a business with her husband, Will and cousin, Felicity and has a son, Liam. And Rachel Crowley, who is still mourning the death of her daughter nearly 30 years after the fact. How do these women's lives intersect, well....Cecelia finds a letter from her husband, not to be opened until his death...she opens it anyway. Tess finds out that her husband and cousin(yes her business partners) have fallen in love with each other. So she takes her son and heads to Sydney and enrolls him in the school which, Rachel Crowley is the secretary and Cecelia is the mother all other mothers love and hate.

The news Cecelia finds in the letter, the thoughts Rachel has about her daughters killer, and the actions Tess take after leaving her husband would make for one exciting story.

I'm afraid this story feel short of the exciting mark. When I first picked it up and started reading, I was dying to find out what was in the letter, but I would have to wait for that. Once the secret was out, I wanted to know what was going to happen next, with everyone's story. But the excitement wasn't there. This wasn't a book, that I had to hurry to get back to, which was very disappointing. I couldn't abandon the book, though because I had to know.

Would Rachel find her daughter's killer? Would Cecelia be able to live with her husband's secret? Would Tess and Will be able to work through their marriage? But getting those answers was not page turning and gripping.

I gave the book three stars because the whole premise behind the book was good, I enjoyed the story as a whole, but there was too much in between the good parts. Don't tell me about a secret letter at the beginning of the story and take three days to tell me what was in's not fair. And what was happening in those three days was not exciting enough to make me wait. The moments just before the opening were the most thrilling.

Don't know if I will read more from Ms. Moriarty or not.

Ross (3284 KP) rated Smoke and Summons in Books

Mar 18, 2019 (Updated Mar 18, 2019)  
Smoke and Summons
Smoke and Summons
Charlie N. Holmberg | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Flintlock Tangled
It took me a while to realise, but this book is basically a re-telling of Tangled, the Rapunzel Disney film.
We have the young girl with magical powers who is held prisoner (though she has been trained to appreciate her captor's benevolence) by someone wanting to benefit from her powers. She meets a ne'er-do-well thief looking for that one last score before he can move and settle down. They travel together trying to find somewhere safe for her to go but are tracked down at all stops, until finally the male protagonist is persuaded to hand her in and reap the rewards, before the inevitable emotional rescue.
Rather than magical healing hair, however, Sandis has the ability to act as a vessel to demons, and is linked to a specific one (a fire horse). Her captor, Kazen, uses her abilities to bolster his gangster crew and lead the city's underworld. Upon sensing Kazen's desire to summon a more powerful demon (which is likely to kill her) she escapes and becomes embroiled with Rone, a young thief.
Together they try to track down a family member Sandis has become aware of, who may be able to help save her.
The story flows quite well, with enough strength in the main characters to engage the reader. Their travails, and Kazen's crew's neverending chase, are enjoyable and thrilling.
The narrative is good, swapping between Sandis' and Rone's perspectives and telling of their increasing tiredness and running out of options. At times, the author's American tone slips in (words like "Mom", "they were a ways from their lodgings" etc), which would normally be fine, I'm not that big of a snob, but it really comes at odds with the majority of the narrative and does stand out.
The setting is more early industrial revolution than more medieval, so there is the use of firearms to spice up the action.
A few times, events become a little hard to accept - quite how quickly and persistently Kazen's goons catch up with them, and how easily Rone manages to accomplish his rescue seem quite hard to believe.
Overall, the story is good and while the format of "lets go here, oh they've somehow found us again" becomes a little tiring, the book is short enough for this not to be too much of an issue.

Sam (74 KP) rated Perfect in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
Cecelia Ahern | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Celestine is Flawed to the very backbone, according to The Guild. She went against society and assisted a Flawed man – going against every value a Perfect citizen should hold. She was branded as flawed, not just the maximum of five times, but a sixth. Now, she finds herself on the run from The Guild and their Whistleblowers, an attempt at freedom that a Flawed citizen should never have.

Perfect is the second and final book in Cecelia Ahern’s Flawed series.

I read Flawed, the first book, a couple of years ago now. It’s the first book I had ever read by Cecelia Ahern, and it’s what made her writing stand out to me. However, for whatever reason (I can’t remember now) I’d put off buying Perfect. And when I did finally buy it, it sat on my bookshelf for ages. That was until the other weekend when I finally made the decision to read it.

I forgot how immersive the world Ahern created was. I was straight into the book as it jumped straight into action, and found it really easy to remember everything that had happened in the previous book.

Perfect is a fast paced novel, that never really slows down for a second. I found myself finishing it in just a couple of days, and really couldn’t put it down. It was addictive and kept me wanting to know what happened next.

I love Celestine as a character. The fact that she points out that she’s Flawed, but likes that part of herself because it makes her real is one of my favourite ideas of the whole book.

Celestine is strong and confident, and doesn’t need to have anyone by her side to help her get her way. She’s the perfect independent protagonist and I love her for that.

The focus on an over-controlling society where if you do the slightest thing wrong, you’re branded for life was really interesting. It makes you question whether a person can really be fully bad, and whether a person’s past is really different to who they are in the present day.

