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Merissa (12394 KP) created a post

Jul 23, 2021  
"I found this to be a beautiful read, that is high on the warm and fuzzies, and too stinking cute scale!"

Billionaire's Muse (The Billionaire’s Playground #3) by J.P. Sayle - @Archaeolibrary, @debbiereadsbook, @JPSayle69, #Contemporary, #MM, #Romance, 5 out of 5 (exceptional)
Storm (Men Of Hidden Creek)
Storm (Men Of Hidden Creek)
HJ Welch | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
warm and fuzzies and too stinking cute! Loved it!
I was gifted my copy of this book, that I write a review was not required.

OH!!! Warm and fuzzies, AND too stinking cute! Seriously, not had a book like this for some time and after a run of much heavier, emotionally devastating books, this landed in the queue at the very right time!

Chase gets a call and his life turns upside down and inside out. A visit to the doctor's introduces Chase to Hunter, and then Hunter's life is turned upside down and inside out. Spending more time with Chase and his daughter, Lyla, Hunter begins to really question what he wants, or more specifically, WHO. And when Hunter makes his mind up, there really is no stopping him.

Enter a few bigoted individuals in a position of power, and a few more who really surprise you, a three legged dog called Trooper, and you have an amazing little read! Took me couple hours, I lost the whole morning, but I really did love this!

It's very well written, from both Chase and Hunter's point of view, so we get all that internal wrangling that Hunter does, because let's face it, he does have a lot of wrangling to do. Or at least, he DID. But like I said, once he makes his mind up, Hunter is very clear about how he feels for Chase and Lyla and how he wants them both in his life.

This is part of the Men of Hidden Creek series. There were a couple of characters that popped up along the way who have an interesting story to tell and I do hope I get the chance to read them!

Excellent addition to Ms Welch's library!

5 full and shiny, warm and fuzzies, too stinking cute stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
A Right Royal Affair
A Right Royal Affair
Helen Juliet | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
warm and fuzzies and too stinking cute! Loved it!
I was gifted my copy of this book, that I write a review was not required.

But, people!! Warm and fuzzies AND too stinking cute is a thing Ms Juliet does so bloody well!

6th in line to the throne, Prince James, is drifting. He needs some focus, and after meeting Theo at his grandmother's acceptance of her medal, James hatches a plan to focus AND have Theo. But not everyone is happy for James and Theo, and there is also the tiny matter that James' grandmother, The Queen, might deny them their happiness.

I wasn't sure what I was expecting from the blurb to this book, I really wasn't. But I really REALLY enjoyed it! It kinda crept up on me, you know??

It's well told, from both men's point of view, so we get Theo's standing up to James. We get James' admission (not saying what!) And we get it from both of them when the charity event turns into the evening from hell.

And OH!!! The Converse thing?? Loved that! That was not something I saw coming at me! Loved the actions of the Princess of Wales, James' mother, and her matchmaking, and how well that turned out!

There were some proper laugh out loud moments, some emotional ones, some sad ones and a massive happy ever after. Loved how that 6th in line thing turned out too!

I wrote 4 stars at the top of the page, but sod it!

5 stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Ollie (A Little Christmas #3)
Ollie (A Little Christmas #3)
JP Sayle | 2024 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
far too stinking cute/wam and fuzzies/low angst! Loved it!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Sometimes, Ms Sayle writes dark and deadly, sometimes things are just plain weird (rhubarb!) and sometimes, they are so delightfully cute and warm and fuzzies that the world is a brighter place.

This book falls into the last category, and I bloody loved it!

Ollie and Beckett meet online, and their relationship blooms over time. But Ollie will not let Beckett see him properly. Ollie is scared that Beckett will catch one look at him and run far away. But Beckett is far deeper than Ollie thnks, and the boy just needs to give Beckett a chance to prove that. Leeson's wedding cruise is that time.

I loved that Ollie and Beck got to know each other over time, their feelings brewing for the better part of a year. It meant that when they did meet, it was more about getting Ollie to see just how much he meant to Beckett, and how much Beckett wanted to be Ollie's Daddy, if only he'd let him.

