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A Study in Charlotte (Charlotte Holmes, #1)
A Study in Charlotte (Charlotte Holmes, #1)
Brittany Cavallaro | 2016 | Mystery, Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you’re a fan of re-tellings then you will love A Study in Charlotte, a contemporary novel that follows the lives of a new generation of Sherlock and Holmes. Jamie Watson’s life is turned upside down when he is sent to a boarding school in Connecticut that just so happens to be close to his father’s house. The same man that got remarried and Jamie hasn’t spoken to in years. Despite his protests Jamie finds himself at this new school and longing for London. The one bright spot? Charlotte Holmes, whose accent makes him feel like home and won’t give him the time of day. As the only Holmes around his age, Jamie has been dreaming about Charlotte since he learned her name. He wonders what she looks like and imagines blonde hair, creating fantastic stories in his head of their crime solving adventure and friendship reminiscent of the original Sherlock and Holmes. His dreams aren’t exactly grounded in reality and it turns out that she has dark hair, but he’s not fazed. He manages to become friendly, if not friends with Holmes.

Charlotte and Jamie are wonderful, contemporary versions of their counterparts with familiar attributes while still being their own unique characters. Charlotte has a problem with narcotics, plays the violin and can usually be found with her beakers and test tubes (hopefully not blowing anything up). Jamie wants to be a writer, is a decent rugby player (despite what his scholarship might lead you to believe) and is braver than he thinks. Their best-friendship is appealing and realistic, despite Charlotte’s unique outlook on how to treat other human beings. You fall in love with the characters, whether you relate to Charlotte, Jamie, a little of both, or maybe one of the other supporting characters – you’ll find yourself enjoying this novel.

Each character even has a well thought out backstory that we learn more about throughout the course of the novel. What events and mistakes lead to Charlotte being sent to a boarding school in Connecticut when she should be in England? If a Moriarty and narcotics are involved, then you know it’s going to be intense – especially when the famous crime family isn’t particularly forgiving. Jamie’s story is less thrilling but no less important to his character. Not everyone is as they appear, some have secrets, some don’t always make the best choices, but it all drives the story forward. The book is full of poison, explosions, spying, chases and other staples of great mysteries.

The book has a lot of nods to classic Sherlock and Watson adventures and sometimes outright mentions them. As a huge Sherlock fan, from the classic novels of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to the modern BBC creation – this book was perfection. I loved how it felt like a new story featuring some of my favourite characters and it kept you guessing until the end. The action and plot were well paced, allowing the story to unfold like a mystery should. Don’t worry, Moriarty’s were included in the writing of this story.

Highly recommended to young adult/teen fans of mystery, contemporary, or the classic Sherlock Holmes novels. I fell in love with this series and can’t wait to see where it goes from here.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Keep Her Safe in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Keep Her Safe
Keep Her Safe
Sophie Hannah | 2017 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cara Burrows runs away from her family--who live in England no less--to an Arizona spa. She leaves her phone with the rental car company and, exhausted by her travels, checks into her room, only to find it occupied by a man and a teenage girl. It's obviously a mistake by the front desk, but after hearing another guest's ramblings, Cara starts to wonder if the girl she saw is murder victim Melody Chapa. Melody Chapa is incredibly famous in the U.S.--her trial garnered intense attention--and her parents are serving life sentences for her murder. Suddenly, Cara finds herself caught up in a whirlwind series of events, unsure of whom to trust. Did she really see Melody? And if so, what is going on at this spa?

The plot of this novel is pretty preposterous, so be prepared to suspend a bit of disbelief. Once you do that, <i>it's really quite enjoyable and a total whirlwind ride,</i> as you cling to Cara and try to figure things out with her. You first have to get past the fact that the woman has decided to come all the way to Arizona from the UK for her spa trip, spending, she claims, one third of her family's savings to do so. And, you'll learn, all over a insane misunderstanding/lack of communication with her family that will make you want to shake the entire clan. Good grief! However, I digress. Because, really, their lack of communication certainly works in our favor, because <i>this book may be crazy, but it's fun crazy and a wonderful sort of escape. </i>

<i>I found this to be a fascinating type of thriller.</i> I flew through the pages, constantly wondering how all the various pieces fit together. Hannah kept the entire thing going, unfurling great little twists and turns every so often to keep you hooked. It's intricately plotted and really quite well-done, even if it's all a little insane. I suspected a couple of portions, but was still really impressed at how everything went together. Cara is an interesting character--she's just bumbling and sympathetic enough that you can somehow believe that she'd stumble into a major murder mystery while on a spa holiday. Her supporting cast of characters is wide and varied: spa guests; various detectives and the FBI; those involved with Melody's case; and even a crime TV show host with a flair for the dramatic. Somehow Hannah weaves them all together successfully, for which you have to give her bonus points.

