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    LEGO® City game

    LEGO® City game

    Games and Entertainment

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    BE A CREATIVE LEGO® CITY HERO! The LEGO® City app is a creative mission-based game for brave,...

    Blaze of Strike

    Blaze of Strike

    Games and Entertainment

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    Blaze of Strike brings you the fairest FPS multiplayer experience on mobile phone for free! Relieve...

Pickup on South Street (1953)
Pickup on South Street (1953)
1953 | Classics, Drama, Mystery
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I remember being baffled by the first Sam Fuller film I saw when I was in my late teens or early twenties, a revival at the old St. Mark’s theater on Second Avenue in New York. The audience was guffawing and cheering and I thought it was really stupid: some kind of condescending intellectual slumming, about a movie that looked to me like plain harmless, and pretty much sincere, if inept, cheap melodramatic exposé. It was Shock Corridor. The movie was bad, but the audience was worse. I can’t remember which film turned me around. The Naked Kiss? That’s a great one, as is Shock Corridor. Eventually I also learned how highly Fuller is rated by the most intellectual film analysts. I think what makes Fuller so popular with them is Fuller’s unpretentiousness, not because it’s naive, but because it makes him a purer example of filmmaking talent: since there’s no subtlety, no subtext, no self-consciousness, it means that to enjoy it you’ve got to enjoy it for the pure, abstract methods of film as film. Famously, his roots are in two realms, tabloid journalism and World War II (where he saw a lot of action with the infantry). In a scene at a party in Godard’s Pierrot le fou, when he’s asked what cinema is, he says, “Film is like a battleground: love, hate, action, violence, death. In one word: emotion.” And that’s the way his films feel: like they’re emotion, the way music is. They’re not about ideas except on the most basic level, like a tabloid. They’re “hard-boiled,” and there’s tabloid/sensationalist fury and irony. His fight scenes are thrilling and like no one else’s; you can recognize them in a second. His style altogether is distinctive. Everything is in your face. Lots of close-ups, lots of tracking in for close-ups, long takes with plenty of camera movement. It is like pulp journalism, like a fluid Weegee. Emotion. As corny and cartoony as she is, Thelma Ritter’s last scene in this is really moving. She actually got an Academy Award nomination for supporting actress for the role. The close-up smooching of Richard Widmark and Jean Peters can leave you breathless too, even though the sessions usually end with him mocking or slapping her. In 1974, when I was first singing my song “Love Comes in Spurts” at CBGB, I sometimes used to introduce it with the line that comes when Widmark’s kissed an eager Peters and she’s told him she really likes him and he sneers, “Everybody likes everybody when they’re kissing.”


Becs (244 KP) rated Gone Girl in Books

Oct 2, 2019  
Gone Girl
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (142 Ratings)
Book Rating
Style: Formal, serious.

Point of View: Third person – each chapter is either Nick Dunne or Amy Dunne, never both.

Difficulty Reading: I struggled with the first half of the book. Don’t get me wrong, I was excited to read it because the movie was bomb as f*ck. The movie had me sitting on my toes the entire time, but this book was such a drag. Once you get about halfway through, that’s when it gets good.

Promise: The book promises a thrilling crime mystery and it does deliver it. But it delivers it in a way that makes the book almost seem repetitive as he said, she said.

Quality: It was a well-written book, I’ll give the author that. But there was a lot of swearing – and I cuss like a sailor. That kind of took the appeal of the book down quite a few notches.

Insights: If I could change anything about the book: take some of the cuss words out – it’s way too much, make the first half of the book more gripping – you lose readers because it’s boring.

Ah-Ha Moment: When Nick Dunne realized that Amy Dunne was just f*cking with him, he knew it but couldn’t tell anyone because then it would seem like he was the one who set the whole thing up.

Another moment was when Amy Dunne killed her old friend. I was like ‘what are you doing woman’ the entire time I read it.

Favorite Quote: “A lot of people lacked that gift: knowing when to fuck off.” – I feel this is the best representation of who I am as a person and of people nowadays.

“Sleep is like a cat: It only comes to you if you ignore it.” – Any quote that talks about cats are always great.

What will you gain: An interesting but hard read. If you don’t have the time or patience, put this book down.

Aesthetics: The copy I bought had the cover poster for the movie and it was nice to imagine Nick Dunne as the man on the cover. The first page of the book was what drew me in, the whole staring at the back of Amy’s head and thinking of breaking it open to mush your hands with her brain just appeals to me in a way that’s hard to describe. (I promise I’m not a serial killer. Yet…) Then as I read more, I struggled until I hit the point of the plot doing a massive U-turn and actually becoming interesting.

“There’s a difference between really loving someone and loving the idea of her.”