I loved that there was overlap with Denton and Vic's book, Cruising Right Into Love. This book takes place alongside that one, on the cruise.

I loved how the focus of this book was NOT about the physical side of their relationship, but more about the emotional one. There is smexy times, but I found them very much low key and fade to grey, rather than up-in-yer-face type scenes. Loved it, to be honest.

This is part of the 3rd A Little Christmas series, a multi author series. I haven't read the others, but it's not necessary to really enjoy this one.

So much love in this book, and it hits all the warm and fuzzies and too stinking cute and low angst spots and I bloody loved it!

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Tofu Cowboy (Big Sky Cowboys #1)
Tofu Cowboy (Big Sky Cowboys #1)
Lola West | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
wonderful read
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Luke is hiding a secret from his brothers. He takes art classes, and this particular class has a live model today, Maddie. Maddie has a secret too, and it may just break her heart to tell Luke.

My first and lasting feeling about this book is CUTE! Not quite enough to tag it "too stinking cute" but it lands itself well and truly on the "warm and fuzzies" shelf.

It's mostly not too stinking cute simply because of the secret Maddie carries in her soul. It doesn't say it on the blurb, so I'm not saying it here, but it really does break your heart when she tells Luke about it. More so the reasons WHY its like this.

It's steamy, so steamy, but what I really liked about this one was, the time it takes for Luke and Maddie to get down and dirty. They WAIT. They both know it's inevitable they will be jumping into bed together, but they want to get to know each other, properly, before that happens, and I really rather loved that.

As well as the steam, there is emotions, so many emotional moments for such a short book. It's also funny. Maddie is witty and her and Luke banter off each other right from the start. It has some real, actual laugh out loud moments, and I rarely, I mean RARELY react verbally when I'm reading. So well played!

Loved the interaction between Luke and his brothers, but equally, loved that when they found Luke hurting, they shut that sh*t straight down and rallied around him, helping him get the girl of his dreams.

It says its 152 pages, I read it in just over an hour. A great, easy read, perfect for the bath tub or lunch break.

It also appears to be this author's debut novel. So Very VERY well done, one to watch. This is billed as the first in the Big Sky Romances series, I hope it covers Luke's brothers. Billy especially, cos even the little we saw of him here, I can tell he is hurting.

4 really REALLY good stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Scorch (Homecoming Hearts #1)
Scorch (Homecoming Hearts #1)
HJ Welch | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
a deliciously sexy read!
I was gifted my copy of this book, that I write a review was not required, however, I found this review written up on my desk when I cleared it off, so here it is!

Faced with the end of his boy band career, 23yr old Blake runs home to his family, only to find his parents have signed him up to an internet reality show. Elion happens to have had a crush on Blake since school. When the film crew following Blake blow an innocent encounter into something massive, Blake finds himself with Elion as a boyfriend. What starts off as a fictitious relationship rapidly turns into a real one for both young men. But someone doesn't want Blake to have Elion and both men could be in grave danger.

How I can file a book on the "crime/thriller" shelf AND the "too stinking cute" shelf is beyond my current comprehensive, but when a book tells me that's where it needs to be, who am I to argue!

The crime bit comes from the stalker/superfan who has targeted Blake as the object of their affections. I did see that one coming at me a mile off, though, and it's great to watch my ideas unfolding correctly. Ms Welch knows how to keep you on your toes, and even if I did see who it was, I did NOT see it going down like that!

And the too stinking cute bit is the way Elion and Blake develop their relationship. Because, yes, in the beginning, it was all for show, it very quickly became something else for both of them. Something very REAL. And I loved watching that happen!

A very delicious, steamy, sexy read.

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Baby Question: Paranormal Mpreg Short Stories
The Baby Question: Paranormal Mpreg Short Stories
JP Sayle, Lisa Oliver | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
all the babies!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is an addition to the Tangled Tentacles AND Assassins To Order series, it cannot be read as a stand alone.

What this is, right, is a wonderful catch up everyone and I loved it, bar one thing.