All in all, this was a slightly unbelievable novel, but compulsively readable with a thrilling mystery plot that completely hooks you. The characters all work together somehow and the novel is just a fun escape. Throw in a creepy ending that leaves you going "What?!" and this is definitely worth a read. 3.5 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss (thank you!) in return for unbiased review; it is available in the U.S. everywhere as of 09/19/2017.

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The Keeper (DCI Antonia Hawkins, #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Also read it here:


<i>No interesting quote for this book I'm afraid...</i>

This started badly, for me. There’s nothing like starting a new detective book and being planted in the middle of a therapy session. Who would have thought a senior police officer who has enough baggage to need therapy? Well I never! That’s something I’ve only seen done 1 million times before… <i>sigh.</i> Thank God it picked up with the excitement afterwards because I wasn’t interested in Hawkins’ anxiety or love life.

This was by no means unique to other detective novels out there. They all have the same sort of plot and characters and themes, but this one did keep me more interested than some of the others I’ve read, purely because there was a humorous side to it as well as the serious side too.

This had some really exciting moments and it had some really drawn out, drab moments where we were repeatedly updated on how the case was going, even though we already knew… cause we were reading the book… so I think a lot of this novel could have been cut down to make a shorter novel. 400 pages is quite a lot for a detective series novel, especially one where there’s not a lot of evidence or leads to the case. This really was up and down, up and down, the whole way through. I lost interest so much in some places that I was completely distracted while reading it but then when we got onto a big reveal or breakthrough part, I rushed through it to know what happened next! There were some really great edge of the seat, nail biting moments! It was quite the hit and miss story.

As far as characters go, there weren’t any that I really connected with very well, but none of them were dislikable people. It could get a bit confusing to remember who was who because they’d go from their first name to their last name, back to their first name and then their last name again etc etc. It would have been nice to have some consistency with what the author called them.

This was by far a 3 star read until the twist at the end. I mean, really, I should have seen it coming, I’ve read a million crime thrillers before, but I just hadn’t suspected this one! Really, there were two twists at the end of this, the first one shocked me and then the second one I was expecting because of the first. The ending of this novel was really thrilling and nerve-wracking, it was a great way to finish it off.

Also, considering this is the third novel in a series (something Netgalley hadn’t made me aware of when I requested it!) this did really well as a standalone novel. I didn’t feel like I was missing any part of the characters stories, even when it came to the subject of Hawkins’ therapy sessions.

Thanks to Netgalley and Penguin UK - Michael Joseph for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
This is perhaps the most difficult review I've ever written. I simply don't know where to begin. It might help to start with saying that, as a movie lover, Star Wars is my life blood. No movie has ever sparked my imagination the way the original film did. It's kind of cliché to say it, but the movie changed me. The 8 year old boy that walked out of the movie theater that day in 1977 was not the same one that walked in.

Over the years I would devour anything and everything Star Wars related that I could get my hands on. I followed the franchise across decades of films, and their various highs and lows. The same is true of The Last Jedi.

It's almost inconsequential to discuss the plot of the film. Like The Empire Strikes Back there is not just one story, one plot, being told. Yet all of them must come together in the end. This is where the highs and lows come into play. Every character is on a separate arc of growth and discovery. But there is one subplot that just does not work. At all. It feels out of place, and contains a message about cruelty that is so ham fisted and heavy handed, that when a character makes what is supposed to be a triumphant statement, I rolled my eyes and cringed.

The most important plot area of the movie centers around the return of Luke Skywalker. Mark Hamill gives the performance of his life. Never before has Luke been so layered, and so utterly badass. Watching him in this movie is like watching Heath Ledger as The Joker. He's so mesmerizing that every moment he's off screen, you're anxiously awaiting his return.