It’s definitely a thrilling book with some of the best characters you’ll find in YA. I would usually comment about how I’m not really into YA or Dystopia, but I’m not because I’m now definitely a convert and really enjoying the genre.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Oh my God...
#godzillakingofthemonsters is overlong, overstuffed, bland & lacks the one thing that at bare minimum I expected from a movie about big #monsters #fighting, EXCITEMENT. Now I quite liked the first #godzilla movie & yes it was to focused on the human element but visually it was really sticking & I found its slow build up to the reveal of Godzilla intense & exciting so that when he's finally introduced fully his presence became that more intimidating & thrilling. Sadly although in this sequel the monsters are given way more screen time at around 2hours the human element is still far to overpowering. That would be fine but its all so #boring & only serves as exposition to move the plot along. Dialog is sloppy/bellow basic & repetitive, acting is average at best & no one is likeable. Story wise its incredibly weak/bare bones which makes me wonder why it takes so long to play out considering we are only all here really to see monsters #fight. Cgi is really dodgy in places & I'm not sure if this is a throwback to past films but it feels odd & disjointed because at times its also impressive like it suddenly found its budget again. For an hour & a half I found this movie terrible with nothing setting it apart from stuff like #sanandreas or #geostorm. There are big set pieces upping the pace but like those movies they are a hollow mess of washed out cgi/badly framed fights that just weren't exciting at all. Why a 3? something changes in the last half hour & things do get a little cool for a bit, the score becomes epic, cgi looks great, theres some nice visual touches, #animation has weight & #action invokes some thrill but by then its all a just a bit to late. Theres also some #beautiful artsy establishing shots at times too throughout the movie & the subtle metaphors about the effects of #nuclear #weapons/war & looking after our #planet are well implemented too but thats about it. Im still #excited for #GodzillavsKong but just hoping this is a case of middle film itis but for now there are way better monster movies out there as i cant recomend seeing this one at all to be honest which is such a shame. #shingodzilla #godzillamovie #kong #japan #anime #gojira #kaiju
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Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) May 31, 2019

Its so hard to get content seen nowadays the hashtags help more people see my reviews easier and fit within the character count on instagram (where im primarily based). I dont know how this site works yet so ive just been copying and pasting then from there. It takes so much of my time to work, watch all these films and write reviews too so i havent been removing all the hashtags to save time. Im sorry if they frustrate you, i will try and start removing them if i can.


Lee (2222 KP) May 31, 2019

I wondered why the hashtags were there too, as it makes things difficult to read. But it kind of makes sense if you're just copying and pasting from Instagram


Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Don't You Cry in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Don't You Cry
Don't You Cry
Mary Kubica | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quinn and Esther are roommates trying to get by in Chicago. When Esther disappears without a trace, Quinn is confused and worried. It's not like her friend to just vanish. As Quinn starts looking into things more, she finds some disturbing papers and items among Esther's things. Quinn begins to wonder: how much did she really know her roommate? Was she really the sweet, kind person she thought her to be? Meanwhile, in a Michigan town on the outskirts of Chicago, Alex is working his life away while his high school friends live theirs miles away. Saddled by caring for his alcoholic father, Alex feels trapped by his job washing dishes in this small town. However, his life becomes more interesting when a lovely young woman appears in town and catches his attention. Alex watches her and names her Pearl, due to the bracelet she wears on her wrist. As Quinn becomes increasingly worried about Esther, Alex simultaneously gets drawn more into Pearl's web.

Kubica's novel catches your attention right away, but for me, it really picks up about halfway through. The second half is a thrilling roller coaster ride full of suspense and plot twists. It keeps you guessing and surprised. The beginning dragged a bit; I found Quinn frustrating and was irritated by her lack of initiative in finding Esther. Why doesn't she call Esther's cell phone immediately? Or look at the whiteboard the roommates share that details their comings and goings? Combined with some of that, her jump to conclusions about Esther's personality seem a bit implausible.

However, the second half really does make up for a lot. Alex and Pearl's story is pretty mesmerizing, as it weaves in a ghost story from his small town, passed on through the townsfolk. By alternating between Alex and Quinn's point of view, Kubica does an excellent job of constructing her story, while still drawing out the twists and turns. I kept thinking I'd figured out parts of the plot, only to be surprised or proved wrong. The last half of the book will keep you up reading, desperately wanting to find out what happened to Esther. Overall, 3.5 stars.

