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Hazel (2934 KP) rated Ready Or Not in Books

Sep 26, 2021  
Ready Or Not
Ready Or Not
Alex Lake | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a deliciously creepy and gripping read made all the better as it's partly set in my neck of the woods!

A serial killer is on the loose murdering people at random and the police have no leads whatsoever. Tom and Alice are happily married with a beautiful baby girl but the cracks begin to show; they are exhausted by a lack of sleep, bruising begins to appear on their baby and Alice starts writing about the serial killer. As Alice becomes more embroiled in her story, it appears the killer has her in his sights.

Written from different perspectives and with timelines from the past which smoothly lead into the present, this is a fast paced and thrilling read where the tension builds and builds right until the end. Each and every character is strong and adds something to the story.

I have read some of Alex Lake's previous books and have enjoyed each and every one of them and I will certainly be looking out for the next.

Thank you to HarperCollins UK / HarperFiction and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Trace of Doubt
Trace of Doubt
DiAnn Mills | 2021 | Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Holy fluff balls!!

This is awesome!! I thought the book was going to end at the halfway point, it would have been easy to do.......I'm so glad that it didn't. The depth and details that were included really made the story. The layers giving an insight into a narcissistic mind of a selfish killer were spot on, they really helped to cement the dislike of that particular character.
    My theories were good with some bits but I was still caught if guard with some details.
    Shelby is sweet, strong, a little sassy and an ex-con who found Jesus in the darkest of times. Her faith doesn't falter regardless of the difficulties that she faces.
    Faith is prevalent throughout, it's not preachy but it is a strong theme and it suits the storyline perfectly.
    Everything is pulled together nicely, I had a few moments where tears were shed and my heart ached for Shelby.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that someone picks up on this and makes it a film as It would be amazing!

Trace of Doubt is a thrilling adult read worthy of a good dose of me time, a glass of wine and chocolate.