There are a lot of babies in this book, and a LOT of surprises for several members of this ever growing family!

I liked that Magnus puts his paw down with Kelvin's kraken about their birth. I LOVED the surprise for Markov and Cassius, that one threw me! Them too, but did not see that one coming! I loved that there were conversations about NOT having babies, at all or just yet.

But the best surprise was for Marvin and Ajani!

So, what didn't I love?? Too short! I need more of these kind of catch up shorts, or better yet, the next book in the Assassins series! I love these books, and it's been a little while.

a delightful catch up, thank you for writing them!

4 too stinking cute and warm and fuzzy stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Shouting Match (Amore Matchmaking #1)
Shouting Match (Amore Matchmaking #1)
Pandora Pine | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so much with the warm and fuzzies AND too stinking cute! Loved It!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Capone has been the head of the family since his father passed away. His youngest brother has decided to start a matchmaking scheme, and Capone is target one! But did it have to be Fuller, the hot cop who got him all hot and bovvered under the collar after a traffic stop?

This book, right? Is as pure a warm and fuzzies slash too stinking cute book as you're gonna get! Or at least, the purest I've had in such a long ass time, and I loved it!

Capone is a restauranteur, and Fuller the local cop, in a small town where everyone knows everything about everyone else. Brando, the youngest brother of 4, and his matchmaking scheme needs a poster couple and who better than Fuller and Capone, eh?

What follows is a delightfully easy read (a really REALLY good thing!) with lots of misunderstandings, no real break-up but wonderful make-ups after those misunderstandings!

Both men are scared: Fuller after his last relationship, and what happens here because of that. Capone because of Fuller's job and because he has to look after his brothers and his mum. Capone had a wonderful upbringing, but Fuller not so much. They love the small town they live in, just wishing everyone wasn't so in-yer-face about everything. But when something happens, that in-yer-face-ness is vital!

It's funny, it's sweet, some smexy times, but not too many, just the right amount for this book. Some nosy brothers, all with a secret they've been hanging on for so long.

Said brothers are fabulous, and mum is awesome! And that goat is hilarious and nasty to all the brothers except Fio, who feeds him!

Fio is next, I have Grudge Match on my list to read shortly.

First I've read of Pine, so guess what? Wish list just got longer!

5 full and shiny stars (but I did write 4 first!)

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
A Late Summer Night's Dream
A Late Summer Night's Dream
Eleanor Harkstead, Catherine Curzon | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
too stinking cute AND warm and fuzzies!
A mix up with pocus leads Simeon and Anthony to have a bit of an uncomfortable first half, but after the interval, they share a giggle, and after the play, they share a pie and a pint. It's clear they want each other, but Anthony is still hurting following the death of his husband 4 years ago. Can the much younger Simeon unfreeze his heart?

I came across the book on Facebook, and something called to me about it, not exactly sure what, but you know I'm all about sharing my book feelings and I felt this book PULLED me. And I'm so glad it did!

Simeon is late for the play and finds someone else in "his" seat. Only they aren't. Seat Sixteen is just the the of man who makes Simeon swoon and after the interval, they bond over the bad acting on stage. Simeon makes a move and takes Anthony home. But Anthony runs and Simeon's heart is broken.

Why he runs, is because he is still hurting after his husband died and Anthony has been alone since then. That much is obvious. But meeting Simeon knocks Anthony off his axis and it scares him. At least, that's what I think.

Because Anthony doesn't get a say, only Simeon, and that's why I knocked that star off. I wanted Anthony to explain how he was feeling in more depth, especially his reaction to Simeon, to the visit to the pub, and after, at Simeon's flat. I needed him, and I didn't get him.

It's not overly explicit, just the right amount for these two. It's not about the sex between them, it's more about the love that blooms, so very quickly. And it is quick! Two meetings, is all but I liked that here.

Plonking itself firmly on both the warm and fuzzies AND too stinking cute shelf, I thoroughly enjoyed this and hope to read more by this pair of authors, maybe something longer and more in depth.

4 solid stars, but ONLY because Anthony doesn't get a say!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**