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The Wife List
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
109 of 220
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The Wife List
By J.A. Schneider

Has a group of men conspired to murder each other's wives - figuring their perfect alibis will save them? That is what Beth Kemp starts to suspect, but is she losing her mind? Her husband says he fears so...

I'll give this marriage one more try, Beth Kemp thinks. She is a successful crime writer in New York City, who regrets that tension has crept into her relationship with her husband, Brad. He too is a writer who, after early success, finds his career fading.

Brad urges that a move to the country would make them happy again - and safe, especially Beth, to avoid the city's stress that triggers her severe asthma attacks. Beth wavers, until her close friend is murdered and the friend's husband has a perfect alibi. She finally accepts that the city with its surging crime has become too hard for her.

The Kemps move to beautiful Sheffield, Connecticut, so perfect it seems too good to be true. It is. When one new friend cries in fear about her husband, and another has a bruise under her eye, Brad tells Beth that she's overimagining. But when she hears of another wife's unsolved murder and yet another friend dies mysteriously, Beth suspects the husbands of covering for each other. Brad tells her she's getting crazy, paranoid.

Then Beth stumbles onto the most devastating shock of all, one she never imagined...

This was a decent read of not a little to predictable. Well written and a good story.
I do like this writers style but like I said it was very predictable.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Burial Rites
Burial Rites
Hannah Kent | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
7.9 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Remarkable re-telling of an Icelandic murder case
Hannah Kent's detailed historical true crime story is fascinating, as she fills in the gaps about Iceland's last known case to end with the death penalty of a woman.

It isn't a murder mystery, more a fictional portrayal of Agnes Magnusdottir, who was condemned to death after the murder of two men, one of whom was her employer. It surrounds her last months kept in the home of a lawman and his family, as they grew closer to her and as she revealed more about the case to them. She confides in a young assistant priest, Toti, appointed as her spiritual guardian.

Here we find a rather ambiguous story about her so-called heroic employer, who seems to be more callous than what most thought about him. It is moving to read about the intense poverty she faced, and the loveless life she led, forcing people to behave in many different ways. There is a recurrent theme of jealousy throughout the book which shows what people are truly capable of. It is a battle for survival in a harsh, wintry landscape.
Donnie Brasco (1997)
Donnie Brasco (1997)
1997 | Drama, Mystery
Johnny Depp (2 more)
Al Pacino
True Story
Great film. Great start to a film....Just look at the information passed in the opening credits, we see gangsters, photographs, evidence, this film sets the scene in the first 1 minute, let alone 20. After that, the film plays out brilliantly. Depp plays Don the Jeweller (aka undercover FBI Agent Joe Pistone) infiltrating the New York mob/crime family. Al Pacino plays the flawed gangster Lefty Two Guns. I like a few other supporting roles like Michael Madsen as the rising mob boss Sonny Black, and Paul Giamatti show us great talent in a small role as FBI technician.
This is just a great film where we see Donny torn to pieces by the guilt of not being with his family, the pressure and danger of infiltrating the mob as an undercover agent, and the confused loyalties and love for his connected contact Lefty.
Lefty struggles with his tenuous and fragile position within the mob and looks at Donny as a way up or out.
 The film can only go one way but it's fun getting there.
Ill not divulge too much but, for me, its a must watch. Enjoy.
The Confession Tapes - Season 1
The Confession Tapes - Season 1
2017 | Crime, Documentary
Brilliantly executed and produced (0 more)
Having to wait for another series (0 more)
Traumatic watch, another brilliant true crime series
I have to say I was deeply traumatised watching this astounding yet disturbing series on confessions. Netflix have showcased another incredible documentary series about police misconduct and failings of the judicial process in these six cases.

Like Making A Murderer, it is well produced and directed leaving only the voices of those involved in these cases within the documentaries. However, it looks at one case per 45 minute episode bar the first episode which is spread across two. And it's relentless. Police techniques in questioning the accused range from psychological torture to even what appears to be hypnosis.