The action in the movie is breathtaking. An opening space battle is unlike we've ever had in a Star Wars movie, There are also two hand to hand combat scenes that are not only thrilling to watch, but are also important story moments that will leave you guessing as to their meanings until the end.

I can say this is NOT going to be a movie for everyone. It is not made to be the rousing crowd pleaser that The Force Awakens was. This film is filled with twists, turns, and more than one "I did NOT see that coming moment", and not all of those moments are going to please everyone. It takes Star Wars in directions you might not expect, and might not be happy with. But that is the nature of bold filmmaking. A director has to be true to his vision, take the risks he deems necessary, and let the chips fall where they may.

Now, since I said that there is one story arc of the movie that utterly fails, you might wonder how I can still give the movie a perfect rating. a Star Wars fan, the highs of this movie took me SO high, that the lows of the film don't take me so low that they ruin the movie for me at all.

The film thrilled me, challenged the things that I believe make Star Wars what it is, and rewarded me with an original, visually dazzling movie that commands to be seen multiple times to pick up all the little things I didn't notice the last time.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I heard about Sheltered by Debra Chapoton on someone else's blog. After reading the synopsis of the book, I knew it was one I was going to have to read. Luckily, this book didn't disappoint.

Ben, a teenager, is renting out a house to troubled teens. He creates a fictitious landlord called Mrs. Kremer to make things believable. As time goes by, it becomes apparent just how troubled these teens really are. Are their troubles from this world or are they something more sinister?

I must admit that I'm not a fan of the cover. I don't think it's done very well and doesn't look very professional. I admit I was a bit put off this book by the cover, but the synopsis of the book really intrigued me.

I don't think the title of the book really fit in with the story at all. Besides living in a house, that's all the title really describes. It doesn't sound creepy nor does it make me envision anything pertaining to this story.

The author did a fantastic job with the world building. Everything happening in the world of Sheltered felt very real which made it that much more freaky. The whole set up of the book is written fantastically!

The pacing was great! Not once did I find myself struggling to get through this book. Each chapter is fast paced and thrilling, and I love the way how each character gets their point of view across. I found myself eagerly devouring every word of Sheltered.

I loved the dialogue in this book. There are a few words that I didn't understand, but perhaps that's just my limited vocabulary. There is moderate swearing in this book, so be warned. However, the interactions between the characters are done brilliantly. There's not very much humour in this book, but that doesn't take away from the dialogue. One thing I did find slightly annoying was the fact that in one part of the book, Cori's (one of the characters in the story) name was spelt "Cory" and then changed back to Cori.

I loved the characters of Sheltered. Ben comes across as being wise beyond his years. Megan comes across as one of those people who tries to see the best in everyone. Chuck seems like the type of person who's anti-social. Emily surprised me as she started out being a shy teenage girl. Her true colours eventually become apparent. Cori was my favourite character. I loved her sarcasm and her wit. I think I found myself relating with her more than any other character.

Then ending was a bit confusing and felt a bit rushed if I'm honest. In fact, I was a little disappointed by it. I really wish I could explain why, but then I'd be giving away spoilers. Sheltered, judging by the ending, has the ability to become a series. If it does become a series, perhaps the ending would be explained better.

I'd recommend Sheltered by Debra Chapoton to those aged 16+ due to the swearing and the themes throughout the book.
The Program (The Program, #1)
Suzanne Young | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I'd been wanting to read this book for a long time now. The blurb really caught my attention (especially as I've suffered with major depression in the past), so when I got the chance to buy a book, this one was my choice. Luckily, it was a super fantastic read!

I like the title of this book. I like how it's really plain and simple, yet, it works. The title very much suits the book as it's pretty straight-forward about what the book's going to be about.

I like the cover for The Program. All teenagers who enter the program are made to wear yellow lemon colored scrubs. I like how it shows the uniforms.

The world building is superb! Everything is explained fantastically throughout the book. Young makes it easy to believe that one day there will be a "cure" for depression and teen suicide. There's only one bit in the world building towards the end of the book that kind of made me question its reliability. I don't want to give away spoilers though, and this could just be me over thinking things.

