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Ophelia After All
Ophelia After All
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was an amazing latina queer coming of age story that I think many people can relate to much like Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera. It's a very diverse coming of age story and I couldn't wait to recommend this one to my bewk club. There was a lot of representation in this book including characters who were bisexual, biromantic, aromantic, pansexual, and plus size. Ophelia coming out was messy and this topic came up in our last book club meeting because we have a latina lesbian in our book club so this book is a perf read for us.

I think that the way Ophelia's crisis was handled was messy but hs typically is when you are trying to find yourself and Racquel did a really good job of showing the complexities of hs. I also loved the characters Wesley, Agatha, Sammie, and Talia. This could be the next big HS tv show hit after Euphoria and I am all for it. Def would want to cast Maddie in a role. #teamophelia
Murder in Season
Murder in Season
Jessica Fletcher, Jon Land | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
‘Tis the Season to be Murdered
Jessica Fletcher is looking forward to spending Christmas in her fully restored house, including a visit from nephew Grady and his family. The final work needing to be done on her house is a new septic system. When the workers start digging, they find human remains. It is quickly determined that one of the bodies is centuries old, but the other is much more recent. The investigation looks like it ties into the founders of Cabot Cove. What secret might the founders have been hiding that is worth killing for today? Meanwhile, in a bit of horribly bad timing, a tabloid TV reporter is in town to do a story about the high murder rate in Cabot Cove. What complications will that produce in the investigation?

Next to the Cabot Cove episodes of the TV show, the episodes with Grady were always my favorite, so I was thrilled to get to spend time with him here. Some of the other regulars seem a bit off to me, but that’s been how I’ve felt with the last few books, the only books in the series I’ve read. The mystery was good. I do struggle at times to get into mysteries that are set years before the characters we are reading about, but this book did a good job of tying the past into modern activity to make me care about the outcome. The ending was a bit abrupt, but it does answer our questions. The Christmas scenes were wonderful and put me in the mood for the holiday. This is a Christmas treat for fans of the series.
Codename Villanelle (Killing Eve #1)
Codename Villanelle (Killing Eve #1)
Luke Jennings | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Having read this book previously, I knew that I was going to enjoy it whilst refreshing my memory to continue the series, but I forgot just how much I enjoyed it the first time around.
I love the Killing Eve TV show that is based on the books and that’s what drew me to the books in the first place, but I find that these are so much better (as is usually the way when things are adapted for TV series or films). The book goes into so much more depth about who Villanelle is and who she was before she became the lethal assassin that we now know her as.
Villanelle has quite a few flashbacks of her previous life which gives us the insight into how she came to be and how she came to choose her new name. I find it fascinating reading through her flashbacks as it shows you exactly what shaped her growing up and that becoming an assassin actually saved her from a worse fate.
We also meet Eve and follow her through a number of cases before she settles on a female assassin that is killing people who don’t seem to be connected. Towards the end of the book we meet her full team, who I think will play a prominent part in the sequel book.
I’m so glad that I decided to refresh my memory by reading this book again before starting on the second in the series. Luke Jenning’s writing flows beautifully that I couldn’t put this book down and read it in one sitting.
Supernatural  - Season 12
Supernatural - Season 12
2016 | Drama
Sam and Dean still kick ass (1 more)
Really comedic Season
British Men of Letters (0 more)
Not over yet
-Don't read if you haven't caught up unless you don't mind spoilers-

Supernatural has come a long, long, so very long way since it's first pilot episode and season in 2005. If you haven't started to watch this show yet, then you're probably going to feel like there's too much. I know that I've recommended this show to dozens of my friends or friends of friends, because the show, though slower in some seasons, overall is brilliant.

So here we find ourselves in 2016/17 and Supernatural is airing it's 12th season...good luck catching up if you never started the show. After helping the darkness, God's sister, she rewards Sam and Dean by bringing Mary Winchester, their mother, back from the dead after 30+ years. This messes with her mind because she doesn't belong in this time line and she never got the chance to be a proper mother to the two men she sees standing before her in the bunker. So they give her some time and Mary ends up joining the British Men of Letters who have come to America to sort out the American Hunters. Whether that is to recruit them or destroy them.

For those of you who have read or watched Harry Potter, you know Delores Umbridge and how much you want her dead probably more than Voldemort, well the British Men of Letters are like a group of Umbridge's. You quickly begin to hate them and want them all to be wiped out.

Season 12 brings back some of the classic humour that we've come to love from this show. There's an episode where Dean is losing his memory, of not just his last but basic knowledge, so much so that Sam has to label everything from lamp, to tv, to the door, just so Dean remembers the name of them. It is so beautifully written and whilst hilarious for the majority, there's one scene where my heart sank as you realise Dean is slipping further and further into memory loss, as he stares into a mirror repeating the line 'my' and eventually responding to himself with 'i don't know' and it is such a heart aching moment because sometimes Supernatural doesn't always end perfectly and you hope that in this particular instance, that Dean gets everything back, with no little blanks.