The cases itself are horrific. From confessing to the murder of your family, and your children, to brutal murders that led to an entire neighbourhood in Washington DC to break apart after convicting nine innocent teenagers. And no other leads are followed, and it's all based on circumstantial evidence. It makes you really question if you can trust the system. Watch it with caution as it can be harrowing.
Rogue Lawyer
Rogue Lawyer
John Grisham | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Character Study that Left Me Cold
This book introduces us to Sebastian Rudd, a lawyer who handles the clients no one else wants to take on. We’re talking about an older teen accused of a horrible crime and convicted by the people of his town. Or a mobster on death row. With enemies from the ranks of the police and the clients he hasn’t been able to get off, can Sebastian navigate his life?

The book is really more of a character study with several cases taking the foreground at various points. It reads like these stories were originally published separately and brought together for this book, although I haven’t researched to know if that is true or not. The ending definitely leaves things open for more books. My issue is that I had a hard time liking many of the characters and found myself actively rooting for Sebastian to lose some of his cases. The fact that all the cops were over the top corrupt didn’t help any at all. Plus Sebastian came across as a knock off of Michael Connelly’s Mickey Haller character, and that certainly didn’t help matters at all since I love Mickey.

ClareR (5608 KP) rated Killing Jericho in Books

May 28, 2023  
Killing Jericho
Killing Jericho
William Hussey | 2023 | Contemporary, Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Killing Jericho was a thrilling, suspenseful ride!
Scott Jericho is back living with his traveller fairground family after a prison sentence that saw the end of his career as a CID Police Officer. He had violently attacked a Knight of Saint George - a far right thug he had been interviewing about the death of three Polish children. This also meant that he couldn’t be charged for the crime.

There’s some history of fairground travellers in this - all true, and both interesting and nice to know that we don’t call those more unusual fairground acts “freaks” anymore.

Believe it or not, Jericho has more problems than being an ex-con: he’s using drugs, has boyfriend trouble, and the man he was charged with attacking can’t seem to keep himself away.

Jericho’s life is complicated.
The murders are gruesome and really rather inventive!
And no one is as they seem, either. It’s a dark read.
There are a lot of surprises, and I enjoyed them all!
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and to William Hussey for reading along too. This is the first of a new series, and I’ll be interested to know what happens to Scott Jericho next!
Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
After falling into debt with a crime boss, Baby (Ansel Elgort), must pay back what he owes by being the getaway driver for brazen daytime heists. The crime boss, Doc (Kevin Spacey), promises Baby that once the next job is done he will be debt free. Baby does the job and heads home feeling finally free and ready to start doing good things with his life. He meets a beautiful waitress, Debora (Lily James), and plans to drive across the country with her. It may be too good to be true. He soon learns that being debt free may not mean that he gets to walk away from the life of crime. Being an exceptional driver has made him indispensable to Doc. Now Baby has a choice between walking away, which Doc has promised to hurt him and those he cares about if he does, or do one more job, and hope he find a way out of the criminal world and onto the road with Debora.

Writer/Director Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz) does a masterful job of drawing the audience into the story with the soundtrack in a really fun and original way. From the chase scenes to the mundane task of getting coffee, the music immerses the viewer into Baby’s world. The film starts out with an exciting car chase sequence and keeps moving all the way to the end. All of the chase/driving scenes are really well done, which was expected for a movie with driver in the name, but impressive none the less. The pace of the film was consistent and it flowed all the way to the end. Kevin Spacey, Jamie Foxx, John Hamm, Eliza Gonzalez and the rest of the supporting cast did really well and all brought interesting characters to the film.

I loved the originality of the story and how it was executed. This is definitely a soundtrack I will have to listen to again. There were couple loose ends with some of the characters that didn’t get tied up but that was minimal. It is a fun ride and has a little bit of something for everyone. There is a love story, action, a compelling story, and a mixed in comedy that lightens the mood.
Taking Lives (2004)
Taking Lives (2004)
2004 | Action, Drama, Mystery
7.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Taking Lives starts as we see a young man kill another young man to steal his identity, years later a body is discovered in Canada which leads to the local French-Canadian police to call in FBI profiler Illeana (Jolie) to help with the new mystery body. Things take a turn when a man Costa (Hawke) believes he interrupted the next attempted murder before the killer is finished dealing with the body.