The pacing is spot on. From the very first sentence, this book had me hooked. I couldn't wait to see what happened next. To say I devoured this book would be an understatement.

The plot was super interesting. Teens are being taken to The Program once they become depressed. Apparently, teen suicide is contagious and an epidemic, so the only cure is The Program where memories are erased. When Sloane's boyfriend, James, gets taken into The Program, it's not long before Sloane becomes depressed and is taken in as well. Will James and Sloane remember each other or will their memories be totally erased? I thought the plot was very original, and I enjoyed every bit of it. Some of the scenes in The Program reminded me of The Matrix. I believe this book could be read as a standalone since there wasn't a major cliff hanger, but I think it'd be better read as a series.

I loved the characters! I loved how Sloane came across as just a normal teenage girl who had been through a traumatic experience. I felt that her vulnerability made her even more lovable. I also really liked James. I loved how he wanted to protect Sloane from everything. It was very evident how much James and Sloane loved each other. The only character I didn't really care for was Realm. It's not that he wasn't well written because he was. It was just that I never really felt like I could trust Realm. There's just something about him.

The dialogue was fantastic and fit in well with a young adult novel. I loved reading the dialogue between Sloane and James the best. There are innocent mentions of sex although not many. There's also some swearing and some violence, but nothing over the top.

Overall, The Program by Suzanne Young is an original story that has fantastic world building, great characters, and hits close to home. I've already bought the next book in the series.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 16+ who are after a book with an original story line and want a thrilling read.

(I purchased this book in paperback format through Amazon with my own money. I was not required to review this book).

Anna Marie Green (7 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Monster Hunter World in Video Games

Jul 3, 2018 (Updated Jul 3, 2018)  
Monster Hunter World
Monster Hunter World
2018 | Action/Adventure
Fantastic Gameplay Possibilities (4 more)
Intelligent Monster AI
Climbing Difficulty
Good Community Management
It's Damn Good Fun (If you have $30, buy it.)
Feels Incomplete (2 more)
Experienced Players Lack Challenge
Mediocre Story
Monster Hunter, One Year Later
Monster Hunter: World was Capcom's fiest big success in the Western market. After years of cult status on the DS, they finally broke through to the world of consoles and had so much success that they dubbed MH:W their benchmark for future games.

But should they?

MH:W is, at its core, is a dungeon crawler designed to feel open-world within its own constraints. With beautiful environments such as the Coral Highlands and the toxic areas festering beneath the Rotten Vale, MHW looks and feels much more massive than the trodden paths you follow. Your first hunts feel thrilling as you take different paths to chase your limping prey, and a cycle of different weather, monsters, and endemic life keep you invested in immersion.

But after hunting a tempered Nergigante for the 20th time, things do begin to fall out of place. You experience the malaise of a Saitama-like hero. Have you become too strong?

Challenging fights become the norm. The occasional arch-tempered monster appears, but scaled damage isn't always the same thing as new difficulty.

In the handheld games, there were dozens of monsters with distinct abilities and variations. MH: Generations had 73 large monsters to hunt. You could even play as a palico.

But that variety just isn't in MH:W.

Granted, the game is an experiment and has provided some good content for no extra cost to the players, which is a feat of its own in comparison to all the other big game developers (EA, Microsoft, Square Enix, Bethesda). They also do an excellent job managing weekly challenges and encouraging community between players. Kulve Taroth hunts were a blast and the free meal in the Hub was an excellent bribe.

MH:W still needs more monsters and at least one new environment. Since its release in January 2018, only three monsters have been added to the game: Deviljho, Kulve Taroth, and Lunastra. Behemoth from Final Fantasy is also making an appearance this July. That's a monster every two months. Don't get me wrong here— that's a fair schedule for content release. Overwatch clocks in at about three months for every hero, so two months is a respectable jog for the quality of the quality of the game. Still, even Overwatch -with it's full player-controlled roster- can become a bit of a slog without those regular updates.

The easiest fix? Capcom needs to finally add in G-Ranks with weapon rarities 9 and 10, and the terrifying monsters to match. The other MH games have generally had these ranks, and the MH:W G updates have been teasing us in rumors since the release, yet we haven't seen any evidence of their existence. A massive content update containing new unique weapons trees, rarity 8 varieties of dead-end trees, armor transmogs, new endemic life and monsters, better armor designs, and more material choices... Capcom has incredible potential on their table that could rekindle gamers' interest in helping the Fifth solve the new mysteries of the New World.