This season, and I'm not gonna spoil it with names, sees the death of two characters who have been major to the series for a while now. That finale wasn't the best in terms of certain aspects, such as the final sequence where usually something is said that would give us something more about what's been happening, but it leaves the many fans including myself heartbroken and wishing that I never saw what I saw, because the loss of these two characters (and although many characters have died and come back, the cast and crew have confirmed that this isn't one of those cases) is going to make Sam and Dean next journey, one hell of a ride, but most certainly, one hell of a struggle.

Overall a great season full of laughter and emotion, containing one of the funniest episodes I have seen for a while, and an emotional finale that leaves you wanting more as always. I love this show and will continue to watch and recommend it to anyone interesting in monsters, demons, ghouls etc. Like I said though, good luck playing catch up.
The Immortal (2019)
The Immortal (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
You can't stop what's coming.
l'immortale is a good companion piece to possibly the greatest TV show of all time gomorra & while it does shed a bit more light on what sort of the life one of its best characters had at a younger age and where he is now i can't help but feel it's tainted one of the best twists the show has to offer overall. (WARNING: spoilers for gomorrah ahead but if your watching this anyway before you have seen the show I'd strongly advise not to). After surviving the incident on the boat at the end of season 3 Ciro begins a new life in Latvia caught working between Russian clans in Latvia. Long gone now are the days of him being a top dog & while he still has a certain celebrity status among people here he is undoubtedly someone else's bitch. He's a man that has absolutely nothing left to loose now & it's finally stating to take a toll on him mentally and physically. Marco D'Amore again is fantastic here & this time plays a more subjude Ciro. As a character he lacks confidence now & walks around with less pride & cockynes, he's not as sure of himself & personality wise he's alot quieter & socially distantanced. He also spends a lot of time thinking in silence, just remenising & taking in the scenery almost like life itself bores him now & he is just waiting for the day to come where someone puts him down. Marco D'Amore plays this character perfectly as always & as a viewer its great to see the mighty Ciro from a different light & helps us to feel his pain connecting with him in an alternative way to which we usually do. Marco D'Amore is also the director this time too & as a first film it's a really great effort but also at the same time he seems to really struggle finding an identity of his own & here lies my biggest problem with the movie. Far to often it feels like he's trying to just replicate Gomorra instead of taking the regins & putting his own spin on things (a bit like what ryan gosling did with the lost river trying to initiate nwr). Don't get me wrong is very similar to Gommora but it's not as griping, powerful, raw, gritty, impactful & full of tension like the show is & thus most of the scenes that use the same format either feel a bit hollow or off in some way. I did really enjoy the flash back scenes & seeing Ciro's upbringing & other tragidies that happen back then certainly do a great job of explaining why he's generally such a cold hearted desensitised person. What I can't understand is the main plot & that's mainly because the characters life had a fitting conclusion at the end of Gomorra season 3 so bringing him back now randomly for a movie just makes a very realistically grounded show seem a bit far fetched because while he maybe nicknamed the immortal after all he's still only human. All in all if it had just been a prequel film I think I'd of enjoyed it a lot more however if your a fan of the show & it's characters I would recommend seeing this as it definitely fills the time while waiting for season 5 & it absolutely proves Marco D'Amore shows promise as a director too.
Slayer (Slayer #1)
Slayer (Slayer #1)
Kiersten White | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
World continuity (0 more)
Not great explanation of past events (0 more)
I am a Buffy fan. I'm not the biggest Buffy fan I know - that honor goes to a friend of mine, who I just gave a giant box of Buffy comic to, since we're downsizing in preparation for the move to the new house. I haven't seen anyone that happy in a while, and it made my day. (And hers, judging from the bouncing and squeeeeing and hugging!) But I am still a Buffy fan. I own DVDs of the entire show, plus Angel, plus the original movie. The box of comics I just gave away was Season 8 and some spin offs. Slayer takes place after all of that.

First I'm going to say, if you're not a Buffy fan, seriously don't bother with this book. You won't understand a lot of what goes on, and while there are cursory explanations given in the book, it's really not meant for people that haven't watched/read the rest of the world. You'd be okay not knowing much about Angel, but you really do need to have watched the TV show of Buffy, especially that last season. While the book takes place after the comics, they're not necessary to understand the plot as that, at least, is explained.

So, for the rest of us Buffy fans, this is a great continuation of the Buffy-verse. Nina is the daughter of Watchers - in fact the daughter of Buffy's first watcher, the one before Giles. Given what befell the Watchers, the ones that are left are kind of antagonistic towards Slayers in general and Buffy in particular. So when Nina becomes a Slayer, her world goes sideways.

The world is mostly the same, but with a twist due to events in the comics. (It's explained. You don't need to have read them.) The book expands on how Slayer powers work, a bit, especially their dreams now that there's more than one of them alive at a time. We do see mentions of familiar characters, with one notable scene where an old favorite appears briefly.

I really enjoyed the book, and I'm eager to read the second half of the duology when it comes out. I need to know how Nina's story ends! The book ended on a subtle cliffhanger; the main conflict has been resolved, and the characters think it's over, but we know it's not. Similar to how many episodes of Buffy ended, actually.

So yeah. If you're a Buffy fan, pick up this book, it's pretty great. If you're not - take a pass. Or start with the TV show and get yourself a new fandom if you're feeling bored!

You can find all my reviews at