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See You Yesterday (2019)
See You Yesterday (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Verdict: Messy Time Travel Film

Story: See You Yesterday starts as we meet the two teenagers Claudette ‘CJ’ Walker (Duncan-Smith) and Sebastian Thomas (Crichlow) who have been working on their science project to make time travel possible. After they prove they can go back just one day, CJ the brains behind the project, does something reckless, which changes the pass, while dealing with an ex-boyfriend.
The consequences of her actions create a domino effect which sees her brother Calvin (Astro) killed in a police shooting, wanting to make a different CJ works with Sebastian to try and create the ability to go further back, which only ends up creating more problems, the more she tries to fix.

Thoughts on See You Yesterday

Characters – Claudette ‘CJ’ Walker is the brains behind the time travel machine, she however has started to become difficult to be around, causing unnecessary trouble in an already combustible neighbourhood. When the pair get the machine to work, it is her mistake which causes the effects the pair must go through. She is always so desperate to fix the mistakes, she doesn’t even consider the consequences. Sebastian is the best friend that has always helped along the way, he is the one that will ask the questions about the consequences, seeing how reckless CJ has become. Calvin is the big brother of CJ’s, he will always make sure she is safe, whenever somebody in the neighbourhood causes her trouble.
Performances – While the two leading stars Eden Duncan-Smith and Dante Crichlow don’t do anything wrong through the film, they have annoying character traits to bring to life, which doesn’t help what they have to work with.
Story – The story here follows two high school friends that are trying to prove time travel is possible and soon learn the consequences of trying to change the past. This story does have an important reason for trying to create the time travel, we are placed into a Brooklyn neighbourhood that has been dealing with police shooting, overly aggressive gang mentality and will have signs of poverty. Outside of this side of the story, we are dealing with really bad time travel decisions, even though the characters seem clear of what not to do. We won’t go into the non-ending either, which leaves us with nothing after what has happened through the film, this does just feel like an unfinished script, that really wants deal with topical issues through the film.
Action/Sci-Fi – The action in the film does come from the panic involved once the first incident happens, it is more neighbourhood action, rather anything else, while the time travel might dive into basic science behind time travel, which does work well, it is the behaviour from people that believe they understand it that let everything down.
Settings – The film is set in Brooklyn which shows the environment the two friends are around, which brings the combustible elements.

Scene of the Movie – See You Yesterday.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – Most of CJ’s decisions.
Final Thoughts – Messy time travel film, which does deal with big topical issues the best it can, sadly, get caught in the middle of both worlds.

Overall: Missed the point.

Lindsay (1717 KP) rated Ghost Owl in Books

Apr 9, 2019  
Ghost Owl
Ghost Owl
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ghost Owl is a story of Mariah Easter. Will she find out about her potential and learn about herself? She seems to struggle with her gift. I love the fact that Nacy show us a way into the afterlife and that maybe we are all reincarnate or we move through space and different dimensions of space.

Is everything an illusion or is it something as we see what want to make or see what we want to see? Is life as we see it or is what we think it is. Could it be that there are different parts of world that we can travel to any dimensions we want to and choose to live in the dimension where were born or do want to go higher. Is there nothing in this world, we do not exist. We are in body to experience that lifetime but then shred it and go to another life or travel somewhere else.

As we travel though Mariah Journey, is death even real? Nancy has you guessing and trying to believe that maybe we come back and travel to dimension and live there. It just us making that choice. Are what we pass to the next life and experience higher. Mariah meets someone and what about this new gift and maybe smell she or essence she got. What tribe is part of and why? We learn some of this as we read about Mariah Easter and her journey.
The Shape-Shifter's Wife
The Shape-Shifter's Wife
Carolyn Radmanovich | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
Every wonder if you could travel back in time? But it feels so real that do you not know. A young woman some how travel back to the California gold rush Era. Once she does, she does not know why or the reason. She seem to take her time to adjust to the time period.

She meets a young man. She finds out that she need help a family get out of the family curse. To do this they need her. She learns about Indians culture and traditions. In the process she starts to fall in love with this young man.

She deals with this while her sister is still away. When she returns to her era, she does not know if she really was with a man named Reynard. She meets an Indian medicine man and go on a trip with her soul and life.

Will she end up going back to her husband? How did she travel back to her world and still be pregnant with a child? What Shape-Shifter animal does she become? What ever happens to Joseph? Will she fulfill the reason of the family curse?

This is a great book for those that enjoy history. If you are into historical fiction or California gold rush this is the book for you. Are you into time travel. This one is filled with it. The author does a beautifully good job with telling the story though Angelica's and her sister.

Dean (6925 KP) rated Looper (2012) in Movies

Feb 3, 2018  
Looper (2012)
Looper (2012)
2012 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
This is a good time travel thriller. It didn't have as much action as I was expecting, but the story is good and the special effects are done well and not over used for the sake of it. A well made enjoyable film that for once deserved some of the hype.

Penny Arcade recommended The Romanian in Books (curated)

The Romanian
The Romanian
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"There are many pleasures in this book: sex, travel, philosophy, art history. Benderson's louche tale is woven through a closely observed study of Romania, politically, historically and sociologically, the end of his mother's life, and the love affair between Romania's interbellum King Carol II and his Jewish mistress Magda Lupescu."

The Godfather: Part II  (1974)
The Godfather: Part II (1974)
1974 | Crime, Drama

"Godfather II, specifically number two. It was just what a gangster film should be. It was smart, it had great performances, and you travel through a lot of different worlds with these characters. You know, most people try to avoid family drama. [laughs] I just love the filmmaking in Godfather II."

Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
The best sequel to T2 of them all, cool story and visuals, sci-fi action fun that doesn’t get too muddy with time travel details (0 more)
A little goofy on some physics matters, drags some just to get to more action sequences... intro bridge scene and dialogue is kinda cringe but necessary (0 more)

Dork_knight74 (881 KP) rated Curvature (2018) in Movies

Jul 24, 2018 (Updated Jul 24, 2018)  
Curvature (2018)
Curvature (2018)
2018 | Drama, Sci-Fi
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The concept (0 more)
The storyline (0 more)
It's just ok
This movie is on hulu right now. It's about a woman using her dead husband's time travel machine to go back and punish her husband's partner for killing him. The acting was mediocre. The story was a little, meh. The cinematography wasn't too bad. I watched the whole thing but didn't think it was very good overall. You have to be careful making time travel movies. They've been done so much you really need to bring something new to the table to make yours unique. If you're a die hard sci-fi fan you might enjoy this one. Otherwise, I'd say it's not really worth a watch.

Ross (3284 KP) rated Limited Wish in Books

Dec 20, 2019  
Limited Wish
Limited Wish
Mark Lawrence | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
More of the same (timey wimey)
The second book in this trilogy is largely a retelling of the first book. Nick sees some mysterious people, who turn out to be from the future, there is a lot of talk about time travel and parallel universes and there is a heist sequence at the end.
This book was a lot heavier on the pseudo-science and that got a little tiring and head-scratchy at times, with all the talk of paradoxes and whatnot.
This was an enjoyable read, but as with anything time travel related too much creativity and inventiveness can only lead to stretches in plausibility and lengthy justifications for the "science".
Fallout 4
Fallout 4
2017 | Role-Playing
Long but kind of worth it
Fallout 4 is a good game if you have a lot of time to use up. It can get boring at time but once you can fast travel everywhere it gets quicker. I would recommend it but only if you like a really long drawn out game.