Or, god forbid, suffer the gamers by making them by Monster Hunter: World 2 just to feel like they actually completed the first game.
Black Rose
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars

A story about an abduction, a crazy rapist who enjoys torturing young girls and one couples fight to be with each other again, Black Rose is so much more than what is advertised on the summary. Incorporating all aspects of human emotion, Thompson pulls you into her story from the beginning and leaves you holding your breath for the happy ever after you so desperately want, but fear will never arrive.

I was hooked from the very beginning of this story. I am the first to admit IÕve not read a thriller like this in a long while, but I fell easily back into the genre and loved ThompsonÕs way of telling the story. The dual perspectives of both Richard and Lee were incredibly well written and enabled you to see the story from all sides, meaning your mind was free to ponder what ÔHeÕ was going to do next. This also makes for really compelling reading because the moment you finish hearing about Lee, youÕre on tenterhooks as to what is happening to her whilst youÕre following Richard and vice versa. So many times whilst reading this I ended up with a kindle falling on my face because I just simply couldnÕt put it down.

ThereÕs a great deal of sisterhood between the girls that are trapped, and this could have easily come across as cheesy or overdone, but Thompson had an excellent range of characters, all adding to the dynamic of what must have been a terrible experience for them. The fact they developed the bond in such hardship is remarkable, but to see the sisterhood continue through the many trials and tribulations they experience is fantastic. I canÕt say itÕs a pleasure to read, because their circumstances are grim to say the least, but there was comfort in knowing they had found friendship and a way to survive.

I touched on it, but the characters are phenomenally well written and developed. Lee as the lead character is a true inspiration and her very soul is laid bare so many times that the reader really does empathise with her and want to know every little detail I possibly can. Anna, Kandace, Ruth and the other girls are equally as well written, but Lee really does steal the show. Richard is enjoyable to read, if not a little over dependent on Lee at times, but his devotion to her is a different angle to read and his determination to find her is well written.

Without providing too many spoilers, it was a pleasure to read a story and actually have it conclude in a way you get to see the characters ÔwholeÕ again is definitely very much to my liking! I feel like we got to see a natural conclusion to the story, and that made me feel much calmer and fulfilled at the end of reading. My own niggle was that I would have perhaps liked it to last a bit longer and feel it could have potentially been two books with a lovely little cliff hanger in the middle.

With all that said, I thoroughly enjoyed Black Rose, found it captivating, dark, thrilling and very well written. Congratulations to Thompson on a good story well told.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*
★★★☆☆ - "I've been meditating on the very great pleasure which a pair of fine eyes in the face of a pretty woman can bestow."

A new story, a new mystery and a new adventure. Dawn at Emberwilde is a charming story of a young woman who is offered a new life. What will she do with the choices laid before her?

"And yet the very sight of her
dislodged his sense of time and space."
- Dawn at Emberwilde
(Location 3620)

About the Book
Isabel Creston has grown up at Fellsworth School, training for a teaching position. Knowing she would someday become a governess. She has resigned to her lot in life, but her spirit wishes to soar free. When an unexpected visitor shows up at Fellsworth School, life as she knew it changed forever. Unknown relatives have been searching for Isabel since the death of her father. They were finally able to track her down and open their home to her. Filled with apprehensions, Isabel and her younger sister, Elizabeth, travel to their new home of Emberwilde. With stories of the Emberwilde Forest being haunted and of her past that differ from her own knowledge, Isabel does not know who or what to believe. When not one, but two men begin to occupy her thoughts, her heart is thrown into a tumult whirlwind. Will she embrace the endearments of Mr. Bradley? Or find comfort in the silent strength of Mr. Galloway? Who is she really? Will she find herself in the forest of Emberwilde?