I received an ARC of this book from Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available everywhere on 5/17.
The Way of All Flesh
The Way of All Flesh
Ambrose Parry | 2018 | Crime
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Excellent gripping period thriller set in Edinburgh's medical revolution
This tale of murder takes place in mid 19th century Edinburgh, where the city is at the forefront of the world's advances in medicine - both medical practices and procedures and also drugs and anaesthetics. Many nights are spent with some of the city's top surgeons sitting round the dinner table in the post-prandial slumber sampling various substances looking to find the perfect anaesthetic.
Will Raven, a recently qualified doctor, starts a new job as apprentice to Edinburgh's pre-eminent midwifery expert, Dr James Young Simpson. But he has recently found the dead body of a female friend and starts to investigate the mysterious circumstances of her demise.
The book takes several strands: we have the true history of Edinburgh's medical revolution where doctors like Simpson vied to get the job done but also find better ways to do it for their patients, we have the murder mystery angle, we have the capable and frustrated women who are refused to even attempt to do jobs they are clearly able to do, and we have the class system in full evidence and while many go along with it, some people like Simpson try to get past this and make their households more inclusive for all.
The threads are all interwoven brilliantly and combine to give a story that is both thrilling and interesting.
Having read a lot of Chris Brookmyre, I had high expectations for his storytelling and these were more than met with a brilliantly paced and enjoyable page-turner. I believe writing with his wife has helped tone down the language a little and the tone of the dialogue is very different to his previous work.
My one gripe would be that the climax of the story was a little laboured, with every single event, decision and twist explained numerous times from different perspectives. Given I had spotted a number of hints quite early on and knew who the perpetrator was, and was happy to assume certain things had happened, I didn't feel the need to have this confirmed at length in great detail.
Otherwise an excellent book and the start of a new series that I will be avidly waiting for the next instalment of.
The Great Race (1965)
The Great Race (1965)
1965 | Action, Classics, Comedy
8.5 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A fun throwback to 1920's Silent Film Farces
In a tribute to films of a bygone era, Director Blake Edwards pays homage to silent film farces of the 1920's - even dedicating this film to "Mr. Laurel and Mr. Hardy" - with the slapstick comedy THE GREAT RACE - and succeeds, mostly.

Reteaming Tony Curtis (as the brave, virtuous and good "The Great Leslie") and Jack Lemmon (as the sinister, dastardly and evil "Professor Fate"), The Great Race is great fun watching these two cartoon characters spar and parry with each other throughout the course of this 2 hour and 40 minute farce.

Lemmon, in particular, relishes in dual roles as the menacing Fate, always dressed in black, twirling his mustache and coming up with scheme after scheme to derail Leslie (think the Coyote in the RoadRunner cartoons). His overacting and hammyness in the character is perfect for the tone that this film has set. And his maniacal laugh is one to remember - unless you are remembering the childlike guffaws of the other character Lemmon portrays, the doppelganger of Fate, Crown Prince Frederick. Both these characters are fun to watch and Fate, especially, plays well against his bumbling assistant and foil, "Max", played in utter buffoonishness by the great Peter Falk.

Joining Curtis for the "good guys" is Natalie Wood as Suffragette and Newspaper
Reporter Maggie DuBois (obviously tailored after real life Suffragette and Newspaper Reporter Nellie Bly). It is said that Curtis and Wood did not get along on set (they had worked together in 2 other films and grew to dislike each other), but their on-screen chemistry cannot be ignored and they are fun together. As is the great Keenan Wynn as Leslie's mechanic and friend Hezekiah Sturdy.

But it is not the characters that makes this film go it is the set pieces and frenetic pacing that Director Edwards put before us. From thrilling chase scenes to a Western barroom brawl, to a trip through a blizzard with a polar bear to the "largest pie fight ever put on screen", this film delivers the goods in a wholesome, 1960's way that makes me truly say...

"They don't make 'em like this anymore".

8 out 10 stars and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
Private Investigations (Bob Skinner Series, Book 26)
Private Investigations (Bob Skinner Series, Book 26)
Quintin Jardine | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
MoMo’s Book Diary loved Quintin Jardine’s Private Investigations and eagerly recommends this as a thrilling 5 star read

I have read most of the “Skinner” books, starting from the first one published back in the early 90s when I lived in Edinburgh. Now I live in the northern isles but am always drawn to books about southern and central Scotland.

In this instalment we find former Chief Constable Bob Skinner has moved into the world of private investigation.

Eden Higgins is Bob Skinner’s first client. Eden, the brother of an ex-girlfriend of Skinner, wants him to look into the police investigation into the theft of his very expensive, luxury yacht. The police were unable to trace the very large yacht and the insurance company are refusing the pay out the full amount.

Whilst on his way to meet Eden Higgins, Bob’s car is bumped by another as he is reversing from a parking space. The driver of the other car leaves the vehicle and takes off immediately on foot. Bob Skinner then finds the body of a young girl in the otherwise empty boot of the now driverless car. Bob quickly finds himself involved in both cases.

There are many twists and turns in this fast paced instalment where each chapter brings new developments in one or other of the cases. There is reference to the changing Police Force set-up we have faced in Scotland over recent years and this fits with the bigger picture of Skinners backstory and the tension between him and some of his ex-colleagues.

The author expertly leads the reader through the investigations and has a way of bringing each character to life with enough backstory that even if you have never read any other “Skinner” book you will be able to relate to the characters and the personal and professional relationships they share with Bob Skinner. I would say that if you have never read any other Skinner book you will want to change that after you have read this one – I am now going to go back to my bookshelf and re-read them again. If you can, then do read them in order – it adds to the enjoyment being able to follow his private life and life within the Police service.

I would like to thank Headline and BookBridgr for the ARC received prior to publication.

This review is also published on my blog - and amazon