When the police learn this killer has been killing and stealing identities the case takes a turn and now they must figure out who the latest victim is and who he has become.


Thoughts on Taking Lives


Characters – Illeane Scott is an FBI Profiler bought in to help with the case of a killer that is stealing identities of the people he is murdering, she gets the profile correct and wants to had home after starting to become interested in one of the key witnesses. Costa is a key witness who interrupts one of the murders before the killer can complete his plan, he gives the information to track the killer. Hart is a man that soon enters Costa’s life after the incident making him the prime suspect as the killer.

Performances – Angelina Jolie is solid enough in this leading role which disappoints because we know she can be a fantastic cop figure. Ethan Hawke struggles with his role too which is only really filled with disappointment as he never convinces in his witness role. Kiefer Sutherland disappoints because we know how good he can be and want to see him more often in a film.

Story – The story is a FBI agent needing to help track down a serial killer who steals identity, yeah these are usually entertaining to watch but this just doesn’t reach the levels of mystery it needs, this might be because this is a repeat viewing and I know the ending, but there are never really any hints or suspects to work with through the film. the film lacks the true tension needed in a film that is filled with twisted crimes going on.

Crime/Mystery – The crime is interesting for a killer to be acting the way they do, the weakest part is the mystery as we just don’t meet enough potential suspects.

Settings – The film is sent in a big city which plays into the idea that someone could steal and identity and kill someone without people noticing someone going missing.

Special Effects – The effects are good because we get to see practical effects when it comes to the kills and aftermath from them.

Scene of the Movie – The lift opening.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Not enough suspects.

Final Thoughts – This is a crime thriller that lacks the punch to make it stand out from the crowded market, we always need a large group of suspects, but this didn’t give us enough, while it did create a great killer.


Overall: Lacklustre crime thriller

Ross (3282 KP) rated Ravencry in Books

May 14, 2018  
Ed McDonald | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Still gritty (1 more)
More involved plot and exploration of the Misery
Superb follow-up
* I received an advance copy of this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review *

The sequel to the highly praised Blackwing sees Ryhalt Galharrow trying to move on from losing the love of his life and investigating the theft of a magical artefact from a heavily protected vault.

For the first few chapters this book felt like a Captain Vimes Discworld novel (in a good way) with the humour toned down a little. We were exploring the pre-industrial city and investigating a crime that could have dire consequences for the safety of the city.

The book spends significantly more time in the city than in the Misery (the strange, twisting wasteland) than was the case for the first book, which gives it a very different feel. Plotting and intrigue abound as an evil sorcerer's plot to achieve ultimate power starts to unfold.

The book felt slightly less dark than the first, and has quite a different feel to it than Blackwing, but is still absolutely superb. The flowing prose and cracking dialogue make this a true page-turner and one of the best fantasy books I have read in quite some time.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Power Profiles: A Mutants & Masterminds Sourcebook in Books

Mar 25, 2019 (Updated Mar 25, 2019)  
Power Profiles: A Mutants & Masterminds Sourcebook
Power Profiles: A Mutants & Masterminds Sourcebook
Steve Kenson | 2017 | Sport & Leisure
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pretty much an essential supplement for anyone wanting to run M&M for more than a handful of sessions. Sooner or later you're going to want to go beyond the pregenerated characters and powers from the core book, and it's true that while the superpower rules in the book are comprehensive, they're potentially intimidating, too. There are a lot of power effects, and a lot of ways to modify them - the best way to duplicate a specific power from the comics isn't always clear.

That's where this book comes into its own: everything from Air Powers to Time Powers (and beyond) get their own chapter, each one containing a large selection of pre-worked out powers. For instance, how do you differentiate between throwing a fireball and a lightning bolt? Well, the fireball has an area effect, meaning it costs 50% more. Fun obscure powers include Internal Flora (incapacitate your enemies by disrupting the plant bacteria in their gut!) and Anatomical Split (fight crime by literally going to pieces!).

Some of the powers are a bit odd and a close eye from the GM is required, but this is always the case with M&M. Mostly this is very solid, fun stuff; just flipping through the book always generates new ideas for different characters.