"The important thing to remember is that no experience is ever wasted. It is being used to fashion you into the person you are meant to be, and to move you to the place where you are supposed to go."
- Dawn at Emberwilde
(Location 3115)

My Thoughts
I have to admit that although I did enjoy the overall story line, I was a bit let down with Dawn at Emberwilde. First of all I was under the impression that this series would have treasures such as gems and jewelry playing a significant role. In the first book (The Curiosity Keeper) we have the mystery of the Bevoy (a giant ruby), which was a thrilling tale! However there is no mystery of that kind in Dawn at Emberwilde. Don't get me wrong though, there is plenty of mystery and devious behavior to make a good story. But of a fashion that I was not quite expecting. I kept waiting for something else into come into play (like a chest of gold). Although, I suppose the treasure itself is supposed to be Isabel Creston. While the outline of this story was good, I felt that the pace could have been a bit quicker. The last 80 pages are full of action and I really couldn't put it down until I finished it. But the first 240 pages or so were not nearly as exciting. This book had a Cinderella feel to it, being a rags to riches type of story. The description of the clothing and styles was extremely detailed. The cover is exceptional, depicting the Emberwilde Forest perfectly! With its sense of haunting and mystery. Recommended if you are looking for a nice book to occupy some down time. These books can stand alone. There was very little reference to The Curiosity Keeper in Dawn at Emberwilde.

I received a free digital copy of The Curiosity Keeper from NetGalley courtesy of Thomas Nelson, Inc. in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Blood for Blood (Wolf By Wolf #2)
Blood for Blood (Wolf By Wolf #2)
Ryan Graudin | 2016 | History & Politics, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Ryan Graudin blew readers away with her alternate historical novel <i>Wolf by Wolf</i>. Now it is time to conclude the imaginative narrative with the highly anticipated sequel, <i>Blood for Blood. </i>Continuing from the precise moment Yael pulled the trigger on the Führer’s doppelgänger, the reader is thrown into a lively story of twists and turns, where danger lives around every corner.

To recap, it is 1956 and Hitler has won the war. Germany, or Germania, is ruling over Europe and many countries in Asia and Africa. Yael is a Jewish girl who a doctor experimented on whilst she was detained in a concentration camp. As a result of the brutal medical treatment, Yael is a successful result of the Doppelgänger Project – she can now change her physical appearance and anatomy at will.<i> Wolf by Wolf</i> focused on Yael and the resistance’s attempt to win a prestigious motorcycle race in order to get close to the Führer and end his life. As it turns out, Yael is not the only person with this skin shifting ability.

On the run with the entire world knowing her secret, Yael is desperate to make contact with the resistance leaders and continue with their plot to assassinate Hitler. However, unable to leave innocent people to suffer at the hands of the National Socialists, Yael ends up being accompanied and hindered by two Aryan boys, Luka and Felix. Yet with no way of knowing who can be trusted, Yael is taking a fatal risk by helping others instead of saving herself.

Despite circumstances, the blossoming romance that began to advance toward the end of the first book continues to feature in <i>Blood for Blood</i> as characters begin to rely on and trust each other. Nonetheless, constant plot developments obstruct all thoughts of a happy ending. Clever twists and gradually emerging truths prevent any opportunity for rest or safety.

<i>Wolf by Wolf </i>was an exciting, new concept for young adult readers, answering a “what if” question about the second world war. Yet the historical setting – albeit fictional – was impeded by the focus on the Axis Tour as characters raced from Germania to Tokyo. In contrast, <i>Blood for Blood</i> leaves all distractions behind, giving full attention to the life and danger under Hitler’s dictatorship. Despite Germany/Germania’s triumphant win, war is still raging throughout Europe. Anyone not meeting the Aryan description is at risk of death or deportment. Strictly speaking, the situation described must look similar, if not the same, as the true result of Nazi ruling.

Ryan Graudin is a formidable writer with the ability to make fiction seem like reality. Despite the added science fiction twist, the imaginative scenario is so well researched and planned that it becomes almost believable. Graudin comes at the story from so many directions, evidencing the effort put into creating the thrilling plot. It is one thing to be able to string words together, but to make them come alive it takes a genius.

<i>Blood for Blood</i> is by far the better of the two novels, making it the perfect conclusion to a fantastic two-part story. Beginning with explosive action and not stopping until its heart-wrenching conclusion, <i>Blood for Blood</i> will satisfy readers of all ages and genres. Those who have read <i>Wolf by Wolf</i> definitely must get their hands on this amazing sequel. You will not be disappointed.